Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08535-0 - A History of New Zealand Literature Mark Williams Index More information Index A. H. & A. W. Reed, 139 , 153 Art in New Zealand , 140 Adams, Pip Arvidson, K. O. I’m Working on a Building , 305 Riding the Pendulum , 221 Adcock, Fleur, 214 , 230 ‘Tall Wind, Th e’, 221 ‘Against Coupling’, 230 Ashton-Warner, Sylvia Eye of the Hurricane, Th e , 214 Spinster , 159 , 162 ‘In Memoriam: James K. Baxter’, 228 Asian theatre, 331 , 341 Tigers , 214 Athenaeum (London), 99 ‘Wife to Husband’, 214 Auckland Festival of the Arts (1953), 197 Adelphi , 140 Auckland Star , 140 àfakasi , 340 , 359 , 366 , 368 Auckland Th eatre Company, 334 Albee, Edward, 263 Auckland University College, 140 Alcock, Peter, 61 Auckland University College Literary Aldridge, John, 383 Club, 141 Talents and Technicians , 382 Auckland University Press Anthology of New Alexander, W. F., 125 , 130 , 138 Zealand Literature , 20 Allen, Chadwick, 184 , 187 , 281 Auden, W. H., 8 , 126 Blood Narrative , 185 Australasia, 75 Allen, Donald, 218 , 219 Avia, Tusiata, 360 , 361 , 370 Allen, Piata, 283 Bloodclot , 359 , 368 , 370 Alpers, Anthony ‘Lucky Strikes’, 322 Katherine Mansfi eld: A Biography , 74 ‘Nafanua’, 324 Amamus Th eatre, 273 ‘Wild Dogs Under My Skirt’, 361 – 2 Amato, Renato ‘One of the Titans’, 163 ‘Baby Factory, Th e’. See Evans, Patrick , American Renaissance, 5 ‘Spectacular Babies’ AND , 229 , 246 Baeyertz, Charles Anderson, Barbara Guide to New Zealand , 56 , 58 Change of Heart , 294 , 295 Baldwin, Bee Anderson, Benedict, 46 Red Dust, Th e , 162 Anderson, Sherwood, 105 Ball, Murray Anthology of New Zealand Verse (1956), 211 Footrot Flats , 265 Anthony, Frank, 104 Ballantyne, David, 7 , 107 Follow the Call , 139 Sydney Bridge Upside Down , 7 , 160 , 161 Gus Tomlins , 104 Ballantyne, Tony, 10 , 26 Apakura, 37 Balme, Christopher, 338 Apter, Emily, 300 Bandura, Albert, 360 Arena , 220 Banks, Joseph, 19 Aretoulakis, Emmanouil, 77 Barker, Lady, 4 Armstrong, Dave, 330 , 331 Station Life in New Zealand , 24 , 87 Arnold, Matthew, 48 , 141 , 380 Barnett, Sarah Jane, 317 389 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08535-0 - A History of New Zealand Literature Mark Williams Index More information 390 Index Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Beaton, Hilary, 270 Aurora Leigh , 61 Outside In , 270 Barrowman, Fergus, 375 , 377 Beckett, Bernard, 347 , 355 – 6 Barrowman, Rachel, 143 Genesis , 355 – 6 Barthelme, Donald, 252 Home Boys , 355 Bathgate, Alexander Jolt , 355 , 356 ‘To the Moko-Moko or Bell-bird’, 87 Lester , 355 BATS Th eatre, 274 Red Cliff , 355 Batuman, Elif, 382 Beckett, Samuel, 200 , 263 , 274 Baudrillard, Jean, 177 Belich, James, 85 Baughan, Blanche, 66 Belz, Albert ‘Active Family, An’, 62 Te Karakia , 335 ‘Bush Section, A’, 61 , 94 Yours Truly , 344 Finest Walk in the World, Th e , 56 – 9 , 60 , Bennett, Jonathan, 211 61 , 62 , 63 Bertram, James, 127 , 141 , 142 Glimpses of New Zealand Scenery , 56 BEST Pacifi c Institute of Education, 366 ‘Paddock, Th e’, 61 – 3 Bethell, Ursula, 89 , 131 – 2 , 133 ‘Pipi on the Prowl’, 63 ‘Autumn Afternoon’, 131 Shingle-Short and other Verses , 60 Collected Poems (1950), 