Agenda Greenville City Council February 8, 2021 6:00 PM This meeting will be virtual and conducted via Zoom. See the City's website (www.greenvillenc.gov) for details. Assistive listening devices are available upon request for meetings held in the Council Chambers. If an interpreter is needed for deaf or hearing impaired citizens, please call 252-329-4422 (voice) or 252-329- 4060 (TDD) no later than two business days prior to the meeting. I. Call Meeting To Order II. Invocation - Council Member Litchfield III. Pledge of Allegiance IV. Roll Call V. Approval of Agenda VI. Public Comment Period The Public Comment Period is a period reserved for comments by the public. Items that were or are scheduled to be the subject of public hearings conducted at the same meeting or another meeting during the same week shall not be discussed. A total of 30 minutes is allocated with each individual being allowed no more than 3 minutes. Individuals who registered with the City Clerk to speak will speak in the order registered until the allocated 30 minutes expires. If time remains after all persons who registered have spoken, individuals who did not register will have an opportunity to speak until the allocated 30 minutes expires. VII. Consent Agenda 1 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Municipal Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the BUILD Project 3. Resolution declaring certain Police equipment as surplus and authorizing its disposition to Pitt Community College Law Enforcement Training 4. Contract award to Kimley-Horn and Associates for the design of bridges, boardwalks, and an observation tower at Wildwood Park 5. Various tax refunds greater than $100 VIII. New Business 6. Annual Board & Commission Presentations 7. Resolution authorizing condemnation to acquire certain property for the development of Wildwood Park 8. Budget Ordinance Amendment #6 to the 2020-2021 City of Greenville Budget (Ordinance #20-025) and the Capital Projects Funds (Ordinance #17-024) IX. Review of February 11, 2021 City Council Agenda X. City Manager's Report XI. Comments from Mayor and City Council XII. Adjournment 2 City of G reenville, Meeting Date : 02/08/2021 North Carolina Title of Item: Approval of Minutes Explanation: Proposed minutes are submitted for review and approval: March 12, 2020 March 23, 2020 May 11, 2020 December 14, 2020 January 11, 2021 January 14, 2021 Fiscal Note: No direct fiscal impact. Recommendation: Review and approve the proposed minutes. ATTACHMENTS Proposed March 12 2020 Minutes.pdf Proposed March 23 2020 Minutes.pdf Proposed May 11 2020 Minutes.pdf Proposed December 14 2020 Minutes.pdf Proposed January 11 2021 Minutes.pdf Proposed January 14 2021 Minutes.pdf Item #1. 3 PROPOSED MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 A meeting of the Greenville City Council was held on Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, located on the third floor of City Hall, with Mayor P.J. Connelly presiding. Mayor Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those Present: Mayor P.J. Connelly, Council Member Monica Daniels, Council Member Will Bell, Council Member Rick Smiley, Council Member William Litchfield, Jr., and Council Member Brian Meyerhoeffer, Jr. Those Absent: Mayor Pro-Tem Rose Glover Also Present: City Manager Ann E. Wall, City Attorney Emanuel McGirt, City Clerk Valerie Shiuwegar, Assistant City Manager Michael Cowin APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Council Member Smiley made a motion to continue Item #11. Ordinance requested by Bobby W. Joyner to rezone 7.426 acres located on the south side of East Fire Tower Road east of Kittrell Road from RA20 (Residential Agricultural) to OR (Office-Residential [High Density Multi- Family]) to a City Council meeting in September. The motion was seconded by Council Member Daniels and it was unanimously carried. City Manager Wall stated that Dr. John Silvernail, Pitt County Director of Public Health, would be present and available to provide information on COVID-19 to the City Council. Council Member Smiley made a motion to add a presentation by Dr. Silvernail to the agenda. Council Member Bell seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Council Member Smiley made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Council Member Bell seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD 4 Proposed Minutes: March 23, 2020 Page 2 of 8 Greenville City Council Meeting Mayor Connelly opened the public comment period at 6:10 pm, explaining the public comment procedures. Mr. Steven Hardy Braz invited the Mayor and City Council to participate in the Cycle Ride of Silence in May. There being no additional speakers, Mayor Connelly closed the Public Comment Period at 6:14 p.m. