76 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 18, No.5 RECENT FISHERY PUBLICATIONS Sep . No. 434 - Condition of the Middle Atlantic FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Pound- Net Fishery. PUBLICATIONS Sep. No. 435 - School Lunch Fish-Cookery Dem­ THESE PROCESS EO PUBLICATIONS ARE AVAILAB LE fREE fROM onstrations in Oklahoma. THE OIVISION Of INfORMATION, U. S . fi SH AND WILDLifE SER V­ ICE, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. TYPES Of PU BLICAT IONS ARE DES IG­ NATED AS fOLLOWS: Sport Fishery Abstracts, vol. I, no. 3, Abstracts 315-446, 52 pp. processed, January 1956. CfS - CURRENT fiSHERY STATISTICS Of THE UNIT ED ST ATES AND ALASKA. THE f OLLOWING SERVI CE PUBLI CATION IS fOR SALE AND fL - fiSHERY LEAfLETS. SL - STATISTICAL SECTION LISTS Of DEALERS IN AND PRO- IS AVAI L ~B L E ~ ~ THE SUPERINTENDENT Of DOCUMENTS, DUCERS Of fiSHERY PRODUCTS AND BY PRODUCT S. WAS HINGTON 25, D.C. SSR. - fiSH - SPECIAL SCtENT l flC REPORTS --fISHER IES LIMITED DISTRIBUTjON). Fishery Publication Index, 1920-54, Circular 36, SEP. - SEPARATES (REPRINTS fROM COMMERCIAL f iSHERIES 264 pp., proc essed,$T. 50, 1955. This index REVIEW. desc ribes the publications of the United States Bur e au of Fisheries from 1920 to 1940 and fish­ Number Title e ry publications of the Fish and Wildlife Serv­ CFS-1267 - Alabama Landings, Novemboer 1955, ice from 1940 to 1954. The index is in three 2 pp. parts: (1) A serial list of the numbers issued CFS-1270 - New Jersey Landings, December 1955, in each publication series; (2) an alphabetical 2 pp. index of authors; and (3) an alphabetical index CFS-1272 - Frozen Fish Report, January 1956, of subjects . A description of each publication 8 pp. series is also presented. CFS-1273 - Massachusetts Landings, November 1955, 5 pp. THE f OLLOWING SERVI CE PUBLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE ONL Y CFS-1274 - North Carolina Landings, D e cem ber f ROM THE SPECif iC QEE.!..ff MENTIONED: -- 1955, 2 pp. Boston Fishery Products Monthly Summary, Jan­ CFS-1277 - MiSSiSSippi Landings, December ~ 1956, 16 pp. (Market News Service, U. S. 1955, 2 pp. F ish and Wildlife Service, 10 Commonwealth CFS-1278 - Fish Meal & Oil, January 1956, 2 pp. P ier, Boston 10, Mass.) Landings and ex-ves­ CFS-1279 - New York Landings , Decem b er 1955, s el prices for fares landed at the Boston Fish 4 pp. P ier and sold through the New England FishEx­ CFS-1280 - Alabama Landings, December 1955, change; and Boston frozen fishery products 2 pp. prices to primary wholesalers; for the month CFS-1284 - Shrimp Landings, J a nuary 1956, 2 pp. indicated. CFS-1285 - California Landings , October 1955, 4 pp. Boston Fishery Products Monthly Summary, Feb­ CFS-1288 - North Carolina Landings, Janua r y 1956, 2 pp. ruary 1956, 16 pp. (Market News Service, U. S. CFS-1289 - New Jersey Landings, January 1956, Fish and Wildlife Service, 10 Commonwealth 2 pp. Pier, Boston 10, Mass.) CFS-1299 - Maine Landings, January 1956, 3 pp. California Fishery Products Monthly Summary, FL - 432 - Fishery Statistical Publications ofthe January 1956, 11 pp. Market News Service, Fish & Wildlife Service, 20 pp. U . S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Post Office SL - 162 - Firms Producing Fish Sticks, 1955 Bldg. , San Pedro, Calif. California cannery (Revised), 2 pp. r ec eipts of raw tuna and tunalike fish, sardines, herring, and squid; pack of canned tuna, mack­ SSR-Fish. No. 166 - Studies on an Ichthyosporidi­ erel, sardines, herring, anchovies, and squid; um Infection in Fish: Transmiss ion a nd Host market fish receipts at San Pedro, Santa Monica, Specificity, by Paul V. Gus tafs on and Robert R. Eureka, and San Diego areas; United States im­ Rucker, 10 pp., illus., process ed, January 1956. ports of fishery products into California andAr­ izona; c old-storage freezings and holdings of fish­ SSR-Fish. No. 167 - Passage of Fission Produc ts ery products; canned fish and frozen shrimp prices through the Skin of Tuna, by Walter A . Chipman, at the. primary or wholesale level; for the month 9 pp., processed, February 1956. i ndicated. California Fishery Products Monthly Summary, SSR-Fish. No. 168 - Mid-Pacific Oceanography February 1956, 10 pp. Market News Service, Part IX, Operation NORPAC, by J . W . McGary U . S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Post Office and T. S. Austin, 134 pp., illus., processed, Bldg. , San Pedro, Calif. January 1956. May 1956 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 77 (Chicago) January 19!}6 Montl!!Y Summary of Chi­ cago's Fresh and Frozen Fishery ProductsRe­ MISCELLANEOUS ceipts and Wholesale Prices, 10 pp. "'(Market News Service, U . S. Fish and Wildlife Service, PUBLICATIONS 665 W. Washington St., Chicago 6, Ill.) Re­ THESE PUBLI CATIONS ~ NOT AVAILABLE fROH THE El§tl ceipts at Chicago by species and by states and AND WILDLifE SERYlfI, BUT USUALL Y HAY BE OBTAINED fRON THE provinces; fresh-water fish, shrimp, and fro­ ORGANIZATION ~~ THEN. CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING PUB­ zen fillet wholesale market prices; for the LICATIONS THAT fOLLOW SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE RESPEC' month indicated. ~~V~E~~7~~I!