LAURIER A WILFRID UNIVERSITY STUDENT PUBLICATION VOLUME XXXI ISSUE 22 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28, 1991 thecord IN THE NEWS: Tuition BUSINESS: fed up with FEATURE: Student Publi- SPORTS: Hawkey Hawks THE SCENE: Ballet dan- go fees up, up, up... Laurier? How about tak- cations is hiring for next crash play-off party. cers sleep restlessly in ing your MBA someplace year. What do we do and boxing ring. else? why? page 3 page 11 page 16 page 27 page 19 Sex (J lies & y \ Videotapes n 1N y°ur Si /./c.£" I I VIDEO \ 1 TIME CAPSULE h / /o / We've got it a 11... even if you / gave blood, we were there and /J /< much much more! q / I P £ z/ £ Score big points with fans O/ luj by including your own Laurier 3 \>: home video's -Just bring them \ / VM to the WLUSU office before w \ March 20th I A ON SALE IN THE CONCOURSE JSTTI ' \ MAR 4 - 7 & MAR 11 - 74//A\y \ K yS \ \ m \ Z \ m This is your last chance \ \ to buy your personal O \ copy of "A YEAR IN \ YOUR LAURIER 11 LIFE AT \ \\ /fv/ v. A 7 r X#v<y Weekfor Students global talk about awareness peace Charlotte Gravlev The Cord Tim Sullivan The Cord THIS PAST reading week, while many of us were be- GLOBAL AWARENESS Week will occur catching up on either homework or sunlight, two The of the tween March 4 to 8 this year. theme WLU Students were actively representing a group According to week is disarmament and peace. called Laurier Students for Peace at the first meet- Thea Miller, the topic Communication Coordinator ing of the Ontario Campus Coalitions Against the in Iraq. is timely considering the war Kuwait and War. Week Com- President of the Global Awareness Mark Strang and Jason Sussman attended the Isert, she hopes "to raise mittee, Stephanie said that Toronto conference by invitation, along with at Laurier - encourage dis- awareness of students delegates from approximately twenty other univer- try to get people to an opinion on cussion and have sity groups and community coalitions. environment, issues" and other social the native Saturday's agenda for the conference consisted topics, Isert noted. of introductory remarks from one representative of "Global Awareness Week will Isert added that each peace coalition present. The focus of Strang's from it and be a success if a few people come away speech was a summation of Laurier's contribution have learned something." to the peace movement to date. the guest speakers will lec- Throughout week, The discussion then progressed into a collection as environment, women's is- ture on topics such the of group thoughts on the construction of a basis of Third World, as well as dis- sues, human rights, the unity, and the planning of a national conference of armament and peace; the coalition to be held the weekend of March 30- 31 in Toronto. forum for discussion The proceedings on Sunday focused on the con- solidation of the previous day's agenda into the fol- and communication lowing objectives: immediate movement of allied troops out of the gulf, an immediate end to the war, an intensified fight against racism at home and speakers expected to be involve are from Some abroad, a stop to Canadian Security Intelligence analyst, the Canadian Peace Alliance, a military Scrvice (CSIS) attacks, diversion of funding from Anselma house, and professors Pollution Probe, militarism to human needs and education, opposi- from Laurier. tion to all forms of conscription, amnesty for all past, Week Com- In the the Global Awareness conscientious objectors, and self determination for has organized week-long series of lectures mittee all people. and presentations. The purpose of which has been Conference discussion was finished off with the to the university community with an open present formulation of discussion topics for plenary ses- forum for discussion and communication of in- sions, and methods for consolidation of support be- formation on issues of global concern. hind the movement. The first such week-long event was in 1989. March 9th, Women's Day, and March 23rd Then it was known as Green Week, addressing en- were agreed upon as national days of action on vironmental concerns. It then expanded to in- which nation-wide protest would be organized. corporate other global concerns, like native issues, Owing to the wide variety of students at- social justice, and so on. in tendance, professed Marxists, Socialists, NDP's, This year's Global Awareness Week will in- felt volve campus clubs, the Waterloo Health Unit, and PC's, Liberals and so on, both Laurier delegates a host of other participants. the conference provided a reborn sense of faith in the human condition, and compassion. FOR SCHEDULE SEE PAGE 4 Get ready to pay more tuition would have called for substantial sented by the Council of