U.NKEL;S 1\lUStcAt H.EVIEW, APIUL, 1898. The Artistsverdict and of the the world'sAcceptance createst The WORLD'S FAIR of the Music Trade, HIGHEST HONORS -INDORSED BY THE JURY OF EXPERTS OF • THREE MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS AWARDED BY THE JURY TO COMPRISING ALL INSTRUMENTS PRODUCED BY W. W. KIMBALL CO., CHICAGO, THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS RECEIVING THIS NUMBER OF AWARDS FOR PIANOS AND ORGANS. E. A. KIESELHORST, Ceneral Agent, 1000 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS. KUNKEL' S ROYAL PIANO METHOD. veloped. These two features alone are of incalcula­ There are five names pre-eminent among the ble advantage to the pupil. hundreds of those who have written comic operas Kunkel's Royal Piano Method is destined to super­ The position of the hands, the touch, etc., are cor­ and each of them is distinguished by some marked !ede all the methods now in use, and ought to be rectly and profusely illustrated. characteristic. Thus Offenbach is unapproachable used by every teacher and pupil appreciating the Each lesson is precedecl by a magnificent portrait in the matter of fitting his music to the sense of most modern method of piano teaching. and biographical sketch of some great master, the words, and Lecocq and Suppe are without rivals Kunkel's Royal Piano Method is founded on the which is to form a part of the pupil's study. in their own peculiar fie lds ; but J ohann Strauss principles of piano playing which have produced A pupil who goes through this method will have and Sir Arthur Sullivan are easily the most popular, such great masters as Rubinstein, Paderewski, Von a thorough and systematic knowledge of piano play­ more on account of tho irresistible swing of their Buelow, Gottschalk, Liszt, etc. in~ . He will have a well defined conception of the music than anything else. In the inevitable com­ A wonderful exposition ofJJiano playing. Takes sc1ence of music, and will have a concise and inter­ parison between these two, it must appear that Sul­ a pupil from the very groun work; starts with the esting acquaintance with the great masters, past and livan is the gainer if one considers t he question of simplest studies; explains everything as the pupil present, of the musical world . rhythm. Throughout the best of Strauss' works progresses, and, while maintain\ng the interest, de­ There are hundreds of piano methods published waltzes and polkas of unimpeachable worth velops a fine technic and lays a foundation for the which do not suit good teachers. Such teachers will abound; but where can one find anything to equal most Artistic Piano Playing. find this book just what they want. the half dozen songs in the " Mikado " or the "Gon­ Its valuable features : doliers," whose fascinating movement in itself The studies and pieces throughout the book are of would insure their success? the most interesting and developing character. Dr. Hans Richter will produce Brahms' Song of They are fingered according to modern researches Destiny aud Beethoven's Choral Symphony in Lon­ Alexander Sllotl took his departure for Europe. as exemplifi ed by such masters as Hans Von Bue­ don the coming June. He was well pleased with his visit to the United low, Karl Klindworth, Franz Liszt, Carl Taussig, States, and will return next year. Etc., phrased, and accompanied with full explana­ The London Philharmonic Society has now reached tion of terms, notes, signs, etc., etc., as they occur. its eighty-sixth season. It possesses a guarantee In Prague, the opera director inaugurated the The wrist attack and the perfect l{'gato, the two fund of $14, 000, but its prosperity has been so great custom of commencing performances of Wagner's great factors in artistic piano playing, are fully de- that this has never been touched. dramas at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. THE JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE "THREE GRACES" STARR, JESSE FRENCH AND RICHMOND PIANOS. The STARR Piano is a recognized standard of artistic merit, and received the highest award at the World's Fair in '93, also at the Tennessee International Exposition in '98. The JESSE FRENCH is a popular rival of all claimants for the second position, because of its acknowledged durability, elegant tone and action, while the RICHMOND is certainly the best commercial Piano iu America, moderate in price and thoroughly reliable. We make nothing but such goods as we can sell on honor and fully guaranteed, and parties dealing direct with us get factory prices and save all middlemen's profits. Write us; a 2c. stamp may save you many dollars. JESSE FRENCH PIANO &. ORGAN COMPANY, lOth and Olive Streets, ST. LOUIS, :M:C>. 