WfJ/iNE/iS ",IN'IJ,I/t, 25¢ No. 203 :~: .~lJ 28 April 1978 Kill the Wall Street Debt! it • • u " o ow! With doddering warhorses on both of a face-saving reservation to earlier sides of the aisle pontificating about reservations, the final product read "defense of the Free World" and waving more like a declaration of war. But with rhetorical Big Sticks, the United States his political career at stake and after Senate last week approved the second blustering about how his 9,000-man Panama£anal Treaty by a cliff-hanging cNat.WQaJ Quard wO.I,lJd.~ve,.nva4ed.!he 68-32 vote. While Reaganite opponents Canal Zone if the treaty had been of the pact did their best to sound like rejected, the shameless Panamian /ider Teddy Roosevelt with their jingoistic maximo, Brigadier General OmarTorri­ ravings against turning the canal over to jos, declared himself satisfied with the Panama, President Carter and treaty Senate vote and had free beer passed out supporters struck the pose of "human in the plazas to liven up listless celebra­ rights" gendarmes of the Western tions of his hollow "victory." hemisphere, endlessly asserting a U.S. Jimmy Carter, for his part, declared "right" to intervene militarily in defense the Senate approval the beginning of a of the canal's "neutrality" (read, Ameri­ "new era" in U.S.-Panamanian rela­ can control). tions. The treaties, he said, symbolized The two treaties callfor Panamanian that the U.S. would deal with "the small jurisdiction over the Canal Zone after a nations of the world, on the basis of three-year transition period and for mutual respect and partnership" (New handing over operation of the canal to York Times, 19 April). Senate majority Panama by the year 2000. they also leader Democrat Robert Byrd, who continue a sizable U.S. military pres­ engineered the treaties' passage through ence in the Zone (14 bases and at least that den of corrupt wheeler-dealers, was eight other "military areas") until that more frank when he proclaimed that the time and proclaim an unlimited right to "result showed that Americans dealt send in the Marines thereafter. Addi­ from a position of strength." Immedi­ ~,;- tionally the U.S. secured an exclusive ately after the second pact was approved option on construction of a sea-level Pentagon sources reported that, had the canal while the Panamanian govern­ Senate leaders been unable to muster ment will receive a percentage of the the necessary two-thirds margin, con­ Bill Eppridge/Life tolls. tingency plans called for a massive air Anti-U.S. demonstrators raise Panamanian flag above fence marking the Support in Panama for this imperial­ and sea lift to reinforce the U.S. military border between Panama and the Canal Zone during 1964 demonstrations. ist swindle was already shaky following forces in the Canal Zone. perpetuity" clause, as a sop to Panama- colonial ministry for "south of the a plebiscite last fall. But in the last With a multi-fleet navy and many of nian nationalist sentiment), making border" client states). While ratification month, as senatorial windbags fulmi­ the largest modern ships (supertankers, them the most naked formal assertion of of the treaties may have temporarily nated during a prolonged 38-day "de­ nuclear aircraft carriers) unable to pass U.S. imperial fiat since the original 1903 dampened "Yankee go home" demon- bate" (broadcast live over Panamanian through the antiquated Panama Canal canal treaty and the 1900 Platt Amend- strations in Panama, the reality of radio) about the threat ofcommunism if locks. the strategic importance of the ment to the Cuban constitution. continued American control of the this symbol of United States hegemony canal has diminished. But the U.S.' The Panama Canal treaties, even with colonial enclave will set off new anti- in Latin America were "given away," determination to maintain its domina­ their formal recognition ofPanamanian imperialist struggles in the future. Carter and the U.S. chiefs ofstaff began tion of the Western Hemisphere has not sovereignty, are in no sense a blow Leninists must denounce the CarterI to worry about a massive social explo­ changed since the 1823 proclamation of against Yankee imperialism, as Fidel Torrijos deal as a fraud, whose real sion on the isthmus should the treaty be the Monroe Doctrine. With Puerto Castro and deluded Latin American purpose is to tie the Panamanian voted down. Rico at one end, the Canal Zone at the pseudo-leftists maintain. The real rela- bourgeoisie more closely to its U.S. For a time it looked like the yahoos other and the Cuban revolution not­ tion of power was demonstrated by patrons. A revolutionary struggle for might blow the deal with assorted withstanding, the Pentagon still