Shared prosperity in a Changing world FORD Foundation IIEF International THE INDONESIAN INTERNATIONAL FellowSHIpS ProgRAm EDUCATION FOUNDATION ii SHARED pROSpERITY IN A CHANgINg wORLD iii Shared Prosperity in a Changing World @2008, Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program IIEF The Indonesian International Education Foundation First Edition Photo Editor: Ardi Andono Layout : Ardi Andono Language Editor : IFP Indonesia iv Foreword Shared Prosperity in a Changing World The vision of Social Justice Leaders who help their surroundings become more prosperous, just and equitable has been the constant driving force of the IFP Program. Time has flown since the departure of our first group of IFP Indonesia Fellows in 2003 and this year we already have 168 alumni spread out in Indonesia working to fulfill their commitment in realizing that vision. Indonesia will be enriched by their experience and their leadership. Their efforts to improve the lives of those they touch will be the beginning of a better Indonesia. Congratulations for this initial of the first one hundred IFP Indonesia Alumni Profiles. There will be more to come. Through reading their stories, the program’s soul of opening access to the underserved and the underrepresented will continue beyond the program. One day at a time, one person at a time, we will continue until we reach the ideal world of justice and prosperity for all. Irid Agoes Director v vi TABLE OF CONTENTS FORewoRd v Bahrul Fuad 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii Baiq Nurul Hidayah 19 Bambang Aris Kartika 20 A. Khaliq 1 Bambang Hariyadi 21 Abdul Aziz 2 Barmawi Wahab 22 Abdullah Sanusi 3 Basri Amin 23 Abidah Setyowati 4 Bobby Daniel Nalle 24 Ade Reno Sudiarno 5 Buyung R. Tanjung 25 Agung Nugroho 6 Cekli Setya Pratiwi 26 Agus Hadi Nahrowi 7 Chasan Ascholani 27 Ahmad Sabiq 8 Cut Intan Meutia 28 Ahmad Zaky 9 Dedi Turmudi 29 Alfiyah 10 Diah Irawaty 30 Amin Abdullah 11 Elis Zuliati Anis 31 Amirul Mukminin 12 Elisabeth Pasapan 32 Ani Himawati 13 Els Tieneke Rieke Katmo 33 Ardi Andono 14 Elsje P. Manginsela 34 Arif Roesman Efendy 15 Elvi Dwi Sari Roli 35 Arifin 16 Faisal Akbaruddin Taqwa 36 Asal Mulyadi 17 Farid Muttaqin 37 vii Ferderika Tadu Hungu 38 M. Zamzam Fauzanafi 61 Hamdhani 39 Marcia Angeline Soumokil 62 Hatim Albasri 40 Martadinata 63 Helmiati Kadir 41 Martono 64 Hidayah Muhallim 42 Mefi Hermawati 65 I Ketut Surya Diarta 43 Musdawati 66 I Made Anom Wiranata 44 Nelson Chin 67 Indrawan Permana 45 Nor Jannah 68 Irwansyah 46 Nurdiyanah 69 Ishak Salim 47 Nurhayati Idris 70 Januarius Yawa Bala 48 Partono 71 Julia Novrita 49 Petrus Ana Andung 72 Laila Musfira 50 Qorinilwan 73 M. Ali Imron 51 Rachmat Budiwijaya Suba 74 M. Chozin 52 Radian Salman 75 M. Gonsaulus Korebima 53 Rafianti 76 M. Husein Mohi 54 Rahmawati Latief 77 M. Jailani 55 Rilda Aprisanti Oelangan 78 M. Joni Yulianto 56 Risa Yudhiana 79 M. Rasyidi Bakry 57 Risnawati Utami 80 M. Ridwan 58 Rosmalinda 81 M. Syahril Sangaji 59 Said Muniruddin 82 M. Ya’kub AK 60 Sanusi Muhammad Syarif 83 viii Saritha Kittie Uda 84 Selinaswati 85 Subiarto (Late) 86 Sudarmoko 87 Suhartini 88 Sukardi Weda 89 Susan Trida Salosa 90 Tanty Suryaningsih Thamrin 91 Tgk. Anwar Yusuf 92 Triyono 93 Wa Ode Nirmala Ningrum 94 Wawan Sobari 95 Welfrid F. Ruku 96 Yanti Kusumawardhani 97 Yenny Narny 98 Yeti Oktaviani 99 Zumroh A. Nasution 100 IFP Indonesia 101 ix Abdul KhaliQ adalah seorang peneliti pada Lembaga Penelitian Ekonomi Regional - Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas Sumatera Barat dan Direktur SAGA Institute for Economic Research. Ia juga aktif sebagai Tim Komisi Penilai Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) Provinsi Sumatera Barat bidang Ekonomi Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan. Dia menamatkan pendidikan S-1 Ilmu Ekonomi di Fakultas Ekonomi-Universitas Andalas pada tahun 1999 dan S-2 Ilmu Ekonomi di Department of Economics-University of Hawaii at Manoa tahun 2006 atas beasiswa International Fellowships Program (IFP)- Ford Foundation. Dia menaruh minat pada bidang Perdagangan Internasional dan Ekonomi Lingkungan dan Sumber Daya Alam. ABDUL KHALIQ is a researcher at the Regional Economic Research Center at the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, West Sumatera. He also acts as the director of SAGA Institute for Economic Research. He is active as a member of the Assessment Team of the Analysis of the Environment Impact in the field of Natural Resources and Environmental Economy in West Sumatra Province. