=- ~ Friday June 1, 1979 =..-:;;;.. --- --- - =- E § ~- ------- FE':::::--- - ===- -- -- --- -- - :--- .=...- --- --- =- --- - -- -_.- - ------ .-- ---- .--- -- Part V Environmental Protection Agency Interagency .Testing Committeei Receipt of Fourth Report and Request for Comments - - ----- ---- - -- --.-=== ::=., ~ HeinOnline -- 44 Fed. Req. 31865 1979 _ _u ..-_. 31866 Federal R~gister I Vol. 44, No. 107 I Friday, June 1.,1979 I Notices 'ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION FR 50134).The lTC's revisions ~othe Room 447, EPA, 401 M Street SW., AGENCY initial list appeared 10the Commlttee's Washington, D.C. 20460. All written Second Report and were pubhshed 10 comments will be available for public [OT5-410001; FRL 1237-1) the Federal Register on Apnl19, 1978 (43 inspecbon in Room 447, East Tower, at FR 16684).Those reViSions were the the same address, between 8:30 n.m. nnd Fourth Report of the Interagency addition of four substaitces and four' 4.30 p.m., weekdays. Testing Committee; Receipt of the categories of ~ubstances to the Pnonty Dated: May 18. 1979. Report and Request for Comments List. EPA's response to the second ITC Report was signed by the Deputy . Steven D. JelUnek, . AGENCY:Environmental Protection . Assistant Administrator for To;'Cic Agency (EPA). Administrator ofEPA on May 8,1979 Substances. (see 44 FR 28095, May 14, 1979). In its ACTlor~:This Notice requests comments Third Report, published irt the Federal Toxic Subslanccs Control Act,lnterogoncy Testing Commitlee. on recent additions to the Interagency Register on October 3D,1978 (43 FR Testing Committee's (1Te) priority list of 50631), the Committee recommended the Honorable Douglas M. Costle. chemical substances recommended for addition of one chemical substance and Administrator, Environmental Protection testing under section 4(a) of the Toxic Agency (A-lOa). Room 1200 J1f,401.M two categories of chemical substances Street. SJv., Washington. D.C. 20460. Substances Control Act (TSCA). In to the Priority List. Subsequently, on addition, a change in ITC procedure for Dear Mr. CosUe: On beholt of tho TSCA March 29, 1979, the Agency published a Interagency Tesllng Committee, I om transmitting dossiers of support Notice of a correction made by the ITC information is'described. transmitting to you the Commltteo's Fourth "in the material under the heading Report. This Report revises tho Secllon 4(0) SUMMARY:The ITC, established under "Carcinogenicity" and a definition of the Priority list with the addition and deslgnotlon of eleven individual chemicals ond ono section 4(e) of TSCA, has transmitted its term "derivatives" as it appears for the Fourth Report to the Administrator of category "Glycidol and Its Derivatives" category. EPA. This report revises and uPQates the (43 FR 18733). You will note that the format of Ihls Ruport In this Fourth Report, the Committee differs from earlier reporls In thot the Committee's Priority List of chemicals. Commillee's recommendations and roasons The Report identifies those additional is recommending the addition of 11 for recommendations ora contained In individual chemicals and one category chemical substances the Committee is rationales on the deslgnaled substances. recommending to EPA for priority to its Priority List. Each of these new Do!!slers of supporllng information \oJJ1Inot ba consideration for promulgation of test recommendations has been designated transmilled separately, as tho rallonales rules under section 4(a) of the Act. .by the Committee for priority contain the key Information from the The Fourth Report is being published consideration by EPA. The format of this scientific literature and other oourceo used by with this Notice. The Agency invites "Report differs.from that of the earlier the Committee in making Its decisions on tho interested persons to submit comments .' reports. In the past, the Committee designations. The Committee hopes that this presented summary rationales for its new fonnat provides 0 more tlmoly on the Report. presentation of relevant information than our SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: recommendations in the Report to the Administrator and provided separate previous practice of sondlnc dossiors 10you dossiers of support infor,mation that .several months after the report. Background During the past six months, tho Office of were transmitted to EPA following the Toxic Substances has increased the loyol of Section 4(a) of TSCA authorizes the Agency's receipt of a Report. The Administrator of~A to promulgate staff support to the Commllleo. This hos heading "Reasons for . aided us in our work and is creatly regulations requiring testing of chemical Recommendations" now appears in the apprecloted. substances in order to develop data Report for each designated substance. relevant to determining the