Rulebook 2020 La Carrera Panamericana RULE BOOK 2020 CONTENTS I - EVENT AND DATE 05 VI - GENERAL OBLIGATIONS for Teams 14 II - INTRODUCTION 05 Article 8: Teams Suggestions 06 'H¿QLWLRQ 8.2 Minors 8.3 Licenses III - PROGRAM 2020 08 8.4 FEMADAC license coverage 15 Program & Activities 8.5 During the event 8.6 Changes of team members IV - ORGANIZATION & AUTHORITIES 10 8.7 Credential or identity cards Article 1: Organization Article 9: Entries and requirements 15 9.1 Entries Article 2: Endorsement of LCP 2020 11 9.2 Requirements 16 9.3 Competitors registered outside Mexico V - GENERAL CONDITIONS 11 9.4 Transportation and entry of cars into Mexico Article 3: Description of LCP 2020 9.5 Recommended custom brokers 17 3.1. Stages and types of sections Article 10: Starting order and Article 4: Eligibility of competing cars 11 Competition numbers 17 10.1 Groups and categories 10.2 Qualifying Stage 18 Article 5: Eligibility of the competitors 12 10.3 Starting order 5.1. Eligibility of the competitors 10.4 Competition numbers 5.2. Non-compliance 10.5 The absense of competititon numbers 5.3. Spare driver/co-driver &RQ¿UPDWLRQRIUHJLVWUDWLRQDQGDVVLJPHQW 2ႈFLDOFORWKLQJVSDUHGULYHUVFRGULYHUV of the numbers ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHWHDP Article 6: Amendments and 12 on the competing car 19 supplements to the rules 6.1 Regulatory bulletins $UWLFOH7UDႈFUHJXODWLRQV 6.2. Publication of bulletins 0RGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKH5XOH%RRk Article 12: Repairs 19 2ႈFLDODUHDV Article 7: Application and 12.2 External assistance interpretation of the Rule Book 13 12.3 Forbidden acts 20 7.1. Responsibility 7.2. Protests Article 13: Support Vehicles 20 'H¿QLWLRQV 13.1 Registration and insurance 7.4. The responsibility of the entrant 13.2 Circulation of the service vehicles 7.5. Judge-Steward of the Meeting 7.6. Penalties 13.3 During the Speed Sections 7.7. Use of the trademark "La Carrera Panamericana" Article 14: Advertising 21 7.8 Hotel Accommodations 14 14.1 Advertising and sponsors 14.2 Exclusion 14.3 Penalties 2 La Carrera Panamericana RULE BOOK 2020 CONTENTS VII - ELIGIBILITY AND CATEGORIES 18.20 Authorizathion to take part in La Carrera Panamericana 48 OF THE COMPETING CARS 22 Article 15: Eligibility of the Article 19: Non-eligible competing cars cars Exclusions 48 Article 16: Categories 22 19.1 Turismo de Producción and Sport Menor 16.1 "Turismo de Producción" (#1 to #99) 23 19.2 Turismo Mayor and Sport Mayor 16.2 "Turismo Mayor" (#100 to #149) 25 19.3 Historic Cars Group 16.3 "Sport Menor" (#150 to #199) 29 &ODVVL¿FDWLRQLQWKH([KLELWLRQ&DWHJRU\ 16.4 "Sport Mayor" (#200 to #249) 30 19.5 Refund of the entry fee 16.5 "Original Panam" (#400 to #449) 31 16.6 "Historica A" (#250 to #279) 33 16.7 "Histórica A Plus" (#280 to #299) 35 VIII - SAFETY EQUIPMENT 49 +LVWyULFD% WR Article 20: Mandatory +LVWyULFD%3OXV WR safety equipment 16.10 "Histórica C" (#350 to #399) 38 20.1 Hood pins 16.11 "Historic Road/ Rally Racing Cars" 41 20.2 Fire extinguishers 16.12 "Exhibition Cars" (#450 to #499) 43 20.3 Roll-Cage 20.4 Arm protection elements 50 Article 17: Fuel 43 20.5 Safety belts 20.6 Seats 51 20.7 Electric equipment 52 $UWLFOH0RGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKH 20.8 Mandatory emergency equipment competing cars 43 20.9 Helmets & Head and Neck Support Device 20.10 Clothing/ Overall 53 A) Panamerican Cars Group 20.11 