regards Carter's peremptory summoning of all the national emancipation ofsuch semi- amendments and "reservations" spelling the Caribbean as an American lake. The Latin American heads of state to colonies can be waged only by maintain- out on paper what the Carter adminis­ new treaties write back in the U.S. Washington last September, to witness ing the political independence of the tration had hoped to keep more dis­ "right" of intervention (which FDR the signing of the treaty at the Organiza- working masses from the domestic creetly implicit. Even with the inclusion removed in 1936, along with the "in tion of American States (a sort of U.S. continued on page 10 Kronstadt and Counterrevolution, Part 2 4 ~ .. ~ I Interview with MAC Candidate No to CWA Support for Bell Monopoly! for not being able to keep up to a pace of Strike Phone for about 30 seconds per call. Fven high­ seniority workers are under the gun. Jobs! Last fall twelve operators were fired in a The following is an interview with Jane single San Francisco office in just two Margolis. a candidate for conven­ months. One operator with ten years tion delegate o.fCommunications Work­ seniority was suspended for making more than one error in a month, another ers o.f America (CWA) Local 94/0 in Militant Action San Francisco. anda leading memberof for spending more than five minutes one Caucus leader the Militant Action Caucus (MA cj. day in the bathroom and another for and candidate for The MAC is a class-struggle opposition humming while walking by a supervi­ CWA Convention group in the CWA with an eight-year sor'soffice! A member of our caucus, delegate, Jane history of struggle against the phone Margaret Martinson, was fired in 1976 Margolis. company and the sellout policies o.f the for the crime of standing up for a few moments while taking calls. There is CWA bureaucracy. Margolis was previ­ ously elected as the Traffic (operators constant secret monitoring that keeps everyone on edge. automation benefit us instead of a few they've done in the past, instead of on department) Executive Board repre­ stockholders. organizing and strikes. We're opposed sentative in Oakland CWA Loca19415. Among the installers and repair We're opposed to our leadership to the dues increase and we'll fight it. In /975. she wasframed up on a pretext workers, production quotas are set so begging on behalf of AT&Ts profits What they also do at national and.firedfor her militant union activity. high that it's impossible to keep up and and its efforts to keep the company safe conventions is spend the entire week After a /4-month .fight by a defense you're always open to being disciplined. from domestic and foreign competition. paying tribute to the Democratic Party. committee comprisedo.funion members In many areas installer crews are The idea that more money for the Just like they invite management repre­ and stewards. the phone company was regularly assigned mandatory overtime, company means more jobs is absurd. sentatives to attend, they roll out the red forced to reinstate her in /976. often working nine hours a day or more. The more money the company makes, carpet for the capitalist politicians who And we have an "absence control" plan WV: What do you see as the major the more automated equipment it buys don't do anything but break strikes and where people are considered "unsatis­ issues confronting the union today? and the more jobs we lose. Phone pass anti-union legislation. This is factory" and can be fired for missing Margolis: The loss ofjobs and attacks service, which is a necessity, is one ofthe particularly disgusting in the wake of more than six days a year, even ifit's for on our working conditions as a result of biggest rip-offs going-local calls ought the coal miners strike, where the sickness. This is being used by the automation. In the last four years, over to be free as a matter of course. Democratic Party was exposed as just as company more and more just to get rid 100,000 jobs have been lost in the WV: What do you think the CWA viciously anti-labor as the Republicans. of people, especially those they consider iridustry and CWA membership has leadership plans for the convention? A lot of union people were really "troublemakers." dropped by over 25,000. AT&T is Margolis: The big objective of the inspired by the militancy of the miners' pouring literally billions of dollars into WV: What is the CWA leadership International this time is to push strike and we put forward a motion in new computerized equipment that will doing about this? through a dues increase. They just our local for the entire CWA to strike in steal even more jobs in the future.
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