JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1934 15 106344 to 106363—Continued. 106365 to 106369—Continued. 106353. CKINUM sp. Amaryllidaceae. 106366. CITRUS sp. Rutaceae. No. 2372. From Singapore. A very sweet Man- darin orange, 2% inches in diameter, with 106854. GUSTAVIA AUGUSTA L. Lecythida- orange-red skin. ceae. 106367. CITRUS sp. Rutaceae. No. 2399. From Ceylon. A green-skinned orange For previous introduction and descrip- 3 inches in diameter, with a fair flavor, tion see 106249 but the inner skin is very tough. 106355. HIPPEASTRUM sp. Amaryllida- 106368. CUCUMIS MELO L. Cucurbitaceae. ceae. Muskmelon. Sharbat amar (sirup pomegranate). No. 2410. Bulbs. Purchased at Kamaloporam, between Bom- 106356. IPOMOBA TILIACEA (Will.) Choisy. bay and Madras, March 1934. A melon Convolvulaceae. the size of a grapefruit, with* a very fine No. 2306. Casire. Tubers of a perennial flavor. vine 6 feet or more long, with thin ovate- 106369. CUCUMIS MELO L. Cucurbitaceae. cordate leaves 2 to 3 inches long and pur- Muskmelon. ple, pink, or nearly white flowers about 2 From Poona, India, March 1934. A inches long. Native to tropical America. large yellow melon. 106357. LONCHOCARPUS sp. Fabaceae. 106370 to 106377. No. 2420. Ebecoro. Cuttings. From British Guiana. Collected by W. A. 106358. PAULLINIA PINNATA L. Sapinda- Archer, Bureau of Plant Industry. Re- ceae. ceived September 14, 1934. No. 2350. A strong-growing vine that 106370. CARYOCAR NUCIFERUM L. Caryo- climbs 30 to 40 feet to the tops of trees. caraceae. Sawarri tree. The bright red fruits, the size of cherries, No. 2337. A lofty tree, eventually 100 are borne in racemes 6 inches or more in feet high, with trifoliolate leaves and large length. purple flowers with very numerous white For previous introduction see 99001. stamens. The large fruit, several inches in diameter, contains two to four flat kid- 106359. SECURIDACA CORIACBA Bonpl. ney-shaped nuts with edible white almond- Polygalaceae. like meat. Native to British Guiana. ." • No. 2349. A* woody vine with alter- (Seeds.) nate ovate emarginate leaves and pinkish 106371. ANTONIA OVATA Pohl. Logania- flowers in lax panicles. Native to British ceae. Guiana. No. 2488. Plants of a tropical shrub, 106360. BANISTERIOPSIS LEPTOCARPA with thick leathery, oval-elliptic, dark- (Benth.) R. O. Williams. Malpighia- green leaves and small white flowers in ceae. large terminal cymes. It is native to No. 2396. A climbing shrub with ovate Brazil. leaves 3 to 4 inches long and yellow flow- 106372. ASPIDOSPERMA EXCELSUM Benth. ers in dense panicles. Native to British Apocynaceae. Guiana. No. 2483. Garuru. Plants of a hand- 106361. SERJANIA MEMBRANACEA Splitg. some tree, with leathery elliptic leaves, Sapindaceae. shining green above and 4 to 6 inches long, and large yellow flowers. Native to sandy No. 2319. A tropical woody vine with places in British Guiana. alternate compound leaves and small white or yellowish flowers in axillary racemes. 106373. BAUHINIA sp. Caesalpiniaceae. Native to Surinam. No. 2476. Plants. 106362. TALISIA sp. Sapindaceae. 106374. JACARANDA COPAIA D. Don. Big- No. 2378. Mauratalli. noniaceae. No. 2492. Seedlings of a large hand- 106363. (Undetermined.) some tree 60 to 80 feet high, with oppo- No. 2410. Small bulb. site bipinnate leaves 1 to 2 feet long and sky-blue flowers in large terminal panicles. 106364. CITRUS AUEANTIFOLIA Native to British Guiana. (Christm.) Swingle. Rutaceae. 106375. CONOMORPHA MAGNOLIIFOLIA Mez. Lime. Myrsinaceae. No. 2437. Teterumaballi. Seedlings From Brazil. Budwood obtained at Estacao collected near Mazaruni Station of a tropi- Pomicultura, Deodoro, and presented by cal shrub with leathery, elliptic leaves up Harold Compere, American consulate, Rio to 8 inches long and lax racemes of in- de Janeiro. Received September 4, 1934 conspicuous flowers. Locally known as limao cravo, limao rosa, Native to Surinam and British Guiana. and limao francez. When young it makes a vigorous growth, but it is a short-lived tree, 106376 and 106377. SERJANIA PAUCIDENTATA DC. Sapindaceae. 106365 to 106369. Seedlings of Abaho. A woody vine with biternate leaves, the leaflets oval, attenu- From India. Seeds presented by Dr. Walter ate, and coarsely dentate at the apex. Koelz, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Native to French Guiana. Mich. Received September 5, 1934. 106376. JNo. 2445. From Kauw Creek, 106365. AQUILEGIA sp. Ranunculaceae. near Mazaruni Forest Station, Au- From Guntung, Purog, Kashmir, July gust 11, 1934. 1933. A columbine with large, exquisitely 106377. No. 2462. Near Mazaruni For- scented, pale-blue flowers. est Station September 15, 1934..
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