Bockholt-Lokomotiven Gauge I Steam Locomotives Egon Bockholt& Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH - Steinerweg 10 - D-21521 Dassendorf Fon: +49 (0) 41 04 / 61 30 - E-Mail: [email protected] - www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I BR 86 The BR 86 was developed as a standard loco- motive for mixed trafc on local railways. Nearly The ”r“t“ty”e all German companies building locomotives were engaged in the manufacture of the 774 machines Put into service 1928 of this type. In the beginning of the seventies, the last locomotive of this type was taken out of Length over buffers 13,820 mm service. Our model, made in 1973, was relatively easy in Weight 88.5 t details compared to all following series. The locos were designed for a three conductor system. Power 760 kW Maximum speed 80 kph Our m“del Year of construction 1973 Scale/Gauge 1:32/Gauge 1 Length over buffers 432 mm Weight 8.5 kg Egon Bockholt & Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH · Steinerweg 10 · 21521 Dassendorf · Germany Phone: +49 4104 6130 · Fax: +49 4104 6130 · E-mail: [email protected] · www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de/ B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I SNCF 141 R Liberati“n Between 1945 and 1947, the United States de- livered a total of 1 340 locomotives to France as The ”r“t“ty”e support for the rehabilitation of the country. This universal locomotive with its axle sequence 1D1 Put into service 1945 was called “Liberation” on account of the circum- stances. Length over buffers 24,600 mm The SNCF 141 R was the rst model of the new Bockholt company. It was made for the Swiss Weight 189 t wholesaler Fulgurex S. A., specializing in the dis- tribution of models made in small series. In the Power 1,700 kW quality of the construction of the driving gears, this model already meets todays standards. Maximum speed 120 kph Our m“del Year of construction 1974 Scale/Gauge 1:30/Gauge 1 Length over buffers 820 mm Weight 10 kg Egon Bockholt & Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH · Steinerweg 10 · 21521 Dassendorf · Germany Phone: +49 4104 6130 · Fax: +49 4104 6130 · E-mail: [email protected] · www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de/ B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I DB BR 012 The DB BR 012 was developed out of the BR 0110. Out of the 55 locomotives which had survived The ”r“t“ty”e World War II, 33 were equipped with oil-burning in the beginning of the sixties. Together with the Conversion to oil-burning 1960 locomotives of the BR 10, the oil-burning BR 012 belonged to the strongest steam-engine of the Length over buffers 24,130 mm DB. Our model of the BR 012 reects its state in the Weight 200 t middle of the sixties. Because of the small num- ber made, this model is a rarity today. Power approx. 