アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄-転記・注解 - Title [Ⅹ](1891.3.2-1891.4.15) Author(s) 長尾,史郎 Citation 明治大学教養論集, 495: 57-101 URL http://hdl.handle.net/10291/16746 Rights Issue Date 2013-09-30 Text version publisher Type Departmental Bulletin Paper DOI https://m-repo.lib.meiji.ac.jp/ Meiji University aAm*~~fH~~ :im~495ij­ (2013' 9) pp.57-101 7-*~~·~~~ ~~?7~8E~ - ~~C • i±Wf - [X] (1891. 3. 2-1891. 4. 15) :;$:'l11Iili=t.~ =tfJiHrnest Satow Diary [:h\j~~;l!l;~;jSf~PJT~IJ 0) ";!>. E.-tt i'ry [B:;$:;g: fti!li~zJlJJJ O)ry)v7"'7-1i11fB:'ft [1889-1893J O)ffil:5t~~~cl.,. ~i±~:IJ[J.:t t.: <b 0) -C iii) 7.>0 :r&1:::IJl~tJ ~, l.,EP~ ~[;l;,;lj. 7.> .::. c <b iii) 0"; c,f(j!, "; b{. ~ [IiHi~~cO),;lj.I:::~!7.>'::' cl:::""97.>o =t'l11liliiilEBitJ=tHt-C.b'tL""( ~,7.> c Ii ~ ,.:t. *1!fI::: li&:,-g l., M'G:i:I::: li¥lJ~ l., ~ tL tH' <b 0) b{iIi) .., t.: [r,,~~ lij}%O)¥lJWTO) J:: "; 1:::,f(j!,t>tL 7.>"'?> <b l., tL~b{. *1!f0)1jg ~lJt1Jb{--:> O)lI1iH1H::: <b tJ .., ""( ~,7.> 0) Ii <b !> 01v -C iii) 7.> 0 11: t.:. ~:ff;g ~ii] Ii <b !> 0 Iv. A r{ -1 /1jgO)~~.ljt1jgb{5(: t;; 7.> .::. c <b iii) .., ""(. -I!i¥lJ~Hll., <""97.> c ~ <b iii) 7.>0 ~61:::. M:;$:~W~l.,kO)-C. ~tL~r~""9ru~~t;;""(-I!i~~~~U.~ <b~t::t.:Jo ¥lJ~o)~~Ii • .ljt1jg:i:1*0).::. c <b. ~O)-ffilO).::. c <bili)7.>o ~tL61i~,;lj.ctLt.: I ;jfO~~;l!l;~;jSf~mf:JtT-7- -tt i' ry B~c (Satow Papers: Diaries P. R. 0.30/33/15/1-17. 30/33/16/1-12. 30/33/17/1-16) [mm] 7 - * Ai" -tt i' ry (Ernest Mason Satow 1843-1929) b{1f ~ ~ l..-t.: 18611f.b'619261f.1I:-CO)B~co :r&1f.. -tt i'ryb{~l..-t.: r-j}5(:,§,O)J;l.t.: aAmflttlfJ ("A Diplomat in Japan." London. 1921. 1Jl~:;$:iIi) I)) O)M)( .-Cili)7.>o [M~1!f] -14" I) AOO.lz:0)(.~ The National Archives [~~] 52 fffr (Wlli:!:;$:fffr~) [1f.tt] 1861-19261f. [OO~] Wlli:!:;$: (Ca 4-04. I) [~*] r-tt i'ry)(.§~J (Ca4-04.1-0) [fiIi~] :liimft!f-~ r-j}5(:,§,O)J;l.t.:aAmflttlf ..t·TJ (EilIl)(Jlli. 19601f.). tkMV!. r~~'~-7-*A i' • -It i' ry B~EPJ l-14~ (~Btlfllll*±. 1998-2001) ~R I] -c~~c U:: 1], -cn-cb1j!mO)-{ffH};6~~ <Mt?j.WntJHm7tb~ 1], t-O)$ 7tli,¢,J:~-Cff-L" -cn';I:::Ii*tBT~ [U_"] i:-51~'-cff-U:: [JJR)(I:::~,;,T~Ii :t:T~ (U_") :toJ:O:=1I!T~ (U_") -cff-U::]o *t::, -mtH'Utm;6~ ~1:t-C~?j.WntH'~.g. b,¢,J:~-Cff- U::o ~.; I:::, ~c~0)~~i¥JtJ1!rI1JII} b,¢,J:~-Cff­ -go JJR)(I:::~,;, T~Ii, :t:~'T~-Z:'ff--g,:: cl:::-g,;,o { } P'Jli*1fO)tlfiJE [JJR)(O)~~ct-O)11HO)tlfiiE] ~~~O)B*.~~O)BE~~~~~O)U.~fi~e~~,;,~ ~~~71 •• ~tto) b 0) li~ <ff~ L, tJ ~ '0 B ~clitilO-C 7;' -C, flJlOli I~ c Iv C':flj; B ~c ~ n-c ~,t:: - t::t::, ~1:::tJ,;, C, ;6,tJ I] O)ffftll;611±\-C < ';'0 ~ ~ ~'i, B*O)*l~lIJJ=Lt*B U:: (-Lt§Ii0{l1!JGJ'ic L,-C, =Lt§Ii~B 0{l1! c L, -C) :I'~ tJ ~ -\' ,{ J 0 ~ A ~ -c, =Lto)* B 0)r.l1l::: ~)t.- ~l71 ••I::: tJ-:> t::O)-C~ ';'0 *1f;611&:':::IMIIL'H;J~O)Ii, -~':::Ii, 11HO)iiff~xt*c L,-C0)1-!f-"'7 • ,{- r' = !:':Y 3 'Y 7"O)HiJill.mO)~*CO)IMI:i!I!