September 16, 1968 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27051 By Mr. PATMAN: By Mr. BYRNE of Pennsylvania: By Mr. PODELL: H. Res. 1304. Resolution for the investiga­ H.R. 19801. A bill for the relief of Fakhred­ H.R. 19813. A b111 for the relief of Hersh tion and study of housing, and new town and din Entezary, M.D.; to the Committee on the Michael Glazer; to the Committee on the community development, and government Judiciary. Judiciary. financial institutions and central banks; to By Mr. CLEVELAND: H.R. 19814. A b111 for the relief of Gabriel the Committee on Rules. H.R. 19802. A bill for the relief of Teodosio Stech; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Monetta; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr.REES: By Mr. CONYERS: H.R. 19815. A blll for the relief of Mr. Ar­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 19803. A b111 for the relief of Tom mand Ezerer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Ohionas; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. CONTE: H.R. 19816. A b111 for the relief of Soa Sean bills and resolutions were introduced and H.R. 19804. A bill for the relief of Jose de King; to the Committee on the Judiciary. severally referred as follows: Almeida Sousa, Maria Alsuina Sousa, Dina H.R. 19817. A b111 for the relief of Mr. and By Mr. ADAMS: Maria Sousa, and Jose Manuel da Costa e Mrs. Melania P. Villero; to the Committee on H.R. 19792. A bill for the relief of Carlina Sousa; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Judiciary. F. Santillan; to the Committee on the By Mr. CORMAN (by request): By Mr. ROYBAL: Judiciary. H.R. 19805. A bill for the relief of Jacques H.R. 19818. A bill for the relief of Sang By Mr. ADDABBO: Urbach; to the Committee on the Judioiary. Yun Kim and husband, Wan Young Kim; to H.R. 19793. A bill for the relief of Myrtle By Mr. FINO: the Committee on the Judiciary. P. Williams; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 19806. A b111 for the relief of Paolo By Mr. SCHEUER: ciary. Reparto; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 19819. A b111 for the relief of Margit By Mr. BARRETT: H.R. 19807. A bill for the relief of Calogera Erdos; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 19794. A bill for the relief of Mr. and La Rocca, Antonio La Rocca, and Vincenza By Mr. TEAGUE of California: Mrs. Giovanni Buonincontro and family; to La Rocca; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R.19820. A b111 for the relief of Klaudiuz the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 19808. A b111 for the relief of Michele Blaszak; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 19795. A bill for the relief of Antonino Selvaggio and Matilde Selvaggio; to the Com­ By Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON: Mattaliano; to the Committee on the Judi­ mittee on the Judiciary. H.R. 19821. A b111 for the relief of Mr. ciary. By Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN: TakeJi Akamatsu; to the Committee on the H.R. 19796. A bill for the relief of Concetta Judiciary. Mattaliano; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 19809. A b111 for the relief of Vass111os Seretis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WYMAN: diciary. H.R. 19822. A b111 for the relief of RaJ­ By Mr. BELL: By Mr. JONES of Missouri: H.R. 19810. A b111 for the relief of Mrs. Miao kumar Jain; to the Committee on the Judi­ H.R. 19797. A bill for the relief of Jeanine ciary. Bigazzi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Ying Floyd; to the Committee on the Ju­ By Mr. BRASCO: diciary. H.R. 19798. A bill for the relief of Paolo By Mr. KLUCZYNSKI: PETITIONS, ETC. Bellanca; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 19811. A bill for the relief of Miss H.R. 19799. A b111 for the relief of Vincenzo Halina Stanislawa Szczesna; to the Commit­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Pento; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tee on the Judiciary. 