1,800 kW This series was ordered by Fulgurex. Maximum speed 140 kph Our m“del Year of construction 1975 Scale/Gauge 1:30/Gauge 1 Length over buffers 804 mm Weight 10.5 kg Egon Bockholt & Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH · Steinerweg 10 · 21521 Dassendorf · Germany Phone: +49 4104 6130 · Fax: +49 4104 6130 · E-mail: [email protected] · www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de/ B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I DRG BR 960 Between 1922 and 1923, ten Mallet type ma- chines were delivered by Maffei for service on the The ”r“t“ty”e Bavarian steep ramps. Compared to the rst se- ries of this type, they had a bigger storage bin Put into service 1922 and alterations on the boiler and smoke cham- ber. Length over buffers 17,700 mm Our model was built in black/red DRG version. Both driving gears are powered. Weight 127.6 t This series was ordered by Fulgurex. Power 1,200 kW Maximum speed 50 kph Our m“del Year of construction 1976 Scale/Gauge 1:30/Gauge 1 Length over buffers 590 mm Weight 11 kg Egon Bockholt & Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH · Steinerweg 10 · 21521 Dassendorf · Germany Phone: +49 4104 6130 · Fax: +49 4104 6130 · E-mail: [email protected] · www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de/ "MUIPVHIUIJT$ NBEFCZUIF4XFEJTIDPNQBOZ ✺✻✼ ✽ ✼✽✾✺ ✹ 'SJDITGPSUIF%BOJTI/BUJPOBM3BJMSPBE JTBRVJUFVO ✷ ✸ ✹ LOPXO MPDPNPUJWF JU JT GBTDJOBUJOH CFDBVTF PG JUT FMFHBOU EFTJHO 1BJOUFE CMVF UIJT NBDIJOF TIPVME 1VUJOUPTFSWJDF éñêí IBWFESJWFOUIF%BOJTI3PZBM5SBJO 8FIBWFNBEFUIF%4#5ZQF&QBJOUFECMBDLBOE -FOHUIPWFSCVõFST êé ïíèNN CMVF #FDBVTF XF NBEF POMZ B WFSZ GFX NPEFMT UIFZBSFJOHSFBUEFNBOEUPEBZBOEDPNNBOEFY 8FJHIU éîíU USFNFMZIJHIQSJDFTPOUIFTFDPOEIBOENBSLFU 1PXFS é îíèL8 .BYJNVNTQFFE ééèLQI ✿❀ ❁ ❂ ❃ ❄❅❆ :FBSPGDPOTUSVDUJPO éñïñ 4DBMF(BVHF éëè(BVHFé -FOHUIPWFSCVõFST ïêíNN 8FJHIU ñíLH ✁✂✄ ☎✂ ✆✝✞✂✟✠ ✡ ☛ ☞✞✄✌ ✍ ✌✎✄✏ ✌✆✞✑✄✎✝ ✒✄✓ ✔✂✝✂✏✂✠✎ ✕✖ ✗✂ ✓✌✟✟✘ ✑✒ ✙✏✘✚ ✛ ☛✠ ✌✎✄ ✌✜✢ ✌✁ ✣✤ ✛ ✥✖✦✣✧✦✣ ✥ ✑★★ ✌✄✓✂✜✩ ✛ ✙ ✌✜✏ ✑✄✪ ✫✞✂✄ ✌✬ ✭✮✯ ✮✣ ✤✮ ✰✣ ✱✤ ✛ ✍✑✲✬ ✭✮✯ ✮✣ ✤✮ ✰✣ ✱✤ ✛ ✖✏✑✎✟✬ ✎✄ ✩✂ ✘✂ ✆✝✞✂✟✠✖✟ ✂✝✂✏✂✠✎✕ ✌✄✴✓✌ ✛ ✢✢ ✢✬ ✞✠✠✵✬✶✶✢✢ ✢ ✴✘✂✆✝✞✂✟✠✖ ✟✂✝✂✏✂✠✎ ✕ ✌✄✴✓✌✶ ✳ B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I BR 44 In 1926 the rst ten machines of this type were built. Manufacture on a larger scale didn’t begin The ”r“t“ty”e until 1937. About 2 000 machines were built by 1945. A great number of these locos went to Put into service 1926 France after World War II, where they worked as 150 X on the SNCF. Length over buffers 22,620 mm We built the BR 44 in the DB version and as a lo- comotive of the SNCF. The 150 X is painted black/ Weight 181 t green and corresponds with the simple war ver- sion. Power 1,500 kW This series was ordered by Fulgurex. Maximum speed 80 kph Our m“del Year of construction 1980 Scale/Gauge 1:30/Gauge 1 Length over buffers 754 mm Weight 11 kg Egon Bockholt & Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH · Steinerweg 10 · 21521 Dassendorf · Germany Phone: +49 4104 6130 · Fax: +49 4104 6130 · E-mail: [email protected] · www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de/ B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I SNCF 150 X In 1926 the rst ten machines of this type were built. Manufacture on a larger scale didn’t begin The ”r“t“ty”e until 1937. About 2 000 machines were built by 1945. A great number of these locos went to Put into service 1926 France after World War II, where they worked as 150 X on the SNCF. Length over buffers 22,620 mm We built the BR 44 in the DB version and as a lo- comotive of the SNCF. The 150 X is painted black/ Weight 181 t green and corresponds with the simple war ver- sion. Power 1,500 kW This series was ordered by Fulgurex. Maximum speed 80 kph Our m“del Year of construction 1980 Scale/Gauge 1:30/Gauge 1 Length over buffers 754 mm Weight 