MirF?oc()I,Y RESQLUtluN/CST CHART f , 4 --. - 4 DOCUMEN RESUME SO 0 8 620 95 EU 1:1- 233 Tea hi gEthnic Materials and Huma4Resources for T2TLE Annotated BiblioraFh Str,dies: An ortiumInc., B ulder, Social ScienceEducation Con I1ST1T,UTION Colo. ashingt n, D.C. Education (DBEW) SPONS AGENCY Office of PUB DATE 75 0EG-0-74-9136 009 398 and ED GRANT relatvd documents,see SO NOTE 284p.; For 120 032 EducationConsortium, Publications,Social Science AVALLA LE FROM Boulder, Colorado80302 (order 855 Broadway, cover) publication no.184, $7.95 paper Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$15.39 Cultural Awareness; AnnotatedBibliographes; DESCRIPTORS CurriculumDevelopment; Cultaral Background;Education; *EthnicGroup Elementary Secoadary Resources; *Etlnic Studies;Films; *Human Films; InstructionalMaterials; Instructional Materials; social Minority Groups;*Resource studies identifies over ABSTRACT annotatedbibliography Tho selective, The majorityof listed for teachingethnic studies. With a 000 materials recent, publishedafter 1965. K-12 curriculummaterials are the experiencesand the materialsrelate only to materials few exceptions, States.Selection of ethnic peoplesin the United the documentswhich lives of in the fieldwho recommended was doneby scholars for listingthe "musts." Themajor organizer Asian tbey considered of ethnic group:Afro Americans, materials isregional category EuropeanAmericans, Americans, Centraland Western Americans, Britist Americans, ItalianAmericans, Jevish Americans, Irish Mediterranean East European Carribl,eanAmericans, Americans, LatinAmericans and Religious Groups,and Americans, NativeAmericans, arrangea by Americans, Mexican each group,ma,erials are ScandinavianAmericans. Within teaCaer resources,and materials, studentresources, rated on their curriculum materials areannotated and films. Themajority of understanding, andeducational format, accuracy,intercultural organizations andhuman provided arelistings of ethnic quality. Also of ethnicmaterials.(Author/DR) resources andof publishers ****** ********************************** ****** Ar******** informal unpublished acquired by ERICinclude many effort * Documents other sources.ERIC makes every materials notavailable from of marginal * * available.Nevertheless, items * to obtainthe best copy the quality * often encounteredand this affects * *reproducibility are reproductions EE3Cmakes available hardcopy EDES is not *of themicrffiche and Service (EDES). DocumentReproduction Reproductions* *via the ERIC of theoriginal document. * responsale forthe quality be made fromthe original. * EMS are thebest that can *supplied by *********************************************************************** Via erialsandyHumanResource5 forTeaching Ethnic Studies Art Anwtated Bib iography PAW T ME: Of HE -AL TII I .CIEL FACIE pz..TMNA, INV 1-.4., ILDI F OM_ A flof4 E terias and HumanResources for Teaching Eiinic Studies An Annotated B bllography E C S cial Science Education Consortiu Inc. 855 Broadway Boulder, Colorado 80302 1975 75 The work reported herein was supported by grant 40EG-0-74-9138 from the D. S. Moe el Education. Grantees iindortaking suich project:: under Government spensr,',r- ship aro encouraged to exprms freely 'heir pro'.6ssilnai ynent In the conduiJ the project. Points of view or opinion5 stated do n-,t, thorafore, necossarity rep,lasent official position or policy of tho Office of Ecucation ORDEFUNG INFORMATION This publication is available from: Social Science Educatiord Consortium, Inc 855 Sroadway Boulder, Worado 80302 (ORDER SSEO PUBLICATION NO. 184) ft Is alto listed in Resources in Education and can be obtained in microficheand herd copy from the ERIC Document RoproductionService, identified as SO 008 620.ee Resources in Education for ordering information and ED number. 4 TABLE CF CONTENTS A knnwIodonientsvi Preface -t%11 Materials Identification and Selectionvii Organization of the Bibiiographyviii erials Annotations I Afro Americans3 African Heritage3 Slack Americans5 Asian Americans and Pacific Americans 36 Filipino Americans 40 Hawaiian Americans 40 Japanese Americans41 Korean Americans48 Samoan Americans 46 Multi49 eritish Americans55 Appalachian Americans65 British Arned,ans56 Scotch-Insh Amencans 57 Welsh Americans58 Multi58 Central and Western European Americans60 Austrian Americans60 Cajun Americans60 Dutch Americans60 French Americans61 French-Canadian America s61 German Americans 62 Spanish Americans65 Multi66 East European Americans 68 Croatian Am,iricans68 Czech Amer cans68 Hungarian Imaricans68 Latvian Americans 69 Polish Americans 69 RUssiall Americans 71 Ukrainian Americans 71 Yugoslavian Arnericcns71 Multi 72 Genera 74 Irish Americans118 ltaliAn Arnim- ns slcwi Anini Latin Amoricns aid Oaribboan Amencans 147 P:inno Hiiri Americans 147 155 Me literrannan Amencans 