Notes 1NTRODUCT10N 1. David McLellan, The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx (London, 1969). 2. Leszek Kolakowski, Gt6wne nurty marksizmu: pmostanie-rouooj-rozklad, 3 vols (Paris, 1976); Leszek Kolakowski, Main Currents 0/Marxism: Its Origins, Growth and Dissolution, translated by P.S. Falla, 3 vols (Oxford, 1981). 3. Charles Taylor, Hegel (Cambridge, 1975). 4. E.g. G.R.G. Mure, A Study of Hege!'s Logic (Oxford, 1950); W.T. Stace, ThePhilosophy 0/Hegel (New York, 1955) ; Manfred Baum, DieEntstehung der Hegelschen Dialektik (Bonn, 1986) . 5. Times Literary Supplement, 21 October 1984. 6. Robert C. Solomon, In the Spirit of Hegel (Oxford, 1983) . 7. 1bid., pp . 166 ff. 8. CharIes Taylor's standard account of Hegel's thought makes only the following short reference to the terms in connection with the discus­ sion of the Concept: 'The universal is shown here to be in inner rela­ tion to the particular (das Besondere). Sometimes, however, it is reIated to the individual (das Einzelne) ; and sornetimes to both; for Hegel uses this analysis of the universal in a host of contexts: like many Hegelian terms it expresses a therne with many variations.' CharIes Taylor, Hegel (Cambridge, 1975), p. 113. 9. Ryszard Panasiuk, Filozofia i pansuoo: Studium mysli polityczno-spofecznej !ewicy heglowskiej i miodego Marksa 1838-1843 (Warsaw, 1967). 10. Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein, Georg Lukäcs Werke, Vol. II, pp. 39, 165, 314, 320, 325, 337, 341, 345, 598, 607. 11. 1bid., p. 314. 12. Georg Lukäcs, 'Moses Hess und die Probleme der idealistischen Dia­ lektik', Archivfür die Geschichte des Sozialismus und derArbeiterbewegung, Vol. XII, 1926. 13. 1bid., pp. 111 ff. 14. 1bid., pp. 107, 109. 15. KarlMarx FrederickEngels Werke (MEW) (BerIin, 1956- ), Vol. II, p. 147. 16. Moses Hess, Philosophische und sozialistische Schriften 1837-1850, Heraus­ gegeben und eingeleitet von Auguste Cornu and Wolfgang Mönke (Berlin, 1961), pp. 75 ff. 17. 1bid., p. 223. 18. A. von Cieszkowski, Prolegomena zur Historiosophie (Berlin, 1838); J. Frauenstädt, Hallische jahrbücher für WISsenschaft und Kunst, 1839, pp. 476-88. 19. K. Löwith, From Hegel to Nietzsche: The Reuolution in Nineteenth-Century German Thought, trans. David E. Green (London, 1965). 20. H. Stuke, Philosophie der Tat (Stuttgart, 1963) . 21. WJ. Brazill, The Young Hegelians (Yale University Press, 1970). 368 Notes to Introduction 369 22. D. McLellan, The Young Hegeliens and Karl Marx (London, 1969). 23. Auguste Cornu, Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels: Leur vie et leur oeuvre, Vol. I (Paris, 1955), p. 242. 24. Moses Hess, Philosophische und sozialistische Schriften 1837-1850, pp. XVIII, XXI. 25. Ibid., p. 463. 26. Horst Stuke, Philosophie der Tat (Stuttgart, 1963), p. 85. 27. Panasiuk, p. 116. 28. David McLellan, The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx, p. 11. 29. Ihid. , pp. 11-12. 30. G.W.F. Hegel, Vorlesungen überdie PhilosophiederGeschichte, Herausgeben von Dr, Eduard Gans (Berlin, 1837). 31. Ibid., pp. 10-11. 32. D. Lukach, Molodoy Gegel' i problemy kapitalisticheskogo obshchestva (Moscow, 1987) , p. 3. 33. Lukäcs, Werke, Vol. VIII, p. 138. 34. G. Lukäcs, Derjunge Hegel: Über die Beziehungenvon Dialektik und Ökonomie, GeorgLukäcs Werke, Vol. VIII (Neuwied, 1967), p. 29. 35. Ibid., p. 138. 36. GeorgLuluics Werke, Vol. VIII, p. 9. 