Title |Tems-In-Public Relations Files - Luncheons, Dinners and Receptions - Volumes IX, X, XI

Title |Tems-In-Public Relations Files - Luncheons, Dinners and Receptions - Volumes IX, X, XI

UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 24 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:49 AM S-0864-0004-03-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0004-03-00001 Title |tems-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes IX, X, XI Date Created 07/09/1966 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0864-0004: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit ro 8" ro I !*iaelie0n given "toy the OH 2t October 1966 Mr. Yakushkin x Mr. loftus Keeterenko I.E. Mr. Pazhwak Secretary-general Mr. Narasiaahan x Mr. Bunche x Mr. "Krq.tfliart Mr. Balima SG luncheon to bid farewell to Mr. Victor Lessiovski, Thursday, .27 October 1966; 1.13 p.m., 58th floor. The Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Pazhwak Mr. Lessiovski Mr. Narasimhan Mr. Rolz-Bennett Mr. Hesterenko Dr. Bunche ^- Mr. Nosek i/' Mr. Balima ^x Mr. Urquhart no Mp,-¥Hyi-S'ilig©v- away t/ Mr. Loftus -y" Mr. Yakushkin 12 cc: Donald proposed invitation list for the Secretary-General's Reception after the UN Day Concert,, 2k October 1966: "A" List: Mr. £ Mrs. John E. Angle (President of Orchestra) Persimmon Road, R.D.3> Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Denby (Chairman of the Board) 632 Pine Road Sewickley, Pennsylvania, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Edwards (Manager of the Orchestra) Manager, The Pittsburgh Symphony Society 1305 Rockwell-Standard Building Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Dr. William Steinberg Warwick Hotel 65 West 54th Street New York, N.Y. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Tennenbaum (Dr. Steinberg's daughter and her 12 Cobb Court husband) Huntington, Long Island, Mew York 11743 LIr. & Mrs. Leone Magiera (Miss Freni, her husband, and Miss Micaela Magiera daughter) Hotel Navarro 112 Central Park South New York, N.Y. f-o^_ "B" List: Miss Nelly Walter (Hiss Freni's Manager) Vice-President, Columbia Artists Management, Inc. 165 West 5?th Street New York, N.Y. 10019 Mr. Ronald Wilford (Dr. Steinberg's Manager) Columbia Artists Management, Inc. 165 West 57th Street Mew York, N.Y. 10019 Mr. Julius Bloom. (instrumental in arranging for Executive Director, Orchestra's visit) The Carnegie Hall Corporation 154 West 57th Street New York, N.Y. 10019 Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Maria Rossi Arnaud (instrumental in securing Counsellor, - ' lSss ^en:L s Presence? Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations 809 United Nations Plaza, 3rd floor New York, N.Y. 10017 3Au^ ^-/i-jf r —"IT—~*—^ • /^^z' "— ' ^• 17? PEE M A M £ N t HIS S I 0-H S AFGHANISTAN Mr, Abdul BabTsaaa Pashwak Mr. Abdul Samad GHaus ALBANIA Mr, Halim Bado and Mrs. Bu^io ALCSSRIA Mr, &»Haraasd Yaaid M* Tewfik Bo'uattoara M, Cbarif Guellal AIMSHTIMA 0r. Jose Maria Suda aM Mrs* Rudai Dr. Haul A. Qaija&o and Mrs. Qoijano Mr. Patrick Shaw arid Krs. Shaw Sir James Pllmsoll Dr1. Kort Wal^ieim and Mrs. Maldha±a Hr. Hermann Withal BELGBM M. Constant Sch.y.'urmans * Fernando Orfcla Sa«« amd Mrs. Qrtis Saoa Mr. H.P.K. Kwako •Dr. E.K. Matthews MP. Jose