9ęඈඋ1࣏ۘऺ: Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research www.CRTER.org Ƕ᪅Ŀƚ ęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋՈMeta Ȍ bɃş ᾕΞæ ̢ ⚭· ᾱξ ɏ͏φ Ƞęȭ ( LşďijƵƏ̷½K̂ZàʹƜď 072750Z ̵ãîijƵȰ ij½K̵ɣʘƲDZƍʑǪʱΚď 830000Z Ȫ̵ďƏ̷½KƢ˱àȪ̵ď 123000Z ȧĂîȰijQ½K°˒ď 201508)+ DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.0105 ORCID: 0000-0001-7137-389X(bɃş) L₎5 ၡ͟ᅆϵཥɜͱ̲Ɠɵ3ྯɜ¿ǴÑǎʀɜȀt «¦Ŀż̓,ȀỤ̩ƾՈ͟ᅆ ǃĐɋṇ̶Ո͟ᅆ Ƕ̔μK˃K1987 ˝ÛK ʒzŽḪ͟ᅆ4 ̂Zà˭NK˩ȂK2014 ၡɜ͟ᅆ̺«Ǖϣń͟ᅆՈPÑỄᜐɳ҉ˊΝǜ&Ȗ܄Ո҂҉4dz &ƣǕɳ^ණǕɳ4̶˯zÀ ˝̵ãîϤKœ !¬¯ Ñ͟ᅆḳɜՈǜɳ3۸ūÑǎɜᯬʺϣ&ĽǍ ÖĽͥ'ᡅᜬɴ&͟ᅆҀҟ3ǜƮʐ£࿁Ǜ└4 þKƶϙÎāʘ㦠ΤƸ!ʩ;!ÎŦĝ Ρ~+ ʼᡅ ëęǔ̶ƚ້ȭ]ȐŌľɆẋၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺Ոϕᜐ҉ƚ᫇ɡ IJ̓ʳƨ̶ȏՈ╓ƶġʳ᫇ɡ¹ּ ȁ·ȔŀYȤˋKƶQྐ ȭ; ֲQՈDz¹]࿁ǔΙŌ͔☦ȳẴęͱၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ՈʇĿϕᜐ҉ƚᱏÃ4 åKLşďijƵƏ̷ ȌrᢧęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ՈϕᜐźΡ4 ½K̂ZàʹƜď ՈỞẋ Metaֲ 072750 5ͩ₋Ϭ Meta Ȍȭ 2001 Ⴗ 2016 ÀǕᜬՈƅ͟ęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ϕᜐ҉ƚՈDzẟᜐƞ ൷ʐඣᩥƚ Ȍ4ȴǚᰈ 40 ʵÑZ¦Ոၡ͟ᅆɜɳ͟ᅆ˯҉ɋ ÂÑ 10 ʵ& 1 Àܸඈɉ /ẟ Ě ିǻ:R318 B:ۅȌ4 Dzʃ ᜐ˛ʇ ₋Ϭ stata 12.0 ḳâẟᜐ Ș^ ൷͑ 26 ઋDz ȴǚ 40 ʵÑZ¦ʳƨʇₓ 42 199 ¦ ę 40 ʵÑZÀ¦ၡ ɘ4ěY2017-09-17 ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ʇ˯҉ɋ& 17.0%(95%CI16.7%17.4%) ͢ϻɳ 12.3% Ώɳ 22.2% ϻΏɳ7Ⓒ :Ŏƅºጛɳ͛5(P < 0.05) ńϻɳ¦3Ώɳ¦ǎʇĿ¦ţɌɴ╓Àܸʺ⑃˯҉ɋʺ¤ ě 5ŌľʇĿ˯҉ɋ& 16.1%(95%CI15.6%16.6%) ͢ϻɳ 12.2% Ώɳ 21.4%ś5ŌľʇĿ˯ ҉ɋ& 18.0%(95%CI17.5%18.5%) ͢ϻɳ 12.3% Ώɳ 23.1%4ńϻɳ¦3Ώɳ¦ǎʇĿ ¦śě57Ⓒ˯҉ɋɨṇ:Ŏţ\ºጛɳ͛5(P > 0.05)ΈǍŌľʇĿ˯҉ɋ& 23.6%(95%CI 16.7%30.4%) ͢ϻɳ 15.4% Ώɳ 28.1%ǪNŌľʇĿ˯҉ɋ& 20.0%(95%CI16.2%23.9%) ͢ϻɳ 13.7% Ώɳ 24.3%4ńϻɳ¦3Ώɳ¦ǎʇĿ¦ΈǍǎǪN7Ⓒ˯҉ɋɨṇ:Ŏţ \ºጛɳ͛5(P > 0.05)Șᜬ ęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋṇʌ ᜬɴ&╓Àܸʺ⑃໐ ʌ ϻΏɳ7Ⓒ:Ŏּȭṇ̓ śě57ⒸÑǎǪN^ΈǍ7Ⓒɨṇ\º:Ŏ àỆrŌʉɜ͟ᅆʺ ǗČʐּ͟҂҉Ո⓶͏1ňÂǒ9¾8Ȏ94̺ ͟⏲᪑ ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ęŌľÀ¦À¦ϕᜐ҉ƚ˯҉ɋඈඋȀņMeta Ȍ 'L᪑ ęၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺Meta Ȍඈඋ1࣏ Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in China: a Meta-analysis Tie Xiao-jia , Zheng Ru-geng , Zhao Meng , Han Ya-jun , Guo Hong-liang , Wang Zhi-zhou , Ma Guo-ju ( Baoding Second Central Hospital, Zhuozhou 072750, Hebei Province, China; the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830000, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China; Fuxin Central Hospital, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning Province, China; Jinshan Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 201508, China) Abstract BACKGROUND: Investigation on epidemiologic features of knee osteoarthritis in many areas of China has been much