
Regmi Research (Private)· Ltd, Kathmandu: April., l 1971 • .. Regmi Research Series Year 3 ., No.· 4, Edited By: Mahesh C. Reg .mi Contents l. 'l'riarchy In Nepal., 1799-1800 A.D. '. 76 2. Shaivism �-Nepal ••• 81 3. Land Tax Assessments Rates In Chitaun ••• 85 4, Assignment of Purohiti And Chhaura hi Le vies ••• 87 5. Notes On 'l'ha Civil. · Administration· System of The Ran.as ' - ••• 88 6. Cultivation of Winter··. Crops In Hill Areas . •-. 93_ 7. The Chaudhari ••• 94 Regmi: Rssearc� (Private) Ltd, Lazimpat., Kattmandu, Nepal. Coq11�- by Regmi Research (Private) Ltd fQr priv ato study and research,_ Not me�� for public saler o display. 76. Triarchy In Nepal, 1799-1800 A,D. · (Continued. from previous.. ' � 'l-800) Documents. x · l. Order To .Amalidar of Ajirgadh From Chautara Balabhadra Shah, Chautara Bidur Shah, Chautara Jan Shah, Kaji Pratilnan Rd.l"le., Kaji Ranalrnsar Panda, Kaji Jahar Singh, Sardar Kalu Pama, Sardar Ama.r Singh Thapa and Sa.rdar Bhairav Singh. To the Amalidar of Ajirgadh.xx Soldiers be longing to your area, whether still in service ( Jag ire) or retired (Dhakre) shall come to Patan town on the eighteenth day of Baisalch along with shields, swords, clubs, muskets, spears, arrows and other weapons. Brahmans, Jogis, Sanyasis and all other subjects belonging to the four castes and thirty-six sub-castes shall do. so with spades and axes. In �ase you do not come, you shall be held guilty. Baisakh Sudi 1, 1857. 2. Supply of Rice In Nuwakot From King Girban, To tho Birta owners ,and Bitalab-owning Brahmans in Thapagaun. Bring one muri of rice for every twenty muris of land (owned by you), traveling day and night, ta Nuwakot. If you do not comply with this order, you shall be considered to have committed an offence and thus become disloyal. Equip your porters, tenants, and all persons of military castes with the five -weapons and send them.to us at Nuwakot� Do not let them go if they are called from anywhere else. Jestha Badi 1, 1857, lA/51, Regmi Research Collections, Vol� lA, P• 51. xnh�bajra Bajracharya and G�amard Nepal, Aitihasik Patra Sangraha (k Collection of Historical Letters), Kathmandu: Nepal Samskritik Parishad, 2014 (1957 ), P• :100; ...... : . XXThe village of Ajirgadh is situated one mile to the north of Gorkha tom. 77. 3. Order To Villages In Kathmandu Vallez 1••· , .·,.c Fro1n King Girban, To the Brahmans, aoldiera, Pradhans and all other people of Sankhu, Changu, Gokamat., Bhaimal and Tokha. The traitor· 1�ormer has created a conflict on the basis of ooo or two baaeleaa matter.ff. But do not .feel oonce med. Oo on with you1• u:t.'fair� au mmal. Bo fur uH yaur 0or11i11t; ho:ro in ooncttt•nud, you rnuy oc,111�, ll01•o n t. tli'ci t:lJuu ol' u.ct.ion. ! 1'01• thu prouunt) ·rumain a t hom e and do not go ovof to Patan. So far as your customs., usages and a ffairs are concerned, wo h_ave se nt Tikaram Upadhyaya, Blshnu Hari Upadhyaya a nd other Tharis. Listen to what they say and act accordingly, Jestha,Badi 3, 1857, 4. Order To Inhabitants of Kathmarrlu From King Girban, To the inhabitants. .of Kattmandu. Previously also, we had writt en to yo u with assurances'regarding your present difficulties. We have sent Bhardars f rom here for the protection of the. subjects. Re member your oath of allegiance a nd join e the Bhardars witoout' the slightest. appreh nsion, .. Jestha Bad.i 11, 1857, Regmi Research Coll e<;tions, Vol. 19, p. 5. · S. Order To Ranbir Khatri And Others From K� Girban, · •_'�; .To Rahbir Khatri, Dhukal Kbatl'i and Musya_.Baniya. Greetings. It yo u desire � prove true to the salt of this House, remember your salt and your oa.th of allegiance and join the B hardars who have come h3re along with the company (ot troops ur1der your command ). If you do IX)t come at thi� time, you may have to r�pent later. Jeatha Badi 10t., 1857, Regtni Research Collectionst., Vol. )4 ., P• 161, 713. From King irG ban, � . · ·:· . ' . To Indraman Khatri. It appears that you have gone over to my fat}?er'1-s side. You have done very wall. Reports- hav1;t now bean receivad '\,hat you have fallen :ill on the way. If you .are ·really ill, come to Uf!. with9ut. feeling any appre­ hension. If, after getting ·well, you want. to go .·a.gain,. we s�ll grant you permission to leavo. Jestha Badi 11, 1857, Rogmi Research Collections, Vol. 19, p. 4. 