S1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 22, 2018 his wife Caitlyn Bellina, and he has sions and he signed up additional peo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without three boys. ple under the Texas Right to Try laws. objection, it is so ordered. In the end, he signed up 176 people. This is what Matt Bellina said in tes- f timony: We just checked with Dr. Delpassand, Please let them know that I have had ALS and 148 of those individuals are still MEASURE READ THE FIRST too long to meet the exclusion criteria for alive today because of his courage. TIME—H.R. 5247 any promising trials. No drug company will That is why we need to pass a Federal Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I un- offer me treatments under the current ex- Right to Try law, so individuals with panded access guidelines. Two reputable derstand there is a bill at the desk, and that level of courage don’t risk their I ask for its first reading. companies have already indicated that they careers, and those patients have a would try to treat me under the rules of this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill. A vote against this is essentially a vote chance to live. clerk will read the bill by title for the to kill me. It is a vote to make my wife a I would like to yield to the Senator first time. widow and leave my boys fatherless. I can’t from Indiana for his remarks. The legislative clerk read as follows: stop anyone from voting that way, but The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- A bill (H.R. 5247) to authorize the use of el- please ask them to have respect to look my ator from Indiana. igible investigational drugs by eligible pa- family in the eye when they cast their vote. Mr. DONNELLY. Thank you, Mr. tients who have been diagnosed with a stage Frank Mongiello is another victim of President, and thank you to the Sen- of a disease or condition in which there is ALS. I just met with him a few hours ator from Wisconsin. reasonable likelihood that death will occur ago. I first met with him when he could I echo my support for this legisla- within a matter of months, or with another speak—he can no longer speak—but he tion. We worked together nonstop to eligible illness, and for other purposes. spoke at our press conference, and here get this accomplished, as has been Mr. JOHNSON. I now ask for a second is his quote. He paraphrased Abraham mentioned. reading and, in order to place the bill Lincoln and he said: This passed the Senate 100 to nothing on the calendar under the provisions of already. We are hopeful to wrap this President Lincoln said, ‘‘If I am killed, I rule XIV, I object to my own request. die only once; but if I dread it, I die over and up. The House just sent us a vote back, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- over again.’’ and we will continue to work nonstop tion is heard. Frank went on to say: to get this done because it is the right The bill will be read for the second thing to do. time on the next legislative day. I have an 80-percent chance to be dead in 2 I think of the McLinn family in my years, and, for me, seeing these potential f drugs out on the market and not being able home State, and they are a representa- to take them is like dying over and over tion of families all over the country STRENGTHENING PROTECTIONS again. struggling with the same challenges. FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BENE- The final namesake of this bill is lit- Our job is to try to make their lives a FICIARIES ACT OF 2018 little bit easier, a little bit better, so tle Jordan McLinn. We met him when Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I ask he was 6 years old, and now he is 8. His that all of the people who are strug- gling with Right to Try challenges can unanimous consent that the Com- mother Laura is a tireless advocate. I mittee on Finance be discharged from know the Senator from Indiana knows get a chance to live their life to the fullest and for a long time. further consideration of H.R. 4547 and the McLinns well. the Senate proceed to its immediate The FDA advisory committee on So, the hour is late. I just want to consideration. April 25 heard from, I think, 55 wit- second the efforts of my friend and col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nesses about a drug called eteplirsen to league from Wisconsin, and we will objection, it is so ordered. treat Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. continue to move forward. The clerk will report the bill by title. The advisory committee, having heard The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The senior assistant legislative clerk from people like Laura and Jordan ator from Wisconsin. Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I read as follows: McLinn wanting access to that drug, thank the Senator from Indiana who voted no. Fortunately, the FDA—and A bill (H.R. 4547) to amend titles II, VIII, has been a real champion and a real and XVI of the Social Security Act to im- this is pretty rare—overruled the advi- partner. I know he tried to get as many prove and strengthen the representative pay- sory committee, and Jordan now is at House Members to vote for the House ment program. least being treated. They are tireless bill as he could. There being no objection, the Senate advocates for Right to Try. By the way, that was the good news. proceeded to consider the bill. These are the people we need to help. I am calling on the House now, since Mr. JOHNSON. I ask unanimous con- These are the people whom Right to we have an objection in the Senate on sent that the bill be considered read a Try was meant for. their bill, to please take up the Senate third time and passed and the motion I don’t know why it took the House 7 bill. It is a nonpartisan bill that passed to reconsider be considered made and months to craft a bill and finally vote unanimously through the Senate. laid upon the table. on it. I can’t tell you how many people Don’t wait another hour. I know they The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without during that 7 months sought treatment are in recess for a couple weeks, but I objection, it is so ordered. in other countries. I can’t tell you if am calling on them, as soon as they The bill (H.R. 4547) was ordered to a anyone during that time period pos- come back from recess, take up the third reading, was read the third time, sibly lost their life because they didn’t Senate bill, pass it, and get it on the and passed. have access to treatment. I don’t know President’s desk. It is well past time to why the House felt compelled to f give these patients, these terminally change the bill that we carefully craft- ill patients and their families, the SIGNING AUTHORITY ed that passed unanimously. I don’t Right to Try and the right to hope. So know why they simply didn’t take up Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I ask I want to again thank the Senator the Senate bill and pass it, but I do unanimous consent that the junior from Indiana. know Right to Try saves lives. Senator from Oklahoma be authorized I will quote one example, Dr. f to sign duly enrolled bills or joint reso- Delpassand, a courageous oncologist LEGISLATIVE SESSION lutions from Friday, March 23, through from Houston. He was engaged in an Monday, March 26, 2018. FDA trial treating an aggressive form The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of endocrine cancer. It was working. So MORNING BUSINESS objection, it is so ordered. he petitioned the FDA to allow addi- Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I ask f tional patients to be added to the trial. unanimous consent that the Senate re- The FDA said no, but Dr. Delpassand sume legislative session for a period of APPOINTMENTS AUTHORITY had a Right to Try bill in Texas. It morning business, with Senators per- Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I ask didn’t have liability protection. He mitted to speak therein for up to 10 unanimous consent that notwith- risked his career and all of his posses- minutes each. standing the upcoming adjournment of VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:28 Mar 23, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MR6.119 S22MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE March 22, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1983 the Senate, the President of the Sen- CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, UNITED STATES CATED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE GOVERNOR OF THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND, AND AND RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION ate, the President pro tempore, and the UNITED STATES GOVERNOR OF THE ASIAN DEVELOP- 601: majority and minority leaders be au- MENT BANK. To be lieutenant general INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND thorized to make appointments to com- MAJ. GEN. DAVID D. THOMPSON STEVEN T. MNUCHIN, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE UNITED missions, committees, boards, con- IN THE NAVY ferences or interparliamentary con- STATES GOVERNOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, UNITED STATES GOVERNOR OF THE AFRICAN DE- THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT ferences authorized by law, by concur- VELOPMENT BANK, UNITED STATES GOVERNOR OF THE IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO THE GRADE INDICATED rent action of the two Houses, or by INTER–AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, AND UNITED WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND STATES GOVERNOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: order of the Senate.
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