Index cases code) from numbers The hyphen separates the names of taxa at the left side (in most followed by a and the side. Names of followed code of letters of pages, figures plates at right accepted species are by a with their in this A B: Ch: and numbers corresponding sequence paper. means Acriopsis, Bracisepalum, Chelonistele, E: Entomophobia, G: Geesinkorchis, and N: Nabaluia. Synonyms are followed by '='and An 'Excl.' excluded - subsequently by the code of the species to which they belong. refers to species. asterisk indicates the where the is 'fig.' refers to a line-drawing; to a coloured page taxon described; 'plate' Two unnumbered with their number. plate. maps are given page Acriopsidinae Dressier — 1 Chelonanthera Blume - 23, 24 Acriopsis Reinw. ex Blume - 1, 2, 3*, 4 map clypeata (Lindley) Pfitzer - 23 = — annamensis Guill. ?A5c 16 gibbosa Blume - 23 = — = annamica Finet ?A5c 15, 16 sulphurea Blume ChlOa - 23, 37 = - borneensis Ridley A2b 7 ventricosa Blume - 23 carrii Holttum A1 - 2, 3, 5*, fig. 2 Chelonistele Pfitzer - 17, 23, 24*, 25 map, 43, 47 densiflora Lindley A2 — 2, 3, 5, 6*, 7 amplissima (Ames & Schweinf.) Carr Chi - var. borneensis (Ridley) Minderhoud & 26*, fig. 10, plate 2d de Vogel A2b - 6, 7*, fig. 3f-g apiculata (Lindley) Pfitzer Excl. — 23, 40 var. densiflora A2a — 6*, fig. 3a-e biflora (Par. & Rchb. f.) Pfitzer Excl. - 23, 40 = floribunda Ames A5b - 13 brevilamellata (J.J. Smith) Carr Ch2 - 24, 26, gracilis Minderhoud & de Vogel A3 — 1, 3, 5, 28*, fig. 11 = 7*, fig. 4, plate la clemensii (Ames) Carr N2 - 47, 49 = = griffithii Rchb. f. A5a - 11 crassifolia Carr Chi Ob — 39 = = harai Tuyama ?A5a — 12, 13 cuneata (J.J. Smith) Carr ChlOa - 38, 39 - indica Wight A4 3, 5, 8*, fig. 5, plate lb dentifera de Vogel Ch3 - 26, 29*, fig. 12 = insulari-sylvatica Fukuyama ?A5a - 12, 13 ingloria (J.J.Smith) Carr Ch4 - 18, 26, 30*, javanica Reinw. ex Blume A5 — 3,5,9*, 13,15, fig. 13, plate 3a = 16 keithiana W.W. Smith N2 - 40, 47, 49 var. auriculata Minderhoud & de Vogel kinabaluensis (Rolfe) de Vogel Ch5 — 26, 31*, A5c - 1, 3, 10, 14*, 16, fig. 6 fig. 14 = var. floribunda (Ames) Minderhoud & de kutaiensis (J.J. Smith) Carr ChlOa — 38, 39 Vogel A5b - 10, 13*, fig. ld-e (p. 11) lamellulifera Carr Ch6 — 26, 32*, 47, fig. 15 var. javanica A5a — 3, 10*, 13, fig. la—c, lurida (L. Linden & Cogn.) Pfitzer Ch7 - 26, f-h (p. 11), plate lc, Id 33* = var. nelsoniana (Bailey) J.J. Smith A5a - 11 var. grandiflora de Vogel Ch7b - 34*, fig. = javanica (non Reinw. ex Bl.) Blume A5c — 14 16j-k, plate 3c = - javanica (non Reinw. ex Bl.) Schltr. A5b - 13 var. lurida Ch7a 34*, fig. 16a-i, plate 3b — = latifolia Rolfe Excl. 16 perakensis (Rolfe) Ridley ChlOa - 23,38,39, = nelsoniana Bailey A5a — 11 43 = = var. pallidifloraSchltr. A5a - 12 pinniloba (J.J. Smith) Carr Chl0a-38, 39 = - = papuana Kraenzlin A5a 12 pusilla (Ridley) Ridley ChlOa - 37, 39 = — philippinensis Ames A5a 12 ramentacea J.J.Wood Ch8 - 26, 35*, fig. 17 = ?A5a - picta Lindley 11 richardsii Cart Ch9 - 26, 35*, fig. 18 = - purpurea Ridley A2a 7 sulphurea (Blume) Pfitzer ChlO - 24, 36*, 43 - ridleyi Hooker f. A6 2, 3, 5, 15*, fig. 7, plate var. crassifolia (Carr) de Vogel Chi0b - 18, 2a, 2b 26, 39*, fig. 19e-g, fig. 20e = sumatrana Schltr. ?A5a -11,13 var. sulphurea ChlOa — 18, 26, 37*, fig. 19a-d, fig. 20a-d, f, g, plate 3d, Basigyne J.J. Smith - 19 cover Smith — Bracisepalum J.J. 17, 19* tenuiflora (Ridley) Pfitzer Excl. - 40 densiflorum de Vogel Bl - 19, 20*, fig. 8, unguiculata Carr Chll - 26, 39*, fig. 21 plate 2c vermicularis (J.J. Smith) Kraenzlin Excl. — 40 selebicum J.J.Smith B2 — 18, 19, 20*, fig. 9 Chelonostele auct. non Pfitzer: Ridley - 43, 44 52 Orchid Monographs 1 (1986) — — 47 Geesinkorchis de 43* Coelogyne Lindley 19, 23, 24,43, Vogel 17, - - 44*, 23, sect. Chelonistele J.J. Smith 23, 24 alaticallosa de Vogel G1 43, fig. sect. Longifoliae Pfitzer - 43 plate 4a, 4b G2 — subgen. Chelonistele (Pfitzer) Butzin - 24 phaiostele (Ridley) de Vogel 18, 40, 43, - 4c amplissima Ames & Schweinf. Chi — 26, 28 44, 45*, fig. 24, plate var. schweinfurthiana J.J. Smith = Chi — Nabaluia Ames — 47* 26, 28 17, 23, 43, - 39 de N1 — 49, fig. 25, beyrodtianaSchltr. = ChlOa 23, 38, angustifolia Vogel 47, 48*, biflora Par. & Rchb. f. — 23 plate 4d - 26 bilamellata Lindley - 47 clemensii Ames N2 40,47,48, 49*, fig. - = non Ames 48 brevilamellata J.J. Smith Ch2 — 23, 28 clemensii auct. Ames: = de - 27 crassifolia (Carr) Masamune ChlOb - 39 exaltata Vogel N3 48, 50*, fig. = croockewitii Teysm. & Binnend. ChlOa — — 23 23,38,39 Panisea Lindley = - 23 cuneata J.J. Smith ChlOa — 38 apiculata Lindley = - 40 decipiens Sander ?Chl0a - 38 uniflora (Lindley) Lindley - 47 gibbosa(Blume) Rchb. f. — 23 Pholidota W.J. Hooker 17, 23, 41,43, = de Vriese - 43 ingloria J.J. Smith Ch4 — 30 gibbosa (Blume) = J. Hooker — 43 kutaiensis J.J. Smith ChlOa - 38 imbricata W. = = - kinabaluensis Ames El - 41 lamellulifera (Carr) Masamune Ch6 32 — = - Rchb. f. 47 lurida L. Linden & Cogn. Ch7 23, 34 nervosa (Blume) 41, 43, = - 38 = perakensis Rolfe ChlOa - 23, 38 pusilla (Ridley) Kraenzlin ChlOa = Smith Ch5 - 31 = phaiostele G2 - 43,45 sigmatochilus(Rolfe) J.J. = - pinnilobaJ.J. Smith ChlOa — 38 sulcata J.J. Smith 43 = = - pusilla Ridley ChlOa - 23, 37 triloba J.J. Smith G2 45 = - 43 richardsii (Carr) Masamune Ch9 - 35 ventricosa (Blume) Rchb. f. — 23 = ridleyana Schltr. G2 — 43,45 Pleione D. Don = = & O. Kuntze sarawakensis Schltr. Ch7a - 34 croockewitii (Teysm. Binnend.) = - ChlOa - 38 sulphurea (Blume) Rchb. f. ChlOa 23, 37 23, = O. Kuntze ChlOa — 37 tenuiflora Ridley - 23 sulphurea (Blume) 23, = unguiculata(Carr) Masamune Chll — 39 - - Rolfe 24 ventricosa (Blume) Rchb. f. 23 Sigmatochilus = kinabaluensis Rolfe Ch5 — 31 Cymbidieae — 1 24, = - Cyrtopodiinae — 1, 2 Spathoglottis ?trivalvis Lindley A5a 11 Dendrochilum Blume - 19 Thecopus —1,2 Thecostele — 1,2 — Entomophobia de Vogel - 17, 41* alata (Roxb.) Par. & Rchb. f. 16 kinabaluensis (Ames) de Vogel El - 41*, Thecostelinae -1,2 fig. 22 - Epidendreae — 1 Vandeae 1 — Epidendroideae - 1 Vandoideae 1 Orchid Monographs 1 (1986) 53 Legends of the figures For Fig. 1, see page 11. Holttum. b. flower d. and column Fig. 2. Acriopsis carrii a. Habit; flower; c. analysis; lip (a. Carr 135; b-d. SF 10254). flower Fig. 3. Acriopsis densiflora Iindley