
, I' U~11ed Stale$ Environmental Proll>C_ Agency ~ Registration opp l"lenLte' Nu'nDc' Office of Penode Programs (1-i7505C) (A)&EPA Washbglon, DC 20460 X Amendment Application for Pesticide: Other 15 5141 Section I 1, CompanylProduct Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3 PropoStid Class.hc.abon 100-597 Hiller 1-4-'..;C::.orn.:..:I*'Y.....::.IP::.r.:..odo-ICI-(-N-ame-)-------------I-;P;;-~-;:----'~-'----- - ---- D None D Restricted Dua1~ 8E Herbicide 23 5, Name ar.d Address of AppIielrnt (Include ZlP Code) 6, expedited Review. In accordance wilh FIFRA Section 3(c)(3) Ciba Plant Protection (b)(i). my prodUCI is similar or identical in c:ompodion lind lalHlling Ciba-Geigy Corporation 10: P. O. Box 18300 EPAR~,~, _____________________________ Greensboro, NC 27419 o Chd' -.;.;,. new adhlS Produc:t Name ~--------~-----------------=Sect~Io~n~I~I~-- F",.. prinl8d labels in response 10 -- Amendment- Explain below Agency ie __'-- ______________ r-- Resubmission in reoponse "Agency 1e\1er dated,_____ _ 'Me Too' Application -X Notificalion - ExpIa;" below, r-- r'" Oth6r - explain below, explanation; Use additional pagels) ~ necessary. (For section land Section II.) Tl'tCA~ Reformatting of label - Addition of a Table of Conents L~~MOUT~ addit~on of a W:eds Table - in Corn Tank Mixt~res.section: (j,JV93 changing type Size to 8 pt. from 6 pt,; removIng InfOr~~66ft"~/~--~6-~~~~~ General Information section, putting it in appendices following Storage and Disposal section. Compliance with PR Notice 93-3 Section III 1......... 1 Thl. Product Wla Be Packa~ In: Child-Resistant Pacl<aging Unit Packaging Wa",r Soluble Packagrng 2 Type of Conta",er n Yes' DYes Yes 0',0 DNo No ~~ B Paper If 'Yes: No, per No. per 0Iher (Speclty)L______ _ • C.rllnc.flon must be Unit Package wgt container conlainer ~ .ubm/ttltd I ~3~.~I~~W~~~~01~N~~~Con~~-n~I.~I~nl~~--a~oo-n------r..~.~S~'I-~~.~)-d~Re~~~.~c~'on-~~;ner---L-----.'S~L~~~~~o~t'~~be~lno~=e~~~~s--------------- c=JOn~bel o Label 0 Container' . c::JOnlo~~ng·~P~~OL~ILprr~OO~~~I ______~ r 6, MannM In Which lJIbells Affixed To ProQId DOIherL __ ) Section IV ,. Conlact Point (Comp/918 item_ <iredy below for identificalion 01 incivKAJai to be conlllcf1ld, iJ neoesu'Y, Nome ntle !7f~~ No ,(<<We A,eo Codoo) • • Karen S. Stumpf Senior Regulator Manag~r (~19)~2;2169 I -----~.- -- ,.. Cartll\c:lllion 1 ,.'11 ~ ua'~-.(p.r'lCah()n ~.,...tJ ( ""r1Ity ".1 the slal8ments I have made on "is form and IIII,_I! thereto .'" true, IICOJr.l .. lind co"","'''' I rlnowledge thar Iny knowingly false or m's'eadino ltatement may ~ punishable by fine Of m~son~nt Of (Sltmp..!1 both u"~r applicable law , " •• • 3 T rtk! •••• • • Senior Regulatory ManRg~r • • • • ., .. ----------t .. T yoro Namf! Karen S, Stumpf ,. '. elBA-GEIGY 2112 Gallons U 5 Standard Measure HERBICIDE ..... d conlrol In "nnD•• nng CItruS. corn. cotton, nonbe."'lq ;,aPlt. p ••nc..'s DOd CfOp •. poeatoes. ',Ittlowerl. grain or '0119_ IOf9hum. 10000MlnS. Slfon. frUits. and trN nutS Ac1.w InQ'~I.nt "'.. OIl1e,""f 2 chloro­ N (2· .. nyl·6·melnytDhenyl) N-42·rnetho1l,,· • '-"""'''Y'I Ie"''''''' ee .... 13.a." '000... EPA ~e-q f4r) 10').597 EPAE!il );:fe1 .... 0 J~ EPAE5! J.4JO.