US 2001 OO13826A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2001/0013826A1 AHMED et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 16, 2001 (54) VERSATILE SMART NETWORKABLE (21) Appl. No.: 09/404,882 SENSOR (22) Filed: Sep. 24, 1999 (75) Inventors: SALEH U. AHMED, WINNETKA, CA (US); WUSONG, MOORPARK, Publication Classification CA (US); KATHLEEN M. CLARE, VENTURA, CA (US) (51) Int. Cl." ....................................................... B60Q 1700 (52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 340/439; 340/441; 701/29 Correspondence Address: OPPENHEIMER WOLFF & ONNELLY LLP ATTN CHARLES BERMAN, ESQ. (57) ABSTRACT 2029 CENTURY PARK EAST 38TH FLOOR A networkable Smart Sensor Senses an analog signal and LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 (US) converts this to a digital Signal output. A processed signal is then communicated to a network. The Sensor can be a (73) Assignee: KAVLICO CORPORATION, MOOR Stand-alone electronic Signal processor Sensor or can be PARK, CA (US) networked for operation with a controller and/or other Sensors. Sensors can operate in a master-Slave or peer-to (*) Notice: This is a publication of a continued pros peer communication mode. The Sensors are for use in ecution application (CPA) filed under 37 industrial applications including vehicle engines and pro CFR 1.53(d). CCSSCS. ENGINE CONTROLLER 24 (ECU) 23. A47A BUS NETWORK 25 21 21 s s s f St.RSS N s sys 13 CiteS 14 ses f5 sests 17 ssts al 19 O20 s N220 S2S 16 S5'ss- Nes St. 2O f f 12 - UFO 1 uro 2' AMB, AIR S. ALE IMEI Louiso Ot. AUEl Eup Q- 13-1See ::f 2O 20- 20 fiftsSa Patent Application Publication Aug. 16, 2001 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2001/001382.6 A1 F/G. 1 ENGINE CONTROLLER 24 (ECU) 23. 2 (DAIA AsUS NETWORK 25 22 U \ 25 22 f SNS St. CySAas 13 .A2 l 14 CarsACS 15 GSSAA 17 CSSAs 19 S. E. S. S. E. J.S. 31, S25 ily '' iz( U- UFDs. 1 UFD2s UNAMB,20 S. st-Sgs AIA 252: COMBJWEO Ol. AUEl TEMP QCSea 16-S-SEWSorS-PRESSURé 20 20 2- 20 fuel friSS COOLAW7 (EMP Patent Application Publication Aug. 16, 2001 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2001/0013826A1 2/7 44 32 40 39 22 f/G 3 Skš.73 Sk,242.ÉT3 | 2 SayN-342. 4. 47 seZ Patent Application Publication Aug. 16, 2001 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2001/001382.6 A1 EEPROM MEMORY 53 (NETWORK JUNING SENSOR CALIBRAIION) F/G, 4A JWO AWALOG 54 INPUIS (O IO 5V) SIGNAL PROCESSOR, DAIA AS 485 EXIERWA, IEMP (MICRO37:5E5 SSOR) COWIROLLERLINK resize SENSOR INPUT (WIC) 52 SUPPLY WOIAGE MONITOR. 154 AWD AOWER MAWAGEAEW) TRANSIENT OVER WOLIAGE, 55 REVERSE WOLIAGE PROJECTION A/G. 7A Yan SigEAID OR SINGLEDAIA CHARACTERS OR MULIPLE ; fsw MULTIPLE BYIES BYTES (USUALLY 1 BYTE) MIO = MESSAGE IDEWIFICATION CHARACTER AID se AAAME IER JOEWJAICA/IOW CHAAACER CHECK SUM = IHE WO'S COMPLEMENT OF THE SUM OF THE MID, PID, AND THE DAIA CHARACTERS Patent Application Publication Aug. 16, 2001 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2001/0013826A1 66 67 IWALIZATIOW F/G. 5 READ NOW WOLAILE AMEMORY 68 NETWORK CONFIGURALION SCALING PARAMEIERS AIC, 69 SET UP IRANSAISSION INIERRUPI READ SENSOR PARAMETERS (A/O) 76 RECEIVING 75 INTERRUPI JAA/VSMISSION SCHEDULED process civic / 72 73 MESSAGE YES JRAWSMIN MESSAGE 74 Patent Application Publication Aug. 16, 2001 Sheet 6 Of 7 US 2001/0013826A1 wa wa s" S Sis SS - Sol s s se & S. She s s s S R RS & S QO > HHD (HH). He S & & Nhn S - N-- s-S.L.S.r -- S " N-J &- tus d Patent Application Publication Aug. 16, 2001 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2001/0013826A1 US 2001/OO13826 A1 Aug. 16, 2001 VERSATILE SMART NETWORKABLE SENSOR monitoring and processing to a higher degree is therefore an advantage over prior art Sensing Systems. RELATED APPLICATIONS 0008. The invention is directed to the apparatus for 0001. This application relates to the technology described Sensing, the System for Sensing and the method of Sensing. in U.S. Pat. No. 5,657,780 (Park), U.S. Pat. No. 5,758,865 The invention includes the Sensor, Sensor network and (Casey), U.S. Pat. No. 5,900,810 (Park), U.S. Pat. No. controlling System, individually and collectively. 5,907.278 (Park), and U.S. Pat. No. 5,929,754 (Park). The 0009. The invention is further described with reference to contents of these applications are incorporated by reference the accompanying drawings. herein. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0010. Other objects, features and advantages of the 0002 The present invention relates to a sensor system. invention will become readily apparent upon reference to the More particularly, the invention is concerned with a network following detailed description when considered in conjunc Sensor System, particularly for use with engines, Such as tion with the accompanying drawings, in which like refer vehicle engines where multiple conditions need to be moni ence numerals designate the same elements throughout the tored and reported. figures. 