Sette Camara aisi Mrs. Satte Camara BULGARIA M. Milko farabanov awi ifcie. Tarabanev BUHMA II Soe Tin BORUKPI Mi*. Terence Msaniee atid Mrs. - 2 ~ 0TOP SOCIALIST Mr. Guaro&ot GavrJLtovich Tchemouchtcheako and Mrs. Tscheraouchteheiiko Mr, Anatoly Emlyaaoideh Ottrnovieh CAHBQtaA.. Mr. Huot Samfeath and Hrs* Sambath GAHBROOH Hr. Joseph K. Owono and Mrs, Owaio CAjNADA Mr, George Ignafcieff and Mrs* Ignatieff O5HTRAL AFBICAH BEPOBLIg }£p. Mlchsi Cfeilliji-DonathQ and Krs. Mr. tetoiRQ Ouiiaali CSYLOH Mr. Kerenna Fransis do Silva Jayax^tiie and Mrs. Jayaratne Mr* G.G. ops Mr* Botikar Abdoul and Mrs, AMoul Mr, «Joee Pitsera and Mrs, Finera GMIHA • Mr* Liu Ghleh J3r. Alfoaas JSr, Alvaro Herran Medina and Mrs. Herran Medina IS*. Pedro Olarfct and Mrs, Jfe«s. Esther Bonito do Holguia Mrs, Clara Ppaoe CONGO 1. David Charlsa Gatiao U. Justin GQMGO CDB^OCRA.flC; I&FUBLIG OF) H, Thsodore Idaumbwir COSTA RICA Dr. Desatrio f inoco and Hrs. llnoce - 3 ~ CUBA ' .)&%, Raul Roa Dr» Ricardo Alar COR Qossada PIPITS • Mr, Zenon Eossidea and Ifirs. Rossides CSSGHOSLOfM SOCIALIST Dr. Milan Klasak and. Mrs. Klaeak Mr. Jan Busniak Mr* I^ttis I^iaeio-Fiato and Mrs, Ignacio-Pinto !&•. 'Emile Sarlte Einsoa Hr» Haas S* Tabor ai^l Mrs* Tabor DOtgHIOAK Dr. Homcio Jtilio Ornes-Coisoou aiwi Mrs, gggAPOR Dr. LaopoMo Benitts and Mrs. Benites EL Dr« Heotor Sscobar Ssrraao aad Mrs. Sarrano ETHIOPIA Mr» Lij Bndalkaehew Makoaan Mr. Max Jakobson and Mrs- ^ H« Boger Seyebtst and fibto. Seydoxta QAB'Qia Mr, Jacqpes Biyo^o and. Mrs» Biyogho •GiUM :' • Hr. Alhagi. "Hr, F.S. Arkhurs* and Mrs. Arkhursfc Alexis S. Liatis and Mrs, Idatls Or* Samoa Cadesa Sr. John Mr. Acshakar Karof and MP»» Marof HAITI Mr. Carlet H» Augast© aisd Mrs. Aupiste Hr» Een© HOIJBUHAS Msr. Htjsaberfeo Lopea and Hrs» li Br. Endra }&-, Ratios Peter tev Karoly Gsatarday and Mrg« Csatorday Mr* Hann©9 ^jarbaasaon and Mrs. Mr, G. Parthasaralli and Mrs, ParfchasaraHi Mr. SarsSar Swayaii Slngjht Mr, Laabertus Kieodeisue Palas Mr. Abbas Aram a*. Hehdl Vakil and Mrs, Vaidl IRAQ Kr. Mrs* Mr. Hustapha E. Mr. Kadliim Khalef IIELAMB Mr. Frank Aiken Mr« Coraslins G» Cresiin and Mrs. Crarala *• 5- .^IBEASL • Mr. Abba Aban Mr* Gideon Rafael 'Mr* Miohaal Conmy and Mrs, Mr. Attilic Pieeioni Mr. Piaro final Mr* Antonio Gariglia |TORT G0.48T HP. Simeon Ake and Mrs. Ake Jlr," 4ssouaji Araena Usher Mr, E.a, Shearer JAPAN Mr* Akira Matsai amd Mrs, JORDAN ' • . Jtty Iloralwi<i M. fell Mi*. Muharoma4 H* El-FauP3?a, Mr, Akgr^s %u*Ater aiid Krs. « Burudl Mr. Bashid Al«Bashld Wf» Soubhi Khanachet LAOS., : ' ' '• M. Khaaaking Souvanla^r and JSrs. Pilne© Soavan»a Hr. Sotthell Chasms Hiss Sofaadi fabbara Mr« Mabi^ti Soussair aRd Mrs, Mr. Khali! Hak&awl Dr, Baflc 0hahe$ri ' ISjhaLjr LIBERIA H£» Kaihan Baraes and Hr*u Barms Mrs. Angle s. Erodes LIBYA B?. Wabbi El Bouri and Mrs. Botusl Mr, Saloia (feaish and Mrs* Qssisfa Mr, l!r* Pierre ¥orth and Mrs, KUrth HALAGASt IIEPIJBLXC .