The Preacher©s Wife You may think it quite an easy task, And just a pleasant life, But really it takes lots of grace To be a preacher©s wife. She©s supposed to be a paragon, Without a fault in view, A saint when in the parsonage, As well as in the pew. Her home must be a small hotel, For folks that chance to roam, And yet have peace and harmony The perfect preacher©s home. Though hearing people©s burdens, Their griefs both night and day, She©s supposed to spread but sunshine To those along the way. She must lend a listening ear, To every tale of woe, And then forget about it, Lest it to others go. Her children must be models rare, Of quietness and poise, But still stay on the level, With other girls and boys. You may think it quite an easy task, And just a pleasant life, But really it takes lots of grace, To be a preacher©s wife! Western Ontario District Reporter THE MINISTRY Official Journal of the Ministerial Association of Seventh-day Adventists VOLUME XXXIV SEPTEMBER, 1961 No. 9 IN THIS ISSUE Editor EDITORIAL ROY ALLAN ANDERSON "Bring the Books" Paul .................._.. R. A. Anderson 4 Associate Editor ARTICLES ANDREW C. FEARING How Much Education Should a Minister Have? .._._.._______________ ___________. N. F. Pease 6 Pitfalls of the Ministry ..........._._.__...__ B. B. Beach 9 Managing Editor A First Step in the Christian Approach to HARRY W. LOWE Islam ............________________....__ G. A. Keough 12 The Psychology of Decision in Public and Assistant Editors Personal Evangelism ...............___________ C. A. Reeves 14 E. EARL CLEVELAND Why Enoch? __._.__.______...........___._.._._ E. E. White 17 WALTER SCHUBERT Agape The Great Christian Virtue _____ .. A. P. Salom 20 Stewardship and Character ___________ R. A. Anderson 24 More About the Teachings of the Copy Editor "Radio Church of God" ______________ G. Burnside 28 J. INA WHITE Building Up Church Attendance __________________ H. F. Smith 39 Consulting Editors REGULAR FEATURES Some Books I Can Recommend ____________________ G. Burnside 19 REUBEN R. FIGUHR, WALTER R. BEACH, Research .________________________________ W. E, Read 31 EDWARD HEPPENSTALL, LOUISE C. Evangelism ________________________________ H. J. Westphal 34 KLEUSER, W. B. OCHS, H. L. RUDY Bible Instructor ______________________________ L. C. Kleuser 36 Shepherdess ________-___ ___.._._.__.____ L. C. Kleuser 40 Art Editor Books for Your Library ___________________________._ 42 T. K. MARTIN News __.._._.__________________________________ ______ 44 Pulpit Pointers for Preachers ___._._____.________ 48 Circulation Manager POETRY WALTER SCHUBERT The Preacher©s Wife _______________.._.________.____ 2 E. EARL CLEVELAND, Assistant "Dear Child, I Understand" _____________________ 38 Contributors Overseas Our Cover GEORGE BURNSIDE Australia ERWIN BERNER Central Europe Today we do not sing as frequently as of yore the words J. R. SPANGLER Far East of the following stanza from a Christian missionary hymn: H. J. WESTPHAL Inter-America "The whole wide world is pleading: WAYNE E. OLSON Middle East Ye men of God arise! ODD JORDAL Northern Europe His providence is leading ENOCH OLIVEIRA South America To many a glad surprise. S. G. MAXWELL Southern Africa Lo! ev©ry sky is bright©ning, Southern Asia Rich promise clothes the soil; J. F. ASHLOCK Wide fields for harvest whit©ning, G. CUPERTINO Southern Europe Invite the reaper©s toil." M. Anderson, arr. Over large areas of the world it is no longer true that men are calling for Christian teaching. Only in the sense that hu Editorial Office: 5840 Eastern Avenue, NW. man need, recognized or not, cries out for the message of Washington, D.C, salvation, can we sing such sentiments today. Printed and published monthly for the Min This, however, is no reason why Christians should not more isterial Association of Seventh-day Adventists deeply than ever bear on their hearts the burdens of a judg by the Review and Herald Publishing Associa ment-bound world. History continues because there are still tion, Washington, B.C., U.S.A. $4.00 a many souls to be saved. The church must agonize in prayer year; 40c a copy. Add 25c for yearly subscrip for the restlessly sinful world, that many may come to Christ. tions to countries requiring extra postage. