OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 30,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CVI PPASSAIC,ASSAIC, NN.J.,.J., AAPRILPRIL 55,, 22017017 NUMBER 5092 Our Supreme Chaplain’s Easter Message A Joyous and Holy Easter Season “John saw the empty tomb and believed” to All Our Members and Friends by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic What was it like for the disciple great teacher and miracle worker. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad! who had stood at the cross of Je- When John saw the empty tomb he sus and then laid him in a tomb on must have recalled Jesus’ prophecy Good Friday, to come back three that he would rise again after three days later and discover that the days. Through the gift of faith John sealed tomb was now empty? John, realized that no tomb on earth could along with Peter, was the fi rst apos- contain the Lord and giver of life. tle to reach the tomb of Jesus on John saw and believed(John 20:8). Easter Sun- John had to fi rst deal with the day morning. empty tomb before he could meet Like Mary the risen Lord later that evening Magdalene along with the other apostles who and the other had locked themselves in the up- disciples, per room out of fear of the Jewish John was authorities(John 20:19-23). John not ready to testifi ed as an eye-witness to the see an empty life, death, and resurrection of Jesus tomb and to Christ: What we have seen, heard, hear the an- and touched we proclaim as the gel’s message, Why do you seek the eternal word of life which existed living among the dead?(Luke 24:5) from the beginning(John 1:1-4). What did John see in the tomb that John bears witness to what has ex- led him to believe in the resurrec- isted from all eternity. This “word tion of Jesus? It was certainly not a of life” is Jesus the word incarnate, dead body. The dead body of Jesus but also Jesus as the word an- would have disproven the resur- nounced by the prophets and Jesus rection and made his death a tragic the word now preached throughout conclusion to a glorious career as a the Christian church for all ages to come. One thing is certain, if Jesus had not risen from the dead and ap- peared to his disciples, we would never have heard of him. Nothing else could have changed sad and despairing men and women into people radiant with joy and cour- age. The reality of the resurrection is the central fact of the Christian faith. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Lord gives us “eyes of faith” to know him and the power of his resurrection. The greatest joy we can have is to encounter the living Christ and to know him per- sonally as our Lord and Savior. Do you accept the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection with skepti- cal doubt and disbelief or with trust- ing faith and joyful wonderment? Lord Jesus Christ, you have tri- umphed over the grave and you have won for us new life and resur- rection power. Give me the eyes of faith to see you in your glory. Help me to draw near to you and to grow in the knowledge of your great love Radostné a požehnané vel’konočné sviatky for us and your great victory over sin and death. všetkým našim členom a priatel’om! PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, APRIL 5, 2017 Message from our Supreme President by Michael J. Horvath Caring and Sharing Project of Our 48th International Slet March was surely a strange month. Passaic, NJ. The meeting was very vak Catholic Sokol “Reunion Week- In just a few months, we will gather together to enjoy our or- Here in the northeast of Pennsylva- productive and the Board had open end”. This event will take place June ganization’s 48th International Slet at SUNY Brockport, N.Y. In the nia it was moderate and then came discussions on various topics to im- 2 – 4, 2017 at the Rocky Gap Casino best traditions of fraternal outreach, the Supreme Physical Fitness the snow storm that crippled the prove the Society. The Board heard in Flintstone, MD. Take a look at Board decided to participate in a philanthropic project or a ‘good northeast. I from the Society’s fi nancial, ac- the fl yer and come and join the So- deed.’ We would like the youngsters who will compete at the Slet to am proud to counting and actuarial professionals. kol family for a relaxing weekend. I participate. Sometimes it is diffi cult to get them involved by bring- claim a total They informed the Board that 2016 want to thank our SPFB members, ing canned goods for a local food pantry. Because canned goods can of 25 inches was one of the Society’s better years Katie Swift and Kathy Watkins for be diffi cult to pack, we have decided to pursue a different route. This of the white and with a little more effort 2017 can organizing and promoting this activ- year, we have decided to participate in an organization known as the rain on my even be better. ity for the Society and its members. Crayon Initiative. This an organization that takes used, unused, bro- deck. Our Su- The Board will be taking our The 71st Slovak Catholic Sokol ken and old crayons and melts them down to become new crayons. preme Chap- professional advisors advice and ex- Bowling Tournament will be held They are then donated to children’s hospitals. lain, Rever- plore ways to increase the rate of re- May 19 – 20, 2017 at Chacko’s We encourage all our Slet participants to bring along all the end Andrew turn on our investments, continue to Family Bowling Center in Wilkes- crayons they have laying around the house. This is an opportunity Hvozdovic, look for ways to reduce our expens- Barre, PA. Supreme Director of to put those old crayons to new use. Complete details of this project reported 30 plus inches outside his es and develop plans to increase our Sports and Athletics, James C. Mat- may be found on this page. We thank our Slet participants in advance rectory in Sayre, PA. Then in less business. This means the Board has lon published all the details about as we promote fraternal outreach. than a week most of it disappeared. to set some goals for itself, the in- the tournament along with the tour- Zdar Boh! This phenomenon proves we live vestment group and our sales team. nament application in the Falcon. I Katie Swift in constant change. We have to be In my February’s message I men- want to remind members a Slovak Supreme Assistant Physical Directress thankful, we can adjust to these tioned that the Supreme Physical Fit- Catholic Sokol Bowling Tourna- changes, otherwise things would ness Board was planning a new ac- ment is not just a tournament for a be stagnant and nothing would im- tivity and you would be able to fi nd bowling team. If you are a bowler prove. information on it on the Society’s and want to participate fi ll out the Your Board of Directors held their Face Book page. In the last issue application and send it to Brother fi rst 2017 quarterly meeting March of the Falcon the offi cial announce- Matlon. He will put together a com- 24 – 25, 2017 at the Home Offi ce in ment was made about the fi rst Slo- (Continued on page 6) Directors Meet for 1st Quarterly Meeting at the Home Offi ce Members of the Board of Directors met for their fi rst quarterly meeting of 2017 at the home offi ce in Pas- saic, N.J., March 24-25. Directors shown on the photo in the board room from the left include: Supreme Vice President Edward D. Moeller, Pittsburgh, Pa.; General Counsel, Attorney John D. Pogorelec, Jr., Clifton, N.J.; Chairperson of Supreme Auditors James G. Jerek, Boardman, Oh.; Supreme President Mi- chael J. Horvath, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Supreme Chaplain, Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic, Sayre, Pa.; Supreme Secretary Scott T. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Little Falls, N.J.; Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics James C. Matlon, Whippany, N.J.; Supreme Physical Directress Kathleen S. Watkins, Bridgeville, Pa.; Supreme Treasurer Dennis J. Zifcak, Uxbridge, Mass. and Supreme Physical Director John M. Underation, Bay Village, Oh. Slovak Catholic Sokol 2017 Sporting Activities The following are the events, locations and dates for our 2017 In- ternational Sokol sporting program. They are subject to change based on unforseen circumstances. EVENT HOST CITY DATES 71st International Wilkes-Barre, Pa. May 19-21 Bowling Tournament Chacko’s Bowling Center 30th International Wilkes-Barre, Pa. June 23-25 Softball Tournament Kirby Park Fields 48th International Slet Brockport, N.Y. July 12-16 SUNY Brockport 62nd International DuBois, Pa. August 18-20 Golf Tournament Treasure Lake Golf Courses During the deliberations of the fi rst quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors held March 24-25, in Pas- saic, N.J., Supreme Chaplain Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic continued the time-honored Epiphany tradition of blessing portals at the home offi ce and then marking them using blessed chalk, inscribing: 20 + C + M +17 in the traditional blessing recalling the names of the legendary Magi: Caspar, Melchoir and Balthasar.
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