’ \'- -t,. ■■■'V '-'■'’■ftW Pi ;' ' V A \ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1864 Averaie Dafly I<fet P rc« Ran rAGE StSTEBN For the Week Ended ' l>rsiiis|'‘s< ' maturWat^r lEoanins Hamid Ftbruary 16, 1964 “■■ ■ * ' Tbomaa P. Miaamro, a aea- Pfc. IHrvid W. Morriaaette (rf Sunset Coimcil, Degree of Po­ Fire Chief Francis J. Umerlck, Second Meeting FOR 1 3 ,9 0 1 ' Mmw man apprentice In the United the United Statea Army, aon of cahontas, will meet tonight at Supt o t Schoola William H. Windy, law ia About Town Mr. and Mra. WUUam W. Mor- 7 at the Holmes Funeral Home, Seniors Fill Curtis, Manchester Hig^ School Member of the Audit Statea Navy and aon of Dr. and Set Tonight on Bureau of ClrouIaUon day, Ugh M to u . ‘ Mrs. Joseph Maasaro, 02 HUl- riasette, 2Yl Autumn St., re­ 400 Main S t, to pay respects to Principal A- Raymond Rogers, Cosmetics ManehMm>^A CUy o f FUtagm Charm Kra. Jcha W. Owens, the f i x cwat Rd., departed Peb. 8 from cently participated in Operation Roy Jette, whose wife is a mem­ Town Chairs and Registrars of Voters Ed­ mer MbH Joan P. SSfiB, daugh­ Mayiport, Fla., aboard the de- Winter-Track, an 8th Infantry ber. ward F. Moriarty and Frederick Charter Changes' II iii4 ii»s atrcyer, USS Ault, for a tour Division field training maneu­ B. Peck. rrs ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 119 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1964 (CIsasllled Advertising SB Pngs IB) Bldff, 11 Oonway Rd„ has been of duty with the Sixth Fleet ver near Gieaaen, Germany. Lakota Council, Degree of Po­ Tomorrow, 19 Manchester Rotary Youth sitd Govern­ The seqond o f two scheduled (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE 8BVBM d b l i i nam^ to the dean's list at in the Mediterranean. cahontas, will meet tomorrow High School seniors will con­ ment Day, in the past held in intormol meettogs of the h < ^ Gary F. Kosak, a aecond Jachson Ool|ege o f IHifts Un)i- at 7:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows verge on the town’s municipal the spring, this year is marked of dlreotora and the Chartet lieutenant in the United Statea Hall. There wlU be installation Liggefts v ««lty , Me<m>rd, Mass. Mrs. Clarence H. Stilson, an alr- offices to take over the reins by several changes, according to Revision Oonunlsslon (CRC) Owens, a 1860 graduate o f Man- Air Force, aon of Mr. and Mrs. of officers with a social hour George Bounerllng, hig^ school man in the United States Navy Frank ' Kosak, 174 Greenwood of Manchester’s government in will be beU tonight at 8 in the oheater High SohooJ, graduat­ and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. and refreiritmenta. ■vice principal. He, tog^ether 'with hearing room o f the Municipal At The Paricade Dr., recently completed his first observwce of Rotary Youth and ed wUh B.S. degrae in psychol­ Stilson, 78 Campfield Rd., is General Manager Martin and BuikUng. / solo flight in the T37 Jet train­ Manchester Grange will have Government Day. Clarence Brown, riiairman of MANCHESTER ogy recently. serving aboard the anti-sub­ er at Laughlin Air Force Base, The board is considering the marine sUrcraft carrier USS Es­ an open meeting, "Operation the Rotary Youth Activities Tex. Forward,” tomorrow at 8:30 The observance (a traditional l i amended, 33 added, and 66 ipest Oonunandeni of the Di»- sex, operating out of Quonset part of the seniors’ exper­ Committee, has arranged the rednoved tovm oharter sections, Winter’s Worst p.m. at Orange Hall. Those in­ program. ' > eiMed American Veterans Aux- Point, R.I. Group 246 of the Polish ience in conjunction with their as proposed by the CRC, prepay iliaiy will be honored tomorrow terested in learning the purpose study of local govermnent in EmmerUng said the event has Women’s Alliance will meet to­ and activities of the Grange are ratory to next Monday’s Wad- at 6:80 p. m. at the VFW Post Arthur J. McGowan Jr., a morrow at 8 p.m. at the club­ modern problems classes, gives been tied in with the study of deU Sidiool public hearing. home when the group will have invited. A business meeting will a picked group the chance to local government in modem storekeeper third class in the house at 77 Clinton Srt. be held at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Alice General Manager Richard a potUick. A t 8, there will be United States Navy and son of find out each year at first problems classes, which for the Martin, at last week's infor­ s p a o la l a busdneas meeting and nom- Palmer and a committee are in hand how it feels for one day first time was carried on by all Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Mc- The