CLEAVER FREED P. 10 MOVEMENT HUEY SPEAKS FROM JAIL ~ 8 AUGUST 1968 ... VOL. 4 NO.7 THE MOVEMENT PRESS BUL,K RATE 4A9 14TH STREET U. S. POSTACE SAN FRANCisco. CA. 94103 PAID lOan Fr.lncl.co. Calif. PermIt No. 8603 Jeanette Harris 1848 Stockton St. SF 94133 hi jean.ette - c &: m miller lel 6i S ·PAGE 2 THE MOVEMENT AUGUST 1968 JELLY BEANS FORTHE POOR by Hardy Frye and clapping and hollering for Reagan to sacramento, California -- "Come back come out to them. They later learnedthey here, you pig" was the cry from parti­ had made capitol police uptight enough cipants in the Poor People's March June that the news conference had been cut 18th. Contingents of poor people from short and Reagan spirited ou t the back Fresno, sacramento and the Bay Area door. held rallies and demonstrations at the Apparently Reagan figured he could state capitol here to coincide with the do a rerun of his performance with the national rally being held in Washington by march against tuition last year. He came SCLC. stalking out of the capitol, grabbed the On the morning of June 18, about sixty microphone and began to talk. Most of people from the Fresno area held a rally the liberals were happy that he had on the west side of the capitol building, responded to their pressure, but the poor then went to visit their local representa­ people listened to what he was saying tive. Later that afternoon people from and were less responsive. When the gov­ Sacramento and the Bay Area had a march ernor decided his lecture was not being and rally. Speakers were Leon Ralph from properly appreciated and decided to re­ from Watts and Assemblyman Willie treat, the crowd shouted after him, "Wait Brown from San Francisco. Brown said a minute, you pig, we want to talk to you; that the legislature had not listened to you're a liar." As Reagan retreated, him talking about the plight of the poor, the poor people pushes:J, forward, alarming and that the only thing which would make the security guards. The crowd reached .them listen was for poor people to "go "the large capitol building doors just after in and raise hell". Brown backed down Reagan entered and would not let the on this statement later, after pressure guards close them. The governor headed had been put on him. for the elevator. The crowd followed. Finally guards managed to clear the small black children with him. He later Waiting for Reagan told the press this was tokeep the children Washington -- Testifying before the the blindfolded justice symbol. That will from getting. hurt. He took both children House Committee on Un-American Acti­ go into the committee's files, but will All day long the groups had been trying to his office and gave each a bag of jelly vities on June 27, long-time red-hunter not appear in the record, as it was to get Governor Reagan to speak to them. beans. This seems to be the governor's Ed Montgomery of the san Francisco jUdged too offensive. Reagan had told the press that he would response to poor people -- jelly beans. Examiner alleged widespread subversive Willis praised non- rioting "colored­ not speak to a bunch of "bums", a state­ .activity preceeding the September, 1966 folks" and said that "Roy Wilkins is one ment he later learned to regret. Hearing ghetto revolt in the Hunter's Point section hundred per cent American." The hear­ that Reagan was holding his weekly news On to the Committees of san Francisco. The hearings are pa·:"t ings are scheduled to continue indefiniely. conference, the poor people got wise and The poor people were not yet through of an irregularly scheduled series looking decided to attend. They were not allowed with Sacramento. They roamed throughthe for "communist influence in riots," ac­ • inside the room, so they began singing capitol shouting for Reagan to come out. cording to committee chairman Edwin aaaaaaaaa~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=a==aaaaaaaa it was later learned that he had left the Willis (D-La.). Of particular concern building at the insistence of his security to Willis, when he was able to stay guards. There was some confusion of awake, was the "dissemination of in­ plans. SOme people wanted to go back flam matory propaganda" and charges of outside and have another rally, others police brutality. wnated to stay in the building. Finally Montgomery dug back to the anti-HUAC someone spoke up: "You people have to demonstrations of May, 1960 and earlier make up your minds what you want. to document his charges that "raeial 'Reagan doesn't make the laws and ap­ agitation by reds is evident over a long propriate the money, the legislaturedoes. period of time". The Hearst reperter