risks that Sincerelyyours, This rationale section presents the Carter Schuth.. such chemical substances may present Committee's review of information from to health and the environment. Chairperson.ToSCAInFerasencyTestIng the scientific literature and oilier Committee. Section 4(e),ofTSCA established an sources used to arrive at the ITC Interagency Testing Committee to make designtitions. No separate dossiers will . Fourth Report of the TSCA Interagoncy recommendations of chemical Testing Committee to the Administrator, substances to the Administrator ofEPA be forwarded to EP~ by. the Committee. ,Environmental ProtecUoD Agency to be given priority consideration for AvaUabillty. April)979. proposing test rules under section4(a). The lTC's Fourth Report appears The Committee may at any,one time following this Notice. Summary designate up to 50 of its recommendations for special priority Request for Comments A major section (Sec. 4) of the Toxic consideration by EPA. Within 12 months Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA, EPJ}.invites interested persons to Pub. L. 94-469) providos for the testing of that designation, EPA must initiate submit comments on the Committee's rulemaking to require testing or publish of chemicals in commerce which may new recommendations. The Agency pose an unreasonable risk to human in the Foderal Register its reasons for requests that comments be submitted no health or the environment. This section not doing so. later than July 31, 1979. All comments The Committee's initial of the Act also provides for received by that date will be considered establishment of a Comtnitlee, recommendations to the Priority List, of by the Agency in determining whether four substances and six categories of composed of representatives from eIght to propose test rules in response to the designated Federal agencies, to subst.ances, were published in the . Committee's new reco~ndations. recommend chemical substances or Federal Register on October 12, 1977 (42 FR 55026). EPA's response to the initial Comments should bear the identifying mixtures to which the Administrator of. notation OTS-410001 and should be the U.S. Environmental Protection recommendations appeared in the submitted to the Document Control Agency (EPA).should give priority Federal Register on October 26, 1978 (43. Officer, Chemical Information Division, . consideration for the promulgation of Office of Toxic Substances (TS-793), testing rules. The CommiU~e makes HeinOnline-- 44 Fed. Req. 31866 1979 Federal Register I Vol. 44, No. 107 I Friday, June 1, 1919 I Notices 31867 such revisions in the Section 4(e) Warren T. Piver, Alternate Fourth Report of the TSCA Inleragency National Institute for OccupationalS:1fcty Testing Committee to the Administrator, Priority List as it determines to be and Health necessary and transmits them to the Jean G,French Environmental Protection Agency, Aprll Administrator, at least every six Vera W. Hudson,Alternate 1979 months. National ScienceFoundation Chapter 1. Introduction As a result of its deliberations during Carter Schuth,ChcWper&on the past six months, the Committee is Occupatiow Safety and Health 1.1 Background revising the TSCA.Section 4(e) Priority Administration The Interagency Testing Committee List by the addition of eleven individual Fred W. Clayton,Vlcc-Cho.lrperson (Committee) was established under substances and one category all JosephIe.Wagoner,Alternate . Section4(e) or the Toxic Substances designated for action by EPAwithin " LiiUsonAgencies Control Act of1916 (ISCA. Pl.. 94-469). twelve months. The Committee ConsumerProduct Safety Commission The. specific mandate of the Committee considers each newly designated Joseph McLaughUn is to identify and recommend to the addition to be equal priority with those Department ofDefense Administrator of the u.s. Environmental previously designated. The additions to SeymourL.Friess Protection Agency (EPA) chemical the Priority List are presented Department of the Interior substances or mixtures in commerce alphabetically, together \vith the types . Charles R.Walker which should he tested to determine of studies recommended, as follows: Food and DrugAdministraUOD Allen H. Helm their potential hazard to human health SWs1ances and Winston deMonsabcrt.Alternate anrI/Or the environment. The Act categories designaIed specifies that the Committee's CommitteeStaff recommendations to the Administrator Ace1oniIriIe_ CaldI...ge1I1c;1y.UuI8genIciIy, CarolA. Mapes,ExecuUveSecretory". will be in the form of a list [Section 4(e) Teratogenicity. Ovonic Effects, £PdemIob1Y Walter G,Rosen,ActingE:tecuUva Priority List] to be published in the AniIne and QIJoro.. ~ty, MuI8gIriciIy, .Secretary." Federal Register. The Committee also is 8r0fn0... and/« TeratogenIdty. QInric
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