-Cb~';';6l, ~ ~ ~ gj:!iH:::xt-g,;,IMIIL'b~,;,o * * * * * * * * *1JII}~c-Jl abt. = about betw, = between acc. = according c. = concerning (7) ; cum (7) acct [s], = account [s] capt. = captain addnk, = adding c1d. = could afterwds. = afterwards Com'. = commander d agree', = agreement cont • = continued agst. = against drft. = draft & = and employ'. = employment & c, = et cetra engine. =engineer ans', = answer f[r]. = from appn'. = appoint Fr. = French appt. = apparent; appoint Genl. = General apptd. = appointed govt. = government apptmt. = appointment gov'. = government arr. = arrived; arrives Jan'. = January arrangn' = arrangement hr[s]. = hour[s] B. A. = Buenos Aires kilm. = kilometer I. = left rec'. = received L" = Lord rlwy. = railway lieutt; Lt. = lieutenant sec'. = secretary man' = manager shld. = should med. = medical Soc'. = Society min. = minuit statet. = statement min'. = minister tht. = that Mme. = Madame tho. = though mos.= months tho' = though para. = paragraph (?) thro. = through payt. = payment v. = versu perh. = perhaps wch. = which prest. = president wid. = would prob. = probably yrs. = years * * * * * * * * [1891] 2 3 2 March • Jus. Oldham in the course of conversation said he had seen pmra. fro my trade report quoted in some Journal abt. the crisuping & deserters, & that the capt. of an Eng!. Merchant ship had told him he meant to make his crew desert, as it would be a considerable percentage on his freight'. That a crisup here had been know [n] to go on board merchantvessels disguised as a clergyman, to get the mean to desert. gave5 him a copy of the trade report. After lunch Mr. D. Bankier called; said that a row6 was immi- T~)Jjix ':CD.!f!-mH;l: "con versa" c "tion" 1~~ffl""c;})7.>;Q\ foiJCD1iC.-l5"bjJD;t ""Cl,tH'o jljt, Mfijt [~i§$J1B] Ij\x*"Z'Mnl: -::> ""C l' 7.> 0 I::J~, I::J If A.;;Q', &~, &1IJ.~ifl;t ra'u [~i§$J1B] nent in B[uenos]. A [ires]. either before or when Mitre arrives. Poligrini & Roca hand in glove', wrap Lopez the Min' of Fi­ nance round their fingers. Bread riots' also to be feared! Went with Barnett own to the sailor's home wch. is in a greater mess than ever! Mar. 3. Called on Hordeflana to express regret that we had not signed the protocol together. Drived atlO S' Chaffrays: the Corps" there very numerous, & the Ild. Garcia Lagos family; also Pierret as ex-consul for France, married in this country, who was in Japan from 1875 to 80, tho' I never met him to any knowledge. Mar. 5. M'Crindle says they have settled their loan with Brazil, but it is still a profound secret. I suspect that they have already reed. part of the proceed, & that it is this which has enabled Montero to have office with funds in hand to pay everything l2 that is owing • Margaret came back this morning from the estancia. Mar. 6. Wrote to Greenfell['] "It must be quite a year now since ("'c) ~bQ)-c~l~'rdlm"t'; (~,:g$"t') <·~,:tJ:'?