目錄 Contents 專題展覽 Special Exhibitions 香港賽馬會呈獻: 2-7 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Presents: 珍古德的叢林啟迪 Becoming Jane — Inspiring a Shared Planet 冬季冰運會 8-11 Winter Games 香港博物館節2019 Muse Fest HK 2019 12 論壇及講座 Forum and Lectures 物理頌2019-物理專題講座系列 13 Celebrating Physics 2019: A Series of Public Lectures 研究資助局公眾講座系列 14 Research Grants Council Public Lecture Series 北極科研不怕冷 15 Arctic Research: A Place Too Cold? 2019邵逸夫獎得獎者科學論壇 16-17 Meet the Shaw Laureates 2019 Science Forum 「科學為民」服務巡禮 Science in the Public Service 18-22 科學示範講座系列 Science Demonstration Lecture Series 23 第五十二屆聯校科學展覽 The 52nd Joint School Science Exhibition 24 活動花絮 Activity Sidelights 2019香港科學節 25-29 HK SciFest2019 2019科普快遞科學演示比賽 30-32 SciPOP Science Demonstration Contest 2019 博物館通行證 33-35 Museum Pass 購票指南 36 Ticketing Information 節目及票價如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes and prices are subject to change without prior notice. 1 專題展覽 Special Exhibitions 香港賽馬會呈獻:珍古德的叢林啟迪 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Presents: Becoming Jane — Inspiring a Shared Planet 珍古德博士是著名的人道主義及環境保護主義者,她在研究初期花了多年時間觀察黑猩猩在原生 棲息地的行為,了解牠們的生活特性。在過去數十年間,珍古德博士對人類活動所造成的環境破 壞愈加關注,因而致力推廣環境保護及教育活動,包括成立慈善機構,以培育公眾環保意識。珍 古德博士身體力行,平均每年約有300日在全球進行演講,鼓勵世界各地的人士盡其所能,共同 創造一個更美好的世界。這展覽將首次全面展示珍古德博士的早期科學發現,並用互動展覽的形 式訴說她對環境保護和青年賦權等方面的貢獻。透過分享珍古德博士的故事,我們希望啟迪香港 青少年,以行動保護野生動植物和環境,並在日常生活上選擇可持續的生活模式。 Dr. Jane Goodall is a noted humanitarian, environmentalist, and has spent many years observing the behaviour of chimpanzees in their native habitat. In the past few decades, Jane has been increasingly concerned about the damage to the environment and since then she has devoted her time to campaigning and acting as an advocate for environmental charities and concerns. She has an exhaustive travelling schedule and speaks on average 300 days a year, encouraging people to do what they can to create a better world. This exhibition is the first ever holistic presentation of the early scientific discoveries of Dr. Jane Goodall, and it showcases her dedicated contribution in environmental conservation and youth empowerment through various interactives. With Dr. Goodall’s story, we wish to empower Hong Kong youth to take constructive actions in protecting the wildlife and our environment and also live a sustainable lifestyle. 展期 Exhibition Period: 地點:香港科學館地下展覽廳 Venue : G/F Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 至 Till 2.10.2019 票價:常設展覽廳參觀人士不另收費 Admission Fee : No extra fee is required for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibition 康樂及文化事務署和珍古德協會(香港)聯合主辦 香港科學館和珍古德協會(香港)聯合籌劃 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 獨家贊助 Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Jane Goodall Institute (Hong Kong) Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Jane Goodall Institute (Hong Kong) 2 Solely sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust © Michael Neugebauer 珍古德安靜地與她摯愛的黑猩猩 並排而坐 Jane Goodall sitting quietly with her beloved chimpanzee 透過投影技術,珍古德博士就像置身現場, 與大家分享她在非洲叢林的所見所聞。 Dr. Jane Goodall shares her stories from the African forests through a projection of her. 在這個紙森林裏,有着許 多不同的動物,除了黑猩 猩外,你還找到其他動物 嗎? There are lots of animals in this paper forest. In addition to chimpanzees, can you find some other animals? 三米高的歌登歡迎大家,期待着與你會面! 