var. densiflora. a. Habit; b. flower; c. analysis; d. lip and column; e. lip. — Acriopsis densiflora Lindley var. bomeensis (Ridley) Minderhoud& de f. Habit; and column Niel b-d. Herb. Paris e. van der Est Vogel. g. lip (a. van 3718, s.n.; s.n.; f-g. Collenette 29/79). Fig. 4. Acriopsis gracilis Minderhoud & de Vogel. a. Flower; b. flower analysis; c. lip and column (a—d. Giles 620). indica b. flower column Fig. 5. Acriopsis Wight, a. Habit; analysis; c. flower; d. lip and Weber b—d. Seidenfaden& Smitinand (a. s.n.; 8345). Blume auriculata Minderhoud de Fig. 6. Acriopsis javanica Reinw. ex var. & Vogel. a. Habit; b. flower; c. flower analysis; d. lip and column; e. cross-section through lip and column (a—d. Leiden, cult. Hort. (Roos & Franken) 20788; e. Mason 546). Fig. 7. Acriopsis ridleyi Hooker f. a. Habit; b. flower; c. flower analysis; d. lip and column; e. fruit (a. Burkill 3331;b-e. Bridson 353). Fig. 8. Bracisepalum densiflorum de Vogel. a. Habit; b. bract; c. flower; d. flower analysis; e. lip and column; f. column (a—f. Leiden, cult. Hort. (de Vogel) 20313). Smith, flower Fig. 9. Bracisepalum selebicum J.J. a. Habit; b. bract; c. flower; d. analysis; e. lip and column; f. colum (a—f. Leiden, cult. Hort. (de Vogel) 20446). flower Fig. 10. Chelonisteleamplissima (Ames & Schweinf.) Carr. a. Habit; b. flower; c. anal- outline Chai ysis; d. column; e. cross-section through ovary (a. & c—e. Nooteboom& 2247; b. Singapore, cult. Hort. 11.111.66 (Kew ale. 31926)). Fig. 11. Chelonistele brevilamellata(J.J. Smith) Carr. a. Habit; b. flower analysis; c. backside of the lip; d. column (a—d. Endert 4427). Fig. 12. Chelonistele dentifera de Vogel. a. Habit; b. flower analysis; c. lip and column; d. column; e. lip (a. & c—e. S 21954; b. Burtt B. 11375). Carr. b. flower d. col- Fig. 13. Chelonistele ingloria (J.J.Smith) a. Habit; flower; c. analysis; cult. Hort. Martin umn (a. & c-d. Endert 3972; b. Leiden, (Burtt & 5215) 22064). de b. flower Fig. 14. Chelonistele kinabaluensis (Rolfe) Vogel. a. Habit; flower; c. analysis; the lobes Clemens e—f. Clemens d. lip and column; e. column; f. column, spread (a—d. 51192; 50658). Carr. flower d. col- Fig. 15. Chelonistele lamellulifera a. Habit; b. flower; c. analysis; lip; e. umn,left lobes spread (a. & d. Synge S. 521; b-c. & e. Burtt & Martin B. 5405). 54 Orchid Monographs 1 (1986) Fig. 2. Holttum. 55 Orchid Monographs 1 (1986) 16. Chelonistele lurida Linden & Pfltzer Fig. (L. Cogn.) var. lurida. a. Habit; b. flower; c. flower analysis; d. column, lobes spread; e. anther; f. pollinia; g. flower analysis; h. lip and column; i. column, lobes spread. — Chelonistele lurida var. grandiflora de Vogel. j. Flower analysis; k. column, lobes spread (a. Clemens s.n., 7-1-1932; b-f. SAN (Sinanggul) 38318; g—i. Bruxelles, cult. Hort. (Herb. Cogniaux); j-k. Burtt & Woods B. 2169). Fig. 17. Chelonistele ramentacea J.J.Wood, a. Habit; b. flower analysis; c. column (a—c. Burtt & Woods B. 2192). Fig. 18. Chelonistele richardsii Carr. a. Habit; b. flower; c. flower analysis; d. lip and column; Richards e. column, lobes spread (a-e.
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