Australasian Record and Advent World Survey 44 Publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Australasian Division VOL. 87, NO. 27 July 5, 1982 VOICE IN THE NIGHT VIC FRANCIS, in the New Zealand Challenge Weekly CONCENTRATED prayer on sea and land resulted in the rescue of four Adventists who drifted in stormy seas for more than four days after their yacht Wiremu sank on Good Friday. While the four Aucklanders—Eric and Winsome Hanna, their son Doug and friend Les Reynolds—prayed as they drifted on a tiny liferaft, members of the Orewa Seventh-day Adventist church joined together to pray for their safety. And those prayers for deliverance were answered, according to Mr. Hanna, when an Air Force Orion spotted three flares they set off and organised rescue procedures. Mr. Hanna says the four people prayed for long periods as they floated and were always confident on being rescued. And he says the experience on the raft—they were thrown out four times the first night and yet managed to hang on—has enriched his Christian experience. "We had a real spiritual experience on that raft," he says. "When you have a five-foot raft with four people on it for four days and nights and you hardly sleep there is a lot of soul searching. INSIDE: "You realise how little you are and how little Eric and Winsome Hanna, surrounded by ■ you do for God. I realised what I could have members of their family and church who In Touch With the been doing instead of galavanting around the prayed for their safe return throughout the President, page 2. sea like we were. four-day ordeal at sea. "I was a pretty slack sort of Adventist, Photo courtesy The New Zealand Herald ■ Precious Souls, although I did my share to a degree. But this experience has definitely fired me up for more page 3. commitment." was to start praying. I couldn't imagine them ■ Revived by an Angel, Mr. Hanna says his son heard "a voice" not coming back, but it seems they had even speak to him during the last night on the raft, more confidence than we did after listening to page 4. assuring him they would get home safely. the story." ■ "He said 'I just heard someone say to me that Empty Palaces, The crew abondoned the thirteen-metre it would be all right.' " yacht in mountainous seas after it was battered page 6. Mr. Hanna says he can't explain it further but by the storm while making for Tauranga from that the voice was very real, but obviously not ■ Food, Friendship from someone in the liferaft. Gisborne. Pastor Ross Chadwick, of the Orewa church, Their only supplies were five apples, six tins and Philosophy, says he first organised people to pray for the of water and some barley sugar sweets. page 8. missing yachtsmen on the Saturday night of Mr. Hanna says there is no chance the yacht Easter when they were reported missing. survived the storm. Insurance details are being ■ Around the Confer- He estimates more than fifty church discussed, but he says he won't replace the members were praying for them, and feels this Wiremu. ■ ences, page 11. was crucial in the safe rescue of the four. ■ "There were just too many miracles Window on the involved to think otherwise. We really prayed —Reprinted from Challenge Weekly, World, page 12. hard. We got the news on Saturday afternoon New Zealand's national Christian newspaper, that he was overdue and my immediate reaction by kind permission. ■ . and more 2 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: July 5, 1982 IN TOUCH WITH THE PRESIDENT . , Australasian Record and Advent World Survey 4-41e3 THE HUMILITY Official Organ of the AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST Editor G. E. GARNE THERE ARE TIMES when self asserts itself in most of us. Pride is the oldest and yet most Associate Editor R .W. TAYLOR modern sin in the world. It is the deadliest of poisons. In fact, it lies at the foundation of all sin. Editorial Assistant LINCOLN E. STEED Office Secretary GLENDA FAIRALL Pride is self-love. It is self-idolatry. It is the self-made man worshipping his own creator. The Special Correspondents: cure for pride is beautifully expressed in Philippians 2:5-11. "Let this mind be in you, which was Australasian Division R. M. Kranz also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but Avondale College W. A. Townend made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the Trans-Tasman Union J. B. Trim Trans-Australian Union R. K. Brown likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient Regional Reporters: unto death, even the death of the cross. " Central Pacific A. J. Bath Our text does not say the Father humbled Jesus. It doesn't suggest the trials of life humbled Him. Greater Sydney E. B. Price It doesn't declare the insults heaped upon Him caused Him to lose confidence in Himself. It simply North New South Wales M. R. Potts North New Zealand C. A. Townend says, "He made Himself of no reputation, He humbled Himself." Although Jesus did not think it a North Queensland G. B. Scott thing to be grasped at to be equal with God, He made Himself equ al with man. Although He could Papua New Guinea K. R. Price have continued forever to dwell in the presence of angels, He stooped down and made His abode South Australia N. E. Devenish with sinners. Although He had the spark of eternal life dwelling within Him, He drank the cup of South New South Wales R. Tindall South New Zealand R. L. Coombe sorrow and death that we might live. South Queensland M. M. Kennaway Pride of reputation can be more dangerous than riches. Jesus said it is hard for a rich man to enter Tasmania E. H. Winter heaven. He might also have said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a Victoria H. J. Stanton reputable man to enter the pearly gates. Some people are more interested in their reputation than Western Australia R. H. H. Thomas Western Pacific G. M. Smith they are in their Christian experience. Jesus said to His disciples, "Be ye not called rabbi." "For Local Reporters: Church Communication Secretaries after all these things do the Gentiles seek." "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness." How much time and energy are we spending trying to make ourselves of some Annual subscription—post paid: reputation in the world or in the church? If you earn a good reputation for some work done All areas covered by the Australasian successfully, give God the praise. Do not linger too long with him who would have you say, "I will Division SA13.50 exalt myself." This is the spirit of Satan. It is a spirit that will cause defeat. Other countries SA20.75 But you say, What has this to do with me? I have nothing of which to boast. Beware of yourself. Air Mail postage rates on application There are few who will not brighten and become aglow when a word of flattery or praise is directed Order direct from the Signs Publishing Company. their way. Perhaps you are wholly good. You may be living an outwardly righteous life. But why Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. All copy for the paper should be sent to The Editor. are you doing it? Is it all for reputation? A man is what he is in the dark. Hidden from the view of the RECORD, Signs Publishing Company, Warburton. world and those who might bear tales, he will still cry out as did Joseph in the hour of temptation, Victoria 3799. Editorial Office: Phone (059) 66 2501. "How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" if he has the true spirit of Christ. Printed weekly for the Division by the Si9ns Publishing Well may we pray, Company, Warburton, Victoria. "Search me, 0 God, and know my heart today: Try me, 0 Saviour, know my thoughts, I pray. DIRECTORY AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY See if there be some wicked way in me: ADVENTIST CHURCH Cleanse me of ev 'ry sin, and set me free." 148 Fox Valley Road. Wahroonga, N.S.W. 2076. Humility is not a cloak. It is not an outer garment that can be put on and taken off at will. It has its President K. S. Parmenter Secretary R. W. Taylor roots in the mind. It must be in the heart of the person. Our text says, "Let this mind be in you, Treasurer W. T. Andrews which was also in Christ Jesus. " Humility was a deep root in the life of Jesus that bore fruit to the Assistant Secretary R. A. Evans Assistant Treasurer W. H. Stokes glory of God. Field Secretary If at last we would wear the crown, we, like Jesus, must choose first the cross. In the cross of Auditor S. H. Macfarlane Associate Auditors G. J. Bland Christ and all that He did, we see great love, great endurance and great humility. He had no earthly C. E. Fisher K. M. Hughes title. He was never ordained as a minister or church elder. The Son of God chose to be known as the M. E. Mitchell Son of man.
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