Coast Guard, DHS § 110.60 thence along the downstream side of § 110.60 Port of New York and vicinity. the causeway and dam to the easterly side of the Darien River, thence along (a) Huntington Harbor. Beginning on ° ′ ″ the easterly shoreline to the point of the shoreline at latitude 40 54 19.5 , lon- ° ′ ″ beginning. gitude 73 26 07.9 ; thence to latitude 40°54′19.5″, longitude 73°26′02.4″; thence NOTE: An ordinance of the town of Darien, along the eastern shoreline to the Mill Conn. requires the Darien Harbor Master’s approval of the location and type of any Dam Road Bridge; thence along the mooring placed in this special anchorage downstream side of the bridge to the area. westerly side of Huntington Harbor; [CGFR 68–122, 33 FR 18238, Dec. 7, 1968] thence along the western shoreline to the point of beginning. § 110.58 Cos Cob Harbor, Greenwich, (a–1) Centerport Harbor. Beginning at Conn. the shoreline at latitude 40°54′00″, lon- (a) Area A. Beginning at the mean gitude 73°22′55.3″; thence to latitude low water line about 2,800 feet down- 40°54′03.8″, longitude 73°22′52.1″; thence stream from the easterly end of the along the eastern shoreline to the Mill New York, New Haven and Hartford Dam Bridge; thence along the down- Railroad Bridge at latitude 41°01′23″, stream side of the bridge to the west- longitude 73°35′40″; thence extending erly side of Centerport Harbor; thence True west to latitude 41°01′23″, lon- along the western shoreline to the ° ′ ″ gitude 73 35 42 ; thence extending point of beginning. southwesterly to a point at latitude (a–2) Northport Harbor. Beginning on 41°01′02″, longitude 73°35′50″; thence the shoreline at latitude 40°54′25″, lon- True east to a point on the shoreline at ° ′ ″ latitude 41°01′02″, longitude 73°35′48″; gitude 73 22 05 ; thence to latitude ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ thence extending along the mean low 40 54 37.5 , longitude 73 21 32.9 ; thence water line to the point of beginning. along the eastern shoreline to latitude (b) Area B. Beginning at the mean 40°53′33.1″, longitude 72°21′28.2″; thence low water line about 700 feet down- to latitude 40°53′25.8″, longitude stream from the westerly end of the 73°21′37.7″; thence along the shoreline New York, New Haven and Hartford to the point of beginning. Railroad Bridge at latitude 41°01′42″, NOTE: The areas designated by paragraphs longitude 73°35′47″; thence True east to ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ (a), (a–1), and (a–2) of this section are prin- latitude 41 01 42 , longitude 73 35 45 ; cipally for vessels used for a recreational thence southeasterly to latitude purpose. A vessel shall be anchored so that 41°01′23″, longitude 73°35′44″; thence no part of the vessel comes within 50 feet of southwesterly to latitude 41°01′04″, lon- the marked channel. A temporary float or gitude 73°35′52″, thence southwesterly buoy for marking the location of the anchor to latitude 41°01′02″, longitude 73°35′55″; of a vessel at anchor may be used. Fixed thence True west to a point on shore on mooring piles or stakes are prohibited. the northerly side of Goose Island at latitude 41°01′02″, longitude 73°36′00″; (b) New Rochelle Harbor, west and thence True north to a point at the south of Glen Island. That portion of mean low water line at latitude Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 1 41°01′05″, longitude 73°36′00″; thence (described in § 110.155) between Hog Is- along the mean low water line to the land, Travers Island, Neptune Island point of beginning. and Glen Island and the mainland, to the westward of a line extending from NOTE: The areas are principally for use by yachts and other recreational craft. Tem- the cupola at the southeast extremity porary floats or buoys for marking anchors of Glen Island to the easternmost ex- will be allowed. Fixed mooring piles or tremity of Hog Island, and to the stakes are prohibited. The anchoring of ves- northeastward of a line extending from sels and placing of temporary moorings will the southwest extremity of Hog Island be under the jurisdiction, and at the discre- to the southeast corner of Travers Is- tion of the local Harbor Master. All moor- ings shall be so placed that no moored ves- land; excluding therefrom all waters sels will extend into the waters beyond the within 25 feet of the 50-foot channel limits of the areas or closer than 50 feet to west and south of Glen Island. the Federal channel limits. 