THE ONLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO EXPERIMENTAL AVIATION New and Improved 1/4Incli Seale Kits (Solid Wood) BUILD 4 Exact Vi-Inch to the Foot SCALE MODELS f o r $ 1.50 The planes pictured here can be had in kits at 50 Cents each, or Four for $1.30. Each kit contains all wood parts CUT TO OUTLINE SHAPE; die cast ma­ chine guns, where needed; die cast propellers and wheels. Metal seats all made, paints, glue, insignia, real scale p lan s etc. Die cast radial motors are included in modern plane kits where needed. PFALZ D111 BRISTOL FIGHTER SPAD 13 HALBERSTADT In addition to the planes pictured here you can get kits for the Hawk P. 5, Curtiss Itacer, Hawker Fury, Supermarine, Camel, Fokker Triplane, S. E. 5 A., and Albatross, at the same prices. REMEMBER All parts arc cut out B/J SEAPLANE NAVY RACER AUTOGIRO CURTISS HAWK P.S E Die cast propellers Die cast wheels Die cast machine guns Finished metal seats In these kits. Free: 20 pictures of war planes with each order of $1.50. Note: This price does not apply to the CURTISS SWIFT BOEING XP 936 BOEING P-12-F B/J. PURSUIT llandley-Page or Gotha. THE HANDLEY-PAGE 0-400 THE GOTHA BOMB DROPPER Don91 foil to build these famous W orld U ar Bombing Planes The Handley-Page and Gotha Bomber kits contain all wood parts (CUT TO OUTLINE SHAPE, die cast propellers, machine guns and wheels, metal bucket seats, all insignia and numerals, over size portions of high class aeroplane paint and cement, ex­ act scale drawing, etc., comprise the kit sets. HANDLEY PAGE KIT, wing span 25 inches, in I'ine or Balsa, $3.00 GOTHA BOMBER KIT, wing span 19% inches, in Pine or Balsa, $2.00 With each order of $5.00 or more a Howard (Mike) kit free. HAWK MODEL AEROPLANES 4946-48 Irving Park Blvd. Dept. W - i CHICAGO, ILL. NOTE:—Please add 10% to your order for postage. SEPTEMBER UNIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS ___ 1 - 9 - 3 - 4 1 ^\F!C--------------------------------------------- * Introducing 4 New 20-In. Scientific Hi-Flyers o In response to repeated requests from model builders all over A Brand Neiv Hobby the countryScientific creates four striking new ships — fo u r in Going Over BIG! worthy additions to the noiv famous line of Scientific HI-FLYERS. THE NEW MINIATURE These new kits embody the latest developments in model airplane design and are the biggest kit values ottered today. Build these 4 new scale HI-FLYERS. Like all STREAMLINE other Scientific models they are . GUARANTEED TO FLY! 50c AUTOMOBILES Each HI-FLYER Kit Contains: Finished drilled propeller, fin­ POSTPAID A brand new thrill for Model ished drilled wheels, 2 sheet colored tissue, bottle banana oil, Builders. If you have not as yet tube cement, washers, finished drilled nose plug, finished wire fittings All ribs, bulkheads, ordered one or more of these fairings, printed on balsa. Rubber motor. All balsa strips cut to size. Full size plans and Strcamlino Automobiles, do so at explicit instructions. onco. The realism—completeness in every detail—will thrill you. .50 Scientific Streamline Automo­ biles are easy to build—a new hobby for young and old. POST No other kit ever offered by any firm is as complete as theso PAID Streamline Automobilo Kits. Nothing has boon overlooked. Even tools (full-size coping saw and model knife) have been included. 20" HOWARD “ IKE’ 50c Postpaid 20" CURTISS CYCLONE HAWK 50c Postpaid . tne uura modern lines—the radiator front—built in headlights—a realis­ tic model [(*) Copyrighted name used with ετ/Λ permission of Chrysler Corporation.] Postpaid «Jp-L .D U 20" FAIRCHILD CABIN 50c Postpaid 20" BOEING PURSUIT F4B-4 50c Postpaid • Other Popular Scientific HI-FLYERS, famous the country over · 20" NlEUPORT “ SCOUT” 50c Postpaid 20" VICKERS “JOCKEY” 50c Postpaid PACKARD ROADSTER—Custom body; convortibio road­ -..' '! ster. Look at tho windshield—what a beautiful model I “ Ask tho boy who builds one.” Postpaid ................................................... $ 1 .5 0 20" WACO MODEL “A” 50c Postpaid 20" VANCE “ FLYING WING” 50c Postpaid NASH BROUGHAM—What speed, dash and smartness in this new streamline Nash model. Reproduced line for line from the original new Nash car. Postpaid ................................................... $ 1 .5 0 50c Postpaid 20" CURTISS “ GOSHAWK’ 50c Postpaid RD V-8 VICTORIA—A beautiful replica with that V-shaped radiator and slanting windshield. 20" FAIRCHILD “ 22” 50c Postpaid Easy to build. Postpaid .................................. 20" BELLANCA “ PACEMAKER” 50c Postpaid $ 1 .5 0 Send 5c for Scientific’s New 16-Page Catalog of Models and High Grade Supplies. DEALERS: Scientific Models for good profit. Write for discounts. SCIENTIFIC MODEL AIRPLANE CO 218-220 N-9 Market St. Newark, N. J . · In Our Next Issue We take pleasure in of­ Italy Solves Her Problem of Air Defense fering our readers the first of a series of thrill­ by Fletcher P ratt................................................ 4 ing articles by our old friend, Lt. Η. B. Miller, entitled Acrobats of the Fundamentals of Model Airplane Building Sky. Due to unforeseen by Edwin T. H am ilton......................................... (5 circumstances this arti­ cle could not appear in our September issue and The Development of the Fokker Fighters we ask the kind indul­ gence of our reading by Robert C. H a re .............................. ................. 