PAGE 7-A 1ORRANCE HERALD. Torranc.. Califo THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1945 Conditions In Victory Fireworks at Pearl Harbor Lewellyn, Enrollments Airport for Bay Meadows Veterans Drive Bus Department Founder of Increase in Progresses Draw New Fire ills, Dies City Schools 9n Torra&ce (Continued from Page 1-A) William Llewellyn, 78, retl B. J. Strand, principal of I lie (Continued from Pago 1-A) council acquired the lines and steel executive and pioneer In Torrance elementary school an­ munity veterans program. The therefore a vote of the council dustrialist in the Los Angeles nounced yesterday, that 23 of Torrance Center, to be estab­ can sell the lines. He indicated area and one of five brothers the 55 kindergarten pupils en­ lished in the Veterans Memorial who In 1887 founded the Llew rolled there would advance to building, that he cither will answer or ellyn Iron Works, died Tuesday the first grade on Sept. 17. will provide a single the writ or file a demurrer. The at Good Samaritan Hosplta This would allow the present place where a veteran may go fact that the council did nothing after a six-month Illness. He ha< waiting list of 30, eligible on to learn his rights and privi­ to change the status of the sale been a patient at the hospita that date, to enter the kinder­ leges and to find out who in the Tuesday night leaves only the since March.3. garten class, he said. community can best help him one course open, It was pointed He was one of the builders It was also reported that a with his problems. out, that being to "show cause of the old Llewellyn Iron Works total of 16 students had trans­ "Communities much smaller why" they do not follow Act in Torrance which later, sold ferred to the 186th Street than Torrance are furnishing 5203. The act requires that the school, Sept. 12. these facilities for their return­ BV p«««d prwi out to Columbia Steel Co. sale be referred to the people Besides his brother, David E. An Increase of 191 students ing veterans. Are we going to for a vote and then the lines be For the flnrt time ilnce tbe fireworks itarted on Dee. 7, 1941, Pearl over the ' first days enrollment be found wanting? Are we go­ Harbor let IU hair down and celebrated. Continooiu streams of light and his nephew he leaves two Pegasus can just move aver for William F. Kjnc of Bay Meadows sold to the highest bidder. It of 750 were given as of Sept. p!an% to build an airport on 230 acres adjacent to the tracks ing to let our enthusiastic grat­ from colored flares Illuminated the night sky when the surrender nieces, Mrs. Robert Cheese where itude cool in was pointed out that Koors bid flush MUM throath. Every ihlp In the harbor Joined the celebration. wright of 419 N. McCadden 12. horses can fly In for the next race and patrons flush frith winnings a few short weeks Ahe ceiling price, "far more than Place and Mrs. Dorothy Lie1 Miss Mary C. Waddell, prin­ can dash out to_tlic nearest cocktail party. According to Kyne, speci­ or months? ^lie lines are worth," but his ellyn Miller of West Los An cipal of the Fern Avenue and fications are already drawn up by architects and provide for 16 "The industries, merchants purchase is subject to securing geles. Walteria schools, .reported 450 hangars and two runways, one WOO fret long and the other 3500 feet and citizens of Torrance have « certificate of public conveni­ students were now enrolled at long. Aircraft companies and a f 15! .iff school will also be accommo­ promised this memorial to the Reconversion Campaign to Privatcj funeral services al dated. ence and necessity from the Forest Lawn Memorial Park the Fern Ave. school, as com­ veterans. We feel sure that no California Railroad Commission. were being arranged yesterday pared to the first day's enroll­ stone will be left unturned to Merits of the case will not be ment of 396. Walteria school see this promise is carried out," a part of Hughes' lawsuit. It Council Forms Enlist Regulars has now reached an enrollment Building Permits Several New Contributions to the VFW was said, and the hearing will of 103, an increase of 11 since building fund during the past be purely on the law Involved. the first day registration. The following Torrance build­ week include: Plaza Hotel, $50; The Civil Service Board's let­ In County Opened by Army Steelworkers ing permits were .issued during Members in Royal Cleaners, $25; Mr. and ter, signed by Howard B. Ray­ Organization of a Citizens' Re­ A world-wide campaign to en TIVIT PRODUCTS BUILDS the past week, according to Mrs. Royal Friedly, $10; Mr. mond, chairman, reads in full as conversion Council on a com- list thousands of men between The Tivit Products Co., 130 building dcpartnfcnt records: and Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mrs. P. follows: Local Chamber munitywlde basis, under spon­ the ages of 18 and 34 Indus!1 Seeking S2 Elmyra st. hap been grantc'd an Lorenzo Nursery, 18400 E. Fulton, Mr. and Mrs, E. M. "A public hearing, as request­ sorship of the Los Angeles into the "regulars" to make approval to construct a 12,500 Crenshaw blvd., 103' x' 130' Several new memberships in Van Gordon, Mrs. R. H. Doug­ ed by Mr. H. 