reported. However, multicenter studies with large samples have been rarely reported. The published papers cannot give a good description about the epidemiologic features of knee osteoarthritis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the epidemiologic features of knee osteoarthritis in the patients aged over 40 years in China. METHODS: Meta-analysis was used to evaluate the data extracted from papers published 20012016 on the Tie Xiao-jia, Master, Baoding epidemiology of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in China. The prevalence rate of knee Second Central Hospital, osteoarthritis in the patients over 40 years of age was summarized, with every 10 years as group, and then Zhuozhou 072750, Hebei analyzed on Stata 12.0 software. Province, China RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Twenty-six articles were included, involving 42 199 people aged more than 40 years old. The total prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis at the age above 40 years old in China was 17.0% Corresponding author: (95%CI: 16.7%17.4%), the prevalence rate was 12.3% in male and 22.2% in female (P < 0.05). Noticeably, the Ma Guo-ju, Chief physician, prevalence rate increased with age. The total prevalence rate in northern China was 16.1% (95%CI: Baoding Second Central 15.6%16.6%), 12.2% in male and 21.4% in female; the total prevalence in southern China was 18.0% (95%CI: Hospital, Zhuozhou 072750, 17.5%18.5%), 12.3% in male and 23.1% in female. There was no significant difference in the prevalence rate Hebei Province, China 650 তේǻ:2095-4344(2018)04-00650-07 Tie XJ, Zheng RG, Zhao M, Han YJ, Guo HL, Wang ZZ, Ma GJ. Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in China: a Meta-analysis. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu. 2018;22(4):650-656.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344. 0105 between northern and southern China (P > 0.05). The total prevalence rate in rural China was 23.6% (95%CI: 16.7%30.4%), with 15.4% in male and 28.1% in female; and the total prevalence in urban China was 20.0% (95%CI: 16.2%23.9%), with 13.7% in male and 24.3% in female. There was no significant difference in the prevalence rate between rural and urban China (P > 0.05). These results suggest that knee osteoarthritis in China is a common disease, characterized by increased prevalence with age, relatively significant difference between male and female, but no difference between northern and southern China as well as between rural and urban China. It is of great significance