398. The SPEAKER presented a petition of By Mr. BURTON of California: By Mr. MACHEN: Henry Stoner, of Portland, Oreg., relative to H.R. 19800. A bill for the relief of Karen H.R. 19812. A b111 for the relief of Dr. Lauo creation of the Department of Peace, which Woo Ping Kan (also known as Woo Ping Geronimo; to the Committee on the Ju­ was referred to the Committee on Govern­ Kan); to the Committee on the Judic:iary. diciary. ment Operations. EXTE.N.SIONS OF REMARKS ROBERT D. ENOCH REMINDS AMER­ ica--in the broad sense of this great land. tutions of ours that make America what it ICANS TO REMEMBER THEIR We must see--not the dark fringes of petti­ is-these 200 m1llion, regardless of race, creed GREATNESS ness-not the sordid lines of problem areas­ or color, who are our friends and neighbors, but see the bountifulness of America and have a million 1·easons to be grateful. Sure, its two hundred m1llions of every race and there are reasons to be dissatisfied, but dis­ HON. WILLIAM G. BRAY color and creed that have made this land the satisfaction has always urged this nation into second to no other nation in the world. progress. OF INDIANA Look at the United States of America and The citizen of America whose station may IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES picture it in your mind's eye against the be low on our economic ladder would rank Monday, September 16, 1968 back-drop of the nations of the world today. among the elite and affluent in all but a very And see this nation as the old desk-thump­ few other nations of the world. Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, at a time in ing orator described it-see it "from the What changes would you make in the the history of our Republic when noisy rock-bound coast of Maine to the sunny world-in this nation? Then start with your­ voices cry out against the very existence shores of California." self-let the changes start within each of of the United States, our citizens should Do you know that the U.S.A. covers only us-and we will change the world-to the one-sixteenth of the land surface of the more like America the Beautiful. always remember the inherent greatness world? of our Nation. Do you know that the U.S.A. has only one­ Mr. Robert D. Enoch, of station fifteenth of the world's population? WXLW, in Indianapolis, recently wrote Do you know that Americans own three­ COURAGEOUS STAND BY SENATOR and delivered an excellent editorial on fourths of the world's automobiles? BYRD OF VIRGINIA this subject, which I am happy to com­ Do you know that Americans have one­ half of the world's telephones? mend to my colleagues: Do you know that Americans own one­ We are all inclined from time to time to half of the world's radio sets and three­ HON. PAUL J. FANNIN undersell our lot in this world-to look at fourths of the world's television sets? OF ARIZONA the dark side of the clouds that hover over Do you know that Americans use two­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES this land of ours-this magnificent America thirds of the world's petroleum products, the Beautiful. consume one-half of the world's coffee and Monday, September 16, 1968 Sure, we are living in trying times. All two-thirds of the world's silk? around us there are signs of turmoil and Every one of these are facts. \Vant some Mr. FANNIN. Mr. President, my friend strife-all around us we are caught in tides more? An American factory worker could, the distinguished Senator from Virginia and undertows that seem to drain us of the if he wanted to, buy four suits of clothes with [Mr. BYRD] has made a considerable con­ energy and, many times, the desire to rise one month's pay. His counterpart living un­ tribution to the issue that may shortly above our stations in life. Frustrations are der the best of the totalitarian countries, no confront the Senate, the question of con­ often so great in their impacts that we can't matter what his need, could only buy one­ firming the President's Supreme Court see the forest for the trees. half a suit with a month's wages. nominations. We are engulfed in our own little spheres An American could buy six pairs of shoes of living so that the greatness of Americals with his wages for one week. His totalitarian It was my privilege to hear Senator pushed back in the shadows of our minds counterpart, behind the Iron Curtain could BYRD address this body, and I have al­ into forgetfulness. buy one shoe with one week's wages. ready expressed my gratification in that At times like these, we must remember. Against the world's back-drop-this land he shed much light on the reasons why We must remember the greatness of Amer- of ours, this government of ours, these insti- he cannot support the nomination and 27052 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 16, 1968 did so in a most gentlemanly and schol­ that the law is whatever five present life­ the following article, from the Septem­ time appointees say that it should be. ber 13 edition of the Christian Science arly way.
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