Proceedings cum Abstract book National Web conference - Mushroom 2021 Mushroom Biology: Opportunities and Challenges 15-17 April 2021 Organized by Mushroom Society of India In Collaboration with ICAR-Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan Abstracts National Web Conference - Mushroom 2021 Mushroom Biology: Opportunities and Challenges 15-17 April, 2021 Organized by Mushroom Society of India In collaboration with ICAR-Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan Deliberately left blank Contents S. No Type Topic Authors Page Theme Global Status of Mushrooms Manjit Singh Lecture Session-I: Germplasm diversity 1 1. Keynote Diversity of lamellate mushrooms in sal NS Atri and Jitender Kumar 2 forest of Shiwaliks and impact of in vitro synthesis of sal ectomycorrhiza under field condions 2. Keynote Diversity of Mushrooms in Mizoram, Bhim Pratap Singh 3 Northeast India 3. Oral-I Diversity and distribuon of macrofungi VP Sharma, Babita Kumari, 4 of Himachal Pradesh Anupam Barh and Shwet Kamal 4. Oral-II Collecon, idenficaon and Sunil Kumar Sunani, 4 conservaon of wild edible mushrooms Vishambhar Dayal, Jeetendra from Mizoram Kumar Soni, Ingudum Shakuntala 5. Oral-III Fungi with medicinal potenal: Sanjeev Kumar Sanyal & Ritu 4 Exploraon,idenficaon and aspects Devi 6. Oral-IV Wild medicinal mushrooms used among NM Krishnakumar 5 the Tribesin Kerala 7. Oral-V Wild Oyster Mushrooms of Konkan Balkrushna Kamat, Pramod 5 Borkar, Shrikant Rite, Sruthi Balan and J.J. Kadam 8. RF-1 Morphological and microscopic Jitender Sharma and Sachin 6 characterizaon of wild Edible Gupta mushrooms in Jammu region 9. RF-2 Study of wild mushroom community Rajesh Kumar, Shivnam Rana, 6 from the Districts of Amritsar and Ravneet Kaur, Sukhpal Singh Gurdaspur (Punjab) and some biological Kang, HS Sodhi and Prem Pal aspects Johl 10. RF-3 Wild edible mushrooms of North East Tabalique Yumkhaibam, 7 India and their post-harvest Susheel Kumar Sharma, Y. consumpon paerns Prabhaba Devi, S. S. Roy i Session-II: Biochemistry and Nutrition 11. Keynote Harnessing Mycomolecules of Macrofungi: AS Krishnamoorthy 8 Lessons and Retreats 12. Keynote Insights on the lignolyc machinery of G.Thiribhuvanamala 9 mushroom fungi for bioconversions and industrial applicaons 13. Oral-I Study of browning associated enzymes at Ravneet Kaur and H S Sodhi 11 different stages of cultivation in button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (Lange) sing. 14. Oral-II Exploraon of the anmicrobial acvity of K.Priya, G.Thiribhuvanamala, 12 mushrooms against Colletotrichum capsici A.Kamalakannan, S.Haripriya, causing Chilli Anthracnose disease AS Krishnamoorthy, C. Sangeetha and K.Angappan 15. Oral-III Profiling of vitamins in some edible Yogachitra S, Eyini M, 12 mushroom species Kannan ND 16. Oral-IV Ganoderma lucidumderived anmicrobial Gayathri M, 13 biomoleculesagainst mango anthracnose Thiribhuvanamala G, pathogen (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Krishnamoorthy A.S, (Penz.) Sacc.) Angappan K and Haripriya S 17. Oral-V Antifungal volatilomes of Praveen,T., Krishnamoorthy, 14 Macrobasidiomycetes against Fusarium A.S., Nakkeeran, S., oxysporumf.sp. lycopersici Sivakumar, U, Amirtham, D and Haripriya, S. 18. Oral-VI Effect of Selenium on mycelial growth, Gagandeep Kaur,Anu Kalia 14 ultra-structure, accumulaon ability and and HS Sodhi protein synthesis in selected Pleurotus species 