In Section 2 In Sports An Associated Collegiate Press The joker UD's first Four-Star All-American Newspaper no-hitter smokes the Bob in 53 ..years page B 1 page BIO Non-profit Org. FREE U.S. Postage Paid TUESDAY Newark, DE Volume 122, Number 51 250 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716 Permit No. 26 April 23, 1996 City law could evict n~n-convicted students BY KEVIN MCDONALD allows landlords to renew the lease of non­ Councilman Anthony Felicia Jr. doubted ordinance is not directed at students and or apartment was penalized. AND BETH ASHBY convicted tenants. the constitutionality of the law. "If one there are other renters involved. A related ordinance also discussed last Staff Rtporurs "This is an unenfo rceabl e piece of band­ person gets convicted and changes for the City Council member Irene Zych has said night was tabled until the next meeting in The City Council Ia t night passed an aid legislation," said D e laware better, he is now at the mercy of the rest of the ordinance eliminates the problem of two weeks. It would require an owner of a ordinance that will evict all tenants of a Undergraduate Student Congress President the household," he said. "I have a problem students avoidi ng eviction by having a house who rents out a portion of the house to rental property if one of the residents gets Damian O' Doherty, who argued agai nst th e with that; it's double jeopardy." different tenant accept responsibili ty for have a ren ta l permit. C urre nt ly o nly two noi se violation or two members of the bill at last night's City Counci l meeting. Councilman Gerald J. Grant Jr., however, different noise violations. Four tenants could landlords who do not live in the houses they hou e each get one violati on. " It is a counter-productive proposal," said the law is a practical measure. "The have received four vio l a t ion~ before anyone rent out are required to have a permit. Although the law, which was introduced O'Doherty said, adding that recentl y image of a student being convicted, then was evicted. T h is o rdi nance also doubles the in September. requires landlords to evict all students and the city have been coming spending the rest of the semester upstairs P reviously, a te nant who received two landlord's fines for not having a rental tenants of the property, whether present at together o n a lo t of issues, and this reading the Bible- I just don' t believe it." noise violations from Newark Police was permit from $500 to $1,000 and up to 60 the time of the noise violation or not, it ordinance wi ll counteract that progress. Newark Mayor Ronald Gardner said the evicted, but no one else living in the house days in jail. Greeks showing skin on the Beach UD research programs offer job opportunities BY LEO SHANE Ill And while the four institutions offer Narional!State News Editor undrrgraduate research opportunities, Most college students hope that the vast majority of funding is sti ll after graduation their years of channeled toward graduate and faculty schoo/IVork will pay off in the form of research. Of the four. o nly the a successful and fulfilling career. University of Delaware has a program But in today's un certain job market, designed to promote undergraduate the dream often eludes them. research throughout all the colleges in Students looking for an edge afrer the university. graduation usually tum to practical Delaware· s Undergraduate Research experience to compliment their Program is open to all undergraduate academic students and provides academic credit achievements. Most for most participants. How UD stacks major universities Assistant Dean of Delaware' s up on .•. h e I p College of Engineering Dan Boulet Jr. Undergraduate und erg rad ua te s said many of the current engineering gain such major get involved in research Research experience by through the Undergraduate Research encouraging Program. Last in a four­ interns~ips and co­ Every year, the program publishes a part series op programs. booklet of faculty research projects In many science that undergraduates can get involved and technical fields, however, with. undergraduare research can be rh e The educational outlet also supplies determining factor between getting a students with advisement on dream job and getting unemployment undergraduate research, opportunities checks. for students to present and publish Still, as universities' research their findi ngs, advisement when budgets groll' larger, the nwnber of students apply for graduate sc hool, as cmdergraduare research programs well as offering scholarships and seems to shrink. honors credit. In th e final installment of our four­ However, Boulet aid undergraduate part series comparing the university to engineers