Protohydra Leuckarti: A: Contracted Hydranth; B and C: Various Stages of Relaxed Hydranths; D: Hydranth Feeding on a Copepode; E: Two Stages of Transversal Fission

Protohydra Leuckarti: A: Contracted Hydranth; B and C: Various Stages of Relaxed Hydranths; D: Hydranth Feeding on a Copepode; E: Two Stages of Transversal Fission

sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 329 FIG. 47. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Protohydridae. A to E: Protohydra leuckarti: A: contracted hydranth; B and C: various stages of relaxed hydranths; D: hydranth feeding on a copepode; E: two stages of transversal fission. Sphaerocorynidae. F and G: Sphaerocoryne bedoti:F: hydroid; G: fully-grown medusa. Tubulariida. Acaulidae. H and I: Acauloides. H: Acauloides ammisatum hydroid, I: Acauloides ilonae: hydroid; J: Boreohydra simplex: hydranth; K: Psammohydra nanna: hydranth (A to E after Leloup, 1952; F after Hirohito, 1988; G after Petersen, 1990; H after Bouillon, 1971; I after Brinckmann-Voss, 1966; J after Westblad, 1937; K after Clausen and Salvini-Plawen, 1986). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 329 sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 330 FIG. 48. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Candelabridae. A: Candelabrum cocksi hydranth. Cladonematidae. B to D: Cladonema radiatum:B: hydroid; C: schema of hypostome showing the ectodermal glandular oral cavity. D: fully-grown medusa; E to H: Eleutheria: E and F: Eleutheria claparedei: E: hydranth, F: medusa. G and H: Eleutheria dichotoma: G: part of colony with hydranths developing medusa buds, H: mature medusa with planulae inside brooding pouch. I and J: Staurocladia portmanni: I: hydranth; J: adult medusa (A after Hyman, 1940; B after Leloup, 1952, C after Bouillon, 1971; D after Russell, 1953; E after Brinckmann-Voss, 1970; F after Mayer, 1910; G after Hincks, 1861; H after Hincks, 1868; I after Bouillon, 1978b; J after Brinckmann, 1964a). 330 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 331 FIG. 49. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Corymorphidae. A to C: Corymorpha nutans: A: hydranth; B: adult medusa; C: tip of medusa tenta- cle. D to F: Eugotoea petalina: mature medusa: D and F: lateral views; E: oral view; G to I: Euphysora: G: Euphysora annulata: adult medusa; H and I: Euphysora bigelowi: H: hydranth; I: adult medusa. J: Paragotoea bathybia: mature medusa; K and L: Vannuccia forbesii:K: hydranth; L: mature medusa (A after Allman, 1872; B and G after Kramp, 1959a; C after Russell, 1953; D to F after Margulis, 1989; H after Sassaman and Rees, 1978; I after Petersen, 1990; J after Pagès and Bouillon, 1997; K and L after Schuchert, 1996). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 331 sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 332 FIG. 50. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Corynidae. A to F: Coryne: A to D: Coryne eximia: A and B: general view of two colonies; C: hydranth with medusa buds; D: mature medusa. E and F: Coryne muscoides: E view of a part of a colony; F: hydranth with gonophores (A, B and D after Schuchert, 1996; C and F after Schuchert, 2001b; E after Brinckmann -Voss, 1970). 332 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 333 FIG. 51. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Corynidae. A to K: Coryne. A and B: Coryne pintneri: A: detail of a colony; B: hydranth with gonophores. C and D: Coryne producta: C: two hydranths; D: adult medusa. E to G: Coryne prolifera: E: adult medusa; F: tentacle bulb with medusa buds; G: medusa marginal tentacle tip. H and I: Coryne pusilla: H: part of a colony; I: hydranth with gonophores. J: Coryne epizoica; K: Coryne fucicola (A, B and K after Brinckmann-Voss, 1970; C, D and E after Russell, 1953; F,G, I and J after Schuchert, 2001b; H after Hirohito, 1988). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 333 sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 334 FIG. 52. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Corynidae. A to K: Dipurena: A: Dipurena gemmifera: medusa with medusa buds; B to E: Dipure- na halterata: B: hydroid colony in a sponge; C: longitudinal section of hypostome showing the glandular mucous button (gb) character- istic of the genus; D: adult medusa, E: marginal tentacular bulbs, lateral and frontal view. F to H: Dipurena ophiogaster: F: two hydranths; G: adult medusa; H: lateral view of a marginal bulb of a mature medusa. I to K: Dipurena reesi: I: hydranth; J: adult medusa; K: tip of medusa tentacle, note the long, spiny cnidocils (A, F to K after Schuchert, 2001b, B after Bouillon, 1971; C after Bouillon, 1968; D and E after Pagès et al., 1992). 334 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 335 FIG. 53. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Corynidae. A to J: Sarsia tubulosa: A: fragment of a colony; B to D: detail of hydranths with medusa buds; E: hydranth regressing during reproductive exhaustion with gonophore shorty before release; F: subadult medusa, note enlarged radial canals; G: mature medusa; H: basal part of manubrium; I and J: lateral and frontal view of a marginal bulb (A to I after Edwards, 1978; J after Schuchert, 2001b). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 335 sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 336 FIG. 54. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Euphysidae. A to E: Euphysa: A to D: Euphysa aurata: A: hydroid; B: longitudinal histological sec- tion of the basal papilla and statocyst of a hydranth (see asterisk figure A); C: mature medusa; D: medusa, view of a non tentacular margin- al bulb; E: Euphysa flammea fully-grown medusa; F: Siphonohydra adriatica diagram of a longitudinal section through a hydranth: left: radi- al, right: interradial. Paracorynidae. G: Paracoryne huvei: view of a mature colony (A after Rees, 1938; B after Bouillon and Grohman, 1990; C and D after Russell, 1953; E after Kramp, 1959a; F after Salvini-Pawen, 1966; G after Bouillon, 1975). at: aboral tentacle; bu: bud; c: process covering the gonophore; dac: dactylozooid; di: digestive inclusions; egr: ectodermal granulations; ei: excretory inclusions; end: endoderm; go: gonophore; ga: gastrozooid; gz: gonozooid; hyr: hydrorhiza; ot: oral tentacle; p: periderm; sta: statocyst. 336 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 337 FIG. 55. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Pennariidae. A to C: Pennaria disticha: A: portion of a colony; B: detail of branch with two hydranth; C: eumedusoid. Tricyclusidae. D: Tricyclusa singularis: hydranth with actinula larvae. Tubulariidae. E and J: Ectopleura: E and F: Ecto- pleura crocea: E: above left female hydranth with gonophores, below right detail of mature female gonophore, F: aboral ends of hydrocauli of newly-settled specimens showing the development of the stolons from the pedal disc area; G to J: Ectopleura dumortieri: G: hydranth; H and I: lateral view of mature medusae; J: apical view of an adult medusa (A and B after Schuchert, 1996; C after Kramp, 1959a; D after Bouillon, original; E and F after Petersen, 1990; G after Russell, 1953; H after Mayer, 1910; I and J after Rees, 1957). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 337 sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 338 FIG. 56. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Tubulariidae. A to E: Ectopleura: A and B: Ectopleura larynx: A: general view of a colony; B: detail of branches with hydranth and gonophores. C: Ectopleura minerva: adult medusa; D: Ectopleura sacculifera: fully-grown medusa; E: Ecto- pleura wrighti: left: hydroid, right: blastostyle with two medusa buds; F to H: Hybocodon prolifer: F: hydranth; G and H: medusae with and without medusa buds. I: Plotocnide borealis: mature medusa; J: Rhabdoon singulare: adult medusa (A and B after Cornelius et al., 1990; C after Mayer, 1910; D after Bouillon, 1978b; E after Petersen, 1990; F after Russell, 1953; G and H after Kramp, 1959a; I after Arai and Brinckmann-Voss, 1980; J after Vannucci and Soares Moreira, 1966). 338 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 339 FIG. 57. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Tubulariidae. A to F: Tubularia: A and B: Tubularia ceratogyne: A: hydranth, B: female blatostyle with an actinula escaping from a gonophore. C to F: Tubularia indivisa: C: portion of a colony; D: detail of a hydranth; E: cluster of gonophores of a female colony; F: actinula. Cladocorynidae. G: Cladocoryne floccosa: hydranth with gonophores. Porpitidae. H and I: Por- pita porpita: H: polyp; I: medusa. J and K: Velella velella: J: polyp; K: medusa. (A to D after Leloup, 1952; E after Patriti, 1970; F after Pèrèz, 1920; G after Bouillon, 1995; H and J after Pagès et al., 1992; I after Bouillon, 1984d; K after Brinckmann-Voss, 1964b). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 339 sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 340 FIG. 58. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Rosalindidae. A to C: Rosalinda incrustans: A: semi-diagrammatic drawing of a part of coenosarc and spines; B: detail of a portion of colony on a spine of Anamathia rissoana showing three hydranths; C: detail of a hydranth. Zancleidae. D and E: Halocoryne epizoica: D: general view of a part of colony living on a bryozoan host showing two polyps, one with medusa buds; E: newly released eumedusoid. F to H: Zanclea sp.: F: adult medusa; G: portion of a marginal tentacle with cnidophores; H: detail of a cnidophore (A and B after Vervoort 1966b; C after Petersen, 1990; D and E after Bouillon, 1995; F to H after Russell, 1953). 340 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Ffig2 14/10/04 15:35 Página 341 FIG. 59. – Anthomedusae. Capitata. Zancleidae. A to M: Zanclea: A to D: Zanclea costata: A: two hydranths with medusa buds; B: above left microbasic mastigophores, below left and at right macrobasic euryteles of hydranths; C: mature medusa; D: macrobasic euyryteles from medusan cnidophores. E to I: Zanclea giancarloi: E: hydranth with medusa buds; F: cnidome of hydroid comprising undischarged stenoteles of two sizes and discharged macrobasic euryteles of two types; G: newly released medusae; H: mature medusae I: cnidome of medusa com- prising undischarged stenoteles of two sizes, discharged and undischarged macrobasic euryteles from cnidophores and undischarged microba- sic euryteles from exumbrella. J to M: Zanclea sessilis: J: hydranth in different states of contraction, one with medusa buds; K: cnidocysts of the hydroid, stenoteles of two sizes, undischarged and discharged macrobasic euryteles; L: adult medusa; M: cnidome of the medusa, stenoteles of two sizes, undischarged and discharged macrobasic euryteles from cnidophores (all after Boero et al., 2000).

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