3-metre-tall Golden is welcoming visitors and looking forward to meeting you! 3 專題展覽教育活動 Special Exhibition Education Programmes 賽馬會珍古德野生動物教育計劃系列 Jockey Club Jane Goodall Wildlife Education Programmes 親親地球親子工作坊 Be the Earth Pa Ma 環保教育從家庭生活開始!「親親地球親子工作坊」讓家長認識如何利用日常生活作為引旨,從家庭 教育開始,建立子女的環保與健康生活價值觀。 Environmental education begins with family life! "Be the Earth Pa Ma" aims at inspiring parents how to use daily life as an introduction to build children's environmental awareness and healthy living values. 地點 Venue : 香港科學館地下展覽廳 G/F Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 對象 Suitable for : 家庭 Families 參加辦法 Enrolment : 常設展覽參觀人士即場免費參加 Free walk-in acitivity for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibition •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 小小野生救援隊 Be the Wildlife Ranger 要成為野生救援隊的首要條件是要了解不同動物的生理結構。在「小小野生救援隊」工作坊,導師會 利用繪畫方法,講解野生動物的特徵,並分享有趣的動物故事。 The first rule to become a wild rescue team is to understand the physiological structures of different animal. In "Be the Wildlife Ranger" workshop, instructor will use drawings to explain the characteristics of some animals and share interesting animal stories. 地點 Venue : 香港科學館地下展覽廳 G/F Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 對象 Suitable for : Age 8 - 12 歲 參加辦法 Enrolment : 常設展覽參觀人士即場免費參加 Free walk-in acitivity for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibition 4 環境保護新點子 Conservation on the Go 介紹保護環境及野生動物的最新技術。 Introduce the application of the latest technology in environmental and wildlife protection. 地點 Venue : 香港科學館地下展覽廳 G/F Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 對象 Suitable for : 8歲或以上 Aged 8 or above 參加辦法 Enrolment : 常設展覽參觀人士即場免費參加 Free walk-in acitivity for museum visitors of Permanent Exhibition 有關活動時間表,請瀏覽: For programme schedule, please visit : http://hk.science.museum/ms/jane_goodall2019 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 外展教育計劃:成為小珍古德博士(本活動為外展到校活動) Outreach Education Programme: Be the Little Jane Goodall! (Outreach campus based programme) 珍古德博士的故事啟發了世界各地的青少年投入環境和動物保護的工作。本外展計劃將會以遊戲、 故事分享、實景體驗等方式,將本展覽內容帶入校園,並籍互動和有趣的手法,鼓勵學生以珍古德 博士為榜樣,為環境、動物和人類作出貢獻。 Dr. Jane Goodall’s story inspired young people around the world to work on environmental and animal protection. This outreach programme will bring the content of the exhibition to the campus in the form of games, story sharing, real-life experience, etc, and to use interactive and fun ways to encourage students to follow the example of Dr. Jane Goodall to contribute for the betterment of the environment, animals and humans. 地點 Venue : 到校活動 On-campus activity 長度 Length : 90 分鐘 minutes 對象 Suitable for : 小三至中三學生 P3 – S3 students 名額 Capacity : 25 人或以上 or more 預約及查詢 Reservation and enquiry : [email protected] 5 專題展覽教育活動 Special Exhibition Education Programmes 科學影院 Science Theatre 為了讓大家能認識珍古德博士的研究和黑猩猩的生活,在今年七月至十月,本影院特別放映下 列電影,部分場次設有保育工作者映後談,關注環境保育的人士和電影愛好者萬勿錯過! To let you understand the research of Dr. Jane Goodall and the life of chimpanzee, we will screen the following films in July to October this year. Post-screening talks hosted by conservationists will be held after designated screenings. If you are conscious about environmental conservation and are film buffs, don’t miss out! 