&·t.4S·,p ["AEsl nnJ·.4'\of [PAEsI 4216'·MS·,1) 'Sl..a4rsc"~ IS !,r'>11 .."., of Vlf numtJer on lugl KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION S4• .-1<HrO'1,,' or~a·J','1n_lry ~· .. '''''T'f!'n." ."d d,rlK'flOf1' tot us. ,nSlde boolll"" eGA 49t 'ZOG 043 I ------------------------- j • I • , •••• I •• • • .. • • •• ••• Dual" 8E Table of Contents Conditions of Sale and Warranty Directions lor Use A. Genenllinlormation 1. SoIl Te.lu... _ Herbicide Ral.. 2. MI.I"9lnI1rucllonl 3. AppllUlion Prv..ed ...... B. Dual IE Applied Alone 1. WMda ConttoIIecI 2. Rolst_Crop. C. Cltrul - Nonbearlng - Dual IE Alone and Comblnatlonl D. Com - Dual IE Alone 1. P.. ptant Surlllce-AppUed 2. p ........t Incorporwted or Preemergence E. Com - Dual IE Combinations Chan t - OuailE Tank MI.l ...... tor Com - Addlllonal _. Controlled e~ Specialln.lruclI0n. 1. Tank MI.lu .. with AAt ..~ or Princep". or AAt ... + Princep- PNpllnt Sur1ac:e. Prepllnt Incorporated. or P... emergence 2. Tlnk Mi.'urw with A"'... I- Polt.mergence l. Tank MiKturw With Blad•• ! - Preplan. Incorporated or Pre. mergence 4. T.lnk Mllture With AA,,.. + BI.de. - Preplant Incorl=0rat.d or Preem•• nc. ~~t ~ S. Tanll MI.lure With B.nv.I~' 6. Tank Mil1U,. with AAt,.. and Lorol '. 'or Control of (j Lambsqulners and Pigweed 7. Tank Mixture with AA,,.. or P"neap + Prowl'-!' for Prolonged Conlrol 01 Llmboquane,. and Pig_.d In Field Com Only (Nonh... 1 U.S .• including MI. IN. KY. and Stal•• Eelt of The•• , I. Tan .. Mi_Iure with .lAt,.., Blade.. , or Prlncap. AAtre. + Blade.: or AA'... + Prine.p. with G,.moJone.Jo Extra or Roundup~ fo, Mlnlmum.Tlllage or No-Tillage Syaleml 9. Tank Mlllu.. WIth AAt ..., or AAI ... + 2.4·0: or AAlre. + 2.4-0 + Ba""" for Mlnlmum.Tlllage 0' No-Tillage Syal.ml 10. rante MIItU,. With Blldel: or Blade. + AAt,.x ... 2 .• ·0; or Olade.. + AAt ... + 2.4·0 + Barwel for Mlnlmum.Tiliage or No-Tillage Syatem. F. Colton - Dual IE Alone G. Colton - Dual liE Combinations 1. Tal~'" MIKture With Caparol'(.. 4l 2. rank MIIIu,. wtth Cotoran·.i, OF J. Tant!; Mll1ure 0' ['uII.E or Dua'ie + Coto,." with Gf1Imol:ona EI'1'1I or q"uncIup to< Mlnlmum.TI"lge or !lo-Tillage Syalem'IAL. LA. MS Only, H. GnlP" - Nonbearlng - Dua' IE Alone and Combinations ,. Peanuta - Dual I' .:one J. Peanuts - Dual IE Combinations 1. T_ MI ....... with B ...""'L.C. 2. Mulliple AppllelUon. (Soulh... 1 only - AL. FL. GA. NC. SC. VA, , , l. Tlnll Mll1u... or Sequentially .,ith PUrsUit*' ,c. rln" M'ltu... with Sonala"'" STink MI.ture ,"Ih r-owl 6 rlntl: M'ltu,. Of Sequentially With Staf1ire r , , •., 1 rln_ Mlltu,. or S~qu."tt.lly With Start".... 8 ...q,.", I ranI!: "t~u,. or S~u."tI.lly .,th St,ril" + Rutyl'1lc' 200 or Ruto'lon@' 200 9 Tant!: ..,.tu,. "" Sl!~u.ntl.fly With R••• qnn 10. TIm.. Mlnure or S.q\Mnt ....' w.'h B ...qf." .. Butyrwc 200 or Butoxone 200 K. Pod Crops - DUll IE Alon .. .. ... Dual®8E Table of Contents (conlinued) Page No. L. Pod Crops - Dual 8E Combinations 1. Tlnk Mixture and Sequential Appllcallon. with Eplam'" - B.an. (Green or Dry) 2. Tlnk Mixture with Tretlln® - Blan. (Dry - Kleine)". Navy. Pinto. etc.; Llml; end Snap) M. Potatoes - Dual 8E Alone N. Potatoes - Dual 8E Combinations 1. TlnkMlxtlftwlthSencorl'oru~ 