4 ♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHERFORECAST Columbia—The Three Must -Oat-There* Ho/a I—Flaming Youth. For 36 hours ending 5 pm.. Thursday: Capitol—Reno. Victoria end vicinity—-Moderate to Dominion—Heritage of the Desert. fresh t<>utTi6Tly and westerly winds, Ha y house—Hits of Life. partly cloudy and mild, with occasional XMt Partages—Irving's Imperial Midgets. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. 64 NO. 25 VICTORIA, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1924 CURRIE MAY BE MINISTER TO THE UNITED STATES 3,300,000 Haases Los Angeles is BIB SHAKE-UP BRITISH DECLARATION SAYS SETTLEMENT Needed in England Starting Point of PRINCIPAL OF McGILL ON RULINGS OF WORLD in Twenty Years V.S. World Flight London. Jan. 30 (Canadian Press Washington. Jan. 30— Los Angeles IS OFFERED CANADIAN has been selected by the Army Air Cable».— Mere than 1,000.000 homes Service as the starting point for the Ottawa Citizen States Can­ in England are not fit to Jtve 1n. attempted around-the-world flight, COURT IS NOW AWAITED original plans to begin the flight from ada Colonization Associa­ This is the conclusion of the Na­ Seattle have been modified accord - POST AT WASHINGTON tion to Disband tional Housing Council, which has ingly. Robert Owen Made Chief Geneva Hears Report MacDonald Administration May Accept inquired, into the matter. The coun­ ORIZABA RECAPTURED Constable For Victoria Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal cil estimates that 3.3O(f.OO0 houses Immigration Department and Galveston. Tex.. Jan. 30—Orizaba. Unofficially Reported Government Wishes to Appoint District ought to l»e built In the next twenty Industrial city and largest city in the Railways to do the Work years In—England, and that more slate of Vem Vrttik wA* captured yes­ Sir Arthur Currie as Canada’s First Minister to the Geneva, .Ian. 30—No confir­ than 600,000 new houses are required terday by fédéral forces, according tv Vancouver District Split to in Scotland; r ~ official advices received here to-day. United States - 7- Increase Efficiency mation has yet- been received Ottawa. Jan* 3Ô—“The Can­ here of the report that the British ada Colonization Association is Ottawa^Jan. 30—if General Sir Arthur Currie, Principal of Reorganizationv of the Provin­ Government raay\ratify the op­ goinf out of business,” states McGill University, will accept the position of Canadian Minister cial Police Force, with important Tlu* Ottawa Citizen to-day. CARDIN, QUEBEC M. P. Plenipotentiary to the United States, the appointment will bs changes in executive positions, tional clause in the World Court ^The meeting held in Montreal made, it waa learned here to-day. according to The Ottawa C itizen. was announced at ttre Attorney- of Justice protocol. By this act Monday is so interprété-1 here, As Premier- King was attending a Cabinet meeting this after» General* Department to-day. Britain would accept the com­ although the official statement IS EXPECTED TO JOIN noon, no confirmation of the newspâper s report could be obtained. Robert Owen has hi en ap­ pulsory jurisdiction of the court handed out was Jess definite. The matter has been discussed in the Cabinet and Sir Arthur, pointed Chief Constable for Vic­ and would be the first great “The mothering of settlers is it is understood/has been sounded out on the situation, but so far toria, it was announced. power to admit its obligatory to he looked after; by the Land THE OTTAWA CABINET has not indicated his acceptance. The Vancouver Provincial Po­ principles. This report and the Settlement Branch of the Immi­ Many representations have been made to the Government em­ lice district has been divided in- presence of Miss Margaret Bond- gration Department, while the phasizing the need of Canadian representation at Washington and two largo areas—Vancouver anti New field. Parliamentary Secretary of publicity and listing of lands will be Ottawa. .Ian. 30.—A readjustment of Hie Cabinet is expected the position wilt be filled just as soon as a suitable man can be \V est mins 1er -t he wholeto be under looked "after by the railways." the to-day. llou. Ernest Lapointe will, it is understood, be sworn in found. If Sir Arthur Currie would the direction of 8nb*iMpeetor rruick- the British Ministry of Labor, newspaper says. accept, the Government would be shanks, who. up to the present, has has aroused keen interest in The Citizen reviews thé difficul­ as Minister of Justice. P. J. A. Cardin, member for Richelieu, is pleased. The Citizen eaye. been chief constable at Vancouver. SIR ERIC DRUMMOND ties encountered by thel association, al«o slated for a Cabinet position. Sir Lomer Ooiiin, it Is understood# Samuel North will be chief consta­ British participation in the af­ referring to the reorganization ef­ declined the post. ble at Vancouver. J. McDonald, for­ Secretary -General of the League of Official announcement . of the appointment of Mr. Justice fairs of the League. Miss Bond• Nations, who is now visiting London. fected when Sir John Willison and merly senior constable at New West­ other directors resigned, the Govern­ Vancouver, Jan. 36.