^ ji U A i.vi. ciA. V U I.C iu v- cl y BY TALIA MATHEIS ^ body in events for next year. Chronicle stall___________ "(want to have more activ- ities that can combine all pro- Elections for the DCSA grams together," he said. president will be held today Sexton's platform also (Tuesday) from 10 a.m. to 3 includes trying to get internet p.m. in the cafeteria. connections in Durham The presidential candi- College's residence. This dates' speeches were held at would save students the has- noon in the cafeteria on sle of going into the school to Wednesday, March 22.W1H search the web. Ellis, a third-year Marketing "They pay to live in res, so student and the current VP of they s.houla have it," Sexton Sports, Shawn Sexton, a first- said. year Police Foundations stu- Bills spoke to the student dent, and Chris Fasciano, a body about having an Inter- first-year Journalism student, net radio station next year. are the candidates running He wants to "mesh the for DCSA president. community and thfstudents "My main goal is to get together by Introducing the,; better communication internet radio station." between the students," said. Ellis feels that;, this will Fasciano. help to get the,information , His suggestion is to place out to all students not just suggestion, boxes around the day students. He feels that coUege. Fasciano explained night and correspondence that this would allow him to- students -need to be more be more In tune with what Included and informed about the students want. what's going on with the col- "Everybody wants some- lege. thing but no one will say any- After speaking, Bills thing.A-he said.4"! want to donned a condom costume know what It is and get It to sum up his platform done." theme, . )i Sexton's speech contained When asked, he said, "I am , -t1^,.’..;.’ . ..Photo by TaUaMathela ^eas ajbout J)ow he,D}ans to, ..wearing a condom because , PCSA PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: From left: Shawn Sexton, first-year roake fne year more fun by I'm- here to protect all" stu-' Police Foundations; Will Ellls, third-year Marketing and current VP of Sports Including the whole student dents." ; '. ’ and Chrl» Fasclano, first-year Journalism. ACAATO moves for charter changes there are, & lot ofcollege programs that the boards is needed because the govern- NEW CHARTER parallel 'the rigor of an Ontario-based ment is in control of college operations. undergraduate degree, as well as a typical He said the colleges should be able to U.S. undergraduate degree. serve students and employers without a WOULD INCLUDE "Yet, bur students can't get credit for lot of Interference from the government. P. 7 having to choose that level of rigor "There are current opportunities now for Pomona because we're not allowed to grant colleges to build on, in service of our stu- AUTHORITY, applied degrees," Polonsky said. "The dents and employers in communities," he Rickard charter paper that we've put forward rec- said. Sports admin in West FIJEXIBDJTY, AND ommends that students with a certain "We have a government which is com- Indies GPA In selected programs, at selected col- mitted to reducing red tape and respect- leges, be allowed to graduate with a ing the marketplace, so we think this is a CREDE^IALS degree."- ; , good time to make some headway on . Polonsky said some of the colleges’ In such matters." BY SHERYL KIRduAC ACAATO said corporate relationships Chronicle staff with the public are restricted through the government, so there is a need for College students may be able to obtain The charter paper increased institutional flexibility. applied degrees if the Association of "Colleges now.need flexibility to adapt Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology that we've put forward to local market conditions and opportuni- of Ontario (ACAATO) has its »yay. recommends that stu- ties," ACAATO said. "Enterprise models According to their web site, ACAATO is are required. Colleges require the oppor- recommending an action plan to the gbv-, dents with a certain GPA tunity to develop various revenue-gener- ernment to achieve significant change ,}n? be allowed to graduate ating enterprises to support and extend R 6 college operations through a new charter. their capacity as publicly-assisted institu- with a degree} tions to serve diverse and Moya Frape . The key elements of the new charter students com- DCSA would include Increased authority for munities." Current boards of governors;: increased Institu- . Gary Polonsky Polonsky said a new charter is neces- creden- to keep up with the needs of the peo- president tional flexibility; and increased " sary '- tials. , . .' i^,^ '.:;. .