San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1984 Special Libraries, 1980s 10-1-1984 Special Libraries, October 1984 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1984 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1984" (1984). Special Libraries, 1984. 4. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1984/4 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1980s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1984 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. special libraries I I October 1984, uol. 75, no. 4 SPLBAN 75(4) 263-362 (1 984) ISSN 0038-6723 1 Inside: I I I? I REPRINT CONTROLUSING SAS Zoo AND AQUARIUMLIBRARIES v world5 most powerful city at the speed of light. What happens in Wash- Postof the last six ears subject. Day-by-day. ington, D.C. each day affects (Depending on &kputer The Electronic Wash- people, organizations and gov- vendor you choose). ington Post can feed you Post ernments in every corner of Not only would you be stories published on any topic. the world. able to access information at And every report is retrievable And nowhere in the world the speed of light, but you'd be in its entirety or in summary are these important events connected to one of the most form. reported more thoroughly and extensive computerized news- Imagine how much more accurately than in The paper files in the world. thorough your research would Washington Post. Over 400,000 items. And be if you could do in a minute That's why, as a re- growing bv 1.200 each week. what is humanlv im~ossibleto searcher, you will be interested in our new Washington informa- tion data base, The Electronic Washington Post. Because, in the time it takes you to read this ad, you could search every word in today's Washington Post. And every word of every ALSO DESCRIBES 70 FEDERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTERS NOW! WikDime wia Government Labs and Engineering hcilities ind them easily Help is Available in 30 Three handy indexes make it All listed resources offer in the Directory Technical Areas including: easy to locate the resource you unique capabilities (not read- F need ily duplicated in the private of Federal Aeronautics (21)' Biological 1. Subject Term lndex sector) to encourage greater Technology Resources. Sciences (57) Energy (53) Identifies resources in your use of Federal technology. Materials (46) Medicine (120) technical interest areas. This valuable directory To increase your aware- 'The number of resources cur- will guide you to 2. Geographic lndex near of hundreds of rently included-more are be- Find all the resources in your hundreds of Federal ing added. Federal Technology agencies, laboratories, state. Resources available to and engineering centers 3. Resource Name lndex work with you on Look up any resource by name your projects, order willing to share their expertise, of laboratory or program. your DIRECTORY now1 equipment and, sometimes, october 1984 Marquis Who's Who is continually adding new individuals to its data- base. Upon publication of the 43rd Edition of Who's Who in America, more than 12,000new biographies will appear in DIALOG File 234 - prominent individuals whose achievement and reference importance has, for the first time, earned them a place in this highly respected reference source. Add the 75,000 updated biographical sketches from the 42nd Edition, plus 14,000 individuals from the 1st Edition of Who's Who in Frontier Science cmd 'IBchnology and you have access to current biographical information on more than 100,000outstanding achievers from all disciplines and professions. The MARQUIS WHO'S WHO Database. file 234 on DIALOG Make way for the PRO'S. Introducing a new data file-the MARQUIS PRO-files Database This new resource lets you access information on nearly 11,000 pro- fessionals with expertise in the computer graphics and online fields . .from designers and producers to intermediary searchers and con- sultants. The database contains the full text of two of the newest publi- cations in Marqus' program of professional directories- the Marquis Who's Who Directory of Computer Graphics and the Marquis Who's Who Directory of Online Professionals. You select from more than 35 searchable criteria, including employ- ment sector: job function. area(s) of interest or expertise, and specific product or subject expertise. The MARQUIS PRO-files Database. File 235 on DIALOG. For more infomution, call us toll-free crt 1-800-621-9669 (In Illinois, call 312-787-2008). Chlcago, Illinois 6061 1 2A special libraries -special libraries- October 1984 Vol. 75, No. 4 SPLBAN 75(4)263-362 ISSN 0038-6723 Letters lnformation and Corporate Cultures Miriam A. Drake The Library as a Profit Center Stephen C. Tweed Information: Public or Private Jean Smith Determining Effective Staffing Levels in Special Libraries Susan M. Collins Trends in lnformation Science Education Howard Fosdick Reprint Control Using SAS Mary F. Layman and N. Paige Groninger Engineering lndex 1 884-1 984 Herbert 6. Landau The Concise AACR2 Jennifer E. Rowley Publisher: DAVIDR. BENDER Director, Information Services: RENEEL. GOLD Zoo/Aquarium Libraries Editor: DORISYOUDELMAN Kay A. Kenyon Circulation: FRED BAUM On the Scene Special Libraries is published by Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003 (212/477- 9250). Quarterly: January, April, July, October. Annual index Actions of the Board in October issue. 