/ 1928 -CONGRESSIO:N .L~L RECOR.D-HOuSE the Oddie bill, having to do with the Government furnishing would practically put all American cotton exchanges out of stamped envelopes ; to the Committee on the Post Office and business; to the Committee on Agriculture. Post Roads. 5487. Also, position of the National Foreign Trade Council, 5465. Also, petition of eigh~ citizens li\ing in La:lloure County, favoring the passage of House bill 9195; to the Committee on N. Dak., against the enactment of House bill 78, or any other Ways and Means. compulsory Sunday observance legi lation ; to the Committee on 5488. By Mr. ROMJUE : Petition of Ervin Reese, R. E. Hoff­ the DiStrict of Columbia. man, et al., of Novinger, Mo., for passage of Civil War pension 5466. Also, petition of nine citizens living in La Moure County, bill carrying the rates proposed by the National Tribune ; to N. Dak., against the enactment of House bill 78, or any other the Committee on Invalid Pensions. compulsory Sunday observance legi lation; to the Committee on 5489. By Mr. SI~""NOTT: Petition of a large ntu:nber of citi­ the District of Columbia. · zens of Klamath County, Oreg., protesting against enactment of 5467. By Mr. HAUGEN: Petition of 30 members of Oelwein House bill 78, the Lankford bill, or any similar compulsory Women's Civic Club, Oelwein, Iowa, a~ainst the furthe1; post­ Sunday observance legislation; to the Committee on the District ponement, amendment, or repeal of the national-origins pro­ of Columbia. vision of the re trictive immigration act of 1924; to the Com­ 5490. By Mr. THATCHER: Petition of numerous citizens of mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. Louisville, Ky., protesting against the enactment of compul.,ory 5468. Also, petition of 29 members of Elkader Women's Club, Sunday observance legislation ; to the Committee on the District Elkadel't Iowa, against the further postponement, al:nendment, of Columbia. or repeal of the national-origins provision of the restrictive im­ 5491. By Mr. THURSTON: Petition of 15 citizens of Sharps­ migration act of 1924; to the Committee on Immigration arid burg, Iowa, and vicinity, protesting against the passage of House Naturalization. bill 78, or the compulsory Sunday obsenance bill; to the Com­ 5469. By Mr. HAWLEY: Petition of residents of Millwood, mittee on the District of Columbia. Oreg., favoring passage of legislation to increase the pensions of Civil War veterans and their dependents; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 5470. 4Jso, petition of residents of Bandon, Oreg., and Wash­ ington County, Oreg., opposing the passage of House bill 78 ; to SATURDAY, M m·ch 17., 19B8 the Committee on the-District of Columbia. · The House met at 12 o'clock noon and was called to order by 5471. By Mr. HOOPER: Petition of George W. Lindref and the Speaker. 46 other residents of Eaton Rapids, Mich., protesting against The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered the enactment of compulsocy Sunday observance legislation for the following prayer: the District of Columbia ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. · We are deeply grateful, our Father of mercies, for the wit­ 5472. By Mr. HUDSPETH: Petition of residents of El Paso, nesses and leaders of Thy holy truth, who have recovered the Tex., against the Sunday observance bill ; to the Committee on broken pmposes of men and their faltering faith and led them the District of Columbia. forth into the promised land of a blessed assurance. They have 5473. By Mrs. KAHN: Petition of numerous citizens of Cali­ lighted the higher ideals on the altars of their souls. They : .fornia, protesting against the Brookhart motion picture bill ; to flung aside as unworthy of reckoning the trials of earth and the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. brought release, convoy, and guidance homeward. We praise 5474. Also, petition of members of Federal Employees' Union, Thee for the chivalry of soul and boundless faith of Ireland's No.1, San Francisco, Calif., urging action on House bills 25, 492, patron saint. His mission and message, his character and life .and 6518; to the Committee o.Q the Civil Ser\ice. ha,:e become the inspiration of countless numbers who are 5475. By Mr. JOHNSON.. o.f Washington: Petition of Grays now walking in the pathway of the l[aster. Inspire om humble Harbor County, Wash., protesting against the Lankford Sunday lives with the arne immovable conviction, fortitude, and sacri­ observance bill; to the Committee on the Distrlct of Columbia. fice, that we, too, may hold aloft the threefold torchlight of .. , .·5476. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of American Library Asso­ faith, hope, and love. Through Jesus Christ om Lord. Amen . ciation, Chicago, Ill., urging favorable action on House bill The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and 8304 and the reduction of postal rates on books; to the Com­ approved. mittee on the Post Office and Post Roads. 