Tffi U¡TI-\TMSITY OF MANITOBA TT{E DE\TELOP¡ÆIù'I OF A L\I\GUAGE POLICY TN MANITOBA : TT{E GÐIESIS OF BILI ]-T3 by LEO A. LETOUBNEAU A TTIESÏS ST|B}ITTED TO TTTE FACULTY OF GRAIUATE STUDIES IN PARTTAI FULFiLII'ff]}TT OF' :}iE FEQUTRÐ4E}I'IS FOR TliE ÐEGREE OF I4ASTER OF EDUC.A,TIC}I DEPAR.TIVE}IT OF EDUCATIONAL ADIVT}IISTP'ATION I,{I}TNIFEG, }ÍA}IITOBA FALL, L9T7 TTJE DEVMOP}EÍ\]'I OF A LANGUA@ POI,ICT ]N I4ÄNIITOBA: TTM @.ESIS OF tsTI,L 1I3. by Leo leTlourneau A rlissertation subnritted to the Faculty of Graduatc Strrdics of the Urtiversity of Munitob:r in partial fulfillment ol'the rcquircments of thc' dcgree ol' I{aster of Education d lgzz Per¡uissiort h¡ts beetr grutrtcd to tlto LIBIIARY Oþ.'1'llU L,NlVUR- slTY o[.' M^ilTOl]A to lcnd or sett copies of this disscrtltio¡t, to the NATIoNAL LItsRA,RY OF. (:ANAI)A to rtticnrlilm tltis clissertation and to lentl or sclt copics ol the f itnl, antl UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS to publish rn ubstract of tltis dissertation. The uuthor reservcs other publiciltirru rights, ancl neithr:r thc dissert¿rtiorr rror extcnsivc cxtr¿rcts fronr it uruy be printed or othcr- wise reprodr¡ccd without thc uuthor''s writtc¡t ¡rertttissiott. ÀCIC{Ol'J],EDGT'ffi{TS Gratitude should- be er¡rresseå io the following people : Tony Riffel who' as arL advìsor a:rd a friend, not only offered his sr:.pport but good- solid cri ticism; Neil- tlcDonald- a.nd- Jack Peach whoo iirrough serious probing, helped. clarify i:eportani issuesi Individ-uals r,rho, through personal invofvemeni in the developnient of Bill 11r, shared their past experiences and nade this stud-Y Possible; Chrístine ì'ialaspina and Lorrise Raven '¡¡ho: as t¡oists' had- to neet impossible d-ead-lines; Lorraine, l'lichelle, and F-oxarure - the three most importa:rt girls in nry life - rvhose continueò and unwavering: support really brought this str:dy tc frrrition. l-l- I TABLE OF CONTÐITS -)c aa ChaP!r,er I. STATil/M{T OF T]B PROBLH4 . 1 I,fain Research questions o c . 1 Background-totheStuC-Y'.. o c ' ¿ DeUmitaiionso.c.ó." 2) Data Sor;rces and i'Iethod-olory . o ' 4 TheDataSor:rces . ' ' o 4 Limitations. o. o. L ì,lethod-olog¡¡. o .. 5 Description ar:.d-,Analysis . ' ' o i 5 fhe Interv-iew " . 6 Identification of Principal Actors ' 6 TreatnentoÍtheÐata... o o ' o I B Significarrce of the StudY . o c o o U Summa;cXr. " e o c ' ' II. REVIEi,/ OF TT{E Rtr,ATÐ LITP"ATUBE : TOi,,iAF¡ A SEII OF CRTTICAI QUìßTIONS . 10 ÀnaiysisofPo}icyroakingi-nliisior-i-calPerspeciive" i0 Approaches to ihe Ana.lysis of 'uhe PoI-icynaking Process t) PoliticalSYstemsTheorY.'e' 'o 13 GroupTheory... ¡ o ' 16 Eliteftreory"" 'ô 17 I\:nctionalAnalYsis.rcee'o 19 . ¿¿ Institutionalisr¡ "' 27 S\:ma¡ryComrnent. " c . o " Fbom an EclecÌ;ic Conceptualiza'''ion to a Set of C-ritical Questions o i 26 Conclusion"o." /9 IIÏ. A SOCIO-;{ISTORTCAL PTA.SPECTIVE 1O Sone lIistory Prior to i9i6 : Chu-rch, nthnicity and' Po1itics.....