SARASVATI Epigraphs Volume 7 A zebu bull tied to a post; a bird above. Large painted storage jar discovered in burned rooms at Nausharo, ca. 2600 to 2500 BCE. Cf. Fig. 2.18, J.M. Kenoyer, 1998, Cat. No. 8. Tell Suleimeh (level IV), Iraq; IM 87798; (al-Gailani Werr, 1983, p. 49 No. 7). A fish over a short-horned bull and a bird over a one-horned bull; cylinder seal impression, (Akkadian to early Old Babylonian). Gypsum. 2.6 cm. Long 1.6 cm. Dia. [Drawing by Larnia Al-Gailani Werr. Cf. Dominique Collon 1987, First impressions: cylinder seals in the ancient Near East, London: 143, no. 609] bharatiyo = a caster of metals; a brazier; bharatar, bharatal, bharatal. = moulded; an article made in a mould; bharata = casting metals in moulds; bharavum = to fill in; to put in; to pour into (G.lex.) bhart = a mixed metal of copper and lead; bhart-i_ya_ = a barzier, worker in metal; bhat., bhra_s.t.ra = oven, furnace (Skt.) Dr. S. Kalyanaraman Babasaheb (Umakanta Keshav) Apte Smarak Samiti Bangalore 2003 1 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com SARASVATI: Epigraphs by S. Kalyanaraman Copyright Dr. S. Kalyanaraman Publisher: Baba Saheb (Umakanta Keshav) Apte Smarak Samiti, Bangalore Price: (India) Rs. 500 ; (Other countries) US $50 . Copies can be obtained from: S. Kalyanaraman, 3 Temple Avenue, Srinagar Colony, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600015, India email: [email protected] Tel. + 91 44 22350557; Fax 4996380 Baba Saheb (Umakanta Keshav) Apte Smarak Samiti, Yadava Smriti, 55 First Main Road, Seshadripuram, Bangalore 560020, India Tel. + 91 80 6655238 Bharatiya Itihasa Sankalana Samiti, Annapurna, 528 C Saniwar Peth, Pune 411030 Tel. +91 020 4490939 Library of Congress cataloguing in publication data Kalyanaraman, Srinivasan. Sarasvati/ S. Kalyanaraman Includes bibliographical references and index 1.River Sarasvati. 2. Indian Civilization. 3. R.gveda Printed in India at K. Joshi and Co., 1745/2 Sadashivpeth, Near Bikardas Maruti Temple, Pune 411030, Bharat ISBN 81-901126-7-0 FIRST PUBLISHED: 2003 2 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com About the Author Dr. S. Kalyanaraman has a Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines; his graduate degree from Annamalai University was in Statistics and Economics. His PhD dissertation was on development administration, a comparative study of 6 Asian countries, published as Public Administration in Asia in 2 volumes. He was a Senior Executive in the Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines for 18 years from 1978 to 1995 responsible for the world-wide IT network of the Bank and disbursements on a portfolio of US$60 million for over 600 projects in 29 developing countries of Asia-Pacific region. Prior to joining the Bank, he was Financial Advisor on the Indian Railways (responsible, as part of a professional team, for introducing computers on the Railways) and Chief Controller of Accounts, Karnataka Electricity Board. He took voluntary retirement from the Bank five years' ahead of schedule and returned to Bharat to devote himself to Sarasvati River researches and development projects. He is well-versed in many languages of Bharat: Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, Sanskrit. He has compiled a comparative dictionary for 25 ancient