jumb. 71. 287-3 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1913. Ohange of Name of Locality, " Wade" to "SilveTdale." Land set apart fo·t Selection. [L.S.} LIVERPOOL, Governor. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL. Governor. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. HEREAS settlers fo the locality known as "Wade," HEREA.S bv section seventv - seven of the New W in the County of Waitcmata, desire that the name W Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909, as of such locality be chaugecl to " Silverdale " : And whereas a.mended by section twenty-two of the New Zealand State­ the Council of the County of Waitemata has, by resolution guaranteed Advances An,endmeut Act. 1910, it is, amongst adopted at an ordinary meeting thereof, consented to the other things, enacted that m no case shall any moneys be name of " Silverdale " being substituted for the existing expended nuder the provisions of the said section seventy­ name of" Wade": seven in connection with any block of land unless that block is set apart for selection under that section pursuant to Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers Proclamation in that behalf : and authorities conferred on me by the Designation cf Dis­ Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of every power tricts Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities and authodty enabling me in tl-'s behalf, and for the enabling me in this behalf, I, Arthur William de Brito Sa vile, purposes of the aforesaid Acts, I ..\ rt mr W ,l!iam de Brito Earl cf Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Ha vile, Earl of Liverpool, the Ge, er.1or of the Dominion of Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the name of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim ,ne land described in the the locality now known as "Wade," in the County of Waite­ Schedule hereto as set apart for selection. mata., shall be and the same is hereby altered to" Silverd;il~," and do assign the last-mentioned name to such locality accordingly; and also do hereby procbim a:id declare that SCHEDULE. this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirt~cn, WELLINGTON LAND DIST!UCT. not being earlier than six months after the first publication }d"anawatu Gorge Block (4,039 Acres). thereof in the Gazette. Given under the :,and of His Excellency the Ri([bt Aren.. ] Block SituatedSurvt>y in .I ShownPl on I' !d.J..:! ;, Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, " District of t1on ~'-' Earl of Liverpool, Knight Commander of the w."' : "i1 Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Member of the Roya.I Victorian A. R- p I Orde!:", Governor and Commander-in-Chief in 424 0 01 28 I a.nd over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea­ 415 0 01 30 land and its Dependencies ; and issued under 404 0 35 1! I I the Seal of the sa.i<l Dominion, at the Govern­ 467 0 36 ment Honse, at Wellington, this twenty-third day 414 0 gi 18 TI Ma.ngahao L. 4484/1 Red. of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 346 0 01 19 ~1 I hundred and thirteen. 417 0 O' 21 H. D. BELL, 360 0 0 I 22 Minister of Intern,.,! Affairs. 373 0 0 25 I 419 0 26 , 0 I: I Gon SA VE THE KING ! -~--~ -~--------I -~- RRATA.-In Gazette No. 57, of 21st July, 1913, at page 2236, for "Kent, Johnston Joseph Stuart," read "Kent­ E Johnston, Joseph Stuart"; and at pagl' 2243, for" Sutter, R.," read "Iatto~. R ._" A -----------------------------'---,:--------------------------------- 2874 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 71 As the same is delineated upon the plan marked as Amending Part of a Proclamation proclaiming Land aa a Road above mentioned, deposited in the Head Office, Department in Block VIII, Kawhia South Survey District, Kawhia of Lauds and burvey, a.& Wellington, and thereon coloured County. as e.bo, e noted. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. Given under the band of His Excellency the Right Honourable Arthur William de Brito ~~tile, A PROCLAMATION. Earl of Liverpool, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and \-X-7 HEREAS by section five of the Land Act, 1908, it is Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian V V therein provided that every Proclamation, Order Order, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in in Council, or other instrument, whether made under any and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea­ Act in force prior to the commencement of that Act, or land and its Dependencies; and issued under made under or by virtue of that Act, and all regulations, the Seal of the s1tid Dominion, at the Govern­ by-laws, conditions, or rules made by the Governor, the ment House, at Wellington, this eleventh day of Minister, or any Land Board, may be altered, am(nded, or Snptemb3r, in the year of our Lord one thousand revoked from time to time : nine hundred and thirteen. And whereas it is necessary to amend a Proclamation H. D. BELL, issued under the said Act, proclaiming land as a road in For Minister of Lands. Kawhia South Survey District, dated the sixth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and published in GOD SA VE THE KING ! the New Zealand Gazelte of the fourteenth day of the Fame month, and hereinafter referred to as " the said Proclama­ tion": Resuming Land for a Site for a Public School, Matawai 'l'own­ ship, Hawke'B Bay Land District. Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exe~cise of the power and authority vested [L.B.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. in me by the said Act, do here by amend the said Proclama­ A PROCLAMATION. tion as follows-namely, by the subititution of XII in lieu of VIII in th<c> h<Jading and in the third column of the Schedule HEREAS by section one hundred and forty-four of to the said Proclamation. W the Ls.nd Act, 1908 (heminaftar termed "the said Act"), it is, inter alia, enacted that the Governor in Council Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right may by Proclamation resume possession of any land leased Honourable Arthur William de Brito Sa.vile, under Part III of the said Act, or under any "orrosponding Earl of Liverpool, Knight Commander of the Part of the Land Act, 1892, which in his opinion is required Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and for any public purpose : Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian And whereas the land described in the Schedule hereto Order, Governor and Commander-in.Chief in forms part of land which is hold under lease in parpetuity and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea­ from His Majesty the King under Part III of the La.nd Act, land and its Dependencies ; and issued under l892, dated the twanty-fifth day of August, one thousand nine the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Govern­ hundred and eleven : ment House, at Wellington, this eighteenth day .. of And whereas, in the opinion of the Governor, the land Saptembar, in the year of our Lord one thousand mentioned in the Schedule hereto is required for a public nine hundred a.nd thirteen. purp;iso-that is to sa.y, for a site for a public school: W. FRASER, Now, therefore, in pursuance a.nd exercise of the powers Minister of Public Works. a.n<l authorities conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1908, and of all othor powers and authorities in anywise enabling GoD SAVE 1·n11 KING! mo in this behalf, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zeala.nd, acting by a.nd with the advice a.nd consent of the Executive Council of the sa.id Dominion, do hereby proclaim and declare t1lll.t I hereby resume possession of the la.nd mentioned in Declaring Land taken for a Public Work, and not required tho Schedule herato for tho public purpose hereinbeforo for such Public Work, to be Crnwn Land. mentioned, the same being pa.rt of the land held under J.,ase in perpetuity a.s aforesaid. [L,S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. A PROCLAMATION . .SCHEDULE. HEREAS it is provided by section thirty of the ALL that area. in the Ha.wke's Bay L,i,nd District, containing W P11blic Works Act, 1908, the.t if it is found that any by admeasurement 2 acres, more or less, being Section 16, hind held, taken, pnrchased, or arquired at any time under Block III, Matawai Township, Block X, Motu Survey Dis­ this or any other Act or Provincial Ordinance, or otherwise trict. Bounded towards the north-west by Kura Street for howsoever, for any public work, is not required for such a. distance of 359·9 links; towards the north-cast by Sec­ public work. the Governor may, by a.n Order in Council tions 15 and 25 of Block III, Mata.wai Township, for a dis­ publicly notified e.nd gazetted, ca.use the same to be sold tance of 507·9 links; towards the south-east by Sections 25 under the conditions therein mentioned: and 17 of said Block III, for a distance of 390·8 links; and And whereas it is further provided by section five of the towards the south-west by Kerei Street for a distance of Public Works Amendmem Act, 1909, that in the case of 79·87 and 469·05 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or a.ny land so taken, purchased, or acquired for a Government less: as the same is delineated on the plan marked L.
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