to timely propagate and perform interventional strategies for prevention and treatment of knee osteoarthritis in China. Subject headings: China; Knee Joint; Osteoarthritis; Meta-Analysis; Tissue Engineering 0 šᣄ Introduction ҉ɋǎ͢95%าǍľⒸ(CI)4₋Ϭḳâhomogeneity test ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺«PᢅՈÀ¦҂҉ ₑƽ ẟᜐŎᯬɳ̼ɀ ÑP > 0.1ʐI2 < 50%&̼ɀˈβ Ȑr ˑÀ¦ՈϣϏᯬₓ Ȑrඝ˯້ʐࠂĆrǡ̝ₑՈ ƍᱷÑZǝârᜬȌÂάàₓȐᯬ ūϬĖǎάà ᯣĩ[1] ń๒ę«ȰႸ50ʵÑZϻɳ͍·¬࿁Ոৰx µƧẟᜐMeta Ȍ Ǒ7ᜬƌńŎᯬɳ ₋Ϭ╓ƶά ü[2]4╓ęͱ¦ǧܸĚaᱏº ẝP⒲L╓ àµƧ4̓ 7ॅº4ęŌǻẁⓘ ȈŌľʨȅ3ɳʟǎ¦ØϣϏL ̻Ո]Ȑ ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋ]Ȑ4ẕÀǡęɎ 2ȘResults ;ṇƿ5Ոၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉źΡՈϔǒ &Ǹত 2.1 ɻˬϗƔBˌ ̼͝௦46 835ઋDz ඓਟọȒ͝൷ ₋ϬMeta ȌՈ5ͩ වȌ Ȍ>ǕᜬՈ͟zęÀ ͑26ઋ[4-29] ȴǚ40ʵÑZ¦ʳƨʇₓ42 199¦ ͢ȴ ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺Ոּ͟Dz rᢧęͱၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ ǚϻɳ16 531¦ ȴǚΏɳ18 657¦4Dza֚rę11¦ Ρ &ၡ͟ᅆ҂҉Ոeƛ8⓶ȴƇƚƉǒ4 ׅ32ָṚNՈÀ¦4DzȖƨĽǍᢅᜬ14̑҉˯ 2.2 ˃ ˿͇͉Dȁĝ)̼ ]Ȑɳ/3ÀܸɉϟǎȘ 1 ᰈʐ5ͩ Data and methods ᢅᜬ2440ʵÑZ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ʇĿ˯҉ɋ& 1.1 Éα ̼௦ϔǒßĉŐPubMed3Medline3Cochrane 17.0%(95%CI16.7%17.4%) ͢ϻɳ12.3%(95% CI Library3ęϣĭĿƚDzϔǒß(CBM)3මêǍʻᰈļி 11.8%12.8%) Ώɳ22.2%(95%CI21.6%22.8%) ϻ ඣ3ęƛ͔ϔǒß(CNKI)3W5ϔǒß4Ǫ̲ʵǒ> Ώ7Ⓒɨṇ:Ŏƅºጛɳ͛5(P < 0.05) ᢅĚ134 ൷͑DzՈdžDzẟᜐDzềᳮ4 ºɳ/ȭɨᢆȓdzᢅÀϻ3Ώɳ5Àܸඈၡ͟ ᆵ̼௦᪑Knee Osteoarthritis OA prevalence ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋţᜬɴ&Ώɳʌzϻɳ4º]ȐÀܸ China̼௦᪑ၡ ɜ͟ᅆ̺ O ᫇ɡʐϕᜐ҉ ඈȭɨᢆȓdzᢅ ϻɳǎΏɳၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋţ ƚ4Κ▊2001Ⴗ2016À͟zę¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ ╓Àܸʺ¤໐ʺʌ ϻΏɳţɌɴ70ʵÑȒÀܸɉ˯҉ ΡՈDz4 ɋʺ⑃º¤ȷ4ϻɳ4069ʵÀܸɉ˯҉ɋʺ⑃ּȭ¿̑ 1.2 ǒƽ Ώɳº4049ʵÀܸɉႷ5059ʵÀܸɉ˯҉ɋʺ⑃ṇȷ ͘ŌǕᜬՈ3ۘऺɴŖńę̓ 5059ʵÀܸɉႷ6069ʵÀܸɉ˯҉ɋʺ⑃ּȭ¿4 Dz൷͑ʃβ 1.2.1 Zǒʺʩ;ʘʩ;Ψ͉Dȁĝ)̼ ʵǒęŌ ŌľՈƅ͟ę¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺Ոϕᜐ҉ƚۘऺ 2.3 ˂┊ śě5Ōǻr ϻɳǎΏɳၡ А Ñࢪˡ͇Pඃ Ϭġʳ5ͩቻǚ̼ϟȭᬥ ۘऺȭᬥÀܸɉĉȯ40ʵ ˊ₋ ۘ ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋńś3ě5Ո˯҉̑Ρᢅᜬ3ǎĚ4 54 ÑZÀܸඈ ƅܲՈʳƨϔ3˯҉¦ϔz˯҉ɋ ऺ᪂ᩥȌˊ ඣᩥ5ͩǷܲၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ͣƅܲ 40ʵÑZ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ʇĿ˯҉ɋńě5Ōľ& Ո)ʃβǎƉǒ4 16.1%(95%CI 15.6%16.6%) ͢ ϻ ɳ ˯ ҉ ɋ & 1.2.2 Ƕ┨ʃβ ϔǒƅº⏝᪳3ϔǒ]ǀϘz]± 12.2%(95%CI11.5%12.9%) Ώɳ&21.4%(95%CI ϖ\ͩ-ϬՈDz ¦ọō&Ŀ┦ɑăĿ̼¦Ñǎ 20.6%22.2%)4ś5ŌľʇĿ˯҉ɋ&18.0%(95%CI ĽǎɌ༐¦ ₑ̩ǕᜬՈDzවẴ3᪈ 17.5%18.5%) ͢ϻɳ˯҉ɋ&12.3%(95%CI11.6% Dz4 13.0%) Ώɳ&23.1%(95%CI22.2%23.9%)4ńϻɳ Dzਟọ ỞẋⓉᪿ2001Ⴗ2016ÀǕᜬՈּ͟ ¦3Ώɳ¦ǎʇĿ¦ţɌɴśě57Ⓒ˯҉ɋɨ 1.2.3 DzՈʼᡅẟᜐ!ਟ ȭ!