Reagan is just one flunky in the whole listed names of those arrested at san damn machine. What we should do is Francisco civil rights demonstrations at demand to speak before committees and Auto Row, Sheraton-Palace and Mel's our legislature. Iftheywon' t listen, disrupt Drive-In, and found involvement in "in­ the whole damn works." flammatory propaganda" from the Com­ The poor people then moved through munist Party, People's World, Progres­ the building, spreading disruption. Some­ sive Labor Party, W.E.B. DuBois Clubs, one was heard to shout several times, Anarchist Society, Poor People's Cam­ "take anything you want, it all belongs paign and other groups, many of which to you anyway." no longer exist. Several officers of the After giving a hard time to capitol International Longshoremen's and Ware­ police and sergeants at arms in meetings, housemen's Union werel1stedamongthose the ways and means committee finally "on the scene" of the civil rights demon­ listened to a representative from the strations, and several "war on poverty" Aretha Franklin, now recognized as per­ to be a controversial record, having al­ poor people. This speaker made it clear officials were criticized for allegedly haps the most producUve and exciting ready met with some heavy criticism in that the poor people's groups did not "covering up" for rioters. female singer going, never really came the musical press. The criticism, however, appreciate the run-around they had re­ No new information or charges were into her own on disc until she signed with .is mainly irrelevant and incorrect, spoken ceived. made except that Montgomery, at one Atlantic. There, much care was taken to from an angle with little bearing on the As they left the building, one demon­ point, claimed knOWledge regarding the get the best material and accompaniment actual experience of listening to the album. strator was heard to tell a guard outside bombing of the DuBois Clubs' head to complement and encourage her bound­ The album opens with "Think", also a Reagan's office, "Tell Reagan he's not quarters. He did not elaborate and the ing talent. With the exception of most single release; it is solid and driving playing with Indians in one ofhiswesterns committee did not pursue the point. A of the cover photographs, the records .but perhaps a little ambiguous in state­ or his Borax show; he's dealing with us final example of "obs.cene, inflammatory" have all been superb products as a whole. ment. I've heard several suggestions as now, and we ain't bullshitting.".' material used to incite riots was given "Aretha Arrives", her second for Atlantic, to the meaning of the words. Most frequent­ to the committee by Montgomery. It was was the only album that didn't put some ly it is assumed to be a statement to the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=aaaaaaa a draWing by Frank CieciorIta of -police kind of plastic image of Aretha on the white man. The Freedom chorus certainly officers raping the statue of liberty and cover. But the recording itself is the. bears this out, as do many of the other her ability to combine these two schools important thing. lyrics: "I ain't no psychiatrist, Ain't no is where her real talent lies. Back around "The latest, "Aretha Now". is bound doctor with degrees, But it don't take 1954, in one phase of the development too much IQ to see what you're doing of his style, Ray too mised gospel patterns to me. You better think, think about what with pop lyrics and melodies and created you're tryin' to do to me." Or "You need a series of excellent recordings which he CHICAGO BLACK STUDENTS me and I need you, Without each other still does today. (Some of the' early ex­ there ain't nothin' you can do." These amples of this are available on "The' phrases also could apply to a personal Ray Charles sto:oy", Vol. Two, Atlantic thing and thus the disagreement. The song 8064). Of course this gospel overtone is SEIZE HIGH SCHOOL was written~ Aretha and her husband.. not the limit of all of Aretha's offerings, but it plays a big part in most of them. By the Chicago MOVEME~T staff -j was surprised to see the next song On June 4, the students at all-black was held in June of student leaders, on the album. Aretha has never sung On the new LP, Aretha a,sa.in recreates Parker High School took over the school. Dr. Redmond and the school principal. dinky, thin songs, always something with one of Ray's early classics, "The Night The action was begun by a group shutting While the meeting took place at the guts, But there it was, "Say A Little Time is The Right Time".
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