W HYS AND WHEREFORES by Bishop Johnson Circulation Office: 6140 Cottavre Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 931 Tribune Building, New York City Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SAINT Accredited 2 % (general ulifeolngtral TRINITY COLLEGE Non-Military ALBAN’S Church School S em in a ry Hartford, Conn. 55 miles from Chicago. Prepares for college. “ Job system” develops initiative. Offers a general cultural education, with Sports. Scout troop. Lower school. Three-year undergraduate course special emphasis on the Classics, Modern Moderate rates. Catalog. of prescribed and elective study. Languages, English, Economies, History, Phil­ Dr. Charles L. Street, cvs* A M lte c osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, Headmaster, Box 83. Fourth-year course for gradu­ Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineer­ I LLI NO IS ates, offering larger opportunity ing. For information apply, The Dean. for specialization. Provision for more advanced HOLDERNESS In the beautiful White Mountains. College work, leading to degrees of S.T.M Preparatory and General courses for boys. CHATHAM HALL and S.T.D. Fully accredited. All sports, including rid­ A Church School in ing. Two hundred acres of woods. Individual Southern Virginia ADDRESS instruction and home atmosphere. New fire­ for Girls proof building, accommodating 40 resident students. Rev. Edmund J. Lee, D.D. THE DEAN Rector Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector, Chatham Virginia 4 Chelsea Square New York City Box W. Plymouth, N. H. For Catalogue Address the Dean AINT JAMES SCHOOL St. John Baptist School Washington County, Maryland For Girls s Diocesan School for Boys Episcopal Theological School In the country near Morris­ The Mother of Church Schools town. Under the care of the on the English Plan CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS Sisters of St. John Baptist. College Preparatory and Gen­ Dr. Adrian H. Onderdonk Affiliation with Harvard University offer« eral Courses. Music and Art. Headmaster unusual opportunities in allied fields, ouch a* Modern Fireproof Building. philosophy, psychology, history, Ample Grounds. Outdoor Life. sociology, etc. Moderate Rates. For Catalogue Address the Dean For Catalogue address Sister Superior, Mendham, N. J, St. Catherine’s School An Episcopal Country School in attractive suburb of historical Richmond. Graduates DIVINITY SCHOOL IN yearly enter colleges requiring board St. Katharine’s School examinations and those accepting certi­ PHILADELPHIA ficates. Art, Music. Riding and other outdoor activities, the year round. Write Undergraduate and Graduate Courses Under the care of the Sisters of St. Privileges at University of Pennsylvania Mary. A thorough preparatory school for for circular. Address: a limited number of girls. Recommended Louisa De Berniere Bacot, Headmistress Address: by leading colleges. Beautiful grounds. Westhampton, Richmond, Virginia DEAN BARTLETT, 42nd and Locust Street« Outdoor sports, riding and swimming. Ask for our catalogue. The Protestant Episcopal SISTER SUPERIOR 927 Tremont Ave., Davenport, la. Theological Seminary in Virgin«* FORLON For catalogue and other information “ ACADEMY * address the Dean NURSING An Honor Christian School with the highest REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. academic rating. Junior School from six years. CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Housemother. Separate building. Upper School Theological Seminary Alexandria, V» in New York. Sisters of St. Mary (Episco­ preñares for university or business. ROTC. pal) 405 W. 34th Street. Accredited School Every modem equipment. Catalogue, Dr. J. J. of Nursing, three years. MaJor subJect chil­ Wicker. Box 104, Fork Union, Virginia. Berkeley Divinity dren. Adult, maternity and public health nursing in affiliated hospitals. Single rooms. School Full maintenance. Write for booklet. ST. MARGARET’S SCHOOL TAPPAHANNOCK, VIRGINIA New Haven, Connecticut A Church School for girls. Boarding De­ Affiliated with Yale University KEMPER HALL partment limited .to 70. College preparatory Course and Intermediate Grades. Athletics. Address DEAN W. P. LADD KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 86 Sachem Street Very moderate cost. Under the care of the Sisters of Saint Country life and simplicity without isola­ flary. An Episcopal school for girls on tion. Beautiful grounds on Rappahannock 1832 HANNAH MORE ACADEMY 1933 vJorth Shore of Lake Michigan, one hour River. Three dormitories for different ages. 'rom Chicago. College Preparatory and gen- The Maryland Diocesan School for Girls, in ■ral courses. Elementary Grades, Progressive Edith Latané, Headmistress the country, fifteen miles from Baltimore. Methods Used. Music, Art, Domestic Science Accredited. College Preparatory and General hitdoor and Indoor Sports. Address, The Sis- Courses. Music, Art. Modern equipment and er Superior. methods. Reasonable rates. Athletics. Riding. Address: Principal, SOMERSET HILLS LAURA FOWLER, A.B., Far Hills New |ersey Box L, Reisterstown, Md. Virginia Episcopal School Lynchburg, Virginia Boys from 7 to 17 years. 