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University in 1999 and a Master’s Degree in Economics at the University of Hawaii through the International Fellowships Program Scholarship (IFP)-Ford Foundation. He is interested in International Trade and Natural Resource and Environmental Economics. E mail : [email protected] 1 IFP-Indonesia Alumni Profile Abdul Azis, lahir 16 Juni 1973 di Kandeapi, Sulawesi Barat, Dia menyelesaikan studinya di The Utrecht School of The Arts, Netherlands, pendokumentasian kesenian lokal. Dia telah menggelar pameran tunggal dan simposium seni dengan tema In Between Upase Letter di Museum Maluku, Utrecht, Belanda, dan pameran bersama di Academy Gallery, Utrecht, tahun 2008. Dia banyak terlibat dalam proyek artis seperti Stephen Willats /the speculative diagram, Ricardo Busbaum dan Mario Campanella (reprojecting Utrecht) serta di beberapa workshop seni internasional, seperti Het Blauwe House di Ijburg, Amsterdam and workshop seni di Skoki, Polandia. Dia telah menulis beberapa artikel/opini di Jakarta Post seperti Art Depiction for Prophet Muhammad on Wikipedia and Art Education Crucial for Children. ABDUL AZIS, born on June 16, 1973 in Kandeapi, West Sulawesi, graduated from the Utrecht School of the Arts, the Netherlands, with a specialization in local art documentation. He has made a solo exhibition and a simposium titled “In Between Upase Letter” in Maluku Museum, Utrecht, Netherlands. In addition, he has also made a collaborative exhibition with the Academy Gallery, Utrecth, in 2008. He is also actively involved in various artists’ projects, like those of Stephen Willats (the speculative program), Ricardo Busbaurn and Mario Campanella (reprojecting Utrecht), and in several international art workshops, including Het Blauwe House in Ijburg, Amsterdam and Skoki, Poland. A couple of his articles and opinions have been published in Jakarta Post, such as Art Depiction for Prophet Muhammad on Wikipedia and Art Education is Crucial for Children. E mail : [email protected] IFP-Indonesia Alumni Profile 2 Abdullah Sanusi adalah staf pengajar di Fakultas Ekonomi ABDULLAH SANUSI is a teaching staff at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Sejak mahasiswa ia aktif dalam Hasanudin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi. When he was a student, kegiatan kemahasiswaan dan terlibat aktif di lembaga kemahasiswaan. Ia pun he actively participated in many students’ activities. Moreover, he was also aktif di lembaga penerbitan dan jurnalistik mahasiswa. Dengan active in campus journalism and publication. Desiring to uphold idealism, niatan untuk mengikat dan mempertahankan idealisme, ia bersama aktifis he established CoRNER (Centre of Regional Economic Research) Makassar mahasiswa 98 mendirikan lembaga penelitian dan advokasi bernama with ’98 student activists. This organization has played a vital role in the CoRNER (Centre of Regional Economic Research) Makassar. Lembaga ini telah public advocating and spreading the spirit of entrepreneurship. After banyak terlibat dalam hal advokasi publik dan juga menyebarluaskan semangat completing his bachelor degree, he taught at his alma mater at the Management kewirausahaan. Setelah tamat kuliah, ia dipanggil untuk mengabdi di Department. In 2005, he was awarded a scholarship by the Ford Foundation almamaternya dan mengajar di Jurusan Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi. International Fellowships Program to study for a Master’s Degree in Tahun 2005, ia terpilih sebagai salah seorang penerima beasiswa dari International Business at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, Ford Foundation melalui Ford Foundation International Fellowships UK. Program. Mengambil jurusan International Business, ia menempuh kuliah Masternya di Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, Inggris. E mail : [email protected] 3 IFP-Indonesia Alumni Profile Abidah Billah Setyowati saat ini sedang menempuh studi PhD di Rutgers University, Amerika Serikat di bidang Geografi (Ekologi Politik) atas dukungan Fulbright. Ketertarikan akademisnya meliputi: resource governance (termasuk desentralisasi dan pengelolaan SDA berbasis masyarakat), politik identitas, gerakan sosial, kritik pembangunan, climate & society, perspektif gender dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya alam. Abidah memperoleh S1 dari Fakultas Biologi Universitas Gadjah Mada dan melanjutkan S2 di bidang Ekologi Politik (Geografi) di University of Hawaii, AS atas dukungan International Fellowships Program (IFP-Ford Foundation). Ketertarikan dan komitmennya untuk pember- dayaan masyarakat terkait dengan bidang pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dipupuk sejak aktivitas di LSM yang bergerak di bidang lingkungan dan hutan kemasyarakatan (DAMAR). Selain itu Abidah juga pernah bekerja di UNDP Indonesia dan terakhir bekerja sebagai Koordinator Pengelolaan DAS untuk Environmental Services Program (ESP-USAID). Abidah Billah Setyowati is currently doing her doctoral studies at Rutgers University, USA, in the field of Geography (political ecology) with the support of Fulbright. Her academic interests are resource governance (including decentralization
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