Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Research Observer EDITOR Shantayanan Devarajan, World Rank CO-EDITOR Gershon Feder. World Hank EDITORIAL BOARD Susan Collins, Georgetown University Angus Deaton. Princeton University Harry Eichengreen, llniversity of California-Berkeley Emmanuel jimenez. World Bank Henno Ndulu. World Rank Howard Pack. lfniversity of Pennsylvania 1,uis Serven. World Bank Sudhir Shetty. World Rank Michael Walton, World Rank TIMJIlior-ld Brrrrk Ke~sc~nrrlrOl~sc~rvrr- is intended for anyone who has a professional interest in development. Ohsrl-vrr articles are written to be accessible to nonspecialist readers: con- tributors examine ley issues in development economics. survey the literature and the lat- est World Bank research, and debate issues of development policy. Articles are rcvicwed by an editorial board drawn from across the Hank and the international community of econo- mists. 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Schmukler The Growing Relationship Between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment, and Aid Links Ali Zafar Subscriptions A subscription to The World Brmk Restvurch Obsrrver (ISSN 0257-3032) comprises 2 issues. Prices include postage; for subscribers outside the Americas. issues are sent air freight. Annual Subscription Rate (Volume 22, 2 issues, 2007) Academic libraries Print edition and site-wide online access: [IS$ I27/£79/€119 Print edition only: US$12 1/£75/€ l 1 3 Site-wide online access only: IIS$12 1/f 75/€1 1 3 Corporate Print edition and site-wide online access: IlS$189/f 118/€177 Print edition only: US$179/£1 l2/€168 Site-wide online access only: ITS$179/f1 12/€ 168 Persor~r~l Print edition and individual online access: US$48/f 30/€45 Please note: E Sterling rates apply in the UK, € in Europe. US$ elsewhere. 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Paper used: The World Bank Rcsrarch Observer is printed on acid-free paper that meets the minimum requirements of ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984 (Permanence of Paper). Indexing and abstracting: Thr World Bank Research Observer is indexed and/or abstracted by ABI/INFORM.(.AH Abstracts. Current Cor~ter~tslSocialand Hehavioral Scierlcrs. Journal of Economic Literrct~rrc,lEconLit,PAlS International, HePEc (Resec~r~.!~in Ecorlornlc Papers), Social Services Citntion Index, and Wilson Business Ahstrncts. Copyright (; The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/~lik?IVORUI RANK All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permis- sion of the publisher or a license permitting restricted copying issued in the IJK by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd. 90 Tottenham Court Road. London W1P 9HE. or in the USA by the Copyright Clearance Center. 222 Rosewood Drive. Danvers, MA 0192 3. What Works in Fighting Diarrheal Diseases in Developing Countries? A Critical Review Alix Peterson Zwane Michael Krerner The Millennium Developlnent Goals call for reducing by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water: This goal was adoptrd in large part because clean water was seen as critical to fighting diarrheal diseasr, which kills 2 million children annually. There is compelling rvidence that provision of piped water and sanitation can substantially reducr child mortality. However, in dispersed rural srttle- ments, providing complete piped water and sanitation infrastructure to households is rxpensive. Many poor countries have thereforr focused instead on providing community- level water infrastructure, such as wells. Various traditional child health interventions have been shown to be effective in fighting diarrhea. Among environmental interven- tions. handwashing and point-of-use water treatlnent both reduce diarrhea, although more needs to be learned about ways to encouragr households to take up these hrllavior changes. In contrast, there is little evidence that
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