Centerfold Technology advances the green movement The HoofOctober 2009 | thehoofbeat.com | Northside College Preparatory High SchoolBeat | [email protected] | Vol. 11 No. 2 The story behind Crystal Erpelo’s departure 3 | Slutty Halloween costumes 6 The power of one to one what’s going on with teaching in the top. Individual 21st century,” Mr. Barry Rodgers, “We’ve got to figure out a way to Northside’s principal, said. “Our fund this,” Mr. Rodgers said, “and student tablet teachers now see the next powerful so we are working with a number step in education as putting these of high profile organizations to try PCs piloted at computers in the hands of each and and get funding for this and so that’s every student.” what I am spending a lot of time Northside The freshmen who are currently doing. We are engaging companies part of the one to one computing like Microsoft, we’re engaging com- by Jeffrey Joseph pilot program were picked based on panies like Accenture, foundations Imagine a school where every the course schedules that they select- such as the McArthur Foundation, classroom is a virtual computer lab. ed. The administration tried to find and so we are looking at some those Now, in a couple of years, imagine the most common course-load that larger organizations to help us in this that school is Northside. The path freshman might take. As students venture, as well as CPS [Chicago towards the goal of having a tab- signed up for those classes, they were Public School].” let computer in the hands of every invited to join the program. The freshmen in the one to one student at Northside started during If the one to one piloting is suc- pilot program had generally positive the 2006-2007 school year as every cessful, the entire student population reviews of the program and liked the teacher received a HP TC4400 tab- will eventually get tablet computers. ability to be able to use the comput- let. When the teachers received new “Ideally, we would like to be able ers in classroom tablets for this school year, the teach- to roll this out to the complete stu- “It makes it easier to follow along ers old tablets were recycled for use dent body for the 2010-2011 school in class,” Hallie Cruz, Adv. 301, by 50 freshman students are experi- year,” Mr. Rodgers said. “That is our said. menting with them this school year ideal goal, so what we are doing now Other students raved about the as they pilot the one to one comput- is we are piloting that initiative with unique features of the program. ing program. our teachers to make sure it makes “When you use the tablet, if you There are currently about 1400 sense educationally.” miss a day, it makes it easier to catch Freshmen involved with the one-to-one program complete the majority of schools in the United States that have The school hopes that the com- up because the teacher can record their homework on the laptop. Photo by Evan Rogers. some form of one to one computing. puters that the students would re- the whole lesson and you can just So, the administration looked at the ceive will be partly paid for by out- play it back at home,” Yolanda May, “One-to-one computing is some- munity. different models of what one to one side companies, but says that there Adv. 301, said. thing to look forward to next year,” “We are also looking for the computing could look like and with will most likely be some kind of Most of the complaints that Miranda Miller, Adv. 305, said. parents, the students and everyone, the pilot program is trying to figure financial commitment for the stu- students in the program had were The administration says that, as as we roll it out to ask some tough out what works the best for North- dents. The students will have to pay related to technical issues, such as the one-on-one initiative progresses, questions because we’d rather have side. a yearly lease for the computer, add- low batteries and computers freez- they will hold town hall meetings to those tough questions answered be- “We see much of it as the natu- ed to their school fees. At the end of ing. However, they were enthusiastic further inform parents about the pro- fore we get a computer in everyone’s ral evolution of what we are doing the students’ Northside careers, the about the program being extended to gram and welcomes questions about hands rather than after,” Mr. Rodg- here at Northside College Prep and students will be able to keep the lap- the entire school population. one-to-one from the Northside com- ers said. Hot chocolate, coffee, tea, and the Northside community dent-run. The café returns “I really want this to be the thing that brings the community together,” to the second Bushi said. “We have teachers, stu- dents, administration, faculty, and floor atrium engineers working together. We just want to bring it full circle.” by Evan Rogers The managers hope to unify the After two years of dormancy, staff by implementing a computer- the café booth located in the second based system of documentation. floor atrium has returned to life. The booth will feature a laptop, so On Octover 26, it reopened under a all sales information can be entered new name, the Sidewalk Café, and immediately, allowing all of the new student leadership, with Merita managers to access key information Bushi, Adv. 012, serving as the chief instantly with no time wasted or execultive officer (CEO). possible mistakes disrupting the data “We’re going to start out small transfer. with tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and The Sidewalk Café hosted an in- ice cream,” Bushi said. “We’ll see formational meeting on Thursday what coffee flavors and other items October 1 for all potential employ- are in demand. After a month we’re ees. The meeting covered the appli- going to re-evaluate how things cation process and general details. went, figure out what worked and Students interested in participat- didn’t work, and hopefully expand ing in the café may email Bushi at from there.” [email protected]. Currently, all items are priced “This is such a great present to under two dollars. The Sidewalk Northside,” Bushi said. “It’s nice Café hopes to extend its menu to that it coincides with the school’s possibly include pre-packaged food, tenth anniversary and it’s like an depending on the initial success of anniversary present to Northside. It The staff hopes that the Sidewalk Cafe will revitalize the once popular booth that stands in the second floor the café. Expanding the café’s work- makes the school unique. My hope atrium during lunch periods. Photo by Alejandro Vadieveso. force is also a key goal of the staff, is that the café stays with the school as they hope to avoid the pitfalls that underclassmen stepped up to take Workers at the café are paid on lunch manager. Sponsors Mr. John because it’s so much a part of our the Pig in the Sidewalk Café expe- control. The Sidewalk Café aims to commission, with possible bonuses Belcaster, social science department, culture and atmosphere. I hope that rienced. In 2007, the original café avoid this problem by focusing their depending on how profitable the and Ms. Elizabeth Runkel, math de- all students will appreciate it, take closed down because the seniors that recruitment efforts on freshmen and café is. Ideally, there will be two partment, oversee the operation, but care of the space, and be proud of managed the café graduated and no sophomores. workers per lunch period and one the majority of the café work is stu- it.” News | pages 1 - 4 Features | pages 6 - 7 Diversions | pages 10 Editorials | pages 13-14 page 7 • Parents react to their child’s • College applications extracur- • Evanston’s hidden gems • “I love you” loses meaning course load riculars stuffing • International film fests across • Debate: Are high schoolers too Senior stand- • Germans excite Chicago • Sky Cubacub designs fashion line the city old to trick-or-treat? out Una Lim takes the Connections | page 5 Centerfold | pages 8 - 9 A&E | pages 11-12 Sports | pages 15-16 reins of Stu- dent Coucil • College Bridge discontinues • Northside and Chicago’s environ- • We The Living rocks Northside • Methods to manage sports prac- in stride after funding cut mental initatives • Danger in pageantry tices and class homework • H1N1 hits Chicago high schools • How to create a green household • Bad Veins debuts to praise • Women’s volleyball conquers Lane News The Hoof Beat Northside College Prep H.S. 5501 N. Kedzie “Mom! Dad! Don’t be late for class!” Chicago, IL 60625 our vision and mission and provide Tel: (773) 534-3954 Parents get a opportunities for the students.” taste of their This year, as previous years, the Principal Back to School Night event aimed Mr. Barry Rodgers to show parents what the learning Northsider’s daily environment of Northside and to Assistant Principal life at Back to provide them with information that Dr. Margaret Murphy they may not have heard from their School Night child otherwise. Advisor “I found out about the parent Mr. Chester Tylinski by Diana Obracaj portal and I could look up the grades Parents got an inside look into online,” Mr. John Biskup, parent of Editor-In-Chief their child’s day to day schedule at Tessa Biskup, Adv. 204, said.
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