Indian languages, titled Indian Lexicon. He has set up a website on Sarasvati River and Civilization with over 30,000 files (http://www.hindunet.org/saraswati ); he is the founder of the yahoogroup, IndianCivilization, which has over 800 members (April 2003). His work, Sarasvati, was published in 2001 a compendium on the discovery of Vedic River Sarasvati. His present work, the 7-volume enyclopaedic work on Sarasvati Civilization published in 2003, is a result of over 20 years of study and research. He is Director, Sarasvati Nadi Shodh Prakalp, Akhil Bharatiya Itihaasa Sankalana Yojana, Chennai 600015. The Prakalp is engaged in researches related to Sarasvati Civilization and interlinking of national rivers of Bharat. He has contributed to many scholarly journals and participated in and made presentations in a number of national and international conferences including the World Sanskrit Conference held in Bangalore in 1995. He delivered the Keynote address in the International Conference of World Association of Vedic Studies, 3rd Conference held in University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, in July 2002. [email protected] 3 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Diacritical marks used The Kyoto-Harvard convention is NOT used since the intermingling of English words with Indian language words wll distort the representation of capital letters and is not easy to read. The standard diacritical marks are deployed but, instead of ligaturing them on top and bottom of the alphabet, the diacritical marks FOLLOW immediately after the vowel or consonant which is modified. For e.g., a_ connotes ‘long a’, n. connotes retroflex N. After the UNICODE is standardized, the next edition will display the modified codes for ease of representation on web pages on the internet. a rut,at e bet d then a_/ law e_ ate d. dot a~_ long e~_ bane l. rivalry /a~ un- /e~ when,whey n. and i it o obese n- new i_ bee o_ note r- curl i~_ been o~_ bone,one r. rug /i~ in m. mum r.. (zsh) u you n: king s fuse u_/ ooze n~ nyet s. shut u~_ boon h-/k- what s' sugar /u~ june c change t both c. so t. too 4 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com List of languages and abbreviations Kurub.Bet.t.a Kuruba Kur.Kur.ux (Oraon, Kurukh) Kuwi The languages of the linguistic area and the L. Lahnda_ abbreviations used are as follows: M. Mara_t.hi_ Ma.Malayalam A.Assamese Mai.Maiya~_ (Dardic) Ap.Apabhram.s'a Malt.Malto Ash. Ashkun (As.ku~_--Kafiri) Ma_lw.Ma_lwa_i_ Aw. Awadhi_ Mand.. Mand.a B. Bengali (Ban:gla_) Marw.Ma_rwa_r.i_ Bal. Balu_ci_ (Iranian) Md.Maldivian dialect of Sinhalese Bashg. Bashgali_ (Kafiri) MIA Middle Indo-Aryan BCE Before Common Era (BC) Mj. Munji_ (Iranian) Bel. Belari Mth. Maithili_ Bhoj. Bhojpuri_ Mu. Mun.d.a_ri (Munda) Bi. Biha_ri_ N. Nepa_li Br. Bra_hui_ Nahali Brj. Brajbha_s.a_ Nin:g. Nin:gala_mi (Dardic) Bshk. Bashkari_k (Dardic) Nk. Naikr.i (dialect of Kolami = LSI, Bhili of Basim; Bur.Burushaski Naiki of Chanda) CE Common Era (AD) OIA Old Indo-Aryan Chil. Chili_s (Dardic) Or. Or.iya_ D.. D.uma_ki P. Punja_bi_ (Paja_bi_) Dm. Dame~d.i_ (Kafiri-Dardic) Pa. Parji G. Gujara_ti_ Pali Ga. Gadba Pah. Paha_r.i_ Garh.Gar.hwa_li_ Pa_Ku. Pa_lu Kur-umba Gau. Gauro (Dardic) Pas'. Pas'ai (Dardic) Gaw.Gawar-Bati (Dardic) Pe. Pengo Gmb. Gambi_ri_ (Kafiri) Phal. Phalu_r.a (Dardic) Go. Gondi Pkt. Prakrit Gy. Gypsy or Romani S. Sindhi_ H. Hindi_ Sant. Santa_li_ (Mun.d.a_) Ir. Irul.a Sh. Shina (S.in.a_.Dardic) K. Ka_s'mi_ri_ Si. Sinhalese Ka. Kannad.a Sik. Sikalga_ri_ (Mixed Gypsy Language: LSI xi 167) Kaf. Kafiri Skt. Sanskrit Kal. Kalasha (Dardic) Sv. Savi (Dardic) Kand. Kandia (Dardic) Ta.Tamil Kat.. Kat.a_rqala_ (Dardic) Te.Telugu Kho. Khowa_r (Dardic) Tir.Tira_hi_ (Dardic) Khot. Khotanese (Iranian) To. Toda Kmd. Ka_mdeshi (Kafiri) Tor.To_rwa_li_ (Dardic) Ko. Kota Tu. Tulu Kod.. Kod.agu (Coorg) U. Urdu Koh. Kohista_ni_ (Dardic) Werch.Werchikwa_r or Wershikwa_r (Yasin dialect of Kol. Kolami Burushaski) Kon. Kon:kan.i_ Wg. Waigali_ or Wai-ala_ (Kafiri) Kond.a Wkh. Wakhi (Iranian) Kor. Koraga Wot..Wot.apu_ri_ (language of Wot.apu_r and Kt. Kati or Katei (Kafiri) Kat.a_rqala_. Dardic) Ku. Kumauni_ WPah. West Paha_r.i Kui Abbreviations used for linguistic categories and other languages Languages, Epigraphs etym. etymology 5 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com expr.expression As'. As'okan inscriptions f./fem. feminine Austro-as. Austro-asiatic (cf. Munda) fig. figuratively BHSkt. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit fr. from (Franklin Edgerton, Buddhist Hybrid fut. future Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, gen. genitive Newhaven, 1953) hon. honorific Dard. Dardic id. idem (having the same meaning) Dhp. Ga_ndha_ri or Northwest Prakrit (as imper.imperative recorded in the Dharmapada ed. J. incl. including Brough, Oxford 1962) inf.infinitive Drav. Dravidian inj.injunctive IA. Indo-aryan inscr.inscription IE. Indo-european lex. lexicographical works or Kos'as Ind. Indo-aryan of India proper excluding lit. literature Kafiri and Dardic (as classified by R.L. loc. locative Turner) m. masculine KharI. Kharos.t.hi_ inscriptions; Middle M Middle Indo-aryan forms occurring in Corpus metath. metathesis (of) Inscriptionum Indicarum Vol. II Pt.I, N North Calcutta, 1929 MIA Middle Indo-aryan Na_ Na_ci Na_t.u usage NiDoc. Language of 'Kharos.t.hi_ Naut. Nautical Inscriptions discovered by Sir Aurel Stein nom.nominative in Chinese Turkestan' edited by A.M. nom.prop. nomen proprium (proper name) Boyer, E.J. Rapson, and E. Senart num.numeral(s) Ar.Arabic NWNorth-west Aram.Aramaic O Old Arm.Armenian obl. oblique case Av. Avestan (Iranian) onom.onomatopoeic E. English p. page Gk. Greek part. participle Goth. Gothic pass. passive Ishk. Ishka_shmi_ (Iranian) perf. perfect Kurd. Kurdish (Iranian) perh. perhaps Lat. Latin phonet.phonetically Lith.Lithuanian pl. plural OHG. Old High German pp. past participle (passive) Orm. O_rmur.i_ (Iranian) pres. present OSlav. Old Slavonic pron. pronoun Par. Para_ci_ (Iranian) Pudu. Pudukkottai usage Pahl. Pahlavi (Iranian) redup. reduplicated Pers. Persian (Iranian) ref. reference(s) 6 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Port. Portuguese S South Pr. Prasun (Kafiri) sb./subst.substantive Psht. Pashto (Iranian) semant. semantically Tib. Tibetan st. stem Toch. Tocharian subj. subjunctive Turk. Turkish syn. synonym Yid. Yidgha (Iranian) Tinn. Tinnevelly usage Tj. Tanjore usage Abbreviations : Grammatical usu. usual(ly) vais.n..vais.n.ava usage * hypothetical vb.
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