95% increase in enrollment in past C T A N N F ’ <i College Preparatory. Prepares boys for college and university, two years. All sports, including Graduates in leading Jplendid environment and excellent corps of Horsemanship and Ftencing. (EPISCOPAL) Eastern colleges. Ad­ teachers. High standard in scholarship and mits on certificate to Sweet Briar, Goucher sthletics. Healthy and beautiful location in REV. J. H. S. FAIR, and other Southern colleges. Lower School -.he mountains of Virginia. Director for girls 10-12 years. Riding and other sports For catalogue apply to the year round. Fees $600.00. Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector Margaret Porter (M.A., Columbia), Principal Charlottesville, Virginia. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL #titart Uall ST. FAITH’S SCHOOL MOUNT ST. GABRIEL An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old tra­ Peekskill-on-Hudson ditions and high standards in the beau­ Saratoga Springs, N. Y. tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ Under the patronage of the Episcopal Church. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS tory and general courses. Two years be­ Chartered under the Board of Regents. Under the care of the Sisters of St. Mary. yond high school. Music, art, expression. Graduates in Leading Colleges on Certificate. College preparatory and general courses. New Graduates successful in college. Well- Art, Music, French, Domestic Science, Busi­ «rsodern fireproof buildings. Extensive recrea­ equipped buildings. New gymnasium, pool. ness Course. tion grounds. Separate attention given to Outdoor life. Riding. Founded 1848. 43rd year of successful operation. Tuition: voung children. For catalogue address THE Catalog. $550. Apply to Rev. Dr. F. Allen Sisco. SISTER SUPERIOR. Mr*. H. N. Hills. A.B.. Box A, Stanton, Va. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Frank E. W ilson Managing Editor THE WITNESS Bernard Iddings Bell William B. Spofford John Rathbone Olive» C. Russell Moodey Literary Editor A National Paper of the Episcopal Church Gardiner M. Day Irwin St. J. Tucker Vol. XVIII No. 4 SEPTEMBER 28, 1933 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year ; in bundles of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class ¡Matter April 3, 1919, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3, 1879. h e c o m m i s s i o n o f s o c i a l j u s t i c e of insurance, complete abolition of all form of child la­ T the Central Conference of American Rabbis, of bor, long advocated by the churches, will all soon have which Rabbi Edward Isreal of Baltimore is the chair­ official acceptance if we are to achieve the ethical atti­ man, has issued a significant statement on the subject tude toward economic life which is the chief aim of of social justice. For many years, they point out, the new order. “ It means,” concludes this powerful preachers of all faiths have been getting themselves statement, “ that humanity will be partners instead of into difficulties for daring to challenge the justice of enemies in the great task of living. It means, above our social order. Now almost overnight it has be­ all, that the material security resulting from our labors come a patriotic duty to uphold the very ideals the will not become an end in itself but the means to a preachers have been talking about, with many, who a , greater end in which man, stronger in - body and few months ago reviled ministers for advocating these ■ mightier in spirit, will rise to ever greater heights.” measures, going so far as to threaten boycotts against IN C E M A N Y O RD ERS for subscriptions and merchants and manufacturers who do not accept the bundles are still being received from those who program. “ Reiterated appeals to economic godliness S wish to have the articles on Christian Fundamentals, have fallen on deaf ears. A fiat of government seems announced to commence in this issue, we have post­ necessary to make the prophetic voice of religion re­ poned the launching of this series, and the one by spectable in the eyes of most of the laity. That is why Bishop Johnson on The Devotional Aspects of the we harbor the fear that the present acceptance of the Prayer Book, until next week. social and humane ideals of the N.R.A. on the part of many industrialists may be prompted by momentary IT N E S S R E A D E R S have read, of the fine patriotic necessities rather than an abiding righteous Wthings the Tokyo Japanese Advertiser said about will to bring about a more just and equitable social the recent dedication of the grand new St. Luke’s Hos­ order.” pital. Inasmuch as that paper is printed in English The statement also' expresses the fear that with and has a very small circulation we were interested to many there is a complete misunderstanding of the basic see what the Japanese press itself was saying about motives of the administration.' After stating, that our St.
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