2. DuaiaE + lDrox Tlnk Mixture (Eu! ot Rocky Mounlllna) 3. Tlnk Mixture with Prowl4E 4. Tlnk Mixture with P .....14E + Epllm O. Safflowera - Dual8E Alone P. Grain or Forage Sorghum (Seed treated with Concep,;)} - Dual8E Alone Q. Grain or Forage Sorghum (Seed treated with Concepl­ Oual8E Combinations 1. Tank Mixture with AAt~x 2. Tank Mixture of Dual IE or auiliE + AAtrex with Gramoxone Extra or Roundup lor Mlnlmum.Tllllge or No-Tillage Systems R. Soybeans - Oual8E Alone S. Soybeans - Dual 8E Combinations 1. Tank Mixture with Sencor or Lella"e 2. Tank Mixture with lenox 3. Tank Mixture with Tretlan 4. Tank Mixture with Scepter' 5. Tank Mixture with lorox Plus" 6. Tank Mixture with Geminl® 7. Tank Mixture with canopy!' 8. Tank Mixture with Prevjew® 9. Tank Mixture with Commlnct® 10. Tank Mixture with Sonalln 11. Tank Mixture with Pu ..uit 12. Tank Mixture with lellon •. Sencor, Scepter, Lorox, lora. Plus. Gemini. Canopy, Prevjew. or Pursuit. plus Gramoxone Extra or Roundup for Mlnlmum·Tlllage or No-Tililge Systems T. Slone Fruits - Dual 8E Alone and Combinations U. Tree Nuts - Dual 8E Alone and Combinations V. Storage and Disposal W. Appendices 1. Appendix A - CompatlblUty Test 2. Appendix B -low Clrrier Application 3. Appendix C - _at Application 4. Appendix D - Centlr Plvotlrrlg_ Application 5. Appendix E - Dry Bulk Granular f«tIH.... t. f' X. Precautionary Stat.. menls •• • ••• ------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AHO WARRANTY IMPORTANT: Re.o lhe .".". DI_lIonllot u.. ona the ~lc.nl 01 Sa.. Ind WIonanty belo'e USing tnls prOduct. It te,m.lr. noI acceptaDle. rwcum lhe UtM)C)eited product contamer at once Condillon. 01 Sale _ WIonanty The 01_10, UN 01 thol prodUCI ref_ the GplNOn Of ..pens based on held use and tests. The dlrect.ans ar. behev.d 10 be rebable and IhouId be tcMIowed ca,.fully However.• 1 IS Imposslbte to el""".... aM ,..... ,..-ty UIOCllled WIth UN Of thOl prodUCI. Crop IIIjUry. Ineltecllveness. or ocher unIntended consaquancn may ....... t>eeIUM Of luch lactcn as _ather cond,loonS. presence 01 OCh.r mat.,,"I. Of the mannar Of uN Of IppIoCaIoon 1M 01 whICh Ire beyond Ihe conlrot Of CIBA- GEIGY Of lhe~. Mauch ...... .,... be .... _ by the Buyer. CIBA-GEIGY __ ......... ptIICIUCI c"'''ft.. 10 the _ deIc"lJloon on the _ IncI" reasonaDly III fOf lhe _ r-..c! 10 In the OI_'onllot UN IUbjaCllO Ihllnhlre". ,.sks reler· rod 10 lboY•. CIBA-GEIGY meke. no oth',r ex pre •• or Implied werrllnty of Fltne •• or Merchentebillty or eny other expre •• or Implied werrllnty. In no c.. e .hell CIBA-GEIGY or the Seller be lIeble for con.equentlel, 'peclel, or Indirect demege. reeultlng from the u.e or hendllng of thl. product. CIBA­ GEIGY Ind th. Setter _lhlS prodUCI. Ind lhe Buyer Ind user ICCept~. sub!eCllO Ihelotegoong CondItion. 01 Sa.. Ind WIomonty, WhICh may be v.,oed only by Igreement In wr~lng c gnad by a duly aulhoclled representallve at CIBA-GEIGY. DIRECTIONS FOR USE- It IS a Violation of 'ederallaw to use trus prOduct In • manner !reonSlstent Wlll'llls la~hng FAIWRE TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND PRECAUTIONS ON THIS LABEL MAY RESULT IN POOR WEED CONTROL.
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