TKE NEWSPAPER OF THE ANTI-APARTHEID MOVIEMENT TKE NEWSPAPER OF THE ANTI-APARTHEID MOVIEMENT 1 As spiraling viokence teans Soutb AfrIcan townsips apar, De Kkrc-k ylds to ANC pressures PsdentDe Klerk has been Jbted to act on the dangerous escalation of viofence in South Afica's tozvnsbips, under the strong prssure from the ANC's ultimatum in its open letter to himn at the beginning of April. But his belated mo~e on 2.May may not be enough to stare off a sen ous breakdoun in tbe peace process, or to calm down tbe inflamed situation on th5e grud, AFta 1Y-11111sa-37 kld MinisterVio.k. ln fact o-t a.d do~~ injurd in Soweto South African papers bad arid oter black totetuipa, and breen calling on Malan lo hunge r strikes by political cesign for ndsts, and the prisnnento denrand their release InternationalCnsiln (~e page 9) spoadinig frm of Jurist bad called for, Pretoria to at leat tour other VIok's retcm n til pitison, De Klerk announccd in repott onr Natal last yrac ilie whltesýo y parliatnent a And the weekly Snsatbscstn serie-s of measurro to curtheb reported: 'Sentnment la viol-send rerucetihe olstales runtling strongly asnong to negotitiuns. Western diplo-sts *. that Itelerting calls for tbe thet ANC dernand, are wltich we wer in 1986. We vould e back ontheltrevocable path to a total revolution. Rst to appease fi theight be pronrised tough new taws agamtt 'mllieation,' the strengtåentrsg of polire 'manpower and equipnenV, and special a-tons flan ttte to timne by the police and naflsary. And be tltreatenedIWANDLALANGA nohahýdsrdebih ON LWF UNDER goverrnmeiould n.the arate APARTHEID Page 6 ANCtlmiij On the humngsgae ofviolenice, ________________ die thANSnationalexecave bad calied f.,cae.estep, tobe taken by 9 May, tathoig wtit it would anspeod tailka with r rn i~I about the propotied all-party conress and1 tbc future ,omnititn.TlieANC stnitlativ 1} ws purmpred by the alannasig ,p-claf ofvoen-e to townshlps ål- renkatha hudnotap-vsously app~are - notblyAeadr notthnd east ojhnebr Tbc NCs d~~1an w,,r, backed oip by a list of tett oator minedelt, where the police bad ROBERTer' ioored war-nings of BERT Ipendinganaciss1)blnkatha or McBRIDE - NOW itljlante f--,e or1 artavely ON HUNGER dens=tdsfocusedonthecootrol. STRIKE the poil-c and other se~rt frcs,andonconditions;inthePage9 bachrelorhiostels wich have been a pritn laxrnch pad for lidkatha attack,. TheSouthAfricanpress MEMBE S' liiallypouredarom onthe NEMIS ETTER ANC'swarnlngs, and singledlout for special ridcutoe the detnand if., the sacking of Defence Minister Malant and 12w &Order hostels, the es speciail fiasi to aid viis of violence, and the laneb of prograrntes to eteate emopiny conditiona No deta d, f thsepoposal, wete provided, n.r 0at De tierk s pronise to iutensif ltwasuniclearwlhetherthswoutl ansount to anyltor thanr Viok's derisoygs- e (ser lbox), annornred bet-r De Klerk Icht for Isrope Stn meidm De Klerk alsorepatedbis=alier antt..u.c~ment of a two-day amuttlteeling onthe violence for 24- 25 May. Thi iihtrded to include partiesinside andoautide parhlnent, hurch leadem, trade unkrrlsts and acdetnlcs, Thc ANC initlalty rejected this, poloting out that what was needdwasacsloe,ntttnoeralk f.e ta.t.lebd~. arle ttfore-a tbc daigr that the of atollsoluehnetn the AC H-o-~e the prospects ofa useful meeting iprovd whrn the South African Council of Churches, repontedly with the hacking of the Dutdh Refonned Church, offered to ~o~~n the snstoi a merdating r),. 'The AN1C would be likely to aend son a.meeting -bat De lr anid Bathelez ilght not. Amendttwat of repm"ivfe hws Another De, Klengtrk ~ on 2 May was a new pro~rs tht the provisions of the notorinus tntemalSlecurityActalowingfor prevenrive detenation, the banning of orga~ ~tIn and detentinn for puarposes of interrogation wouild be 'drs ially amrended&.~he amendnrenu bec annouinced to the ISA still not yes been tabled ini parlianseo. The Hunn-t Rits C..nnsLsi.oreacted sceptcally. Like apartheid itseff, we fall to see how Kbese claus-l can be snitised to make thern aortable.'lt called for the whole Act to be sceapped. The final maånelemnent of De Klent's plan as deal with the ,iole- alncprosa] woestablish by legislation a Standing Comamission of toquity, ataffed by a judge, into, the prevention and ending of politically Inaied violetnce. teadm of the ANC, Ctrata and the South African ComtnunistParty, meeingon29 April, bad already rejerred thi propiosal, callig for 'an ind[ependent asternational judicial corrmiee to be,9 established'. VL1TI lW±J±ID NEWS i~1''k~ MAY/JUNE 1991 MOIORN WHEN IS AN AX! NOT AN AX!? Instead Of banning all weapotra at public gatberg, an the ANC proposed, Law and Order Minister Adriaan Vlok has brought in a pattial han. Allegedly 'traditional' weapons, which are seen in ahundajnce whenrever. lnkatha groups go on the ramnpage, may still be catried with impunity - indluding speacas, assegala and battle axels. Bot ht 'cnfliet situations' pangsa (le machetes), ,,.h knives and axs wvill be deenned