VVILLAGEILLAGE OFOF NORTHBROOKNORTHBROOK DDOWNTOWNOWNTOWN AAREAREA PPLANLAN EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT OCTOBER 11, 2011 SUBMITTED BY THE CONSULTANT TEAM OF: TESKA ASSOCIATES, INC. :: BUSINESS DISTRICTS, INC. :: FISH TRANSPORTATION GROUP :: GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES This document summarizes the work conducted for the Village of Northbrook. The document was prepared under contract with the Regional Transportation Authority of Northeastern Illinois and was fi nanced in part through through a grant from the Regional Transportation Authority. The contents of the document do not necessarily refl ect the offi cial views of the Regional Transportation Authority. The Village of Northbrook also provided funding for this project. This document was prepared by the Consultant Team of: Teska Associates, Inc. :: Business Districts, Inc. :: Fish Transportation Group :: Gewalt Hamilton Associates c TTableable ooff CContentsontents SSECTIONECTION PPAGEAGE SSECTIONECTION PPAGEAGE SSECTIONECTION PPAGEAGE EEXECUTIVEXECUTIVE SSUMMARYUMMARY I SSECTIONECTION 3:3: PLANNINGPLANNING & URBANURBAN DESIGNDESIGN ASSESSMENTASSESSMENT 1155 SSECTIONECTION 66:: MMARKETARKET AASSESSMENTSSESSMENT 5599 Process & Community Input i Zoning Assessment 15 Community Overview 59 Planning & Urban Design Assessment ii Opportunity Site Characteristics 20 Population Trends 61 Transportation iv Existing Land Use & Urban Design Character Assessment 24 Employment Trends 61 Road Network iv Community Facilities, Utilities & Infrastructure Assessment 34 Residential Trends 62 Key Traffi c Considerations iv Environmental Features 37 Retail Trends 63 Multimodal Options vi Opportunity Sites 38 Overview Summary 63 Parking Assessment vi Retail & Entertainment Assessment 64 Market Assessment viii SSECTIONECTION 44:: TTRANSPORTATIONRANSPORTATION AASSESSMENTSSESSMENT 3399 Offi ce & Commercial Services Assessment 68 Questionnaire x Residential Uses Assessment 71 Commuter/Public Transportation Characteristics 39 Market Supported Development Summary 73 SSECTIONECTION 11:: IINTRODUCTIONNTRODUCTION 1 Roadway Network 43 Case Studies 73 Functional Classifi cation 43 Questionnaire Summary 75 Project Overview 1 Key Traffi c Considerations 45 Community Remarks Summary 81 Impetus for a Downtown Plan 2 Railroad Crossing 45 Objectives of the Downtown Plan 2 Roadway Improvements 45 AAPPENDICESPPENDICES AA-1-1 Purpose of the Existing Conditions Report 3 Multimodal Options 46 Review of Past Studies & Planning Eff orts 4 Bicycle Facilities 46 A: Stakeholder Interview Summaries A-1 Pedestrian Access 47 B: Complete Questionnaire Results A-4 SSECTIONECTION 22:: PPUBLICUBLIC PPROCESSROCESS & CCOMMUNITYOMMUNITY IINPUTNPUT 1111 SSECTIONECTION 55:: PPARKINGARKING AASSESSMENTSSESSMENT 5511 Charrette 11 Stakeholder Interview 13 Metra Commuter Parking 51 Project Website 13 Methodology 52 Community Remarks Mapping Tool 13 Analysis 54 Questionnaire 14 Future Parking Needs 56 Potential Improvement Options 56 EExistingxisting CConditionsonditions RReporteport | Northbrook Downtown Area Plan Village of Northbrook, Illinois d This page intentionally left blank to accommodate double-sided printing. EExistingxisting CConditionsonditions RReporteport | Northbrook Downtown Area Plan Village of Northbrook, Illinois i EExecutivexecutive SSummaryummary Executive Summary Executive he Northbrook Downtown Station Area Plan aims to support Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to: Northbrook’s Comprehensive Plan states that the Village’s downtown will evolve into a unique gathering T place and transportation hub that is the symbolic cen- Increase vibrancy of downtown and surrounding neighborhoods; ter of the community. Enhance shopping and dining opportunities; Promote compact, infi ll development; The Plan grows out of Northbrook’s Comprehensive Plan that was adopted in 2010 Improve access by enhancing transportation options; which stated that the Village’s downtown will evolve into a unique gathering place Support fi nancially viable redevelopment; and transportation hub that is the symbolic center of the community. Enhancing the Increase residential and commercial density of downtown; downtown by means of public-private partnerships will be a high priority of the Village. Eliminate physical barriers to improve inter and intra downtown connections; and Expand upon downtown’s unique existing TOD advantages. PProcessrocess & CCommunityommunity IInputnput A variety of techniques are being used to involve the public, local businesses, organizations, and property owners in the planning process. These include: A four-day charrette being planned for October 17-20, 2011, which will include focus groups, community workshops, working sessions, meeting with boards and com- missions, and a public open house. This interactive