- Mr. Louis Ha^otomlala and Mrs. Rakofeousilala MALAWI • . Mr. Bri@i&r w, Kater^ and Mrs, Eatsnga Hr, Alex Kjusaa Uyusulu Mp MALAYSU .' Mr, E» lamani and Mrs. ISUHSS Mr. Ahasifsd M* Ousman Ba Mr, M. Leo Kslta arai Mrs. Keita I4ALTA Hr. 4. Pardo and Mrs. Pardo Mr* Dad4ah and Hrs, Daddah 9r. Francisco Caevas Cancino Mr, Carlos P$on Del Valle Dr. Alfonso G. Sobles MONGOLIA Mr* Bandar Jhaiabaljm and Hrs# Jhambalyn Kr. Mangalyn Dugersurea .MOftDGCg Mr. and Mrs, Sidl Baba I5r, A* Shiki I5r» K. Chorkaowi Mr. A. Benaboud -7 - KSSPAL Major Gemral and Mr a. Padma Khatri 8BIHSHUHPS Mr. and Hrs* J. de Beus H* van der Stool REWZBALABB Mi*. and Mrs, F» Comer NICARAGUA. , Mr* Guillemo 'Lang and Mrs, Lang KEGEK H* Issoufou i};)eiBsakoT?TB aad Jfce. S&». Abdoii Sldikou IfKBHlA Chief E,0. Adebo C«M.G. and lltae. Mebo GI-, Sdvard Hambro and Mrs. Kambro PAK.ISTM. .. Amjad andl Bsgam AH Mr. Malik Oasto Mr. Sysd Sharifu<ldin Piraada and Senora Qttilino Bc^rd PAMCSUAY • Sr. and Sra. Miguel Solano Lopes Bar* ?ietof Belaoade Sr. ajcsi Sm. Carlos PHILIPPINES Mr. Salvador P. Lopes and Mrs. PQMM? B. l^aaorowics and Mrs. fomorowiess POfttBCAL Mr. A. Bafc:dLeio aa»d Jfe-s* Patsdelo -a- M&v G+ Etoneaeu KP. G» Diaconescu Mr. Ion M0rara, C» Mtigauge and Mrs. Jfedenge ABABIA HP. «)f« Mr, Alias Yassln and Mrs. Tassin >!r« Ibi?ahisi Bakor .SSSSGAl, H. and Mrae. Soce Dlop Kallon lisas. Gershoa Collier M* AMlrazah H. Hussein M, and !&a@, Ahaed Dttalek 3Sfif# A, AFRICA Dr. H. M^i and Hrs, M. Botha Sr. ajsdi Sra* Jaime d@ Sr* and Sra. Manuel SPPAH Mr* Ibrahim El l«afti SEp. an4 Mrs* Mr, S. ARAB M. Beshlr El-Kotb Dr. A. Baouiiy Br» George Tmeh a»«l Mrs. - 9 - minim Mr. S» Niimanheminda, Mr. and Hrs. A. Panyaraehun TOGO Dr. Robert ft. TOBAGO Da*. K and Mre, Solomon H* and Mae. Taieb Slim fOHKBY . 0* Mr* Apollo Kirondo SSR Mr. and Mr«i S, Shevcbenko USSR , Mr. and Mrs* M. Pedorejako • Mr* and Mrs,- P» Jforoaov ABAS EgPDBLIG fe» Kohaaaeci, El Koiajy and Mrs, Bl Mr. teia HUssy n and Mrs. Hilsngr 14r* Abdullah El-Srian and Mrs. Sl-Bzlan BiSHBO EIKGBOM . lady aat.Lady Chalfoat Roger and Lady ;Sir Sdtsard asd Lady Warner . HiPUBLIO OF Mr. .Mi*. STATES . Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Goldberg •Mr. aad'Mk'a* James Nabrifc, ^fp« Mr* aM Mrs. Jaiaes Hoosevelt Mr. ai^ Mrs, Harding Bancroft Mr, and Hr$, Mehard Pederson - 10 - UPPER VOLTA Mr. Paul Rouamba UROGUtAI Mr, Pedro Berro and Mrs. Berro Dr. Pedro ZuLoaga and Mrs* Ztiloaga IBIffiM Mr, Mobaiaed A. Sailam Br». Adran Tarcici lUGOSLAVIA Dr, Danilo Lekich ana Mrs. Lekic 2AMBIA Hr, J*B, Mwemba and Mrs* Mwsrnba J&*» S.M. Kapwapwe osBBffEBS. TO ..IKE (Moabors of the Ibsseufciva CoEisdtto© of t&© High C3I1LT) S&roja and Barond0@ Sigisiflund von Braua H* Barnard / -di ' / • /i^Ci r/~- STATE DEPART M.BUT Ambassador and Mrs* James Wine Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Bsfugee and Migration Affairs The Assistant Secretary of Stats for International Organization Affairs &nd Mrs. Sisco Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Falk Director Office of Refugee and Migration Affairs Mr. & Mrs. George Warren, Sr. Adviser Offiee of Regagee and Migration Affairs Mr. and Mrs. Bayraond P. FarraLl Immigration and Naturalization Service U.S. Department of Justice Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Cuban Refugee Programs Department of Health, Education and Welfare VOLUNTARY AGENCIES Mr. and Mrs* Frank L« Goffio American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, Inc. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth B, Keating American Immigration & Citiaenship Conference Mr.

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