'C. CaUihan, was Chamber of Commerce, to history's biggest peace-time square foot building at that greenhouse, $10,800. Torrance Chamber of Commerce las, Mrs. Thomas G. Wilkes, Mrs. held by the Civil Service Board tackle problems which point to­ United States Army, is under Pay Increase address. Steel fabrication, agi­ Gary's Jewelry, 1322 Satori have been announced by R. I. Pearl Jones, Dr. K. K. Golson, on August 29, in order ,to clar­ ward employment for released way today, with a call for vol The C.I.O. United Steelworkers tating and filtering equipment ave., neon sign, $500. Wanda Johnson, Mrs. Perle .' ' ify, if possible, the charges filed war plant workers was will be manufactured for J. Hansteen, 3546 Emerald Plomert Jr., chairman of the Klinehan and Mrs. Earline Kline- unleers being sounded by Majoi of America has opened its cam membership committee. by Councilman Cuccl against nounced. Ray N. Hals'ey, Commanding paign for a reconversion wage craft use, it was reported. St., 3 rm. frame residence and han, each $5; Mr. and Mrs. H. :;; this employee. Approximately 50 community Offie for the Los Angeles R< increase with a demand for a garage, $2800. They include Chanslor-Canfield K. Reynolds, $4; Mr. and Mrs. ^ "This board consented to the leaders, representing leading in cruiting and Induction District $2-a-day boost for 1,000,000 stee SUNDAY BLUE LAW Torrance Laundry, 1874 Car­ Midway Oil Co., Coline Gasoline M. W. Tappin, Mr. and Mrs. «* holding of this hearing so that dustries, retail and wholesal Southern California must raise workers. In Oklahoma, according to th­ son st., frame restrooms, $1600. Corp., C. B. Mitchell Chevron Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Van: both sides could be heard, and groups, labor organizati a,quota of approximately 25,000 Philip Murray, president oi aws there, baseball is consul Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gasoline station; W. H. Stanger, dergrift, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ben- ore cooperative working con- newspapers, and other walks of volunteers from an area the C.I.O. and the steel union ered a "public sport" and al 1514 Cabrillo avc., remove fire manager, Municipal Water Dis­ ner, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bray,, «lions In the bus department life, have been asked to serve stricted by the Mexican border announced after a meeting with ho play the game on Sunday walls, $300. trict No. 1; Harold E. Perry, each $3; Mrs. C. E. Carstens, may be had. >n the council. Included is N on the south, San Luis Obispo his 240-member wage policy are liable to prosecution by law principal, Torrance High school, and Mrs. B. M. Stevenson, each and Alice's Beauty Salon. $2; miscellaneous, $16.00. 0Your board wishes to advise R. Crawford, manager, Dow on, the north, and Nevada anc committee that he will ask 86 Despite this law the game is that this hearing established, Chemical Co. styrene division, Arizona state lines on the east basic steel producers to meel played on Sunday. without question, the existence Torrance. That means that more thai: with the union Sept. 25 to dis of very deplorable conditions in Principal objectives immedi 3000 volunteers each month must cuss incorporation of the in KELLEY GUAEBEE the management and operation ately to be undertaken are: be enlisted through the Los An crease in existing contracts. E. Kelley Graeber, Mayor of of this department, as between 1. To locate Job openings geles Recruiting and Induction Murray viewed his union's ac Signal Hill,, today was the ne' the City Council, the manage­ available in the county, and to office, 810 South Main street tion as the spearhead in a na president of the Los Angeles ment, the drivers and their assist industries which offer the This Is a larger quota than the tion-wjde drive to "kick the Lit county division, League of Cal union. The board is at a loss to greatest opportunities , for jobs. present draft quota for the AUS tie Steel forrnula out th? 'Win Ifornia Cities. He succeeds re Carsoimiart dow'; to opdn 'the, way for "over know how ah,Uijjjojtoit.depart­ To'.teke stops toward re­ that in no way may be con tiring president,' David L.
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