I194 fZDIL JOURA] JUBILEE OF THE OXFORD MUSEUM. [OCT. I7, 1908. be removed. You cannot remove an internal cause or weak- ness by simply wearing a truss, which has no curative or heal- JUBILEE OF THE OXFORD MUSEUM. ing power whatever; but by giving support to the ruptured vessels, and taking this preparation as directed, the affected ON October 8th the University of Oxford celebrated the vessels are gradually healed and strengthened, and after a time jubilee of its Museum with all the rites and ceremonies of are able to keep in their natural position without support of any a high academic festival. A Convocation was held in the kind. Persons who have worn a truss (ordinary and so-called Sheldonian Theatre, at which a electrical) for years, without any sign of a cure being large number of the affected (sic), have been absolutely cured in a short time medical and scientific graduates of Oxford were present in by the regular use of this remedy. Sufferers cannot do their robes of many colours. The honorary degree of better than give this remedy a trial, and prove for them- Doctor of Science was conferred on Professor Arrhenius, selves what I say to be correct. Constipation of the bowels, Director of the Department of Physical Chemistry at the indigestion, etc., which has a tendency to aggravate this com- Nobel Institute of plaint, are remedied by this treatment. By taking this remedy the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, as directed, a cure may be expected from two to four months, and on Mr. Augustus George Vernon Harcourt, M.A., according to description of complaint and length of time F.R.S., Vice-President of the Chemical Society. In pre. affected. From six to nine bottles of this preparation is gener- senting them, Professor Love gave a brief recital of ally sufficient to effect a cure, or the same quantity of pills. I their scientific achievements, while the do not guarantee to completely cure every case, but it will do as Vice-Chancellor much good as nature will allow, and prevent strangulation in formally admitted them to the degree with a few happily every case. I find, after a few years' experience with this chosen and appropriate words of congratulation and remedy, that it is able to absolutely cure ninety out of every welcome. hundred cases of rupture, where nine to a dozen bottles has At the close of the Convocation addresses of congratula- been taken. It is the most inexpensive, as well as the most tion were presented to the Vice-Chancellor on effective treatment yet discovered for the cure of this complaint. behalf of a Persons are requested to give full description of complaint when number of universities and learned societies; they were first sending for this treatment, also state whether they suffer all commendably brief. The Vice-Chancellor then read from indigestion or constipation. They are then sent treatment a communication from the Chancellor, Lord Curzon of to suit description of complaint given. This preparation can be Kedleston, expressing regret that the effects of his recent given to children without any fear whatever, as it is purely motor accident prevented his vegetable, and quite harmless even to the most delicate consti- being present. He spoke tution. It is also pleasant to the palate and stomach alike. of the interest with which he watched the development When it is required for a child, statement to that effect should of Oxford as a scientific university, and referred to the be given, as different directions for use are then given. truly regal gift of an electrical laboratory by the Drapers' Instructions regarding diet for children and adults are also Company. He concluded by saying that there were three forwarded with remedy when necessary. main desiderata for the future-unity of spirit in the Other sections of the pamphlet are devoted to varicocele museum itself, unity of action between museum and and varicose veins, for which it appears that "Healine colleges, and unity of action between museum and No. 2" and "Healine No. 3" respectively are recom- university. mended. The prices of the preparations (post free) are thus ADDRESS BY THE VICE-CHANCELLOR. given: The VICE-CHANCELLOR (Dr. Warren, President of Mag- Liquid Form.-3s. per bottle; Three for 8s. 9d.; or Six dalen) then delivered the following address, for a copy of prepared bottles for 15s. which we are indebted to his courtesy: Pill Form (recommended).