219 Studies in New Zealand Scenery , 56 Day and Night , 131 Baxter, James K., 5 , 8 , 9 , 12 , 154 , 172 , 196 , 198 – 201 , From a Garden in the Antipodes , 89 , 131 208 , 209 , 210 , 211 , 212 – 14 , 217 , 227 – 8 , ‘Levavi Oculos’, 90 229 , 234 , 235 , 237 , 243 , 263 , 285 , 337 , 383 ‘Pause’, 89 Aspects of Poetry in New Zealand , 213 Time and Place , 131 Ballad of Calvary Street, Th e , 212 ‘Waves’, 131 ‘Ballad of Calvary Street, Th e’, 5 , 212 ‘Weathered Rocks’, 131 Ballad of the Soap Powder Lock-Out, Th e , 212 Better Britain, 92 Band Rotunda, Th e , 199 , 200 Betts, Jean, 262 Devil and Mr Mulcahy, Th e , 200 Collective, Th e , 342 Fallen House, Th e , 212 Ophelia Th inks Harder , 342 Flowering Cross, Th e , 213 biculturalism, 7 , 10 , 13 , 26 , 71 , 196 , 248 , 277 , Howrah Bridge and Other Poems , 212 278 , 280 , 281 , 282 , 285 , 286 , 330 , 332 , In Fires of No Return , 212 335 , 342 Jack Winter’s Dream , 198 , 199 Big Smoke: New Zealand Poems 1960–1975 , Jerusalem Sonnets , 213 218 , 220 ‘Lament for Barney Flanagan’, 212 Billing, Graham, 7 Man on the Horse, Th e , 213 Slipway, Th e , 7 , 160 ‘Ode to the Reigning Monarch on the Binney, Judith, 25 Occasion of Her Majesty’s Visit to Bishop, Elizabeth, 146 Pig Island, An’, 213 Black Friars, Th e, 367 Pig Island Letters , 213 Black Mountain, 218 , 234 ‘Recent Trends in New Zealand Poetry’, 381 Black Panthers, 363 Requiem for Sebastian: A Verse Dialogue for Bland, Peter, 5 Th ree Voices , 199 Domestic Interiors , 215 Rock Woman: Selected Poems , 213 ‘Kumara God’, 215 Selection of Poetry, A , 213 My Side of the Story: Poems 1960–64 , 215 ‘Small Ode on Mixed Flatting, A’, 213 Blank, Arapera, 189 , 190 , 191 Sore-Footed Man, Th e , 200 Katherine Mansfi eld Memorial Award, 187 Temptations of Oedipus, Th e , 200 ‘Ko Taku Kumara Hei Wai-U Mo Tama’, 187 Th ree Women and the Sea , 212 Blasing, Mutlu Konuk, 312 , 313 Wide Open Cage, Th e , 199 – 200 Blerta, 273 Beaglehole, J. C., 19 Boddy, Gillian, 74 Beat poets, 218 Boehmer, Elleke, 74 Beatles Book of New Zealand Verse, 1923–45, A , 146 , 172 , ‘Penny Lane’, 235 208 , 375 , 379 , 380 – 1 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08535-0 - A History of New Zealand Literature Mark Williams Index More information Index 391 Book of New Zealand Verse, 1923–50, A , 208 Calder, Alex, 18 , 92 , 93 , 229 Bornholdt, Jenny, 316 Camille cult, 73 ‘Being a Poet’, 316 – 17 Campbell, Alistair, 5 , 210 , 214 , 263 ‘Fitter Turner’, 325 – 6 ‘Climber, Th e’, 214 ‘In the Garden’, 242 – 3 Mine Eyes Dazzle , 214 Rocky Shore, Th e , 325 Campbell, Th omas, 173 Brasch, Charles, 3 , 6 , 11 , 130 , 131 , 133 , 142 , 143 , Campion, Jane, 171 146 – 8 , 172 , 209 , 210 Piano, Th e , 98 Ambulando , 209 Canterbury Association, 44 Estate, Th e , 209 Canterbury University College, 142 Indirections , 147 Carey, Patric and Rosalie, 199 ‘Islands, Th e’, 175 , 209 , 239 Carlyle, Th omas, 48 Land and the People and Other Poems, Th e , Carnegie, David, 267 , 330 129 – 30 , 135 Carroll, Jeff rey, 360 ‘Land and the People, Th e’, 129 Carroll, Lewis Not Far Off , 209 Alice in Wonderland , 357 Brecht, Bertolt, 269 , 274 , 332 , 342 Carstenson, Astrid, 338 Mother Courage , 342 Carter, Paul, 