0011 FIG. 1 is a system overview of sensors for different 0003. In engines such as automobile engines, conditions characteristics of an engine connected with a data bus change during operation. For instance, the engine oil can network. deteriorate because of leSS Viscosity in the oil. This can cause damage by increased friction of engine parts. Other condi 0012 FIG. 2A is a perspective view of a sensor unit or tions Such as pressure and temperature also need to be Sensor device. Sensed in an engine to prevent exceSS conditions and over 0013 FIG.2B is a plan view of communication board for heating which can cause breakdown of engine components electronically processing data. and fluids. Often, the features that need to monitored can include those related to the power train control, air condi 0014 FIG. 2C is a plan view of an analog sensor tioning, brake System, air Suspension, communication, water asSociated with the features, conditions or elements to be temperature, and pressure coolant levels and temperature Sensed. and other features associated with the engine. 0.015 FIG. 2D is a plan view of an analog sensor 0004 Current systems use different sensors for each of asSociated with the features, conditions or elements to be these conditions. The Sensed conditions are communicated Sensed. to a data bus network, which connects to an engine control FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of a sensor. ler. This is not the most effective way of Sensing and 0016 communicating data to an engine controller or computer 0017 FIG. 4A is a block diagram of a sensor commu asSociated with the engine. nication board showing major components associated with the analog input, data processing and digital output from the 0005 Accordingly, there is a need to provide a system, electronics in the Sensor. method and apparatus for improved Sensing of conditions, for instance in an engine, and communicating that to a 0018 FIG. 4B is a block diagram of an electronics board controller or computer or operator. asSociated with a different Sensor, the electronic board receiving analog inputs, electronically processing the Signal SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION inputs and transmitting the processed signal as digital out putS. 0006 According to the present invention there is pro Vided a Sensor, which is networkable in a Smart format and 0019 FIG. 5 is a flow diagram associated with the configuration with a controller. A Sensor receives an analog processing of the Signal on the electronic board associated output associated with an element or feature being Sensed. with the sensor. The analog output is converted and electronically processed 0020 FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram illustrating in in circuitry associated with or mounted in the Sensor, and greater detail major electronic components on the electronic Subsequently provided as a digital output to a data bus board of each Sensor. network. The transmitted information would identify the Source of the Signal, additionally to a representation of the 0021 FIG. 7A is a first output data frame associated with analog output data, and Selectively priority information. characteristics of the electronics associated with each Sensor. Each Sensor includes an analog to digital conversation 0022 FIG. 7B is a second output data frame associated circuit, and thereby produces the data processing require with characteristics of the electronics associated with each ments of an engine controller. SCSO. 0007 AS engine operation and control becomes increas 0023 FIGS. 8A-8C are side views of different sensor ingly more Sophisticated, moving more of the Sensor func devices. tioning and data processing features into the Sensor unit and from the engine controller decreases the data processing DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE requirements of the engine controller, and permits for a more PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS efficient means of Sensing, monitoring, collecting and pro 0024. A networkable Smart sensor, namely a data bus cessing data association with the engine. Local Sensing Sensor is useful for a variety of applications covering a broad US 2001/OO13826 A1 Aug. 16, 2001 range of industries including automotive, heavy duty truck, information to a signal having Single or multiple bytes of bus, internal combustion engine, process, medical, and information, wherein each byte includes eight bits of infor HVAC industries. The sensor may be used to collect a wide mation. The output from each of the sensors 11-19 is variety of physical parameters including preSSure, tempera transmitted along circuit wiring 21 to a bus System 22 for ture, level, dielectric constant of fluids, tilt, acceleration, translating and for transmitting that data along output wiring flow, density, current, Voltage, etc. and convert them to a 23 to an engine controller or central processing unit 24.
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