19. Oral-VII Potential of crude oxidative and hydrolytic Manmeet Kaur, Shivani 15 enzymes from Calocybe indica in Sharma, HS Sodhi bleaching of paddy straw pulp 20. RF-1 Mushroom as a mechanism to migate, Anjum Varshney and 16 malnutrion, unemployment and poverty Ajay singh 21. RF-2 Nutritional and Medicinal value of S.Maqbool Ahmed 16 Mushrooms-An Overview 22. RF-3 Selenium bio-accessibility and associated Anduri Sravani, Shivani 17 nutraceucal properes in Pleurotus Sharma and Anu Kalia djamor and P. cornucopiae culvated on Se-hyperaccumulated wheat straw 23. RF-4 Effect of Temperature, pH, media, C and N Gopal Chowdhury and 17 sources on mycelia growth of Pleurotus Rishu Sharma djamor 24. RF-5 Evaluation of wood residues for mass G.Thiribhuvanamala, 18 production of Pycnoporus sanguineus for K.Kumaran, P.Radha, ii extraction and utilization of Cinnabarin in S.Vennila and textile dyeing ASKrishnamoorthy Session-III: Molecular biology Genecs & Breeding 25. Keynote What makes breeding difficult in HS Sodhi 19 Agaricusstrain improvement? 26. Keynote Genecs and breeding of white buon Shwet Kamal and 20 mushroom (Agaricus bisporus): Status Manjit Singh and Opportunies 27. Oral-I Development and characterization of Anupam Barh, Shwet Kamal, 22 hybrid in Pleurotusostreatus var Florida VP Sharma, Manoj Nath and for early basidiocarp trait Kanika Sharma 28. Oral-II Increasing the yield aribung character Karishmi Riba and 22 of different species of Pleurotus through D.K. Sarmah hybridizaon 29. Oral-III Molecular characterizaon of shiitake Susheel Kumar Sharma, 23 (Lennula edodes) germplasm and Shweta Singh, Anupam Barh, development of culvaon technology Sudheer Kumar. Annepu, using locally available substrates under Tabalique Yumkhaibam, S.S. North East Indian condions Roy, Th. Surjit Singh, Shwet Kamal, K.K. Mishra and VP Sharma 30. Oral-IV Enhancement in proximate constuent K R Jyothi and 24 of species of Pleurotus by interspecific Susha S Thara hybridizaon and gamma irradiaon 31. Oral-V The genetic linkage map of Anupam Barh, Rakesh Kumar 24 Agaricusbisporus Bairwa, Mamta Gupta, Shwet Kamal and VP Sharma 32. Oral-VI Studies on evaluaon of various strains Ajay Singh, Vikash Kumar, 25 of Buon Mushroom in Haryana Vishal Gandhi & Neha Sharma 33. RF-1 Breeding of a non-browning hybrid of Manjit Singh and Shwet 25 buon mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Kamal 34. RF-2 Genome engineering in mushroom V. Edwin Hillary and 26 using CRISPR/Cas system S. Antony Ceasar 35. RF-3 Genomic DNA extracon from fungal Kanika Sharma, Anupam Barh 26 mycelium using whatman filter paper and V P Shrama 36. RF-4 Yield characteriscs and nutrient use Selvarani, R and M. Eyini 27 efficiency of UV- mutant strains of Pleurotus species iii Session-IVa: Crop Production/ Protection 37. Keynote Status of Mushroom production and VP Sharma 28 protection in India 38. Oral-I Culvaon and molecular Sash Kumar, VP Sharma, 31 characterizaon of eight strains of Shweta Sharma Hericium erinaceus 39. Oral-II Effect of supplementaon on the Annu Sharma, R.S. Jarial, 31 producon of different species of Kumud Jarial and Pleurotus under subtropical zone of Savita Jandaik Himachal Pradesh 40. Oral-III Standardizaon of producon Varsha Kerkea, C.S. Shukla, 32 technology of Split Gill Mushroom H.K. Singh (Schizophyllum commune) and Sandeep Kumar Pani 41. Oral-IV Culvaon of Macrocybe gigantea and K.K. Mishra, P.K. Mishra