êô ,U Anglo-Conforn.iiyversusrbanco-i.ÍaniiobanResisiance (tWa-tg+t) 36 IV Page Cnapter The C1erry as a Contributor io ld-eological Conservation" o ' ø o 40 A2 ,4. Ctranging hviro:rment ô ø 45 Changing Values - A Confrontation' " 57 Surma.:ry Comment o ô IV. T.TIEDEV4,OPMNTTOFBII-I, 11] CE .OOO 59 Roblints Legacy to trbarrco-j'fanitobans ' 59 o¿ .4, Search for an Alterna'cive o ' o o 64 Fed.eralism or a New Canadia¡r Nationalis¡n " ' ê The Constitutional Conference ' ' ' 7o fheGrand-Êçeriment. " e ' 71 A significant lncid"ent .. " lb trla Société trbairco-i'lanitobaine" i s born I UU The Siirrings of Change and the Schreyer-DesjarC'ins 82 -A.llieJlce. ". o.. o o e ' ' â âo A Gentl-ernen' s Agreement TheFinalPhase o .. ' o c 93 Bill 111 . o þ . ' o ' ' ' ' ' 97 oâ SurmaryConrnent ". .. c ' gg V. :[ri À\ALYSIS " 100 The Actors . .a fheFrocess.oc 112 1CO Sumrnary Ccmnents aaoot' t) Clonclusion . o . oaaoooo' I a7t) .TMiIÐATIONS | )\) VI. S!I,[,IARYI CONCIT.SIONS ATlr-D RECOÌ . SurunarY".'oôcù' 138 Conclusions 140 o é a 141 Reconrmendations " " . c ¿'' o 141 SIBIIOGÎ.APh-Y. o. ' ! o ' o c " ' t)¿ APPMTÐIJiES Þaca Ð Bilr 111 o . t)ó i;iain E'r¡en'us iÌt Fbench Langua€e Pol-icy in i'ianitoba - 1BB9/1967 165 175 D. i.-tain Events z 1967 ' 1970 to Ér to Léo Letou-rneau, JanuaxY 26 Letter from R" Teffaine ' ano L977 I lu ñ Ç+t I. Letter from i'1. Gauthi er to Léo Letourneau, FebruarY 'A L977 ,c c' 181 vt ChaPter 1 STATM,IMü] OF Tiü PROBLfr'I Pr¡ålose of tþe StudY The purtrlose of tl:-is stud-y l^Ias to describe and analyset es a pTocess in public policy fo:maiion, the d.evelopnent of Bill l-li lvlúch the 1,ras passed. by the l,ia:r:iioba T,egisla'i;r:re in 1970' Broadly speakingt bill granted. to l',1ani-ioba::s ìn and- io the trleench ninority i'n pariicular, the legaJ- right to ernploy Fbench as a iarrgua-ge of instr¿c- .tion in the public schools of the province' The language pol:ì-cy fo::muf-ated- in L97O presented. a significant departure from the a'rran-' gements pricr to that time" ì'{a-in Fesearch Questions The stu{y focussed on the folloving quesiions (a)'..itror+eretheprincipalactorsinvolved an the deve- lopnent of 3i1L !L1 ? (¡) ',,&rat were the roles of these principal actors in ihe developmeni of Bill llt ? (c) imen ùid. the process led. 'to 3il-1 ili begin ? (d) 1rrrru=" ùid. the orig:inal d.ena¡rd for the policy emanate from ? (lenand- is take¿ -bo nea¡ a cl-airn mad.e upon public officiaLs by oiher actors, private or official, in i;he political systen for action plessules wil-ich or inaction on some perceived- problen) u ,",[:at r'¡ere the t broughi; the d.emand- io the gor/erÏl.utent s agend'a ? -to (e) .,a;, iid- tnis d.enanci l-ead. ihe cevelopment of 3i1l- LLl ? ilere ihe ti¡aing and-the poliiica.]