—A special to minster. will be chief «Tons va bid at field, who arrived yesterday, inau­ Malotiin of the Superior Court of Q.ebee to the Supreme.Court of The Vancouver Daily Province from that p<ynt. Both these officers will be gurated new activities for woman­ ment grant to the association last year, which was assailed In the Canada in succession to the late Hon. L. P. Brodeur was made Ottawa says: under Hub-inspector Cruickshanks. hood at a meeting of the governing "It Is reported that General Bif Division ofAthe Vancouver district board of the International Labor Bu­ House and passed with a string at­ early this afternoon tached to it. and finally the change Arthur Currie. Principal of McGill was decided upon because the di5- reau. TJie fact that Premier Mac­ Mayor of Roxheim, the vacancy created on the Superior Court bench has been University, has been offered the post trictjl extending for a considerable Donald has dacIàrëd lTi favor of mak­ made in .the personnel of the direc­ torate and the" greater prominence filled by the appointment of Ernest Roy, K.C., of Quebec. of Canadian Minister to Washington, atstrtAce up the coast was too cum- ing use of the league of Nations to but his acceptance Is doubtful.” bereomerte for efficient police admiuis- the fullest possible extent In solving Palatinate*, Was given the railways. the problems of Europe has given As It now stamis, the association s NO STATEMENT Otway Wilkie, constable stationed strength to the belief tha’ On Murdered To-day activities are about ended, according Montreal, Jen. 30.—“There is nettl­ in Victoria, wilt ^>e transferred to tain under the MacDonald Cfovern- to The Citizen, and the work is to be ing I can eay about it,” declared Sir mWTTt-wffp-tead' Hit? -way Ht-reeegwtH- divided tl** Immigration Re-yOffer Plan 1o Restore Arthur * Currie thle afternoon -whew trials and assise court cases. ing the rules of the court as obliga- Mayence, Germany, Jan. 30 paument and the railways. shown an Ottawa dlspStCfl regarding All these changes will ccm * into çf- —The Mayor of Roxtreim, Ba his probable appointment as Can­ fevt February I. They are tGng 8TATEMENT AWAITED adian Minister to the United States* made under the direction of the new variait sisi* ipifcWfctit provincial police inspector, CoL J. H. This prospect is being widely dis­ Confidence Tit cussed here this morning, and a defi­ of the autonomous movement McMullen. ‘ -______ __ nite pronouncement on the subject is in that province, was assas­ DENIES CM eagerly awaited. sinated to-day as he was me­ Sir Eric Drummond, secretary- SOVIET RECOGNITION general of the league, is expected to tering the town from the rail­ Values in This City have a conversation with Premier way station. HOLDS SITE DINES UNABLE ID Mat Donald la London this week. League circles attach great impor­ Local Syndicate ef Business Men Plans to Take Over Reverted WITHINTENMS tance to this discussion. WHERE Lands, and Make Them Revenue Earning fctr City. MAY CELEBRATION Observers Say British Gov­ ernment Will Act Without Man Shot in Los Angeles Mavor Hawyard -has been aaked- H. E. Beasley Says Acquire­ A eyudiuate be* beet* formed, in .Victoria contyusid of repre­ CIVIL SERVANTS Delay Should Rest Fifty Days, br Secretary C. S. Sylvester. -en ment of Queen’s Hotel Pro sentative business men for the purpose of presenting to the City SIR ARTHUR CURRIE behalf of the May 24 celebration Reverted Lands Committee a scheme to purchase the entire hold­ Says Physician committee, to call a public meet­ perty is Incorrect May be Accomplished Fact OPPOSE 016 COT ing on. Friday evening to recel ye ings of reverted lands. The plans of the syndicale havebeen be­ the accounts for the last celebra­ BOYS’ HOME IN Los Angeles, Jan. 30.—Court land S. fore the committee in camera, and ho report has yet been gub- When Parliament Meets tion. and to make plans for the Rumors were circulated ONTARIO IS SCENE Dines. Denver oil operator^ who was Federal Employees to Make next Maytime FTollc celebration. IU milted to thp Council for consideration. • shot here on the night of January 1 Victoria to-day that the Cana The company would be not merely a land-selling OF AN INQUIRY Loudon, Jan. 30—Full diplo. by Horace A. Geer, chauffeur to Their Salary Views Soon matie recognition of Soviet Rus. Mable Normand, film actress, was dian Pacific Railway had either medium, but a development organization. The fundamental ob­ sia by thf British Government is not in court to-day as scheduled to Ottawa, Jan.
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