- Alberta, BC and Nova Scoria currently ple and employers of Ontario. According to .ACAATO, Ontario’ col- offer degrees in some of their programs. "All we've done in developing this leges have requested applied degree status "We have put forward the recommen- paper is to bring to the government's 30, 31/36 in selected programs.- dation that this also apply within attention the changes needed to shift us P. "The immediate adoption of this Ontario," he said. from somewhat of a paternalistic relation- Beatlemamg applied degree would partially eliminate According to ACAATO, increased ship of government to a new one, where McCartney and the current barriers that dfsadvantage authority '?or the boards of governors we would be far more dynamic than Paul Ontario college graduates in relation to would enable the boards to become more before," he said. "The big winner of this John Lennon features graduates from other provinces/''ACAA- sensitive to local needs in program deliv- will be the people of Ontario, the employ- TO said in their proposal. ery and human resource management. ers of Ontario, and as a result, the govern- College president Gary Polonsky said Polonsky said Increased authority for ment of Ontario." JOB CONNECT GIVES YOUNG PEOPLE VALUABLE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ^ «^ *.*' ' - Program offers j ob exp eri ence BY CARRIE TABONE Chronicle slaH____________ I could; get ;the Job. The way'we are' them a chance to figure out if the agencies that can help to get them working here is. giving people -the career is right for them, and gives employed." You could call,it a chance to gain opportunity. foY that" them a taste of what their future job Job Connect will provide a subsidy experience,. :but;';ftiey call: It Job Trie^staff at Job' Connect also work will be like. of up to $200 as wefl as any clothing Connect.:..:: .: ’^ '.' ',-: ; ; . with alternative education students, Holden recommends the program or work boots if there is a need for Young .people between the ag'es-bf ^.stud'e^its who go to school part-time for students who do not have plans to money in-order for a person to gain 16 and 24. Who ;do: hot have' the fijdu-. ^andi.WQik' part-time. "We've done attend college or university, or would employment. "If they don't have an cation or-the:exp.e?lence,:t6:get;a;'-l6b; ^ot^lhops -with these : like to get a head start interview outfit for general labou? or need to lobk.rKii further ^harr ;the Job: people " as well," __ on their career before construction, work gloves orj boots, Connect program. atDurham College, parson said. "Other ( college. things that they'll need to be success- Job ConhectJ.'which" is'run '6uc of :’things we do Is set up "It Is very different ful, we can provide a subsidy or the the NorthiCarhplis In Uxbridge/ helps 'informational inter- from schoof because 1 tools that they'll need on the job," youth from .the; surrounding .areas views and teach youth It also pro- don't spend my time said Parson. Job Connect can also gain expertenps-fa^ttie^oftroarkct; The abo.ut’: how to seek vides me with learning at a desk," he help out with the cost of the training . )ob placetnwi^ipgram.Us'offeted;^^ information about dif- said. "Instead I have that the person may need. "We may ariy-ypung':peop^e^ho' woujd Kke. :(;6 ferent" career fields." working experi- someone showing me pay for part, or all of the training for galri-StSitie.experjenceL in ^their fjeld pf ;; Mik&.Holden is an how to do the job, that person so that they can become Chplce^It.'givefs: thcm^an^eidge 1» the- :18-year-old student ence for the then do the work successful." job ^marKet'^by '.having' the; previous: who belongs to the future. ? myself, it's getting me There are two Job Developers at Job experience; many- conttpanipis "look for Job Connect program. equipped for the 40- Connect who work with local employ- in potetitfal employees.' ;It' Is. also a'. :He works at Nautavac hour work week. My ers and try to match a young person -, . helpful' ;to0l ifor:-any-youh^ :persori in. Lemonville, and Mike Holden personal alarm clock is with their career goal. "The Job < < whio i^cotisiderlrig .taking' college or ;attends school one; already set in the way Developers show the advantages of ’ unlversi^cdurses: 'irc' that' .field, bu t ;day a week. He calls it: that I have the experi- working with some of our young peo- g^':a;"feej''.fqr the ' best school; pro- ence 1 will need." ple," Parson said. would' liKe-.id job' .the : before erirqliing:^ ,-';:; :’ . 'gram.he has ever taken. Job Connect is funded by the The resource room at Job Connect 'Susan Parson' Is'-ah'.'employment ."It's program, for .people. provincial government and has been is available free of charge to any ^-?’^ny’,"’;<.<’. .’’ -.-; , the best, cduos^l.or;,fl£?;J,Qb;',Cbqnect^:and^.^ -<- :sald '.
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