- clinaie such ihat ihe g'o-re:r:rnent cou-l-d. overtlT srrppo--ct such a policy ? (r) uor+ r.¡as the policy d.evelopment process conducted ? Sack#otmci to ì;[e -Q!34!¿ Through legisl-atlon brought about by the ilorris governnen-b ín L)L6, r'-cench, as a language of insiruction, suííered a najor setbaclc at leasi as perceived. by the l-rench co¡um:¡-iiy in iian-itoba' Tìris deve- lopneni; has been atiribuied- by some hjstorians (i'lorion, !957; Leblancr' 1963), to be a direci ccnsequence of a campaiEn by ì;he fìcee P:cess u':r'rd-::-: ihe ed.itorship oÍ J,r'i, Dafoe' Pzior to l-9l.6r-che Êree Press (iiorton, ihe 1957 zj51) had u:rcove-:red- ¡hai the teachin6 of lleglish ',¡ith-in biling:al scÌrooi sysier¡ i+a,s not being obser'recin I-b sho'';rl-d be reca^l-led that the bilingu-al school s;rstem had been ihe res'út of the Laurier- school- Greenr,ra;, conproriLi-se i¡hjch hacl settled- tbe infamous lvta:ritoba. î.u-esiion in 1897" Ir. iis ed.iioiia]sr the i,ia.njtoba .,1'{gi-l:=gs- had fccusec on ì;he l-ingu-istic chaos i¡-irich prevailed- in ihe schools oí the prcvince iÍ a-Ilor'¡ed (Ì,lorton, L957 ziil) " lhere ',.ras a. fear that tjris condjiion, to coniinueu r'rou1d bal-}ca;iize j'ianitcba' Consec¡uenì;1yu ihe lar'¡ cf 191-5 l-ed- -io ihe abol-ition of iire bil-in5:al school- systen' Iìeon 1916 to L9670 a n-,:-nber oí extra-legal concessior1s \'IeI.e mad.e io the lbench rdnoriiï, The }eparù-aeni of ld"ucation through ii;s ¡ublication: ine i\.aniiobq Sjhool Jorirn4-, oí lio-renber 1947, ofíiciall-;' graae recognized- -rbançais (lbencrr La'grage Opiion) íor Srade seven and eia:li. In ì.ia;, 1955g 1;he i,.i.ani.tgÞ,9cn'oo.L-.]-os.ct.a1 ac-¡ised. ihai cíficial foi-rr -bo recoæriiion oí the ll!,ench Lan4.;r.aE;e Opiion ','ra.s given for .gades 3 six. In Septenber I)6Jo the teaching of the fyench Language @tion coul¿ be initiated. at the g:ca.d.e one le.¡el, It shouLo be noted that ihe fnoznton Lais of :-:9-:6e',+hich l-ed- to the abrogatíon of the bilj.n¿uaJ- school systemu grades since ha.d. not ai.fecied. the teaching of 'rlìcançaisrrin the seconda':qr fet¿ stud.ents atta-ined. thai level, In all insta¡.ces, hor+ever, ihese concessions a¡oor.mted. io the recogniÌ;ion of Fbench as a subject of ins- iruction and. were never includ.ed- in a lega1 framework a¡rd consequenily r+ere not part of the Manitoba Public Schools Acto Tt r"ias, so io speal<u an nentente corùiaJ-e't betl¡eer rtlrAssociation dtEducation d-es Canadiens trìcançais du l,Íarr-iioba", and. officiaJ-s of the Ðepartrnent of Educaiiono Perhaps of greatest significance, to most nenbers of the trlrench comnn:nity, l.Ias the unaniÌnous passage of Bill 59 by the Roblin governr;rent in Apri¡ Lg67n The bill reinsiated ¡lrench as arl officiaJ- language of instrrrction" Íhe stipulations l'¡ere suchn hor'teveru that ftcench as a language of instrrrction co'uLd.

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