-C, f.!illt;l-C 8 wrap someone around one's finger ill:6'~.\l!,~ 'iiIi IJ !:jI.J:6'T 9 Cf.: More recently, the "bread riots" of 1977 and 2008 - where rising prices or rumors of impending subsidy cuts led to deadly protests in the streets - exposed the dangers Egyptian leaders face when the country's poor can't afford food. [http://www. voxxLcom/ food ·crisis-in-egypt·could-Iead- to-nex t -revol u tion­ bread-riots/; 12/10/31] to =drove at: -!:rPJ:6''?-C~:lJT~ It n. (77:"- A~> !J[ffi, $~, ~ffi. fJI, ffi1* • .!j!:tlIliJ~o .!j!~~O)~tf(i ~-, :tl~~(i ~ -:;( [*~U~J 12 vi. ~~J:.O)ft IJ :6~iI) ~ [*~tmJ 1/ you reed. your nomination, bttt;13 I hope you write back before long to take up your app [ar] tment. Otherwise I think you ought to tell the F. 0.14 that it is at their disposal. For unless 1/ you come out, they will be obliged to put themselves to serious inconvenience in order to find a locum tenens IS for me when I '6 go on leave [.J 1/ Godfrey Bland came in on his way home to England. Also D. Shennan, to whom I gave lunch; & he offered me an 17 '8 introduction to his estancia manager at Negretti • Called on the new Min'. for T. A. Mnuel Herrero y Espinosa. Afterwards. on Condoso, to speak abt. David Moffat; he promised to see abt. his being sent to England. Says Ken- nedy is reported to have manifested strong sympathies with revolutionists, particularly friendly with Edwards, who finds the fund. I said I felt certain K [ennedy J. Had too much diplo­ matic experience; that I had heard K. & Gutschmid[t] had tried 13 ~L,~JJii)( 14 Foreign Office jj.~1!'1 15 locum tenens (lit. "place holder," akin to the 'French lieutenant), is a person who temporarily fulfills the duties of another. [http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Locum; 12/11/01] ; ~~Q) "locum tenens" ... "7 T /~I::: Iil*T Q':' Q)~ ~';l: ...~k:Q)&iIDl1:-51i!:t.: T::tf:IJ~~{EQ)~.g.I:::.if: Q)~~HtrrT Q::tfl:::ft Ej. ~ tL Q ~1'i c V( ~ <ffl ~ \ .; tL Q 0 [http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B7%8F%E4%B8%BB%E6%95%99%E4%BB%A 3%E8%A1%8C; 12/11/01] 16 1*H~l.' 17 "estan-" + "-cia" c V(~rr V( t.> Q 18 Hannah made his beginning in the Partido of Ranchos, Buenos Aires Prov­ ince in the 1820s; he sold up the Shennan estancia, with its fine gardens and plantations, and went back to Scotland in 1869; obtained a siver medal at Paris for Negretti wool [Mulhall's Handbook of the River Plate Republics. 1875. Argentina A to J - http://www.argbrit.org/Mu1l875/ ArgentinaA. htm#AtoK; 12/11/01; r~ili1JDJ to mediate. On this he spoke very contemptuously of G.
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