REGISTERED No. Mo. B.23I7D.2317 ? IND 1ISTINER S T E N E R % 0 \ ^OFFICIAL S f f f C I A l oczc.)O R ^ of ;-0°f.../ ib Vol. I. No. 19 ALL -INDIA RADIO I 22 SeptemSeptember ber 1936 Contents Page Page ON THETHE AIRAIR - 939 PROGRAMMES FOR DELHI,DELHI, BOMBAY,BOMBAY, CALCUTTA, B. B. C., GERMANY, ALONG THETHE FRONTIERFRONTIER 946 C., GERMANY, FRANCE, HOLLAND ANDAND ITALYITALY - 954—983 FROM MICROPHONE TOTO RECEIVERRECEIVER 948 - 954-983 OUR LISTENERS'LISTENERS' TROUBLESTROUBLES CORNERCORNER 985 RADIOLYMPIA 949 SHORT-WAVE TIMETIME-TABLE -TABLE - Inside back back cover. cover. HOW VALVESVALVES AREARE MADEMADE 950 LONG, MEDIUMMEDIUM ANDAND SHORT-WAVE SHORT-WAVE BOOKS REVIEWED BROADCASTING STATIONSSTATIONS - Back cover.cover. FOR more thana decade discriminating public have known that a Radio set bearing the name SABA is a good i t F OR more than a decade discriminating public have known that a Radio set bearing the name SABA is a good ra. dependable Radio, Radio, not not in inone one or or two two ways ways but but in inevery every way. way. ThisThis year year it is ittruer is truer than than ever. ever. We We are areready ready to demonstratedemonstrate thethe finestfinest SABASSABAS ever ever built. built. PRECISIONP R E C IS IO N : is our 101101 years’years' tradition,tradition, commencing commencing with with the the BlackforestBlackforest Clock Clock and and ending ending in inthe the Perfect Perfect SABA WorldWorld-Super. -Super. Precision, whichwhich is the birthbirth-place -place of of that wonderfully neatly constructed constructed and and technically technically perfect, most solidly builtbuilt QUALITYQUALITY RECEIVERRECEIVER whichwhich ever since the commencement ofof Radio has has popularised popularised the the name SABA SABA throughout throughout the the World. World. TTONE O N E : Sweet, Melodious, 100"100% Natural Natural Tone,Tone, whichwhich onlyonly those those who who have have heardheard aa Saba Saba Radio Radio can realize.can realize. SOLIDITYS O L I D I T Y : which is thethe foundationfoundation of of SABA’SSABA'S tremendous tremendous Success—Solidity Success-Solidity whichwhich renders SABASABA RadiosRadios immune againstagainst extreme extreme climatic climatic changes changes and and bestows bestows longest longest healthy healthy life evenlife even in the in theTropics. Tropics. RANGER A N G E : Models startingstarting from from 12 Metres cover the entire Short,Short, MediumMedium and Long Waves Range. Guaran­Guaran- teed World-wide ReceptionReception !! Highest possiblepossible Selectivity;Selectivity ; UniversalUniversal a.c.a.c. & & d.c. d.c. combined combined models models which which work work on on either either Current Current ( I (11010 to to 240 240 Volts) withoutwithout any any adjustmentadjustment whatsoever.whatsoever. ModelsModels to to suit suit all all pockets. pockets. GIVE YOURVOUR MUSICAL EAEARS ICS THE LUXURYLUXURY OFOF AA GENUINEGENUINE ABAERADIO Agents:A g e n t s : SABA SABA RADIO RADIO CO., CO., New New Queen’s Queen's Rd., Rd., BOMBAYBOMRAY 4. SABA RADIORADIO HOUSESHOUSES ATAT JAIIDUIRJAIPUR: : LAWRIELAHORE: : MADRAS:MADRAS: SIAGIDUIRNAGPIIC :: MYSOREMTSCRE :: Jahuribazar. The MallMall (from(from 15.10-36). 15-10-36). 