5477. By 1\fr. MILLER: Petition of citizens of Bremerton, ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Wash., protesting passage of House bill 78, District of Columbia :Mr. CAMPBELL, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ Sunday closing bill; to the Committee on . the District of ported that they had examined and found truly enrolled a bill Columbia. of the following title, when the Speaker signed the same : 5478. By Mr. O'BRIEN: Petition of citizens of Harrison and H. R.10286. An act making appropriations for the military Taylor Counties, W. Va., opposing the Lankford bill (H. R. 78); and nonmilitary activities of the War Department for the fiscal to the Committee on the District of Columbia. year ending June 30, 1929, and for other pmposes. • 5479. By Mr. O'CONNELL: Petition of George Mead, record­ The SPEAKER announced his signature to enrolled bills of ing secretary of machinists, National Looge, No. 556, Interna­ the Senate of the following titles: tional Association of Machinists, Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring the S. 2007. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to pay offi­ Dallinger amendment to the naval authorization bill; to the cers and Filipinos formerly enlisted as members of the National Committee on Naval Affair . Guard of Hawaii for field and armory training during years . 5480: Also, petition of Joseph N .. Ward, secretary Electrical 1924 and 1925, and to validate payments for such training here­ Union, Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring the Dallinger amendment to tofore made ; . the naval authorization bill; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. S. 2021. An act extending and continuing to January 12, 1930, the provisions of "An a(!t authorizing the Secretary of the Inte­ I . 5481. Also, petition of the American Library Association, Chi­ cago, Ill., favoring the passage of the Luce bill (H. R 8304) and rior to determine and confirm by patent in the nature of a deed Copeland bill (S. 2040) ; also favoring the incorporation of the of quitclaim the title to lots in the city of Pensacola, Fla.," ap­ ·provisions of the two bills in the general postal rate bill (H. R proved January 12, 1925; and 0296), which is now under consideration; to the Committee on S. 2800. An act authorizing E. K. Morse, his heirs and legal the Post Office and Post Roads. representati\eS, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate 5482. Also, petition of John McMurray, secretary Metal Trades a bridge across the Delaware Riv~· at or near Burlington, N. J. Council, of Brooklyn, N. Y., favoling Dallinger amendment to the ORDER OF BUSI~~SS naval authorization bill; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, I have a resolution to presenf · -5483.- Also, petition of James C. Quinn, secretary Central from the Committee on Rules. Trades and Labor Council, New York City, favoring the Dal- Mr. VINSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I make the point l linger amendment to the ·naval authorization bill; to the Com­ of order that there is no quorum present. · mittee on Naval· Affairs. The SPEAKER The gentleman from Georgia makes the 5484. Also, petition of International Association of Machinists, point of orde1· that there is no quorum present. The ·chair Washington, D. C., favoring the Dallinger amendment to the will count. naval authorization bill; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. 1\fr. TILSON. :Mr. Speaker, in order that the order of busi­ 5485. By Mr. QUAYLE: Petition of the Merchants' .Associa­ ness of the day may be known as early as possible, I now renew tion of New York, favoring the passage of House bill 9195; to my request of . yeste1·day, that upon the completion of the bill the Committee on Ways and Means. from the Committee on Ways and Means, which is privileged, 5486. Also, petition of R H. Hooper & Co., New ·York City, and after the consideration of a little resolution from the with reference to legislation now . pending in Congress which Co!!!JDittee on Rules, the House as in Oomm.ittee .of the Whole 4924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1\fARCH 17 may proceed to the consideration of bills 'on the Private Cal­ On motion of Mr. BuTLER, a motion to reconsider the vote' endar that are unobjected to, beginning at the star. whereby the bill was passed was laid on the table. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Connecticut asks unani­ mous consent that when the special order has been completed PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE ·and bills considered from the Committee on Ways and Means, Mr. TILSOX. Mr. Speaker, there is a special order for to­ and a resolution from the Committee on Rules, it shall be in day, and I now ask unanimous consent that immediately follow­ order to take up bills on the Private Calendar that are unob­ ing the special order the gentleman from Idaho [1\fr.
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