~!:~~B~~,~~~I~~~:N~ENTIONED. DATA ON PRICES, (New York) Monthly Summary-December 1955 - Achievements of the Directorate of Fisheries, Receipts Q! Fishery Products at the New York East Bengal in the Field of Fish Culture, 12 £i!Y. Wholesale Salt-Water Fish Market, 5 pp. pp., illus., printed. Director of Fisheries, (Market News Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Government of East Bengal, Dacca, East Ben­ Service, 155 John St., New York 38, N.Y.) gal, 1955. Receipts in the salt-water section of the Fulton Fish Market by species and by states and prov­ Alabama Laws and Regulations Relating to Game, inces for the month indicated. Fish, and Fur-Bearing Animals, Season1954- 1955, 146 pp., printed. Division of Game and Gulf Monthly Landings, Production, and Shipments Fish, Department of Conservation, Montgom­ 2! Fishery Products, January 1956, 5 pp. (Mar­ ery, Ala. ket News Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serv­ ice, 609-611 Federal Bldg., New Orleans 12, "Analysis of Phytoplankton Yields in Relation to La.) Gulf States shrimp landings, oyster, fin­ Certain Physical and Chemical Factors of Lake fish, and blue crab landings; crab meat produc­ Michigan," by Ruth E. Griffith, article,-Eco­ tion; LCL express shipments from New Orleans; .!2gy, vol. 36, no. 4, October 1955, pp. 543- and wholesale prices of fish and shellfish on the 552, illus., printed. Duke University Press, New Orleans French Market; for the month in­ Box 6697, College Station, Durham, N. C. dicated. British Columbia Catch Statistics, 1955 (By Area 9ulf Monthly Landings, Production, and Shipments and Type of Gear), 137 pp., illus . , processed. of Fishery Products, February 1956, 5 pp. Department of Fisheries of Canada, 1110 West (Market News Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Georgia St., Vancouver 5, B. C. The fifth an­ Service, 609-611 Federal Bldg., New Orleans nual report of fish-catch statistics for British 12, La.) Columbia based on Departmental copies of sales slips that are completed by all commer­ Monthly Summary of Fishery Products Production cial fish buyers operating within the Province. in Selected Areas of Virginia, North Carolina, Statistics are presented by species, months, and Maryland, February 1956, 4 pp. (Market gear, and area. This report is intended as a News Service, U. S . Fish and Wildlife Service, factual statement of catch and no attempt is P. O. Box 447, Hampton, Va.) Fisheries pro­ made to explain the strength or absence of var­ duction for the Virginia areas of Hampton Roads, ious runs or catches. However, a review of Lower Northern Neck, and Eastern Shore; the certain economic, weather, and conservation Maryland areas of Crisfield, Cambridge, and factors that have a bearing on catch are enu­ Ocean City; and the North Carolina areas of At­ merated. lantic, Beaufort, and Morehead City; together with cumulative and comparative data; for the Boletin Cientifico, vol. n (1955), 175 pp., illus., month indicated. print~Compania Administradora del Guano, Lima, Peru. Articles deal principally with (Seattle) Monthly Summary - Fishery Products, oceanography off the Chilean and Peruvian February 1956, 4 pp. (Market News Service, coasts and Peru's guano birds. One article dis­ U. S. Fish· and Wildlife Service, 421 Bell St. cusses age and growth of the anchoveta, a bait Terminal, Seattle 1, Wash.) Includes landings fish. and local receipts as reported by Seattle and Astoria (Oregon) wholesale dealers for the Bulletin Officiel D'lnformation du Conseil Supe­ month indicated. rieur de la Peche, Number 22, October-Decem­ ber 1955~106 pp., illus., printed in French. The Flounder and Industrial Fishery Project, In­ Conseil Superieur de la Peche, 1 Avenue de terim Report, 4 pp., illus., processed. (Avail­ Lowendal, Paris, France. able free from the U. S. Fishery Laboratory, Fish and Wildlife Service, Wood~ Hole, Mass.) (Canada) Eighth Annual Report of the Fisheries ~ brief report on a study of the complex mixed Prices Support Board for the Year 1954-55, lndustrial fishery at Pt. Judith, including in­ 10 pp., printed. Queen's Printer and Con­ formation on the species composition of the in­ troller of Stationery, Ottawa, Canada, 1955. dustrial catch, catch in pounds per hour of in­ Describes the Fisheries Prices Support Act; dustrial species, catch per hour of food fishes, economic conditions of the British Columbia, and population data. Atlantic Coast, and fresh-water fisheries; 78 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 18, No.5 THESE PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ~ THE ~ AND ~~, BUT USUALLY MAY BE OBHINED fROM THE ORUANIZAriONS ISSUING THEM. price support programs for bloaters andAtlan­ five representative areas of Kentucky Lake, tic Coast salted codfish; and research and other 36 species of fish were taken, of which 15 activities of the Board. were game and pan fishes, 16 were commer­ cial species and 5 were forage and trash fish­ "The Coelacanth, " by Jacques Millot, article, es.
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