1984 Salary Survey Update @ Copyright 1984 by Special Libraries Association. Material protected by this copyright may be photocopied for the non- commercial purpose of scholarship or research. Reviews Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y., and at additional Instructions for Contributors offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Special Li- braries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003. lndex to Advertisers Annual lndex october 1984 McGregor can simpli[~jcomplex and time cons~tn~it~gpr-oD1er~1.s of per-i- odical procurer?7er1t itwoloir7g I-esearch, or-derir~g,pa!yments, rer?erual.s and record keeping. PI-omptc-ortrteo~ts ser1~ic.e has been a traditiotz with McGregor since 1933. Our customer-s like it; we think you ~uilltoo. All domest~cand fore~gn titles Cali or wrtte for cataioq today 815 734-4183. Title Research Prepaid Subscr~pt~ons Automatic Renewals Personal Serv~ce Representatives Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054 Subscription Rates: Nonmembers, USA $36.00 S ecial Libraries Association assumes no respon- per calendar year includes the quarter1 journal, si%ilityfor the statements and opinions advanced peclal Llbrarles, and the monthly newsretter, the by the contributors to the Association's publi- SpeciaList; add $5.00 postage for other countries cations. Instructions for Contributors appears in including Canada. S ecial Libraries is $12.00 to Special Libraries 75 (no. 4): 341-342 (Oct 1984). A members, the S eciaist is $3.00 to members, in- publications catalog is available from the Asso- cluded in memger dues. Single copies of Special ciation's New York offices. Editorial views do not Libraries (1981- ) $9.00; single copies of SpeciaList necessarily represent the official position of Spe- $1.00. Membership Directory (not a part of a cial Libraries Association. Acce tame of an ad- subscription) is $25.00. vertisement does not imply enlorsement of the Back Issues & Hard Cover Reprints (191C1965): product by Special Libraries Association. lnquire Kraus Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. Hardcopy, Microfilm & Micro- Indexed in: Book Review Index, Computer Contents, fiche Editions (1910 to date): Inquire University Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Liter- Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Microforms of ature, Historical Abstracts, Hospital Literature In- the current year are available only to current sub- dex, International Bibliograph~of Book Reviews, scribers to the original. International Biblio raphy of erlodrcal Literature, Changes of Address: Allow six weeks for all Library Literature, %4anagement Index, and Science chan es to become effective. All communications Citation Index. shoufd include both old and new addresses (with Abstracted in: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Inc., In- ZIP Codes) and should be accompanied by a mail- formation Science Abstrack, INSPEC, Library & Infm- ing label from a recent issue. mation Science Abstracts, and Public Affairs Infmtion Members should send their communications to the Service. SLA Membershi De artment, 235 Park Avenue South, New ~orl,N.!. 10003. Membership Nonmember Subscriber. should send their com- munications to the SLA Circulation Department, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003. DUES. Member or Associate Member Claims for missing issues will not be allowed if $55; Student Member $12.00; Retired received more than 90 days from date of mailing Member $10; Sustaining Member $250; lus the time normally required for postal de- &very of the issue and the claim. No claims are Sponsor $500; Patron $1,000. allowed because of failure to notify the Member- ship Department or the Circulation Department (see above) of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from files." 4A special libraries Our Coverage By Our Cover But There's So Much More Inside october 1984 Because your information is too valuable to play games wfth. PEKLINETM1s a serials management system that addresses the special needs of special libraries. It is comprehensive and unmatched in capability, accon~modatingvirtually every serials control funct~on from checkmg-m, routing, and ordering, to management reporting and fund accounting. User- friendly, PERLINETMelinlinates vcndor lock-in and puts you in complete control of your own data. Available with or without hardware, ~tis deal for networking in both inter- and intra-company apphcations.
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