37. Die Zerstörung der Vernunft, GeorgLukäcs Werke, Vol. IX, p. 162. 38. H. Steffens, Christliche Religionsphilosophie (Berlin 1839), p. 140. 39. H. Steffens, Anthropologie, Vol. I (Breslau, 1822), pp. 15, 184-5. 40. Istvän Meszäros, Marx's Theory 0/Alienation (London, 1970), P: 14. 41. Georg Lukdcs Werke, Vol. VIII, p. 658. 42. Leszek Kolakowski, Main Currents 0/ Marxism, Vol. I1I (Oxford, 1981), p. 297. 43. Kolakowski, Gl6wne nurty marksizmu, Vol. 1, p. 75, original emphasis; Main Currents 0/Marxism, Vol. 1, p. 70. 44. Ghiwnenurtymarksizmu, Vol.l, p. 89; Main CurrentsofMarxism, Val. 1, p.85. 45. Gl6wne nurty marksizmu, Vol. 1, pp. 90, 145; Main Currents 0/Marxism, Vol. I, pp. 86, 144. 46. Gloume nurty marksizmu, Val. I, pp. 91-2; Main Currents 0/Marxism. Val. I, p. 88. 47. Gl6wne nurty marksizmu, Vol. I, p. 88; Main Currents 0/Marxism, Val. I, p.84. 48. Alain Besancon, The Intellectual Origins 0/ Leninism (Oxford, 1981), p.90. 49. Laurence S. Stepelevich, 'Between the Twilight of Theory and the Millennial Dawn: August von Cieszkowski and Moses Hess', in Laurence S. Stepelevich and David Lamb (eds), Hegel's Philosoph» 0/Action (At­ lantic Highlands, NJ, 1982), p. 220. 50. Michael Löwy quoted in CJ. Arthur, Dialectics oj Labour: Marx and his Relation to Hegel (Oxford, 1986), p. 105. 5!. Nicholas Churchich, Marxism and Alienation (London, 1989), p. 181. 52. MEW, Vol. XXXII, p. 52. 53. Georg Lukacs Werke, Vol. II, pp. 18, 410. 54. A. Schmidt, Der Begriff der Natur in der Lehre von Marx (Frankfurt am Main, 1962) , pp. 9, 57. 370 Notes to Chapter 1 55. Ibid., p. 20. 2 56. Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA ) (Berlin, 1975- ), 1/2, p. 295. 57. See, for example, N. Geras, Man: and Human Nature: Refutation. 0/a Legend (London, 1983). 58. E.g. Roman Rosdolsky, Zur Entstehungsgeschichte desMarxschen 'Kapital', 2 vols (Frankfurt am Main, 1974); Ernest Mandel, The Formation 0/the Economic Thought0/Karl Marx (London, 1971); V.S. Vygodsky, K istorii sozdaniya 'Kapitale' (Moscow, 1970). 59. Wada Haruki, Marukusu, Engerusu to kakumei Roshia (Tokyo, 1975) . 60. T. Shanin (ed.), Late Man: and the Russian Road (London, 1984). 61. Richard Pipes, 'Narodnichestvo: A Semantic Inquiry', Slavic Review, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, September 1964. 62. Andrzej Walicki, The Controversy ouer Capitalism (Oxford, 1969). 63. Filozofia spoleana narodnictwa rosyjskiego: Y\»b6r pism, ed. Andrzej Walicki, 2 vols (Warsaw, 1965). 64. N.K. Karataev (ed.), Narodnicheskaya ekonomicheskaya literatura (Mo5­ cow, 1958). 65. Filozofia spoleczna narodnictuia rosyjskiego, p. xxix; The Controversy ouer Capitalism, p. 36. CHAPTER 1 THE ROMANTIC HERITAGE 1. Quoted in Hans-joachim Mähl, Die Idee des goldenen Zeitalters im Werk des Novalis (Heidelberg, 1965), p. 350. 2. J.G. Fichte, Sämmtliche Werke, ed. LH. Fichte, 8 vols (Berlin, 1845-46). Vo!. I, pp. 40-60. 3. Ibid . 4. 1. Kant, Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. V (Berlin, 1908), p. 30. 5. Ibid. , p. 179. 6. J.G. Fichte, Sämmtliche Werke, Vol. I, pp. 332-3. 7. Schelling, Schellings sämmtliche Werke, ed. K.FA Schelling, 10 vols (Stutt­ gart and Augsburg, 1856-61), Vo!. III, p. 628. 8. R. Haym, Die romantische Schule (Berlin, 1870), p. 352. 9. K. Rosenkranz, 'Ludwig Tieck und die romantische Schule', Hallische Jahrbücher, Nos. 155-163, 1838, pp . 