98a,98e, Wallajah Wallajah Rd.,Rd., MountMount Rd. Indrabhavan.Indrabhavan. Sayaji Rao Road. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONSUBSCRIPTION : Rs.R s . 4.4 . THISt h is COPYco p y ;; 3 Annas.A n n a s . .. THETUT "NUINDIAN AN LISTENED LISTENED (The Official OrganOrgan ofof TheThe All-IndiaAll -India Radio)Radio) (IncorporatingThe TheIndian Indian Radio RadioTimes) Times) YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONSUBSCRIPTION INLAND (India, Burma Burma & &Ceylon) Ceylon) - - - ils.Us. 4 FOREIGN - - .- - R ss. E (Copies areare not sentsent by V-P.P.)V.P.P.) SINGLE COPY ANNASANNAS THREE.THREE. ( REMITTANCE MUSTMUST BE SENTSENT byby MoneyMoney Order,Order, PostalPostal Order oror ChequesCheques payable in Bombay.)Bombay.) ADVERTISEMENT RATES.RATES. Rates perper Insertion. Casual i£ Year YearI 1 Year (12 insertions) (24(24 insertions)insertions) Rs. Rs. Rs. Back Cover—Full Cover-Full PageP a g e ............................ .. .. .. 275/- 225/- 20200/ 0/- - Inside FrontFront && BackBack Cover— Cover- Full PagePage .. .. .. 250/- 200/-175/ 175/- - Full PagePage .. .. .. .. .. 200/- 1751-175/- 150/15 0/- - Half Page.. .. .. .. .. .. 125/- 100/-I00/- 90/-90/ - Quarter PagePage .. .. .. .. .. 80/- 60/- 50/-50/ - Jth14th PagePage ..................................................... .. .. .. .. .. 45/- 35/- 30/- A LL L LT THE H E ABOVEABOVE RATES AREARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCEADVANCE REGISTERED OFFICEOFFICE: : IRWIN HOUSE,HOUSE, BALLARDBALLARD ESTATE,ESTATE, BOMBAYBOMBAY The IndianIndian ListenerListener September 22, 1936.1936. “" THE STANDARDSTANDARD FROM EVERYEVERY VIEWPOINTVIEWPOINT OF EXCELLENCE"EXCELLENCE” PERFORMANCEERFORMANC ModelM o t l e l 3043 0 4 POLICY Ten MetalMetal Tubes with Cathode RayRay (Magic(Magic PROFITS eye) AC/DCAC/DC Superhete­Superhete- rodyne Tuning RangeRange PU11110111(PUBLICITY 1[2.712.7 toto 5550 5 o metresmetres PRESTIGE PricePrice Its.Rs. 600600 IT PAYSPAYS TOTO the REALREAL thingthing CONCENTRATE ONON PP4.1 t f aaglia t * in RADIORADIO PARSEE GYMKHANAGYMKHANA Pilot Radio Sets range M o d e l 2 0 3 Model 203 from Four toto TwelveTwelve (Glass(Glass Selected a PILOT Five Glass tubetube A.C./A.C./ or Metal) tubes and are D.C. Superheterodyne Superheterodyne after Careful ComparisonComparison with with available for A. C.,C., D. D. C., C., Tuning RangeRange 16-516-550 5o all well-knownwell-known RadioRadio setssets A. C./D.C./D. C. C. currents currents andand Metres available inin the the market market Batteries Price Rs.Rs. 195105 You1 ()u also also butj buy a aPilot Pilot for for suresure Pricesfriecs toto MeetM eet AllAU satisfaction PursesI ’ ll rs i 's PLOTPILCT RAD10RADI© Telegrams :: 129, EsplanadeEsplanade Road, Road, Fort, Fort, PostPost Box Box 728, 728, Telephones :: “" PILOTRADIOPILOTRADIO ”IP BOMBAY 214062 1 4 0 6 & 249632 4 9 6 3 SALES AND SERVICESERVICE STATIONS THROUGHOUT INDIA AMRITSAR Aero Radio Limited.Limited. DELHI - - The RadioRadio HireHire Service.Service. PESHAWAR The Radio and Sound Works. AJMER - The PhotoPhoto-Color -Color Co.Co. PESHAWAR The Radio and Sound Works. JAMMU - The ShalamarShalamar MotorMotor Works.Works. POONA - - AMBALA - Globe Radios.Radios. Apollo Music House.House. JUBBULPORE - K. FazalFazal && Sons.Sons. RAJKOT - AHMEDABAD -- K. B. Fanibunda.Fanibunda. RAJKOT Sharda Radio Laboratories. KARACHI - Karachi Wireless Stores. BANGALORE - N. R. SarodeSarode && Co.Co. Karachi Wireless Stores. RANGOON - - MisquithMisquith Limited. Limited. LAHORE - BAREILLY (R. & K.)K.) - - PARCO.P A llt'O . RAWALPINDI - --Pindi Pindi RadioRadio Service.Service. Chicago Radio Distributors. LARKANA - Moti Electric Co.Co. SIMLA - The RadioRadio HireHire Service.Service. BENARES The SunSun EngineeringEngineering Works.Works. LUCKNOW Standard Radio Corporation. SRINAGAR KashmereKashinere RadioRadio Corporation.Corporation. BOMBAY Chicago TelephoneTelephone && RadioRadio Co.Co. MULTAN - Multan GramophoneGramophone Co.Co. SURAT - Surat Electric && RadioRadio Stores.Stores BOMBAY - Army && NavyNavy Stores.Stores. NAGPUR M. Z. KhanKhan && Sons.Sons. TRICHINOPOLY - S. T. SonsSons && Co.Co! CALCUTTA L. C. Saha,Saha, Limited. NASIRABAD Framji && Sons.Sons. TUTICORIN - South IndianIndian RadioRadio House.House COIMBATORE Radio Electric & Textile Co. COIMBATORE Radio Electric & Textile Co. NAVSARI Standard Electric Co.Co. VASCO-da-GAMA - CAWNPORE Standard RadioRadio Corporation. PATIALA The PatialaPatiala RadioRadio Co.Co. Atmaram Dattaram Manikar.Manikar. 935 September 22, 1936.1936. The Indian ListenerListener “GOLDEN"GOLDEN VOICE"VOICE” AA SUPERSUPER RADIORADIO WITH GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS.ACHIEVEMENTS. WVV/G /G GOLDEN VOICEVOICE RadioRadio Receiver of of 1616 TUBES, 44 bands,bands, continuous wave wave range, range, from from 6.5 6.5 to to560 560 meters,meters, Twin Twin Voice Voice high fidelityfidelity reception, with twotw o 12"12 "auditorium auditorium dynamic dynamic speak­speak- ers. 30 wattswatts undistortedundistorted output, output, AutomaticAutomatic bassbass compensation, compensation, chromium plated plated twotwo unitunit chassischassis and and G/R G/R RECORD RECORD CHANGER CHANGER of reversingreversing type, type, playing capacity 25 records of 10"10" both sidessides inin sequencesequence fitted inin DELUXEDELUXE Cabinet, of strongstrong constructionconstruction with ampleample baffle spacespace and and the the finest finest of ofcabinet cabinet woods, woods, includ­ includ- ing veneered front front withwith crosscross Bird’s Bird's eye eye veneered veneered wood wood in 12in 12 colours with with handsome square square cut cut diamond diamond figures figures and andchro­ chro- mium plated pillarspillars havehave been been incorporated incorporated to to achieve achieve unique unique beauty andand distinction.distinction. In Inaddition addition to tothethe beautiful beautiful veneers veneers used in in the the cabinetcabinet the the top top andand allall the the doors doors are are matched matched to to present a apleasing pleasing appearance. appearance. Plate Plate glass glassin front in frontwith awith mirror a mirror inin thethe rearrear andand twtwo o lightslights in RecordRecord ChangerChanger compartment compartment are are installed for for full full viewview of of the the operation operation of of thethe RecordRecord Changer. Changer. Dimension;Dimension: 49r49J" height,height, 48"48" EASY PAYMENTSPA YMENTS ARRANGED.ARRANGED. length and 20”20" width.width.
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