11 kg Egon Bockholt & Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH · Steinerweg 10 · 21521 Dassendorf · Germany Phone: +49 4104 6130 · Fax: +49 4104 6130 · E-mail: [email protected] · www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de/ B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I SNCF 241 A The construction of the 241 A 65 was developed out of a design from 1925. The rst locomotive The ”r“t“ty”e was delivered at the end of 1930. The optical design of this machine was very well done. This Put into service 1930 compound engine with four cylinders was built for the hilly area in the East of France. In 1998, Length over buffers 26,355 mm the only 241 A 65 that has survived was recondi- tioned at the repair works in Meiningen/Thuringia Weight 200 t by order of Swiss railway fans. Afterwards it was full servicable again. Power 1,850 kW We made this SNCF 241 A 65 as a model. Today collectors take an special interest in this series. Maximum speed 120 kph As a variation we made the DR 08 001 with oil burning. Prototype for this was a 241 A that came to Eastern Germany in the turmoils of World War II. Our m“del This series was ordered by Fulgurex. Year of construction 1982 Scale/Gauge 1:30/Gauge 1 Length over buffers 878 mm Weight 10.5 kg Egon Bockholt & Söhne Feinmechanik und Lokomotiv-Modellbau GmbH · Steinerweg 10 · 21521 Dassendorf · Germany Phone: +49 4104 6130 · Fax: +49 4104 6130 · E-mail: [email protected] · www: http://www.bockholt-lokomotiven.de/ 5IFDPOTUSVDUJPOPGUIF"XBTEFWFMPQFEPVU ✺✻✼ ✽ ✼✽✾✺ ✹ PGBEFTJHOGSPNéñêí5IFmSTUMPDPNPUJWFXBTEF ✷ ✸ ✹ MJWFSFEBUUIFFOEPGéñëè5IFPQUJDBMEFTJHOPGUIJT NBDIJOF XBT WFSZ XFMM EPOF5IJT DPNQPVOE FO 1VUJOUPTFSWJDF éñëè HJOFXJUIGPVSDZMJOEFSTXBTCVJMUGPSUIFIJMMZBSFB JOUIF&BTUPG'SBODF*Oéññð UIFPOMZ"UIBU -FOHUIPWFSCVõFST êî ëííNN IBTTVSWJWFEXBTSFDPOEJUJPOFEBUUIFSFQBJSXPSLT JO .FJOJOHFO5IVSJOHJB CZ PSEFS PG 4XJTT SBJMXBZ 8FJHIU êèèU GBOT"GUFSXBSETJUXBTGVMMTFSWJDBCMFBHBJO 8FNBEFUIJT4/$'"BTBNPEFM5PEBZDPM 1PXFS é ðíèL8 MFDUPST UBLF BO TQFDJBM JOUFSFTU JO UIJT TFSJFT "T B WBSJBUJPOXFNBEFUIF%3XJUIPJMCVSOJOH .BYJNVNTQFFE éêèLQI 1SPUPUZQFGPSUIJTXBTB"UIBUDBNFUP&BTUFSO (FSNBOZJOUIFUVSNPJMTPG8PSME8BS** 5IJTTFSJFTXBTPSEFSFECZ'VMHVSFY ✿❀ ❁ ❂ ❃ ❄❅❆ :FBSPGDPOTUSVDUJPO éñðê 4DBMF(BVHF éëè(BVHFé -FOHUIPWFSCVõFST ðïðNN 8FJHIU éèíLH ✁✂✄ ☎✂ ✆✝✞✂✟✠ ✡ ☛ ☞✞✄✌ ✍ ✌✎✄✏ ✌✆✞✑✄✎✝ ✒✄✓ ✔✂✝✂✏✂✠✎ ✕✖ ✗✂ ✓✌✟✟✘ ✑✒ ✙✏✘✚ ✛ ☛✠ ✌✎✄ ✌✜✢ ✌✁ ✣✤ ✛ ✥✖✦✣✧✦✣ ✥ ✑★★ ✌✄✓✂✜✩ ✛ ✙ ✌✜✏ ✑✄✪ ✫✞✂✄ ✌✬ ✭✮✯ ✮✣ ✤✮ ✰✣ ✱✤ ✛ ✍✑✲✬ ✭✮✯ ✮✣ ✤✮ ✰✣ ✱✤ ✛ ✖✏✑✎✟✬ ✎✄ ✩✂ ✘✂ ✆✝✞✂✟✠✖✟ ✂✝✂✏✂✠✎✕ ✌✄✴✓✌ ✛ ✢✢ ✢✬ ✞✠✠✵✬✶✶✢✢ ✢ ✴✘✂✆✝✞✂✟✠✖ ✟✂✝✂✏✂✠✎ ✕ ✌✄✴✓✌✶ ✳ B“ckh“lt-L“k“m“tiven Gauge I DRG 05 001 To counter the rising competition of e-locos and Diesel electric railcars, Borsig made two stream- The ”r“t“ty”e lined machines, the 05 001 and 05 002. On May 11th, 1936, the 05 002 set a speed record of Put into service 1935 200.4 kph. Together with the test loco 05 003 (with a cab located in front of the machine), these Length over buffers 26,265 mm machines were in service at the DB without the outer sheet metal until 1958. Weight 203 t We built the BR 05 in three versions: the totally covered 05 001 of the DRG, the 05 002 of the DB Power 1,750 kW with Witte smoke deectors and the 05 003 with photograph paint. Maximum speed 175 kph This series was ordered by Fulgurex.
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