1233-1302, esp. pp. 1291-2. ]0. Athenaeum1789-1800, Herausgeben von August Wilhelm Schlegel und Friedrich Schlegel, reprint (Stuttgart, 1960), P: 203. 11. H. Steffens, Was ich erlebte, Vol. IV (Breslau, 1841), pp. 122-3. 12. Hans Werner Arndt, 'Einführung', Christian Wolff, Gesammelte Werke, Vol. I (Hildesheim, 1965), p. 19. 13. Christian Wolff, 'Vernünftige Gedanken von den Kräften des rnenshch­ liehen Verstandes und ihrem richtigen Gebrauche in Erkenntnis der Wahrheit', op. cit., p. 123. 14. G.SA Mellin, Encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der kritishchen Philosophie, ve; I (Züllichau and Leipzig, 1797), p. 486. 15. Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, A 320, B 377. 16. Ibid ., B 307. Notes to Chapter 1 371 17. Schelling, Werke, Vol. IV, pp. 353-4. 18. Werke, Vol. TII, p. 506. 19. lbid. 20. Kant, Kritik der reinen Yernunft; B 446. 21. Kant , Gesammelte Schriften, Val. V (Berlin, 1908), p. 421. 22. Fichte, Sämmtliche Werke, Vol. VI, p. 314. 23. Fichte, Sämmtliche Werke, Vol. I, pp. 412-13. 24. Friedrich Schiller, Werke, Nationalausgabe, eds L. Blumenthai and B. von Wiese (Weimar, 1943- ), Vol. XX, pp. 316-17. 25. First published in Die Horen in 1795. 26. Schiller, Werke, Vol. XX, p. 394. 27. Schelling, Werke, Vol. TII, p. 18. 28. Ibid., p. 19. 29. A. Cobban, In Search 0/Humanity: The Role0/theEnlightenment in Mod­ r:rn History (London, 1960), p. 75. 30. J. Erhard, L 'idee deNatureen France dans la premiere motitiidu XVIII' siecie (Paris, 1963), p. 70. 31. For Steffens the whole history of the earth's development was 'the inner transformation from fluidity to rigidity, from water into me tal,. H. Steffens, Anthropologie (Breslau, 1822), p. 57; H. Stcffens, Beyträge zur innr:rn Naturgeschichte der Erde (Freiberg, 1801), p. 16. Schubert thought that the earth had evolved from an 'amorphous fluid state to an increasingly solid condition'. G.H . Schubert, Ansichten von der Nachtseite der Naturwissenschaft (Dresden, 1808), p. 105. 32. Schelling, Werke, Vol. I, p. 443. 33. P.C. Erb (ed.), Pietists: Selected Writings (London, 1983), pp. 35-6. 34. Ibid., p. 60. 35. Ibid., p. 37. 36. I. Kant, Gesammelte Schriften, Vol. V, p. 429. 37. ].G. Fichte, Sämmtliche Werke, Vol. VI, p. 302. 38. Ibid., p. 306. 39. Ibid. 40. Ibid. 41. Ibid., p. 323. 42. Ibid., p. 318. 43. Ibid. 44. Ibid., p. 420. 45. Ibid., pp. 13-14. 46. F. Schleiermacher, Über die Religion (Berlin, 1799), P: 12. 47. Friedrich E.D. Schleicrmacher, Werke, eds Otto Braun and Johannes Bauer (Aalen, 1967), Val. IV, p. 437. 48. In English both Entäußerungand Entfremdungare habitually translated as 'Alienation '. This is in accordance with the idea put forward by Georg Lukäcs and accepted by modern writers that the two terms are simply German translations of the English word 'alienatiori'. See CJ Arthur, Dialectics 0/ Labour: Man: and his Relation to Hegel (Oxford, 1986), p. 147. This is clearly wrong, since it dissociates Entäußerung from außer, and from the contrast between Inner and Outer. 49. H. Steffens, Christliche Religionsphilosophie (Berlin, 1839), pp. 45-6. 372 Notes to Chapter 1 50. There is considerable dispute about whether the 'Systemprogramm' should be attributed to Schelling or Hege!. The main arguments for both sides are collected in Jamme, C. and Schneider, H. (eds), Mytho­ logie der Vernunft: Hegets 'ältestes SY.ltemprogramm des deutschen Idealismus' (Frankfurt am Main, 1984).
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