1E7 Arabian Arnericans 157 Armenian A'neticans 157 Greek Americans 157 iwian Americans 159 Lebanese Americans and Syn n Americans tOex,can Americans 160 Multiett-inic179 Native Americans205 Eskimo Americans205 Native Americans205 Muni231 Religious Grc ups in America232 Amish232 Ceitholic232 Eastern E1-=lig hist. Con fuc ansi, Hindu, osler-n, F arsiF. Hurterite233 Lutheran234 ilifa'rrion234 Protestant235 Quaker 236 Multi Scandinavian Americans233 Danish Amencans 233 Finnish Americans238 Icelandic Americans239 Norwegian Americans239 Swedish Americans 241 Multi242 Ethnic Organizations and Human Resources 245 Afro Americans247 Asian Americans247 Chinese Americans248 Danish Americans248 Dutch Americans 249 Eskimo Americans249 Estonian Americans249 French Americans 249 General250 German Americans 255 Greek Americans255 Hungarian Americans 255 a 5 Inelarnic An:eneans Irisb ,,,rnericans Itauan Amor.cans Americans ?5(-r, Japanese 256 Jewish Arnerk;ans 251 Mexican Americans 257 Native American.; 258 Norwegian Americons Polish Americacs 258 Scandinavian Amoricans 259 Serbian Americans 2f',9 Swedish Americans 259 YugoslavianAmericans Publishers261 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many persons are responsiblefor the compilation was completed with of this bibliography. of Ethnic funds from aU.S.0,E, Title IX The work Heritage Studies grant, "Analysisand Dissemination this grant consisted Curriculum Materials."The National of; James A.Banks, Associate Advisory Councilfor of Washington;Carlos E. Cortes, Professor of Education, Chairman, Mexican University California, Riverside;Mark M. Krug, American Studies, Professor of Education University of Sciences, Universityof Chicago; P. in History and tion, University John Lvmheropoulos, the Social of Colorado;Wesley M. Dean of Continuing Institute, Minneapolis; Westerberg, Director, Educa- and John Yee, American Swedish Colorado. Members Teacher, Aurora of the National Central HighSchool, Aurora, identification of ethnic Advisory Councilgave invaluable studies resourcesand in the advice in the Materials Analysis development of the tium, Inc., 1975).Instrument (Boulder, Ethnic studies Colorado: SocialScience Education The staff Consor- members who workedon the bibliography Frances Haley,who were include Sharryl Edith W. King and responsible for theidentification and Hawke and Mary Jane Turner,who analyzed collection of materials; Watford and BonnyCochran, who the curriculum Giese, who annotated the materials; Robert annotated the teacher student resourcesand films; James annotated the listing resources; MarthaKoemer, who of organizationsand human developed and the final productionof the manuscript; resources and was assistance in annotating and Fay Metcalf responsible for resources. and June Ramos,who lent A special thanksis given to Irving assistance, and Morrissett, projectdirector, who encouragement throughoutthe project. gave his advice, 8 PREFACE a TitleIX Inc., received Consortium, "Analysis Education grar',entitled SocialScience of this to survey 1974, the Education. Thepurpose Materials," was In June Office of Curriculum disseminate the U. S. Studies analyze,and grant from of EthnicHeritageand tocollect, andDissemination materials, role of curriculum task.Although the ethnicheritage monumental many yearsin the thesematerials. this was a neglected for analyses of early that been have apparent very society has pot'' theoey),publishers It became in American "meltine ethnic groups morepopular ethnic groups. particular(in favorof the about these 7.lassroom materials producingclassroom continued ANDSELECTION IDENTIFICATION MATERIALS of ethnic identification project wasthe many arenot ofMaterials by the identifiable, have Identification undertaken easily tell whichmay The firstmajor task materials are difficult to the Although mostThus, it isoften materials for studiesmaterials. studies. used inidentifying labeledethnic procedures were specifically The following sent forandofferings ethniccontent. catalogs were matelials publisher's most part, project, Over 300 For the however, Catalogs. identified andcollected, purchased; Publisher's were materials were onlydocuments related toethnic studies In rareInstances, limited, se of charge. materials wereseverely copies, werepurchased. werereceived freepurchase of review studies for the notavailable as written tothe social grant funds which were Letters were guides the project, Guides. andcurriculum essential to Currh.;ulum bibliographies From thesebibliog- and statesrequesting states. Bibliographieseach ofthe 50 within the theirpublishers. specialists in or byschooldistricts requested from written toeach the state identified and Letters were produced by materials were and persons guides, and HumanResvirces.organizations
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