and 32 esmaon of anoxidant acvity Ramesh Singh Pal 42. Oral-V Cultural characterizaon of a potenal Heera.G., Suharban,M. and 33 nave isolate of milky mushroom Geetha, D. (Calocybe indica) 43. Oral-VI Studies on effect of different spent Shivender Thakur, Kuldeep 34 mushroom substrate in integraon with Thakur and Vinay Verma other nutrient sources on physio- chemical and biological properes of soil 44. Oral-VII Studies on culvaon, anoxidant and Diksha Thakur and 34 anmicrobial properes of Lion’s mane Dharmesh Gupta mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) 45. RF-1 Innovave Mushroom Producon B. Ramesh 35 Technology for Rural Households 46. RF-2 Performance of Oyster mushroom Resmi, A. R., Jayapal, A., 36 (Pleurotus florida) on different Lovely, B., Anila, S., Athira, A., agricultural waste substrates Greeshma R. S., Ruma, S. and Megha G. K. 47. RF-3 Effect of growing media containing Shilpa Shree KG, K V Prasad, P 36 agricultural by-products on growth and Naveen Kumar, Tarak Nath yield of Chrysanthemum cv. Basan Saha, Girish KS and Safeena, SA iv 48. RF-4 Evaluation of different sawdust Tarushi, Deepika Sud and 37 substrates for spawn production of Arun Sud shiitake mushroom 49. RF-5 Effect of different casing sterilization Dharmesh Gupta and 37 methods on productivity of mushroom Savita Jandaik 50. RF-6 Organic cultivation of blue oyster on Nivedita Singh and 38 agro-industrial waste Savita Jandaik 51. RF-7 Evaluaon of agroforestry substrates for Surya Prakash, Savita Jandaik, 38 yield performance of Auricularia Sash Kumar and polytricha Nivedita Singh 52. RF-8 Cultivation Study on Lentinus sajor-caju Lata and NS Atri 38 (Fr.) Fr. 53. RF-9 Effect of Phyto-Extracts on growth and N.V. Kokate and A.C. Jadhav 39 yield of Oyster Mushroom 54. RF-10 Use of natural bioagents in casing Gagandeep K. Sidhu, Neelam 39 mixture for yield improvement of Joshi and Shivani Sharma Agaricus bisporus 55. RF-11 Evaluaon of different Pleurotus strains Pankaj Baiswar and 40 in Meghalaya Bappa Karmakar 56. RF-12 Opmizaon of mycelial growth Stanzin Diskit, Sachin Gupta 40 parameters for Hericium erinaceus and Renu Devi 57. RF-13 Influence of substrates on yield and Shubhasri Sahoo and Kailash 41 yield Aribung parameters of Behari Mohapatra Pleurotus pulmonarius in the Eastern- Ghat High Land zone of Odisha 58. RF-14 Evaluaon of different locally available Shivani Sharma, RS Jarial, 41 substrates for the producon of four Kumud Jarial and Anil Rao different strains of Volvariella volvacea 59. RF-15 Evaluaon of the suitability of Pleurotus Akhil G. L. and Susha S. Thara 42 citrinopileatus for culvaon in Kerala 60. RF-16 Banana pseudo-stem as substrate for N. Kiran Kumar, K. Viswanath, 42 the culvaon of Pleurotus florida C. Sangeetha and A.S. Krishnamoorthy 61. RF-17 Spawn producon of shiitake (Lennula Inkresh Kumar Verma, Priya 43 edodes) on various grain substrates Singh and Dayaram 62. RF-18 In vitro evaluaon of medicinal Inkresh Kumar Verma, Priya 43 mushroom shiitake for opmum growth Singh and Dayaram v condions 63. RF-19 Impact of spent mushroom substrate on Rakesh Kumar Chugh, Sash 43 yield and collar rot of bole gourd Kumar and Kishore Chand 64. RF-20 Influence of Culture Media on Mycelial Jawala Singh, Narender 44 Growth of Monkey Head Mushroom Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Chugh and Jagdeep Singh 65.
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