-2s. 9d. per box; Three for 8s.; or Six for 13s. 9d. Science at Healine Lotion (same price as Internal Healine) is always Oxford. necessary for bad Ulcerated Legs and open or deep-seated Representatives of other Universities, Learned Societies, Wounds, and never fails to cure when used as directed. and Institutions, Ladies and Gentlemen,-My first and Consultation by appointmenlt only, for which a fee of 2s. 6d. pleasant duty is to welcome you on behalf of the will be charged. University and the Delegate3 of the Museum, and to An application for a bottle of liquid "Healine No. 1," thank you for your presence here and the encouragement with a remittance of 3s., brought in return a box of the it gives us on this occasion of our festivity, the celebration pills, with an intimation that these were recommended in of the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the preference. The box contained 60 pills, and the directions University Museum. It should be understood that it is a on the label were: modest affair. We offer you little in the way of entertain- ment. You are giving rather than receiving. It is Two Pills to be taken three times a day, half hour after meals, your and distinguished presence that confers upon the occasion any morning, noon, night. external eclat that it may have, and yet we hold, and I The results of analysis were mainly negative. The think you will agree with us, that it is in reality a very pills were coated with a talc coating, after removal of important occasion, important for us, and not without which they had an average weight of 4 grains. No importance for the world. It is a landmark in the history metallic salts were present, and no alkaloid; about 1 per of Natural Science at Oxford. Fifty years ago, within the cent. of an oily liquid of acid nature, apparently oleic acid, memory of not a few here to-day, the Museum did not was found; small quantities of a tannin, gum, and exist. Its site was a green field. Now, Natural Science phlobaphene were present, and a bitter substance which is definitely domiciled and organlzed among us and Oxford showed no characters by which it could be identified; has become a scientific university. That, I take it, is the aloin and extract of cascara sagrada were absent, and all meaning of to-day's ceremony. Fifty years is not a long resinous substances, unless in minute quantity; the pill time, it is a very short time, in the history of a great and consisted chiefly of indefinite extractive, with about 20 per ancient university. It is only one-sixteenth of the period cent. of a vegetable powder, one ingredient of which was luring which Oxford University has in some sense or liquorice, a second appearing to be gentian, but it was not another existed. It cannot compare with the 300 vears of identified with certainty; a considerable portion of the the Bodleian. We hope that Natural Science may have vegetable powder could not be identified with any drug in before it many half centuries and many whole centuries of ordinary use. progress and valuable work. And the question may naturally be asked, Why should Oxford be in such a THE annual meeting of the Association of Public hurry to celebrate the establishment of an institution Vaccinators of England and Wales will be held at the which is still, academically, a mere child, or at least only Hotel Cecil, London, on Friday, October 30th, when the just beginning to pass out of its nonage ? chair will be taken by the President (Dr. Drury, Halifax), Ladies and gentlemen, it is exactly for that reason we at 3 p.m. After the transaction of business, a paper will ire celebrating the completion of the first fifty years, be read by Dr. A. E. Cope (London), entitled, Small-pox: because we think that it contains the earnest and the What it was before the introduction of Vaccination; what issurance of it has been since the introduction of Vaccination; and the those that are to follow. The first years are future of Small-pox, what is it to be? The annual dinner very critical years. Infant mortality is, we know, one of will take place at the same hotel at 6.30 p.m. All public the great menaces to life. A child's first one or two birth- vaccinators, wxhether members of the Association or not are cordially invited, andc are asked to commnunicate early laysareinthissenseitsmostimportant. their the intention to be present to Secretary WVell, the of the Association, Charles Greenwood, Esq., 1, Mitre Court know so well, and which is not unknown to Alma Mater. Buildings, Temple, E.C. bIuseumttperiod;isnowthathasfairlyfractiouspassedlaunchedattimeanyonofratelife.teethingthroughSciencewhichitswasinfantilemothersnota r TsEm I OCT. 17, Igo8.] JUBILEE OF THE OXFORD MUSEUM. I MIkDICALBiTmSJOURNAL .I I stranger to Oxford before the first stone of the Museum very different man whose name some of you may be sur- was laid, but her existence was somewhat precarious and prised to hear in this connexion, Dr. Pusey. He had, as I her progress intermittent.
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