Ontario true that the university needs school", Lewis said. He also Cathy-Jo Noble The Cord cutbacks." Universities (COU). money in the system to improve stated that the universities should He explained that from the This council, made up of pres- the quality of education, but that look to find money in other areas STUDENTS of Ontario univer- eight per cent increase, half must idents from Ontario universities, another increase would be a stress such as a more aggressive alumni sities will be facing an eight per go towards offsetting the costs of has proposed a plan that would upon the student. programme. cent increase in tuition when they the increased number of students bring $420 million into the sys- "A $500 increase ... seems Lewis also felt a more acces- arrive back to school in Septem- at university. The other half goes tem, according to WLUSU Presi- minor, could cause some students sible student loan system must ber. towards improving the present dent Stuart Lewis. to not be able to afford to come to come with increased tuition. The increase implemented by system. "To my understanding, the the Ontario NDP government is Bob Rae and the NDP plan would require the govern- an attempt to bring the province's government promised in their ment to pay two thirds of the in- universities up to the standard campaign last fall that tuition fees crease while the students would they should be at, according to would not increase. This new in- pay one third of the increase. The WLU President John Weir. crease goes completely against increase would be $500 per year He explains, "increased tui- their promise. for each student and the govern- tion has always been a concern of "The NDP discovered the pro- ment would match it with mine, but also my concern is how vince was in a mess economical- $1000", Lewis said. the bills will be paid. The in- ly. The province faces pretty Dr. Weir said that the govern- crease is unfortunately necessary serious problems. Bob Rae made ment has not made any sort of de- but I do feel a great deal of the decision that it was better to cision on this proposal as of yet sympathy for the students." The address the university problems and that the government at pres- government is planning to equal than to hold off tuition fees", ex- ent is reviewing it. the eight per cent tuition increase plained Dr. Weir. This programme proposed by with an equal increase in grants to Dr. Weir added that he felt the COU would require only incom- the universities. new increase would be consider- ing students to pay the increased Dr. Weir said that the students ed fair only if the government im- tuition. The students already in will benefit with the extra money plemented a more accessible stu- university would not be affected. being put into services for the dent loan system. He was unsure Dr. Weir said that the reason- school. When asked what Laurier if in fact the government had ing lies in the fact that students plans to do with the extra money, done so. who are in university already Dr. Weir replied that "the in- While this new tuition in- have their financial situation crease is exactly what we crease is in effect, the NDP planned out. Dr. Weir reckons da increase will allow budgets to anticipated to get. It allows us to government is reviewing a new He feels that this is not a valid remain as is, so edjucashun will still be good. keep up our budget; anything less proposal for tuition increases pre- argument. Lewis feels that it is the cord NEWS Thursday February 28, 4 J99 J DND pulling ads from student papers Kate Zernike The Newspaper newspapers in Canada, a month vertising which it says is more before the year long campaign expensive, but more effective. TIRED of battling Student protest was scheduled to end. Captain Bob Ascah, assistant to the war in the Persian Gulf, the The department officially director of advertising, said the Department of National Defence claims it canceled the ads because decision was routine: "Once has pulled its recruitment ad- it wants to spend the remainder of every quarter, we reassess our ad- vertising from all university its $300,000 budget on radio ad- vertising needs." But representatives of network advertising agencies that buy advertising space for the de- Global knowing partment in university papers across the country said that finan- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 cial considerations were only part The following is the week's schedule: of the department'sreasoning. Monday, March 4 "Thai's what they're telling O 10 - 11:30 in P2067 "The Gulf War, the Peace Movement and the the media," said Chuck Kirkham New World Order" David Smith (Canadian Peace Alliance) of Campus Plus.
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