ਟՈDzⓉᪿ͔ẟᜐxƵਟ ṇ:Ŏ\ºጛɳ͛5(P > 0.05)4 ọ ϢȒŭ+൷͑ǎǶ┨ʃβX┨]ȌʸՈDz4Ǹẋ࣏ 2.4 ˺à dď͉Dȁĝ)̼ ΈǍǎǪNⒸၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ ϵৰ3¦ ᅆ̺˯҉ɋ̑Ρᢅᜬ4ǎĚ64ϵ2ȑۘऺ້ưএǀt ȭƅ]Ȑ͛ᢅՈDz ǕʴΟǎ«ȪơϬ4 40ʵÑZ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺ʇĿ˯҉ɋńΈǍŌľ 1.2.4 Dzᯬₓ᪈Ĝ ₋ϬSTROBĚ⍌ȭ¾)☦ &23.6%(95%CI16.7%30.4%) ͢ϻɳ˯҉ɋ& (ĉŐLֲʐʼᡅ3Qᣄ35 15.4%(95%CI9.0%21.7%) Ώɳ&28.1%(95%CI ऺՈ൷͑ʃβẟᜐᯬₓ᪈ۘ ͝ᩥ22ǝֲ)[3]4 16.1%40.1%)4ǪNŌľʇĿ˯҉ɋ&20.0%(95%CI 3Șʐᩬ5ᾬͩ 1.2.5 ඣᩥƚ Ȍ ϔǒ̠ˊ₋ϬStata 12.0ǀt ᩥਜ਼˯ 16.2%23.9%) ͢ϻɳ˯҉ɋ&13.7%(95%CI9.9% P.O. Box 10002, Shenyang 110180 www.CRTER.org 651 bɃş ᾕΞæ ̢ ⚭· ᾱξ ɏ͏φ Ƞęȭ. ęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋՈ Meta Ȍ[J]. ęඈඋ1࣏ۘऺ 2018 22(4):650-656.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.0105 Ě 1 ęϻɳÀ¦ၡ ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺]ȐÀܸ˯҉ɋ Figure 1 The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis in the male middle-aged and elderly in China in different age groups Ěͼ40 ʵÑZϻɳ¦ၡ͟ ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋ& 12.3%4 Ě 2 ęΏɳÀ¦ၡ ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺]ȐÀܸ˯҉ɋ Figure 2 The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis in the female middle-aged and elderly in China in different age groups Ěͼ40 ʵÑZΏɳ¦ၡ͟ ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋ& 22.2%4 Ě 3 ęÀ¦(ϻɳ+ Ώɳ)ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺]ȐÀ ܸ˯҉ɋ Figure 3 The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in China in different age groups Ěͼ40 ʵÑZ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ ͟ᅆ̺ʇĿ˯҉ɋ& 17.0% ϻΏ7Ⓒɨṇ:Ŏƅºጛɳ͛ 5 Ώɳʌzϻɳ(P < 0.05)4 652 ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH g Tie XJ, Zheng RG, Zhao M, Han YJ, Guo HL, Wang ZZ, Ma GJ. Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in China: a Meta-analysis. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu. 2018;22(4):650-656.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344. 0105 Ě 4 ęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ ͟ᅆ̺ě5˯҉ɋ Figure 4 The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in northern China Ěͼ40 ʵÑZ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ ᅆ ̺ ʇ Ŀ ě 5 Ō ľ ˯ ҉ ɋ & 16.1%4 Ě 5 ęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ ͟ᅆ̺ś5˯҉ɋ Figure 5 The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in southern China Ěͼ40 ʵÑZ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ ᅆ ̺ ś 5 Ō ľ ʇ Ŀ ˯ ҉ ɋ & 18.0%4 Ě 6 ęÀ¦ၡ͟ᅆɜ ͟ᅆ̺ΈǍǎǪN˯҉ɋ Figure 6 The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and elderly in rural and urban China ĚͼʇĿ¦ΈǍǎǪN7 Ⓒၡ͟ᅆɜ͟ᅆ̺˯҉ɋɨṇ: Ŏ\ºጛɳ͛5(P > 0.05)4 P.O.
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