Compliance 18.1 Fuel Tank 18.2 Suspension Article 21: Safety Recommendations 53 %RG\ZRUN 21.1 Ground clearance 18.4 Engine 44 21.2 Fog Lights 18.5 Radiators and oil coolers 21.3 Navigation equipment 18.6 Engine induction 7UDQVPLVVLRQDQGGLႇHUHQWLDO IX - RUNNING OF THE EVENT 54 18.8 Tires 18.9 Steering Article 22: Start 22.1 Starting order and intervals between cars 18.10 Shock absorbers 22.2 Passing Time Controls and lateness 55 %UDNHV 2ႈFLDOWLPH 18.12 Weight 22.4 Route 3HUPLWWHGPRGL¿FDWLRQV $XWKRUL]DWLRQRIWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQV Article 23: Controls - General provisions 55 Original Panamerican Cars 45 23.1 Control signals 0RGL¿FDWLRQVSHUPLWHG 23.2 Signaling at the Time Controls $XWKRUL]DWLRQRIWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQV and Speed Sections 56 23.3 Control areas B) Historic Cars Group 46 23.4 Time within a control area 3HUPLWWHGPRGL¿FDWLRQV 23.5 Entrance to a control area $XWKRUL]DWLRQRIWKHPRGL¿FDWLRQV 23.6 Time cards and actual time recorded 23.7 Opening and closing of control post 57 D) Exhibition Cars 47 23.8 Instructions from the post marshals 3HUPLWWHGPRGL¿FDWLRQV ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSRVWPDUVKDOV 3 La Carrera Panamericana RULE BOOK 2020 INDEX Article 24: "CH-P" Passage controls XI - PENALTIES AND REPRIMANDS 71 6WDUWDQG¿QLVKDUFKHVRIDVWDJHDQG Article 30: Summary of penalties Transit Sections) - and reprimands Delay / Abandonment 58 30.1 Penalties 24.1 Passage Controls "CH-P" 30.2 Warnings 76 24.2 Time Controls 24.3 Delay/ Abandonment 60 XII - PROTEST AND APPEALS 77 Article 31: Protest and appeals Article 25: Speed sections 61 31.1 The right to protest 'H¿QLWLRQ 31.2 Fee for protest 78 25.2 Required safety equipment 31.3 Additional expenses 25.3 Direction of the event 31.4 Unfounded protest 25.4 Start of a Speed Section 31.5 Inadmissible protest 79 25.5 Delay of a start 62 31.6 Rights of claimant 25.6 False start 5HTXHVWIRUFODUL¿FDWLRQRIUHVXOWV 25.7 End of a Speed Section 31.8 Appeals 25.8 Time not recorded 25.9 Time format 63 XIII - CLASSIFICATION AND TROPHIES 80 25.10 Assistance from third parties 25.11 Starting intervals $UWLFOH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ 25.12 Interruption of a Speed Section 2YHUDOOFODVVL¿FDWLRQ 25.13 Not starting a Speed Section 32.2 Tie 25.14 Maximum time assigned to a Speed Section 32.3 Posting of results )LQDOFODVVL¿FDWLRQ 32.5 Provisional stage results Article 26: Parc fermé 64 5HTXHVWIRUFODUL¿FDWLRQDQGSURWHVWV 'H¿QLWLRQ 26.2 Rules for the "parc fermé" 26.3 Exceptions Article 33: Trophy presentation. award 26.4 Assistance from third parties dinners and Drivers meetings 81 26.5 "Parc ferméDW¿QDOVWDJH 33.1 Trophies presentation 26.6 Penalty 68 33.2 Overall trophies 33.3 Category trophies X - SCRUTINEERING 68 33.4 Awards per stage 33.5 Award dinners and drivers´ meetings Article 27: Requirements APPENDIX 1 - GLOSSARY 82 Article 28: Before the start and during the event. 28.1 Scrutineering APPENDIX 2 - SAFETY 84 28.2 Items checked during scrutineering 28.3 Safety equipment of the competitors APPENDIX 3 - Sequence of Control and the competing car 69 Signals and the "A" Control Blackboard 91 28.4 Additional checks 28.5 Marks and stickers on car APPENDIX 4 - Reference drawing 28.6 Fraud to build a new chassis 95 Article 29: Final control 70 29.1 Final "parc fermé" 29.2 Absense of marks or stickers 29.3 Final inspection of winning cars 29.4 Cost of dismantling car 29.5 Further inspection * Revised: May 8th, 2020 MGM 4 La Carrera Panamericana RULE BOOK 2020 I.