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. Cover Picture: Religious News Service SEPTEMBER,1961 EDITORIAL "Bring the Books" Paul EW things are as important ing. Matthew Henry is perhaps the most Fto a minister as his library, spiritual of commentators. (He wrote his for books are his tools. Just commentary while pastoring the Foundry as a carpenter needs different Church in London after the death of Wes kinds of tools, so a minister ley.) Clarke is one of the most accurate; needs books on many subjects. Thomas Scott is excellent historically; It is not the number of books Lange is one of the most theological (typi one has but the type and cal of German scholarship); Ellicott and quality of books that make a worth-while Gray and Adams are very helpful; while library. One of the great pastors of our the Pulpit Commentary is one of the most generation was G. Campbell Morgan. He popular. And The Seventh-day Adventist was an indefatigable student. From eight Bible Commentary is unsurpassed in its to twelve o©clock every morning he refused treatment of the Bible writers and their to be disturbed. If anybody rang on the times, shedding the light of modern schol telephone or called, Mrs. Morgan knew arship on many areas little known until how to handle the situation. She knew recent times. The exhaustive references to how vital it was to guard her husband©s the Spirit of Prophecy are invaluable to study hours. His brilliant mind as well as Adventist preachers. his background of teaching in a Jewish As a general rule it is wise to stay close school in his early days gave him a facility to the older theological works because of with the Hebrew language that became a the tendency of those of more recent date great blessing to him in later years. Ac toward modernism. The Interpreter©s tually, he had received little academic Bible, for example, is very scholarly, but training, but he was the acknowledged mas of little use to us because of its bias toward ter of his subject. The fact that he was liberal theology. Even The Commentary granted an honorary Doctor©s degree must on the Old and New Testaments, by never be taken as evidence that he was Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown needs to be not deserving of such high honor. Few men studied with care for the same reason. of his generation could measure with him A minister always enriches his knowl in real scholarship in the areas in which edge, and therefore his contribution, by he majored. He lived with great books and the help of good Bible dictionaries. Our was an outstanding theologian, but he own publication, Seventh-day Adventist lived mostly with the Word. The eminence Bible Dictionary, edited by Dr. S. H. Horn, to which he rose reveals the importance of is a classic, and very exhaustive. The Ox the right kind of reading and study. ford Dictionary of the Christian Church,, There are some musts in an Adventist by F. L. Cross, 1958, is also a masterpiece minister©s basic library. The Works of of historical information, and represents John Wesley will prove particularly help the finest scholarship of Oxford. Old ful. One is always helped by good com stand-bys like Smith©s Comprehensive Dic mentaries, several of which are outstand tionary of the Bible are also very helpful. THE MINISTRY In the field of technical language study have translated certain passages, yet he there is probably nothing better than must never appear pedantic. No scholar Robertson©s Word Studies. The tendency can afford to give the impression of being of some to overemphasize etymology be smart. People will soon detect whether he comes somewhat wearisome to a congrega knows his subject. Charles Jefferson, pastor tion. of Broadway Tabernacle, New York, half There are many books on sermon con a century ago, used to say, "A preacher struction, most of which are good. G. should know ten thousand times more Campbell Morgan©s Westminster Pulpit, about his subject than he ever says." Two a ten-volume set, provides a practical of Jefferson©s books, The Minister as source for expository sermons. C. H. Spur- Prophet and The Minister as Shepherd, geon is best known as an evangelist and while small are outstanding, as is also The preacher, but his writings are excellent. Art of Preaching by Charles Reynolds His Treasury of David, a seven-volume Brown. Some books on pastoral counseling commentary on the Psalms, is a mine of are necessary to give helpful guidance to homiletic material. His great passion for the pastor-evangelist. Bonnell©s Psychology the lost is revealed in all his writings. His for Pastor and People (1952) has probably books breathe the spirit of evangelism. not been surpassed. Among modern conservative theologians Nothing in a minister©s work is more im is Dr. Carl Henry, editor of Christianity portant than his leading of worship. Some Today. His recent three-volume set, The works covering the philosophy, technique, Biblical Expositor, is excellent. He is a and scope of worship are essential. W. R. Calvinist, but an outstanding scholar. Also McNutt©s Worship in the Churches and among the Calvinistic scholars is Dr. Wil- The Fine Art of Public Worship by A.
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