CENSUS 1951 WEST BENGAL DISTRICT HANDBOOK BURDWAN A. MITRA of the Indian Civil Service. Superintendent of CenS'Us Operations and Joint Development Commissioner, West Bengal Superintendent. GoverlL-nent Printing West Bengal Government Pr~. AUpore. West Bengal 1953 CENSUS OF INDIA BENGAL SERIES H. BEVERLEY 1872 J. A. BOURDILLON 1881 C. J. O'DONNELL 1891 E. A. GAIT 1901 L. S. S. O'MALLEY..... 1911 w. H. THOMPSON 1921 A. E. PORTER 1931 . R. A. DUTCH 1941 CONTINTI Introducing the district i-uxiii D. V. C. Map xxxiv Appendicea- l. Gazetteer uxv-xli II. An account of Land Managoment, 1870.1945 xlii-xlv III. The Coal mines of the District xlvi-lxiii IV. An account of the Burdwan Fever in the Nineteenth Century lxiv-lxix A list of rural and urban tracts in the district, of Burdwan • l.xx-lxxi SERIES I-POPULATION GENEBAL POPULA'l'ION T ABLE8 1 ·1 Area, Houses and Population 1-2 1 ·2 Variation in population during fifty years . 3 1 ·3 Townsl'l6118it1~d by population wit,h variationll since 1001 3-5 1 ·4 Townll and villages classified by population tl-8 1 ·u Persons per housc, sex and livelihood olass ratios 8 1 ·6 Approximate population of Uniollll 9-]3 LIVELIHOOD TABLES I ·7 Towns arranged territorially with population by livelihood c1_s . 14 1 ·8 Summary of livelihood clUll8es and v(\ri8tions in populat.ion 15-22 1 ·9 Eoonomic Tahlf> I-Livelihood Clasl:lCs and Subclasaca (District QJld Tracts) 23-25 1 ·10 Economic Tabb II-Secondary Means of Livelihood (Diet,rict and Tracts) 26-49 I .]] Eoconomic Tabltl lll-Selfsupporting perllonf'J cJlIoAAififld 81! Employers, Empioy<'f'f!I and Indf'pendl'nt Workers in Industries Md Services by Divisions and Subdivisions (District and Tra(lts) Jj0-75 1 ·12 Classifications by Livelihood DivisionA, SubdiviRions and Groups 76-81 1 ·13 Livelihood (:laaseR f'laRRified by age groups 82-83 I ·14 Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards 84-89 AGE TABLES I ·W Age and Civil Condition for Sample and Diflplaced Populat.ion in rural and urban tracts 90-95 1 ·16 Age lIntI LitE'I~(,y for Samplo and DiaplacNi Population ill rural and urhan tracts 96-100 I ·17 Single Year ago returns for Samplt' Popnlation in rural and urban trac·ts 101-102 SOOIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES 1 ']8 Mother tongue (Dist,riot and Tracts) 103-104 ] ·19 Bilingualism (District and TrlWts) 105-lll 1 ·20 Heligion (Di8trict and Traf'tR) 112-113 1 ·21 Schedult'd Cast{lR and Scheduled Tribes (DiBtrict and Tracts) 114 1.22 Backward and Non·Baokward ClasHes (District and Tracts) 114 1·23 Abstraot of Anglo·Indians (District and Tracts) 114 1·24 Migrants 115-118 DISPLAOED PERSONS AND NATIONALITY TABLES 1·25 Displaced persons by distriot of origin and date of arrival in India ]]1)-127 1·26 Non·IndiM Nationals (District, QJld Tract,,) 128 SERIES 2-VITAL STAT18TJOS 2 ·1 Birth and IJee.th Record, 1941.50 129 2·2 Deaihs from seleoted causes, 1941·(jO 129-131 SERIES 3-AQRlCULTURE Persons oultivating own land or employing bargadar with size of land oWII('d and lor given in bbag 132-134 Mean density (personll per sq. mile) cultivable and culth'st,ed arl'M, irrigat.ion. rainfall and dilltrihuti(J1I of orope, 1949·50 ..•...... 135 I 8·2B Agricultural StatistioB, 1949..:i0 135 8·3 Cultivated Area (exoluding orchards and gardens), 1949·1)0 . IS6' 3·4 Progress of oultivation during three decades IS' 8·1S Oomponents of cultiva.ted area during three decades . las S'6 Length of Government embankmentll 136 3·7 Statement of Land Utili_tion in the district in 1944·45 187 S·8 Abstraot of oulturable waste land blocks of 100 acres and aOO,'o III 1944·45 138 S·9 Reaults of orop cutting experiments durin, the year 1944·46 138 3·10 Besultll obtained by a detailed eoonomic enquiry mllode in aeleot.ed villages during the month of October 1945 • • • • • • • • • • • • 189-140 Page SERIES 3-AoJQOULTUBE--Contd. ~Ht Rainfall and Rainy day8, 1941-50 . 141 3 ·12 Mean Maximum and JIighcst; Mean Minimum and Lowellt temperaturf' in he6<lquf.\rh·fl< RtatiOIl (1948.50) 142 IHa Floods u.nd Droughtll 143 '1014 Production of food grains during three decades . 144 SERIES 4-INDUSTRY Censul! of Small Scale Industries-- (a) CI8118ification of industries by locality 14r, (b) Textile e!ltablishmcnts 145 (e) Non-textiIa (1st.o.blishments . 146-147 '·2 Growth of Factorios. 1940-49 147 4,3 l<'aotorics clo.ssified hy industry with average daily number of workers in each, 1949 148 "4 Average daily number of workers employed in lIeasonru and perennial industrios. 