A NEW INTRODUCTION TO OLD NORSE PART III: GLOSSARY AND INDEX OF NAMES A NEW INTRODUCTION TO OLD NORSE PART III GLOSSARY AND INDEX OF NAMES COMPILED BY ANTHONY FAULKES FOURTH EDITION SUPPLEMENT I: GLOSSARY AND INDEX OF NAMES TO EAST NORSE TEXTS SUPPLEMENT II: GLOSSARY AND INDEX OF NAMES TO RUNIC TEXTS COMPILED BY MICHAEL BARNES VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 2007 © VIKING SOCIETY FOR NORTHERN RESEARCH ISBN: 978-0-903521-70-3 First published 2001 Second edition with corrections and additions 2002 Third edition with corrections and additions 2005 Fourth edition with corrections and additions and two supplements 2007 Reprinted 2008 Printed by Short Run Press Limited, Exeter GLOSSARY AND INDEX OF NAMES References to the Grammar are to paragraphs (e.g. Gr; ex. = exercise) and those to texts are to the number of the text followed by the line number (e.g. II:62). A second occurrence of the same word in a line is indicated by (2). Syntactical explanations and common pronouns and conjunctions are referred to the appropriate paragraphs in the Grammar for full information. Cross-references are given for verbal and nominal forms where the vowel in the first syllable differs from the head-word form, except for some forms in- volving the alternation of a and ƒ. Principal parts of verbs are identified by pres., past, past pl., subj., pp. For pres. and past, the 3rd person sg. is given, for past pl. the 3rd person pl., for pp. the nom. m. sg., except for those verbs that are more often found in the n. form (supine), where the nom./acc. n. sg. is given. See Gr In the alphabetical order the acute accent is disregarded; d and › are treated as one letter, fl comes after y and is followed by æ, œ, ƒ and ø, and ∂ is not distinguished from e. Words from Text XXII with lengthened or diphthongised vowels before -ng are not listed separately from words without these changes. Abbreviations acc. accusative pl. plural act. active pos. positive adj. adjective poss. possessive adv. adverb(ial) pp. past participle art. article prep. preposition aux. auxiliary pres. (part.) present (participle) comp. comparative pret.-pres. preterite present conj. conjunction pron. pronoun dat. dative refl. reflexive def. definite rel. relative f. feminine sf. strong feminine gen. genitive sg. singular imp. imperative sm. strong masculine impers. impersonal sn. strong neuter indic. indicative subj. subjunctive inf. infinitive sup. superlative interrog. interrogative sv. strong verb m. masculine vb. verb n. neuter wf. weak feminine neg. negative wk. weak nom. nominative wm. weak masculine num. numeral wn. weak neuter pass. passive wv. weak verb For abbreviated bibliographical references see NION II, p. x. 6 A New Introduction to Old Norse á1 prep. (Gr 3.7.4); with acc. on I:18, 77, II:27, VI:251, XXII:5/3, XXVII:7; onto II:30, III:86, VI:272, X:47, XIX:80, XXI:120, XXV:77, XXVI A: 28, 38, XXVI B:11, 27; over VIII:120; in, to XXV:97; to II:46, VI:6, VIII:18, X:110, XXI:14, XXII:33/1, XXIII:84, XXVI A:9, 16 (to or at); at I:119, XXII:49/1, XXV:72, 92, XXVI A:30, B:194; in III:9, XXII:24/1, XXIII:70; into I:2, II:74, VI:10, VII B:76, XXI:181, XXII:44/3 (postposition); for X:29, XXI:52; with dat. in I:121, 129, II:23, VI:19, VIII:5, 7, IX:37, XVI:122, XIX:4, XXI:38, 94, XXII:52/3, XXIII:33, 60, XXVI B:98, XXVII:2, 26 (i.e. over); on I:27, 76, II:66, V:171, VI:36, 312, IX:19, X:6, XI:48, XIX:44, XXI:15, XXII:45/4, XXIII:6, XXV:1, 12, 99, XXVI A:15, B:116, 229; upon XXI:129; from in/on VIII:78, 116; at III:84, V:3, VII B:25, IX:53, XV:33 (in a place-name, cf. Gr 3.1.8 ex.), XXII:35/1, XXVII:38; í smáflarma á fiorvaldi at fiorvaldr’s guts XXI:175–80, textual note; in relation to, against VII B:30; about I:72; for XXII:26/1, XXVII:39; as adv. (Gr 3.7.7) I:55 (see leita), 130 (see halda), III:54 (see horfa), VI:111 (see sjá), VIII:19 (see leggja), X:49 (see láta), X:64 (see leggja), XXII:34/3 (see leggja); on it XXI:27, i.e. on her breast XXI:142 (1), 159, XXVI A:52, were on it XXI:46; in them XXVI B:88; in it VII B:61, about this VI A:32; á upp on it at the top XXI:45; er hon stó› á which it stood on XIII:6, 38; var á ve›r gott it was fine weather (on that day) XV:48; á braut see braut; á mi›li, á milli see milli; á mót(i) see mót2; á at sjá see sjá; á2 see eiga á3 f. river, stream (Gr (2), 3.1.8.