七月至十月映期 Screening schedule in July to Oct: 電影名稱 Film Title 日期 Date 時間 Time # 3.7.2019 星期三 Wednesday 珍 # 17.8.2019 星期六 Saturday 2:00pm - 4:00pm Jane # 8.9.2019 星期日 Sunday # 2.10.2019 星期三 Wednesday 28.7.2019 星期日 Sunday 猿人王國:兄弟之爭 7.8.2019 星期三 Wednesday Kingdom of the Apes: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Brother against Brother 28.8.2019 星期三 Wednesday 22.9.2019 星期日 Sunday 28.7.2019 星期日 Sunday 珍古德中國行 7.8.2019 星期三 Wednesday 3:15pm - 4:15pm Jane Goodall: China Diary 28.8.2019 星期三 Wednesday 22.9.2019 星期日 Sunday 地點 Venue : 香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 免費活動,電影為英語旁白,配以中文字幕。Free admission. Films are narrated in English with Chinese subtitles. 即場入座,座位先到先得 Walk-in on a first come, first served basis # 設映後談,由珍古德協會(香港)代表主講,語言待定 With post-screening talk by representative of Jane Goodall Institute (HK), language : to be confirmed 2732 3223 6 (星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm,公眾假期除外 except public holidays) 電影簡介 Film Introduction 《珍》 Jane (2017) 這部備受讚譽的電影,是著名英國靈長類動物學家珍古德博士的新專訪,由導演佈雷特•摩根 (曾拍攝紀錄片:科特•柯本:煩惱的蒙太奇)在非洲拍攝,內容講述了她的傳奇故事,與及從 未曝光的私人片段。 Using a trove of never-before-seen personal footage and a new interview shot by director Brett Morgen (Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck) at her home in Africa, this acclaimed and intimate film tells the extraordinary story of renowned British primatologist Jane Goodall. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 《猿人王國:兄弟之爭》 Kingdom of Apes: Brother against Brother (2013) 在一個神祕的國度,衝突導致家庭分化,兄弟間為奪取皇位進行政治鬥爭。正值壯年的首領佛 洛伊德,雖然非常聰明及掌握一切,但團隊中早已存在分歧。牠的弟弟佛羅多,群體中最強壯 的黑猩猩,就是牠的競爭對手。我們將會看到佛洛伊德及佛羅多為奪取黑猩猩王國的統治權而 作出的戰鬥。 In a secret kingdom, conflict divides a family. Brother fights brother with politics and scheming for the throne. Freud, the leader, is in his prime - extremely smart and in control. But already, there is dissent within the ranks. His brother Frodo, the biggest chimp in the group, has become his rival. We watch as Frodo and Freud battle it out for the ultimate prize: control of their chimp kingdom. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 《珍古德中國行》 Jane Goodall: China Diary (2003) 珍古德博士因其對野生黑猩猩行為的開創性研究而聞名,她認為要教育人們理解和保育自然環 境,才可拯救黑猩猩和其他瀕危物種。這個新任務令她多次走訪世界各地及先後五次到訪中 國。《珍古德中國行》紀錄了她的中國之旅,並介紹這個具有悠久歷史及充滿活力的國家中美 好的人、地及動物。 Dr. Jane Goodall is well known for her pioneering research on Chimpanzee behaviour in the wild. Jane long ago realised that to save the Chimpanzees and other endangered species she would have to educate people all over the world about the need to understand, protect and conserve nature. This new mission has taken Dr. Goodall many times around the world, and four times (five times in November 2002) to China. JANE GOODALL: CHINA DIARY documents her trips to China and introduces some of the fascinating people, places and animals of this ancient and dynamic country. 7 專題展覽 Special Exhibitions 冬季冰運會 Winter Games 有沒有想過在炎炎夏日,可以參與到高山滑雪、雪車、雪球大戰等雪地活動呢?今個暑假,科學 館特別把冬季運動帶到香港,讓大家一嘗做冬季運動員,考驗你們的運動技巧! 「冬季冰運會」展覽設有二十組互動展品,包括跳台滑雪、冰球、迴轉滑雪和冰壺等,讓你一次過 嘗試多種新奇刺激的冬季運動。展覽詳述每項運動的歷史、比賽形式和規則,以及這些運動背後 的科學原理,助你掌握竅門,找出致勝關鍵。你可以試試模仿花樣滑冰選手,挑戰高難度的旋轉 動作;你亦可以參與緊張刺激的冬季兩項,測試你的滑雪速度和射擊眼界;你更可以坐上雪車, 體驗如何與隊友合作,以極速衝向終點;你又可以擲出冰壺,讓冰壺依照所想的路線滑行;你還 可以學習不同的冰球抽擊方法,以最有效率的方式取得入球。 千萬不要錯過這個包羅萬有的冬季運動嘉年華,快來體驗雪地活動的樂趣,說不定你會成為下一 個冬奧金牌得主! *參觀時請穿着適合運動的衣服和鞋履,並量力而為。 Have you ever thought of enjoying winter sports such
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