- EVENT AND DATE The Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR), the National km and will consist of 7 stages using paved roads, Sports and Physical Culture Commission starting in Oaxaca and passing through the cities (CONADE), the Mexican Organization of of Veracruz, Mexico City, Querétaro, Morelia, International Motorsports (OMDAI), Motorsports *XDQDMXDWR=DFDWHFDVWR¿QLVKLQ'XUDQJR Federation (FEMADAC), the National Rally Commission (CNRM) and the Rally Automobile Certain sections of the route will be closed to Club (RAC) are pleased to announce the regular transit to allow timed speed stages. The international historic car rally, La Carrera accumulated time will determine the starting order Panamericana 2020. of the following stage and the overall winner of La Carrera Panamericana 2020. The event will take place from October 16th - 22th, 2020. The route will cover approximately 3,000 II.- INTRODUCTION These rules state the requirements to compete until 5:00 p.m. October 15th, 2020 and at the in La Carrera Panamericana 2020 and all other Drivers'´ Meeting on October 15th. related events. The awards delivery venues by stage will be These rules are valid for La Carrera Panamericana SXEOLVKHGGXULQJWKHHYHQWRQWKHRႈFLDOERDUGV DQG FDQ RQO\ EH PRGL¿HG WKURXJK GXO\ at the host hotel the day before the bulletin is numbered and dated bulletins authorized by the HႇHFWLYH Clerk of the Course, together with the Steward of the Meeting. The bulletins are published in (YHU\VLWXDWLRQQRWIRUHVHHQLQWKLV5XOH%RRNPXVW Spanish and English to ensure that all competitors be analyzed and resolved based on agreements DQGRႈFHUVDUHDZDUHRIWKHDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ between the Clerk of the Course and the Steward DQGPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKLV5XOH%RRN of the Meeting. These agreements are not subject to appeal and the decision of the Steward of the The bulletins can be: 0HHWLQJZLOOEHGHHPHG¿QDO 1. Informative: about events or schedules. 2. Regulatory:DERXWPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKHUXOHV 7KLV5XOH%RRNDQGWKHEXOOHWLQVGHVFULEHGDERYH the route, or results. DUHSXEOLVKHGIRUWKHFRPSHWLWRUVDQGRႈFHUVRI the event in both, Spanish and English. In case In both cases, it is important that all competitors RI D FRQÀLFW LQ WKH LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI WKHVH UXOHV DQGRႈFHUVRIWKHHYHQWUHFHLYHDQGUHDGWKHVH and the information in the bulletins, the Spanish EXOOHWLQV ZKLFK ZLOO EH SXEOLVKHG RQ WKH RႈFLDO version will prevail. website https://lacarrerapanamericana.com. mx/competition-bulletins/ before the start and during the event. In addition, from Tuesday, October 13th the EXOOHWLQV ZLOO EH SRVWHG RQ WKH RႈFLDO ERDUG located at the Registration Park in Oaxaca and 5 La Carrera Panamericana RULE BOOK 2020 SUGGESTIONS IMPORTANT NOTES RELATED TO THE PROGRAM 1. **RECONNAISSANCE OF THE ROUTE: La Carrera Panamericana will be explained, The Organizing Committee has not planned and LQFOXGLQJGHWDLOVRIWKH5RXWH%RRNDQGLPSRUWDQW will not organize any sort of reconnaissance of recommendations that the competitors and their the speed stages. Any previous reconnaissance service team must know.
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