9 p u b lic. Build this Prize Winning The General Aviation YO-27 ..................................... 10 Stinson, by Joseph Ko­ vel, gives you complete data and information to On the Frontiers of Aviation construct a flying scale by Robert C. M orrison......................................... 11 model of an excellent contest winner. Building Models for the “Tunnel” More plans and valuable by Alexander Ivlemin............................................. 12 facts will be given you on the latest airplanes, by Robert C. Morrison in How the Aeroplane Was Created a continuation of his articles, On the Frontiers by David Cooper.................................................. 15 of Aviation. Building the Macchi-Castoldi Seaplane A new surprise feature is in store for you in our by C. L. Bristol...................................................... 10 October issue, one that many of you have been The Aerodynamic Design of the Model Plane looking for. Watch for it! The National Aeronau­ ft? by Charles Hampson G ra n t................................. 23 tic Association, Junior Chapter, is lapidly be­ m coming a national insti­ Air Ways—Here and T h ere......................................... 24 tution. Perusal of the N.A.A. Junior Activities, “A&sVvi Curtiss Pursuit U. S. Army Air Corps PW-S (3 View) each month, will con­ vince you of the many by Willis L. Nye . ............................................ 20 benefits derived by mem­ b e rsh ip . IA Illustrated Aviation Dictionary Our regular features, The Aerodynamic Design ·· m by Edwin T. H am ilton......................................... 27 of the Model Plane, Fun­ damentals of Model Air­ plane Building, Air The N.A.A. Junior Membership N ew s....................... 28 Ways, Aviation Advisory Board, Illustrated Avia­ tion Dictionary, and the Here is the Junior Record Baby R.O.G. above, all go to make by Victor R. Fritz .............................................. 34 the October issue of Universal Model Air­ plane News, one of the Aviation Advisory Board............................................ 30 v e ry b est. Published Monthly by JAY PUBLISHING CORP., Myrick Bldg., Springfield, Mass. Editorial and General Offices, 551 Fifth Avenue, New York City. George C. Johnson, President. Jay P. Cleveland, Secretary Jay P. Cleveland, Advertising Manager, 551 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Entered as second-class matter June 5, 1929, at the Post Office at Springfield, Mass., under the A ct of M arch 3, 1879. Copyright 1934 by JAY PUBLISHING CORP. Price 20c a copy. Subscription price $2.00 a year in the United States and its possessions; also Cuba, Mexico and Panama. $2.00 in Canada. All other countries $2.50 per year. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions, otherwise they arc taking unnecessary risk. Every possible effort will be made in our organization to return unavailable manuscripts, photographs and drawings (if accompanied by postage), but we will not be responsible for any loss of such matter contributed. \ UNIVERSAL MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS ----- *( !E_P9 -Λ3Β- 4 3 IAV GOING TO SELL M IN EJ I D O N T K N O W WHETHER TO SELL Λ\ΙΝΕ / S h e ’s a b e a u t y OR KEEP IT / H a r r y I'M. G O IN G TO 14 y r s . FLY M IN E J a c k * 18 Y R S Here is a complete IDEAL Kit. Every­ thin;; is included. This makes IDEAL Post· planes easy, simple and fascinating to By Building Absolutely Accurate Model o f BOEING P-26A Boys, how would you like to have an experi­ very little practice you can duplicate the ad­ enced flying man sit down with you at your Justments necessary to make the plane take bench and help you lay out a real working off like a bird, find its ceiling, circle, loop and model Boeing P-26 A? One of the newest, most finally make a perfect three point landing at STINSON RELIANT AIRLINER advanced of all fighting planes. Fast, speedy, the end of its flight. This beautiful flying plane, an abso­ with full armament capable of over 240 miles lutely accurate reproduction, in exact per hour. This flying model is an exact replica Built in exact % inch scale, this kit contains 3,\" scale, is in great demand today. everything necessary to build a big, workman­ "With m any new fe a tu re s, m o d e rn of this famous fighter and flyer—one that is streamlining at all points, it is thor­ identical in all but size with its noteworthy like model with a wing span of 2114 inches, oughly advanced, and has a wing big brother.
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