illegal. Question: what's the diffeprnce between a halo axe (okay) and an axe (not okay)? The regibne'screluctance to deal serilusly 'with this isste isathe dirent result of the unbholy afflance ffsrged hetwen the state 4od Inkatlha agamntt the ANC and d.ernocaic focces in the townships. PHYROU CO 44 FOTESS OAD JUDD STREET LONDON LONDON WC1 i Nws 071-8378880 icsiiGOflS t 071-482 3941 FMTESS il WTMRWQGFQRMEN& WOEI &>eYIrG i GE INii T ri oUcH D0N7 WAIT ANOTHER DoY 2 ANTI-APARTHEID NEWS 0 MAY/JUNE 1991 * TIE ANC's first full national conference since its unbanng will take place it Durban from 2-7 July, According to untonfined reports President Kaunda of Zambia, Julius Nyerere, forner president of Tanzania, andPresidents Nuoma of Namibia and Mugabe of Ztmbabwe have been invited to amend. * THE predomnmantly white National Union of South Afriran Studtnts (Nusas) and the predominantly black South African Students' Congress (Sansco) are to merge in the cu of this ye. According tO Ntaa, tertiary or higher educaon in SouthAfricais available to 20 out of every 1,000 whites, ut to only two Out of every 1,000 blaclke. * ANTI-aparthetd campaiguers le the US have scored another victory. The US investment bak, JP Morgan, has deferred to presurs frm. it, major clients, including municipalities and states, and decided to stop promoting investment in South African companies by ceasing to handle South African ADs (American depositary receipts). Inthepastthe bankhasactedfor over5OSouthAfricanconmpaies; its decision, said the Financial Times(27 April) is 'a bigblow to South African businesses Ich relyonAfDRasameansofhaccess to US investors'. Does the CCB still exist? THE FULtLfctaboutthe sinister Civil c-perst Bronlliu (CC1), establshcdundertherinister of defence to carry out 'military intelligence' operations, may never be known. But there are widespread fears in South Africa that some, at least, of the CCB's structures are still functioning, possibly in a stew guise. When the official investigation into its operations was ordered inJanuary last year, the CCB's managingdirector, Col Joe Verster, told the Harms Commission that CCB staff had hidden files for self- preservation'. Alth gh in the end the inaut Simed laaelv into a taoversy, De Kterk has retained Mialan as his defence minister. Thewaterswerefurthermuddied when in April Malan fired CCB MD Joe Verster and 27 other operatives, and has sued Verster for the missing files. The government announced it would drop its legislation to indemnify the state against claims by fourmer ClB menbes frc more severancepay andothebenfits. In addition, the SADFwould help -tobeatthedeadlineof pending legislationtoindemnifytheSADF against claims of this nature. In February this year, responding to suggestions that the CCB was still in existence, Malan said that itwas announced inJuly 1990 that the CCB had been operationally disbanded. 'The truth is that the CCB has not functioned or been active in any waysinceatleastFebhruary1990.' He insisted: 'he organisation does not exist. It belongs to the past.' Nevertheless the controversy continued and it became known during the same month that despite the suspensfon ofits activities, the CCB had received during the current financial year a further R9nm in cash. Malan now claimed that, although wound up, the organisaton could not merely be disbanded at the stroke of a pen. He added: 'As far as administruationstructures are concerned, including frontcompanies, more than 80 ptr cent have already been disposed of.' Very little is known about the remaining 20 per cent of CCB resources - or of former CCB members who have been transferredto the SADF.JasperWalsh of the Democrac Party askedin the witeparhimaent whether the additional R9m was a golden handshake for former CCB members or to buy their silence. Despite the damaging con- Chance of a lifetime 'Who says thatnobodyeverwss reaction was one of disbelief. anything in a raffle? I always did Now thatthecarhasbeenhanded but that doesn't stop me from overtome, Ishouldliketothank buying tickets provided it's for a everyone for theirgenerosityand cause I support. So when I was theirhardworkinprovidingsuch told - onmy birthday for an odd a wonderful prize. I am also very coincidence -thatl had won the pleased to hear that the raffle first prize, a Renault 5, in the generated so much money for latest Anti-Apartheid raffle, my the cause.' Barbara Walker * Barbara Walkerwas last year's prize winnqr. This year the Grand Raffle will be drawn on 24 Mayand, onceagain, we are offering some great prizes, including a car as the top prize. e-CCB members to apply for inderainyagainstirosectionfur illegal activitie General Malan said ANC members were getting indemnity and it was 'only right that our own people should be looked afte,' On 23 April 1991 further detailed descriptions of previously unpublished CCB prol-e wergreveaedin a repott byte Palic entaryAGomms, e on Public Accounts.
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