7. Appeal To Dittha La:xmi Nal'ayan . / From King Girban, To Dittha Laxmi Nara.,ran. You aro an honest and faithful servant. Remind tm people of their loyalty and their oath of allegiance. Come here to join the Bhardars along with the inhabitants of too �ntire t9wn. Jestha Badi 11, 1857, Regmi Rese�ch Collections, Vol. 19, p. 5. 8. Similar Appeal To Ganj Singh .Basnyat From King Girban, To Ganj Sin�h Basnyat. You are a Basnyat of this Hous,3. Ilemember ·your oath of allogianco and your tsal and join the Bhardars who have come here along with t hJ company (of troops under your command). If you do not como at this 100mont'., you may have to r�pent in future. Jestha· Badi 11, 1857, Rc:gmi Research CollE.ctions'., Vol. 19, p. 5. Contd••• '/ '). 9. Order 'I'o Raja Prithv i Pal Sen Of Palpa From King G:1.rban, To Raj a Prithvi Pal Sen (of Palpa). Ye sterday, my father had issued a copper inscript ion (cont aining t he t ext of a treaty with Palpa). I too confirm the signature on tiJL copper inscription, With.due loyalty, come he re to join the Army. Do whatever b ecomes nece ssary w ith the advice of the Bhardars . In caso you cb not c ome at this moment, we shall think that you have proved fa l.so to your duty . You have been inforrm d in adv ance . Come he re soon fait h­ fully. Jestha Badi 11, 1857, Regmi Re search Collections , Vol. 19, p. 3, 10. Order To Naya Sr inath And Other Compffi'!-� From King Girban, To the Subod.ara, Jamadar, Major, Adjutant, soldiers and othe r personnel o f the Na-ya Srinath Company, We ha d summoned you previously also. But you hav e n ow coma so fa r. For what reason ? If youwa.nt to prove true to your salt and to you:r oath of allegiance join the Bhai· dar s as soon as you re ctii � vo this.' o i· d ..H• . If you come ( to us J, we shall duly reward faithful ser·tants who l:irovo true to- the ir sal� and to their duty.A delay of two or four days would not matter at other times. At this moment, however, come soon \·rl. tbout tha slightest delay� Je stha Badi 11 , 1857, Regm:i. Research Collections, Vol. 19, P• 4. (Th is ordear was .sent also to the Devidatta, Srimehar, Bhaira v, lktuk­ dal , Sa.buj , Khas and Taradal companies on the same date }. 11 . As surance To Inhab itants of Western Hills _From· King Gi:rban, . To all·apeople of the four castes am thirty-six eub-ca�tea, incluct­ Jogi, Saeyasi, Bhat , Rajput, Khas , Magar, Our unga Lamaa irg Braman, , , a ni Nisya.1 Bhu al Dura, Bahik, N3war, Majhi , Kum l, Darai, Dlnuwar, Roha , jy Kalashash and Gor ashash, living in the area bea'bfeen the Chepe nr:d Mar - &-y angdi rivers in the we st and too• Bheri river ;in the east. Contd. � .• no. yo� SI\� · •ntratev'or cash and othor' yalua.bles lost when that terri�.... p' as· .� rrner 1'y conquorod are 1ost to you� So far a..s your Dandhu au d. Dirt.a lands, which were unjU:�tly convc rtod into r1.u ik::ir , 'nre concernod, wo shall re stor,i tho same to you as soon as we. reach r��- c bmandu and arran�e ,~, ur housohold affairs . Je stha Ba.di J, 1857 , Regmi Rasoarch ·Collections , Vol. lA, p: • .53'. 12.Order To Offic ial �1 of Palpa From King Uirban, 'l'o the Chautariyas , Ka jis, and Sardars of Palpa . r Since we had urgent work he re, wo ha d asked yo u to come hero urg0nt1', . The work which had been startod ho?:\3 has been accomplished . You fi vc Cha.utariyas, KajiD and Sardar s should now re turn from the pluce where you hav e reached and attend to your household affairs. You may think tha.t · sinc o you have alroady come half of tho way , you sho uldgo Lack after ofi'oring your Salaams ( to us ). (But) the time . fo r wo rk has corno and you may be infea t.od with m::u.n.ria on the way . You thorofo10 noed no t como hore . Go hack. Romain car-oful ab out affn.irs in thnt a1ua. Colloct infornntio n about davolopment� in L�cknow anc.l::.u nd reports to us'. Jo::rtr.a Badi 11. , 1057 , Rogrni Reseii.rch Collect ions, Vol. 19, p. 6. l J. Ordo r To Jhu ro. Porttirti In We stern Hi 11 s ·From King Girban, To all monbcrs of tno four casu s arrl thirty-six sub-castes liv ing . in tho area botween tho ·rrishuli Ganga river in the west and tho Bhcri rive r in tbo east, who nre unde r obligatio i.1 to provide unpaid.
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