Mailmams will meet to­ charge of refreshments. mal seaaioa, threw a cropper lnati<Nis of offioera. Gowanr49 Wells St., was award­ night at 8:30 at the home of to take over the town's op­ classes together. into the deUberationa by sub-, eration. ed the good conduct medal re­ Mrs. Burton Frazier, 33 EIro St. Francis Mothers Circle will Selection of the participants mltting a written request that WEDNESDAY ONLT O ub Scout Pack 161 will be cently while serving aboard the Drops Each student wlSl be assigned was also made competitive, Inches St. meet tomorrow at 8:18 p.m. the board of dtreotors schedule presented with its charter art destroyer tender USS Yosemite, at the home of Mrs. Harry to accompany one (rfficial for rather than strictly by ■vote of a meeting to review his per­ the Blue and Gold Banquet to operaU^g out of Newport, R.I. Richard E. Reichenbach of Yorgenson, 31 Edmund St. the day, sit in his chair, make the seniors. EmmerUng said formance. be held tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. 406 Woodland St. is a patient the rounds, solve the problems students in all IS modem prob­ 8ANANA at the Verplanck School. Art the same time, Martin Three Manchester students at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Tozer Group of Second Con­ that come up, and get a first lems classes were required to urged the board to reject the are on the dean's list at Spring- tal and his condition is good. He gregational Church will meet person glimpse into what it w rite. essays on irome phase of CRC’s recommendartion that the State Chiefs Members of Manchester takes to keep Manchester run­ field (Mass.) College for the fall is in the special care unit and tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. local government as the result office of the general manager Snow Snarls Roads, Grange will meet tonight at 7 :30 ning. of their class study. These were term. They are Miss Joann can have no visitors, other than Edwin Sage. 74 Richard Rd. be subjected to a mandatocy 8READ at Watkins-West Fimeral Home, Morrison, daughter of Mr. and his immediate family. Mrs. Nell Paterson and Mrs. Mi­ Students will be assigned to then screened by the teachers Study Order 142 E. Center St., to pay re­ five-year review. Mrs. H. R. Morrison, 60 Hem­ chael Keropian will be co-host­ all offices, Including those of and cut to the best three in spects to the late Mrs. Caroline Martin’s request dramaUesil- lock 9t.; Charles Saimond, son Mother Cabrlnl Mothers Cir­ esses. General Manager Richard Mar­ each class. The top essays were To Subside Tonight D. McConnell, a member. given orally by their authors, ly emphasized the fact that the of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Sai­ cle will meet tomorrow at 8:15 tin, Mayor Francis J. Mahoney, Each To Redistrict and the best essay from each town charter now permits a re­ mond, 130 Oak St., and Robert p.m. at the home of Mrs. Our Lady of Fatima Mothers (Thief of Police James M. Rear­ class was voted on by the sen­ view of the general manager’s Hamili, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strom, 118 Loomis St. Circle will meet tomorrow at don, Town Clerk Edward J. NEW HAVEN (AP)—The winter’s worst storm wal­ Robert Hamili, 60 Laurel St. Tomklel, Recreation Superin­ iors. performance at any time, on \ HARTFORD (AP) — A 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. any day, in any year. ataN loped Connecticut today and threatened to drop be­ Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Peter Cordera, 191 Eldridge St. tendent James F. Herdic, En­ Provision was also made for special session of the Gen­ SAVE ^ 40% The Ladles Aid Society of The general hianager warned tween 8 to 15 inches jn most sections before ending this Masons, will meet tomorrow at A Chinese auction will be held. gineer Walter S. Fuss, Build­ any senior not taking the mod­ m ayron’a's. eral Assembly is being con­ Remodeling SALE! Zion Evangelical Lutheran ing Inspector Thomas C. Mona­ em problems courae to submit that a restrictive-tenure clause evening. the Masonic Temple. After the I for the manager’s post could sidered today as Gov. John Now Going On . Church will meet tomorrow in The Service Bureau for Wom­ han, Highway Supt. Ernest J. an essay, Enunerling said, and bake shOfMi business meeting there will bej keep good future candidates Considerable blowing and drifting of snow was pre- j the church basement after a en’s Organizations will sponsor Tureck, Supt. of Parks Hor­ one representati'we was picked N.
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