427 VerDate Aug<31>2005 01:06 Aug 15, 2006 Jkt 208128 PO 00000 Frm 00437 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\208128.XXX 208128 § 110.60 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–06 Edition) (b–1) New Rochelle, Echo Bay. That ranging 205° from the east abutment of portion of Long Island Sound Anchor- the City Island Bridge through the age Grounds No. 1–A and No. 1–B (de- south tower of the Bronx-Whitestone scribed in § 110.155(a)(2) and (3)) north- Bridge; and southward of a line ranging west of a line ranging 30°30′ from the 90° from the Pelham War Memorial in northeastern tip of Davenport Neck to Pelham Bay Park and the steeple of the southeastern tip of Premium Point. the church at the southeast corner of NOTE: An ordinance of the Town of New Elizabeth Street and City Island Ave- Rochelle N.Y., requires a permit from the nue. New Rochelle Harbor Master or the New Ro- (e) Eastchester Bay, along west shore. chelle Superintendent of Bureau of Marinas, That portion of Long Island Sound An- Docks and Harbors before any mooring is chorage No. 1 (as described in placed in this special anchorage area. § 110.155(a)) along the west shore of (c) New Rochelle Harbor, east of Glen Eastchester Bay north of and including Island. That portion of Long Island Weir Creek, shoreward of a line ranging Sound Anchorage No. 1 (as described in 349° from the end of the timber pier at § 110.155(a)) between Glen Island and the foot of Pope Place, Edgewater, and Goose Islands breakwater, northward through the transmission tower at the of a line extending from the northwest northeast side of the draw of the New end of Goose Islands breakwater to the York, New Haven and Hartford Rail- cupola at the north end of the bathing road Bridge over Eastchester Creek, beach on Glen Island. and having as its northerly limit the (c–1) City Island Harbor, east of City Is- line ranging 79° through the row of land. That portion of Long Island telephone poles along the north side of Sound Anchorage No. 1 (described in Watt Avenue. § 110.155) between City Island and Hart (f) Eastchester Bay, Locust Point Har- Island eastward of a line ranging 339° bor. That portion of Long Island Sound between the steeple on City Island and Anchorage No. 2 (as described in the westernmost corner of the Admin- § 110.155(a)) included within the limits istration Building at Orchard Beach; of Locust Point Harbor between Wright southward of a line ranging 50° between Island and Throgs Neck and to the the northerly abutment on the west- westward of a north and south line erly end of the City Island drawbridge (longitude 73°47′58″ ) through the south- and tangent to Chimney Sweeps; west- ward of a line tangent to Chimney erly corner of the concrete culvert at Sweeps and ranging 163° toward the the southerly end of the stone wall at west gable on Rat Island and westward Locust Point on Wright Island. of a line tangent to the easterly side of (g) Manhasset Bay, west area at High Island and ranging 152°30′ from Manorhaven. That portion of Long Is- the west gable on Rat Island; and land Sound Anchorage No. 4 (described northward of a line ranging 56° between in § 110.155) westward of a line (lon- the Buryea Pier at Belden Point, City gitude 73°42′53″ ) ranging 180° from the Island to Hart Island Light, except for end of the Town of North Hempstead the cable and pipe line area extending pier at Manorhaven; northwestward of between City Island and Hart Island. a line ranging 233° from the intersec- (d) Eastchester Bay, west of City Is- tion of the shore and the northerly line land. That portion of Long Island of Corchang Avenue (extended) on Tom Sound Anchorage No. 1 (as described in Point toward Plum Point Shoal Buoy 3 § 110.155(a)) west of City Island and (latitude 40°49′48.5″, longitude 73°43′25″ within the following limits: Northward ); and northeastward of a line ranging of a line ranging 244° from the Duryea 119° from the cupola on Plum Point to- Pier at the foot of City Island Avenue ward the inshore end of the northerly to Big Tom Nun Buoy No. 2 (latitude side of the Purdy Boat Company pier at 40°50′01″, longitude 73°47′25″ ); thence Port Washington; excluding therefrom northeastward of a line ranging 329° the seaplane restricted area described from Big Tom Nun Buoy No. 2 through in § 207.35. the Nun Buoy (latitude 40°50′46″, lon- (h) Manhasset Bay, east area at gitude 73°48′01″ ) off the southern end of Manorhaven. That portion of Long Is- Rodman Neck; southeastward of a line land Sound Anchorage No.
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