1940-40 141J , .... Ramings of 00901 Bnd ('ok., in Raniganj coal fi(lld8, 1931.49 150 ,·6A Averago and qoltll'terl attcndance of labourer in Raniganj (101101 fieldS ) IH }·49 . IuO 4·6B Average numher of persons employed daily in Raniganj coal ficlds. 1931-411 luI 4·60 Average dally wo.ges of various categories of labour in Raniganj coo.l fit'lds, 1931.49 WI 4·7 Public Electric flupply undertakings . 1r,2-)(il SERIES 5-ADMINISTltATlON 5 ·1 Land Revenue. 1°11-:)0 162 5·2 Criminal .JlI!~tic(l-Numbor of Criminal ('Me!! trIed Hi2 0·3 Criminal Just.ice-Persons convioted or bound over 1U3 5'4 Civil Justice lli3 I) ·5 Strength of Polioe. 191)0 ]1)4 5·6 Jails 105 .5 ·7 Numbtlr and description of rE'gistered do('umentfl and valuE' of pl'opl'lrties tmnF!fnrr('d, 1949 Wr. 0·8 Co.operatiVfl Societies, 1949-uO Hiu 5·9 Receipts of Excise Revenm, WI] I'i ·10 Receiptl! of Sales 'fax )67 (j ·11 RO<.'eipts of Entertainment Tax Wi 5 ·12 RecOlpts of Motor Spirit Tax 1t17 [) ·13 Stampll HiH 5 ,14 Im'o'no Tax HiH SERIES 6-EDTTCATJON AND ENTERTAINMEN1' Pubtc Institutions and pupils in 1950-51 lllll Educat.ian (Number of InstitutioIlll and Pupils), 1941-110 III\! Dirootory I'll' HIgh English SC'hools. 1951 JiO-liE> Printing Presses and Newspapors ]77 Cmemas 177 SERIES 7-P1JBLIO HEALTH 7 ·1 (]Jassitled numbC'r of hospitals and dispensaries. 1900 177 7·2 Rural Health Centres 177 7 ·3 Hospitals and DispoIlBarios 178-179 SERIES 8-LocAl. BODIES 8·1 Receipts and expcnditUN' of Distriot Board. 1941.50 180 8·2 Reoeipt!! and expenditure af Municipalities, 1941-50 181 SERIES 9-CoMlfuNIOAT!ONS IH Village Roads 182-18101 9·2 Roads and Bungalows lim-195 9·3 Length of roads mamtained by publio authorities on 31st DeCt'mber 1949 195 .9·4 Railway 8tatiollll 196-107 9·5 Post Offices IU7-2oo 9·6 PolymetricaJ table of distances 201 SERIES 100ANoJENT MONUMENTS ~D F Arns )0·1 Glossary of the better known ancient monuments iJOI-,-209 10·2A List of important Melal! $l.O.-r213 _·2B List of Hats (Markets) 11.....,215 SERIES ll-Vn.L.40B D ~. Yillage Directory ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For the entire matter of the IntlOduotory Essay aoknowledgements are due to J. C. K. Peterson's Gazetteer of the Distriot of Burdwa.n (1910), to K. A. L. Hill's FinaJ Report on the Survey and Settlement Operatiollfl in the District of Burdwan (1940), to w. W. Hunter's StatistiC'al Aocount of Burdwan (1876), to W. B. Oldham'8 Some Historical and Ethnical Aspects of the Burdwan District (1894), Journals of the Asiatio Sooiety of Bengal, the Bengal Records, and the periodical reports of the various departments of the Government of Bengal, the essay itself being a revised a bstl'act of the Ga.zetteer ; for the Series 1 tables to the Census Office of West Bengal; for geries 2 to the Directorate of Health Services, West Bengal, and partioula.rly to Dr. P. G. Choudhury, Assh;tant Direotor of Hea.lth Servioes (Vital Sta.tistjos); fOJ' Series 3 to the Directorate of AgrioultUIe, 'Vest Bengal, and partioularly to Dr. L. A. Ramda..,;;, Director of Meteorology, Poona ; for Sories 4 to the Census Office of West Bengal and to the State Statistical Bureau; for SelieR 5 to the Commissioner of the Burdwan Division, the Deputy InspectOJ General of Police, Burdwan Range, the Distriot Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police of Rurdwan, and the State Sta.tistioal Burea.u ; for Series 6 to the Direetorate of Education, the District Inspector of Schools for Burdwan, the Census Office, and the Rtate Htatistioal BUleau ; for Series 7 to the Directorate of HeaJth Servioes; for Series 8 to the Commissioner of the Burdwan Division and to the public bodie8 conoerned; for Series 9 to the Posta] Department and the District Board of Burdwan ; and for Series 11 to the Census Office, \Vest Bem~al. I wish to express my obligations to Professor Ajit Kumar Saha of l>residency Conega, Caloutta, for having brought the Section on Geology up to date. I }l80ve aoknowledged other debts in the body of the volume. WEST BENGAL DISTRICT BURDWAN A B H u "I I I I l rJ r. I ~ I _,..\/ \ ...... ;..... r: \I I ....... ) ( MANTESWAR ... ) REFmNctS Boundary' Sllte . _ . District. _I_I.. : Sub·dlvISIOll,,_. _._ : Police Stltlon ___ _ Heldquarters Diltrlct-· • Nlme Sub·dlv~lon .. kATWA 1 : Pollee SmiOil GALli R~d . Meliliad ... Un metalled ." == = =": Riliways with Sution ,,~ G a H a Scale I inch to 8 miles Reg. No. 1282 CCSl (W.e.D.O. ·fl )50 Printed It the West Aengal Drlwlng Office (Allpore) COPYRIGHT RESERvED A o ~ 0 '[ '~ Z :r <! I-'" <t" a.... z. 3 <[ :l. 0 ()I- C[ r ,~ 101 0 a a. <I.
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