get involved in research Junior Amy Kupres (left), rhree nearby comperitors, The Review more often in their courses than with president of Chi Omega sorority, examines opportunities for the Undergraduate Research Program. undergradrtate research at each Professors often accept and junior Michael Preville of school. focusing 01c rhe engineerin g undergraduate students to accomp41ny Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity won departmenrs of the University of them in research. In tum. Boulet said, the "Looking Fit" competition, Maryland, Rutgers Uni1•ersity and students can use thi s experience to the first event of Greek Week, on Virginia Polytechnic lnsriwre. fulfill technical electives needed for an Harrington Beach Sunday. For At all four universities, research is engineering degree. full story on Greek Week, see not only prestigio us, but also big Boulet also said 20 to 30 business. Combined, the universities undergraduates are currently employed page A3. received over $432 million worth of by the various cam pu s engineering research grants, awards and related centers, s uch as the Center for contracts during the fiscal year 1995. see UNDE RG RADUAT E page A6 ,Future leaders get Reporter's Notebook on-campus training Following Del.'s executions BY STACEY CA RLL'ISKY Joelle Perry, RS A facult y senator With three killings so Sraff Reporttr and Leadership 2000 mentor, said Fony potential leaders gathered in the goal of th e program is " to far this year, the First the Perkins Student Center Sunday identify prospective stude nt leaders to participate in the second part of who show c ha racteri stics th a t State seems to be on a the four-week Leadership 2000 distinguish themselves and to help record pace. A program designed to prepare them to develop individual styles of freshme n and sophomores for leadership." Review editor tells of leadership positions on campu . DUSC President Da mi an her experiences on The program, which is organized O' Dohe rty said Leaders hip 2000 by the Delaware Undergraduate wi ll provide a "revolvin g door of the execution trail. Student Congress and the Resident leadership w he re people who THE REVIEW I Matthew Smith BY KELLY BROSNAHAN Student Association, includes grad uate out o f th e leade rship Communication professor Beth Ciry Nt!ws £di1or weekend workshops and mid-week train ing will then become mentors." SMYRNA - Around 10:45 p.m. meetings with c urre nt campus T he 40 parti cipants co.mpleted Haslett spoke to potential Thursday ni ght a line of brake li ghts leaders called mentors. leaders at the second Leadership see LEADERSHIP page A 7 2000 meeting Sunday. illuminated th e dark road leading to the designated demonstration area at th e Delaware Detention Center. The cars, equipped with bumper stickers reading "The Death Penalty is Dead Fall at UD includes some cool classes Wrong ," turned off onto a grassy plot of land sectioned o ff with BY KATHERINE LACKOVIC lasts half a semester, is taught inside police tape into two equal-sized s~nior Staff Reporter Fly Fi shing (HYPER 167-011), and supplemented with video tapes. squares. THE REVIEW I Dominic Savini Ever tho ught of fl y fis hing in taught by English professor Thomas Pauly said students then practice out Anxio us pro testers o f various Anne Coleman, who wrote to James Clark Jr. when he was an inmate White Clay Creek - fo r credit? Pauly, will be offered for the second in a field, and once they have ages raced to get out of their cars, at Smyrna, protesting outside Clark's execution Friday morning. Believe it or not, this scenario could time. Pauly, who grew up fly fishing developed basic skills, they go out carrying handmade placards with be a reality thanks to the university's out West, said the course will teach to local areas such as White Clay rallying cries against capital ingenuity in creating unique class beginners the principles of casting Creek, Lums Pond, streams in punishment written on them. Smyrna facility fo r each of the last candles as visi ble reminders of their options for its uncertain masses. with a fly rod . Delaware and Maryland, and the Whispered conversations in the six executions , came to protest opposition. With fa ll course registrati on The one-credit course is offered Susquehanna to fish. brisk night air revealed the name of Clark' s death. Two men sharing a sign that read ending May 2, now is the time to by the physical education " There are surpri singly good convicted murderer James Clark Jr. , The vigil, sponsored by the "An eye for an eye, a tooth for " explore the selection. Here are a few department, Pauly said, because of resources in Delaware," Pauly said.
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