122 KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, APRIL, 1898. SEMBRICH ON THE STUDY OF SINGING. DEATH OF ANTON SEIDL. tive leader. Recently he was offered the position of conductor of the Royal Opera House in Berlin, and Mme. Sembrich, the great modern exponent of It was a fearful shock to the musical and social for a time it was feared he would leaveN ew York, the Italian school of singing, in an interview by the world, says Musical Age, to read in the morning pa­ but he finally decided to remain here. New York Sun, on the question of the study of v~­ pers of March 29th that on the previous night Anton Anton Seidl married in 1885 Mlle. Krauss, a young cal art, gave advi~e to young women who are ambi­ Seidl, the famed musical conductor, had died. He German prima donna of decided merit. His home tious to become smgers, and we extract the follow­ had apparently been so full of health and vitality, in East Sixty-second street was an artistic abode, ing from the account: so much in evidence before the public, had accom­ decorated with portraits and souvenirs of great ''Let a girl who wants to learn to sing first make plished so much of•late and was slated to accom­ musicians. herself a good musician. Let her learn some mu­ plish so much more in the future, that the idea of The vast influence of Seidl on the musical taste sical instrument thoroughly. All women cannot his taking-uti could never occur to any one. Anton and progress of this country makes his sudden and take up the violin, although for singers that is the Seidl was the last person with whom the idea of lamented death an affair of almost national impor­ best instrument. The girl who begins to study sing­ death could be associated. tance; and the world of music abroad, to which he ing by acquiring a complete musical edncation will On the afternoon of Monday, the 28th of March, was also widely known, will join with ns in the have made the best preparation possible. Mr. Seidl partook of lunch at his home in E. Sixty­ keenest regret at his untimely taking-off. "Then comes the difficult question of selecting second street, then walked down Broadway, stop­ the teacher who can do the most important Lhing ping at various points and meeting various friends, eorrectly-that is, place the voice. Once that is among them Nahan Franko, who congratulated him MUSIC IN THE HOME. done, as much depends on the pupil as on the on his healLhful appearance. The two gentlemen teacher. The teacher can do a great deal, but not went to a restaurant and partook of coffee. Then The influence of home in the training of a child everything. It is when the pupil has begun to learn Mr. Seidl was taken ill, and crossed over to the is important, not only to the latter's proper musical singing.that her talents as a J?USician w~ll ?Ome to house of his manager, Mr. Bernstein, in E. Nine­ development, but also to the growth of art-culture her assistance most. If she IS a good piamst, or a teenth street. A physician was summoned, but, de­ and refinement in the community. This point is spe­ good violinist, her work of prep~ration will not o_nly spite every care and attention, Mr. Seidl grew cially empha~ized in an article in the Musician, which be easier, but all her practice Will be more effeciiYe. weaker and weaker, and yielded up his breath at says: As for the role she learns, this is the advice that I about 10 o'clock that night .. "Few think of the immense good that might be always give-learn the old repertoire. In the meantime, at Mr. Seidl's house in Sixty­ conferred upon children by making music a con­ ''It is such music as 'La Sonnambula,' 'Lucia" second street, was ~athered a small party of friends stant element in their environment, keeping them ' Linda di Chamounix,' and 'Il Barbiere,' that trains who had come to dme with the host and his family, in an atmosphere of beautifnl sounds, bringing to one to sing well. Learn that thorou~hly, and let Pugno and other artists being among them. As Mr. their attention tone forms suited to their compre­ the modern composers alone for awhile. If there Seidl did not return at the expected time, his wife, hension, and thus gradually awakening the senses was anything needed to prove the truth of my the­ thinking that he was temporarily delayed, insisted to an appreciation of the beauties of music. If de­ ory, one would only have to look at Patti. t:;he is that his guests should proceed with their meal, and, voted to this purpose, an amount of time far less over fifty now, and yet she sings remarkably, and a message coming for her from Mr.
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