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS Ms. Cheryl Tafoya was recognized by the Mayor and City Manager for her retirement after 30 years of service. They were joined by Public Works Director Kevin Mulligan and Sanitation Superintendent Delbert Bryant. Mr. Bryant Beddard was recognized by the Mayor and City Manager for his graduation from the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program. They were joined by Fire/Rescue Chief Eric Griffin. APPOINTMENTS Public Transportation & Parking Commission Council Member Daniels made a motion to appoint Mr. Bob Edwards to fill an unexpired term that will expire January 2022 in replacement of Bianca Shoneman. Council Member Bell seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. All additional appointments were continued to the next meeting. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Wall presented the following items for the City Council’s consent: 4. Resolution accepting dedication of rights-of-way and easements for Langston West Phase 11 Section 1; Bent Creek Subdivision Phase 2 Lots 70-78; and Bent Creek Subdivision Phase 4 Lots 58, 60, 65 and 66 5 Proposed Minutes: March 23, 2020 Page 3 of 8 Greenville City Council Meeting 5. Approval of application for a North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) grant in support of the development of an “Adventure Park” 7. Town Creek Culvert Change Order – 8th Street Outfall 8. Grant of utilities easement for historic Jones-Lee House 9. Grant of Amendment to Easement to Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. for a Flare Site on Greenville Utilities Commission’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Property 9. Grant of Easement to Restoration Systems, LLC for the Greenville Utilities Commission Nutrient Bank Council Member Bell made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Council Member Daniels seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 10. PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE TO ANNEX THE GREENVILLE UTILTIES COMMISSION WESTSIDE REGIONAL STATION INVOLVING 0.9796 ACRES LOCATED 1,800 +/- FEET NORTH OF WEST 5TH STREET WEST OF PALADIN PLACE DUPLEXES – APPROVED (ORDINANCE 20-015) Chief Planner Chantae Gooby stated that the City received a voluntary annexation petition to annex the Greenville Utilities Commission Westside Regional Pump Station involving 0.9796 acres located approximately 1,800 feet north of West 5th Street and 75 feet west of Paladin Place Duplexes. The area is located in voting district 1, Greenville Fire District Station 1, and zoned MRS (Medical-Residential-Single Family). The area is tax exempt. Mayor Connelly opened the public hearing at 6:20 p.m. and invited speakers in favor to come forward. Seeing none, he called for those in opposition to come forward. Seeing none, Mayor Connelly closed the public hearing at 6:22 p.m. and opened the item up for board discussion. Council Member Bell made a motion to approve the request. Council Member Meyerhoeffer seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. 11. ORDINANCE REQUESTED BY BOBBY W. JOYNER TO REZONE 7.426 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EAST FIRE TOWER ROAD EAST OF 6 Proposed Minutes: March 23, 2020 Page 4 of 8 Greenville City Council Meeting KITTRELL ROAD FROM RA20 (RESIDENTIAL –AGRICULTURAL) TO OR (OFFICE- RESIDENTIAL [HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY])– CONTINUTED TO APRIL 9, 2020 12. PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO AMEND THE CITY CODE BY ALTERING REGULATIONS RELATED TO FLAG SIZE AND PERMITTED LOCATIONS– APPROVED (ORDINANCE 20-016) Planner Bradleigh Sceviour stated that the proposed flag regulations would allow banner flags and wall flags that would be similar to local signs. The proposed maximum size for commercial use would go up to 216 sq. ft. from the current 100 sq. ft. The amendment would also include the creation of a Highway Sign Overlay District that would allow flags up to a maximum of 1000 sq. ft. in areas near the interstate and future interstate highways. He stated that under the proposed changes, flag poles that are over 70 ft. would be required to go back an additional foot in setback for each foot by which the pole exceeds 70 ft. He noted that the proposed changes do not address the contents of the flags. Mayor Connelly opened the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. and invited speakers in favor to come forward. Seeing none, he called for those in opposition to come forward. Seeing none, Mayor Connelly closed the public hearing at 6:33 p.m. and opened the item up for board discussion. Council Member Bell made a motion to approve the request. Council Member Daniels seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 13. ORDINANCE TO DESIGNATE THE FRANK WILSON STORE, LOCATED AT 401 EVANS STREET EAST FOURTH STREET AND FURTHER IDENTIFIED AS PITT COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUMBERS 38900 AND 85107, AS A LOCAL LANDMARK – APPROVED Chief Planner Gooby provided a brief history of the building, stating that it was built in 1899 as the King Clothier Store. She stated that the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) had voted 5- 1 in favor of the designation, with a tax deferral on 50% of the property, but any changes and modifications would need to be approved by the HPC and the property owners would have to keep the building as it is now to maintain designation.
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