experience will involve the public and stakeholders in the development of recommendations of the plan. Over fi fty individuals were interviewed including property owners, residents, busi- nesses, village elected offi cials and staff , transit agencies, developers, and churches. Website and e-mail function The West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River runs through Downtown Northbrook Community Remarks Mapping Tool EExistingxisting CConditionsonditions RReporteport | Northbrook Downtown Area Plan Village of Northbrook, Illinois Community Questionnaire which received 1,182 responses, of which 1,042 were ii from Northbrook residents. Urban design character changes markedly among the various elements of the downtown. While the down- PPlanninglanning & UUrbanrban DDesignesign AAssessmentssessment town comprises all of the major components of a As shown in Figure ES-1, the TOD Study Area is comprised of eleven separate zoning downtown – from retail to civic to open space and ac- districts including four residential districts, three commercial districts, one offi ce district, cess to transit – there is not a unifying design character Executive Summary Executive one limited industrial district, one open space district and one institutional building district. that ties the various elements together. The “core” area of downtown, along the Shermer Road spine is primarily commercial in nature. This area includes traditional downtown commercial uses along Shermer, and two large shopping centers on each side of Cherry. Shermer Road south of Walters is comprised Key assets that attract people to the downtown include St. Norbert Church, Village of a mix of uses from commercial to residential to industrial use. Presbyterian Church, Sunset Foods, Metra Station, Northbrook Public Library, Village Hall, Landmark Inn, and several unique restaurants and retailers. The Secondary Shermer Road / Route 422 Study Area is primarily single-family housing, except along Waukegan Road and along Shermer Road to the south, which includes the Physical impediments have framed the historical development of the downtown. Key new multifamily development at Shermer and Farnsworth. among these are the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River -- a hidden asset that the Village has looked at in the past to become a greater amenity for the downtown Urban design character changes markedly among the various elements of the downtown. – and the associated fl oodplain. The river and fl oodplain frame the development that While the downtown comprises all of the major components of a downtown – from retail has taken place in the Village, from its initial development and source of water for the to civic to open space and access to transit – there is not a unifying design character that original home of Culligan, to the laying of the railroad tracks. The railroad tracks, with ties the various elements together. limited crossings, are a signifi cant asset, but also an impediment to an integrated street Downtown Metra Platform Village Green EExistingxisting CConditionsonditions RReporteport | Northbrook Downtown Area Plan Village of Northbrook, Illinois iii Executive Summary Executive FIGURE ES-1 SStudytudy AArearea MMapap EExistingxistingNNorthbrook CConditionsoortnhdbitriooonks DDowntownRReportoewponrtto w| Northbrookn AArearea PPlanlan Downtown | Village of Northbrook,Area Plan Illinois Village of Northbrook, Illinois network and pedestrian circulation. The result of these barriers has also led to traffi c issues options of the Milwaukee District North Line. Shermer Road is an important route for iv at certain intersections as shown on the Physical Impediment Map in Figure ES-2. Downtown Northbrook, as it connects Dundee Road on the north and The Glen to the south and provides an at-grade crossing to the railroad tracks. The at-grade crossing, Streetscape improvements have been made on Shermer between Walters and the West combined with frequent train activity during peak hours and closely spaced traffi c signals, Fork, along Meadow between Cherry and Walters, along Cherry/Church between Shermer impedes traffi c fl ow along Shermer Road. There is a grade-separated crossing at Cherry and Cedar and along Walters between Lorenz and the West Fork. New bridges over the Lane, which is a key connectivity asset. Walters Avenue and Cherry Lane/Church Street West Fork have added an aesthetic element to the downtown. also provide essential accessibility to downtown. Executive Summary Executive TTransportationransportation KKeyey TTraffiraffi c CConsiderationsonsiderations MMetraetra Downtown has several key areas of traffi c movement constraints that were identifi ed as Northbrook is served by the Metra Milwaukee District - North Line (MD-N). This
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