(16), 3.1.9 ex. 8) XXI:87, 169; yfir ár across the rivers XXVI A:4; with suffixed def. art. XXI:89, vi› ána ni›ri down by the river VII B:59, eptir ánni, me› ánni along the river VII B:75, 80, XXI:130 -a neg. suffix with verbs not V:54, IX:100, X:77, 95, 97, 108, 124, 168, XXV:5 ábóti m. abbot XIV:180, 181 ábyrg›ar(h)lutr m. matter involving responsibility XXVI B:104 A›alból n. ‘chief dwelling, manor’ Gr 3.1.8 ex. á›r adv. before, earlier, previously I:25, 54, 69, III:45, IV:76, VIII:45, 94, 99, 140, 160, 165, XI:39, 40, XV:32, XVI:37, XIX:39; already XXVI A:75; just now XXVI A:47; just before III:58; first X:149, XIV:68, XXI:175–80, textual note; at first XV:123; næstr á›r preceding XXVII:33; kvámu á›r had already come VIII:108; as Glossary and Index 7 conj. (Gr before II:38, III:104, 114, IV:83, V:6, VIII:42, 60, XIV:70, 100 (. flá), XVI:7, 123, 157, XIX:108, XXI:44, XXVI B:35, XXVII:7, 34, 49, until XXV:65; á›r en as conj. before, until VI:73, 310, XI:72, XIV:5, XVI:189, XXIV:13 a›ra, a›rar, a›rir see annarr áeggjun f. instigation, urging VI:5 (dat. with af, parallel to atkalli) af prep. with dat. (Gr 3.7.3); from, of I:31, II:25, VI:19, 212, X:9, 31, 148, XI:38, 43, XV:12, 71, XVI:15, XIX:3, 7, XXI:15, 33, 83, XXIV:68, XXVI A:8, 44, 61, 90, 153, 220, XXVII:37; by VIII:150, 178, XXII:7/4; from among II:63, VI:213, VII A:33, 78 (2); from on VI:221, 259; off I:124, V:145, 147, VI:256, X:79, XV:84, XIX:34, XXI:56, XXII:48/2, XXIV:46, XXVI A:31, B:90; away from V:162; beyond XXII:13/4; out of III:81; tíu vikur váru/eru af sumri ten weeks of summer were/have passed VIII:92, XXVII:29; by, because of III:13, 53, 114, VIII:182; by means of, with XIV:2, XXII:58/2; as a result of VI:5, 254, 315, 366, VII A:66, VIII:151, XXI:179, XXII:54/4, 55/4, 58/4; for XXII:3/4; caused by XXIII:107; as a consequence of VI:324, VII B:86; consisting of II:55; made of XIII:31; about, concerning VI:107, XXII:24/3; with II:29, V:131, VI:152, XXII:31/2, 40/2; af flessu for this reason II:116; af flví from this VIII: 23; af flví at, af flví . at (Gr because VI:289, 314 (see flví), VII A:35–36, VIII:22, XXI:160; as adv. (Gr 3.7.7) II:6 see flar; off II:59, X:49, 50, 114, 158, XXV:98, XXVI A:60; away VIII:40; of them II:64, 74, of it (them) VIII:154, 157; from it II:99, XXI:76; (some) of it XXI:75; with it XVI:29; by it, as a result of it VIII:127; from among them VII A:78 (1); about it XXVI B:23; flá er . af those from whom XXVII:34; bera af see bera afarkostr m. harsh treatment Gr 3.3.5 ex. 9 áfenginn adj. pp. strong (of drink) II:12 afhuga adj. indeclinable with dat. ver›a afhuga having one’s mind turned from, have out of one’s mind XIV:52 afi m. grandfather XIV:129 afl n. strength II:29, VII B:9; the majority XXVII:13; me› ƒllu afli with all his strength XIV:78 afla (past afla›i, pp. aflat) wv. with gen. and dat. bring (about), cause something for some one XXII:53/4 aflangr adj. very long XXIII:11, 46 afro› n. cost, price, penalty XXVI B:53 8 A New Introduction to Old Norse ágjarn adj. covetous, ambitious, impetuous; acc. sg. n. as noun an ambitious (etc.) person XXIII:91 ágæti n. glory, renown; til síns ágætis nƒkkut something in which they take pride, something which brings them fame (by which they are remembered?) XXVI A:85 ágætliga adv.
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