19 Verfremdungseff ekt , 268 Catholicism, 49 , 108 , 147 , 155 , 156 , 177 , 200 Brett, 139 Catton, Eleanor Brinsley, Jenny, 283 Booker Prize, 291 British Council, 145 Luminaries, Th e , 291 – 2 , 303 – 4 , 377 Broadsheet , 246 Rehearsal, Th e , 295 Brock, Richard, 75 Cawley, R. H., 169 Brophy, Brigid, 72 Caxton Press, 104 , 138 , 142 , 144 , 146 Brown, Amy Centrepoint Th eatre, 331 Odour of Sanctity, Th e , 323 Chaplin, Sid, 144 Brown, Bill Chapman, Robert, 6 , 106 , 156 , 162 , 211 , 291 , 293 ‘thing theory’, 177 ‘Fiction and the Social Pattern’, 6 , 148 , Brown, James 154 – 5 , 161 ‘Stan and the Cellphone’, 322 Chekhov, Anton, 203 Brown, Riwia Christadelphianism, 177 Roimata , 273 Christian Missionary Society (CMS), 35 Browning, Robert, 59 Churchill, Caryl, 337 Brunton, Alan, 5 , 220 , 234 , 273 , 274 , 312 Circa Th eatre, 273 , 331 Evangelists, Th e , 273 Clark, Helen, 292 Freed , 219 , 229 Clayton, Hamish, 1 Buck, Sir Peter. See Te Rangihiroa Wulf , 1 , 301 , 302 – 3 Buck-Morss, Susan, 297 Cliff ord, James Buddhism, 177 ‘Diasporas’, 363 Bulletin , 5 Clough, Arthur Hugh Burns, Carolyn, 270 ‘Bothie of Toper-na-fuosich, Th e’, 61 Burns, Robert, 213 Coad, Nellie, 139 Burton, Ormond, 79 Cochrane, Geoff , 316 , 317 Busby, James, 198 Cody, J. F. Butcher-McGunnigle, Zarah, 316 ‘Life Story of Maggie Papakura, Th e’, 192 Butler, Judith, 338 Colenso, William, 22 Butler, Samuel, 2 , 4 , 44 – 54 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 157 Alps and Sanctuaries , 49 ‘Hymn before Sunrise, in the Vale of Erewhon , 47 – 9 , 50 Chamouni’, 58 First Year in the Canterbury Settlement, A , ‘Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, Th e’, 21 4 6 – 7 commedia dell’arte , 341 Way of All Flesh, Th e , 49 – 51 Connolly, Cyril, 47 Byron, Lord, George Gordon, 127 Cook, Captain James, 3 , 11 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 25 Bride of Abydos, Th e , 58 Endeavour , 3 , 198 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08535-0 - A History of New Zealand Literature Mark Williams Index More information 392 Index Cook, Eric, 141 , 142 Resident of Nowhere , 198 Corballis, Tim ‘Skeleton of the Great Moa in the Canterbury Fossil Pits, Th e , 300 – 1 Museum, Christchurch, Th e’, 209 , 380 Corbett, E. B., 187 Small Room with Large Windows, A , 210 Cowley, Joy, 248 , 250 , 347 ‘Time of Day, A’, 241 Heart Attack and Other Stories , 251 ‘To Forget Self and All’, 359 Nest in a Falling Tree , 251 Trees, Effi gies, Moving Objects , 210 , 228 review of the bone people , 280 , 291 ‘Unhistoric Story, Th e’, 2 , 88 , 129 , 143 , 209 ‘Silk, Th e’, 251 Whim Wham Land , 210 Cox, Nigel You Will Know When You Get Th ere , 8 , 238 Dirty Work , 259 Curnow, Wystan, 252 Waiting for Einstein , 259 Currie, A. E., 125 , 130 , 138 creative writing programme (Victoria University of Wellington), 375 , 377 , 378 , 382 Dada, 234 creative writing programme era, 381 – 5 Dale, Judith, 333 Cresswell, D’Arcy, 132 – 3 , 142 , 144 , 380 Dallas, Ruth Lyttelton Harbour , 133 Country Road , 219 Poet’s Progress, Th e , 132 Shadow Show , 219 Present Without Leave , 132 Turning Wheel, Th e , 219 Crewe, Jeanette and
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